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View Full Version : Um, what? Do short people with long hair REALLY look like Cousin Itt?!?!

November 8th, 2014, 05:04 PM
So I'm talking to my mom today because I'm having one of those days when I feel like my hair is REALLY short, even tho I'm 2 inches away from waist, so my hair can't be that short... Oh well. Anyways, I ask my mom if my hair is long and she says "Yeah, your hair is REALLY long. Like, if it gets much longer it's going to start getting too long. You have to take your height into consideration - because you're short, if you have hair flowing down your back you're going to look like Cousin Itt." I'm not kidding. Word for word, that's what she said. And I know that I love long hair. And I want long hair. But. . . Does it really look bad on shorter people? :/ Now I'm having doubts. *sigh*

Robot Ninja
November 8th, 2014, 05:07 PM
No, long hair doesn't look bad on short people. If you're worried about your hair being "overwhelming" or whatever you can braid it or put it up or wear a half-up. Or brush it into your face, put on a hat, and run around making Cousin Itt noises at your mom.

November 8th, 2014, 05:09 PM
If you want to grow long hair, you are going to have to grow thicker skin, especially when it's your mom or people you care about. Do you want to listen to them, or do you want long hair?

November 8th, 2014, 05:11 PM
I wouldn't get offended, I'm sure she was just kidding. :)

November 8th, 2014, 05:18 PM
That would be an awesome Halloween costume, though!

Besides, Cousin Itt only wishes he looked good in the hair toys we use.

November 8th, 2014, 05:24 PM
No, long hair doesn't look bad on short people. If you're worried about your hair being "overwhelming" or whatever you can braid it or put it up or wear a half-up. Or brush it into your face, put on a hat, and run around making Cousin Itt noises at your mom.

LOL I love this idea so much. I so should do that. I wonder how she'd react...

November 8th, 2014, 05:37 PM

The women in my mom's family have never broken 5 feet tall, and they've all grown their hair to their knees/feet at some point. It's gorgeous and looks nothing like cousin it.

I attribute her comment to people's irrationality when others try do something foreign to them. Criticize instead of critically think.

November 8th, 2014, 05:44 PM
Don't let anyone deter you from your hair growing goals! People will always say mean, ignorant thoughtless things, even Moms, but she probably didn't mean to be mean, it just came across that way. If you care for your hair, oiling it, not dying it, your long hair will become your prettiest feature. I am only 5'2" and my hair is now barely at hip length but I intend to let it grow as long as it will grow, hopefully at least to classic length (below my butt). I dare anyone to insult me and call me Cousin It! I usually leave it in a braided bun or a lwb when I go out, but today for instance I was trying on sweaters in front a of a mirror in the store and I took out my hairstick and my hair fell down. I saw several people, especially men checking me out! Wow did that feel great! So, long, long hair, even on us short cute gals is a beautiful asset imo. Just keep on growin' it love, and don't worry at all what others say. Just go for it!! Don't ask others for their opinions either. I have learned the hard way that people don't know what is best for you. Only you do. Good luck with your hair growing journey! :grouphug:

November 8th, 2014, 05:50 PM
Oh gosh, the "compliments" (not) my parents often throw at me - in jest of course, all in good fun. They are priceless. They've accepted by now that I'm growing my hair out (even though it was stuck in pudding last week :lol:). So yeah...

November 8th, 2014, 05:53 PM
Dude that's the beauty of growing out your hair, if it's too long for your liking it's so easy to just snip it off. (: I say keep growing! And do it with all the confidence in the world, love your hair and your appearance. I'm sure you'll be fine, there's nothing irreversible if you grow your hair too long :P (now cutting your hair too short is a different story...)

November 8th, 2014, 06:05 PM
Dude that's the beauty of growing out your hair, if it's too long for your liking it's so easy to just snip it off. (: I say keep growing! And do it with all the confidence in the world, love your hair and your appearance. I'm sure you'll be fine, there's nothing irreversible if you grow your hair too long :P (now cutting your hair too short is a different story...)

You are so sweet. In fact, you just made my day. :)
Thank you all for your kind words of wisdom :)

November 8th, 2014, 06:48 PM
i learned to enjoy hearing that sh*t from people, because it sets you apart and i often disagree whats common sense when it comes to esthetics these days. Im freaking tall and people would tell me i look like the avatar people btw... theres always a way to make fun of anything. who cares?!

November 8th, 2014, 06:48 PM
A lot of times people don't know what they're talking about. Before I grew it longer, my daughter told me not to grow my hair longer than waist because it wouldn't look right, it would be too much, etc. I grew it out to classic, and she really liked it and was even a little sad when I decided to cut shorter. Just let your hair grow until you don't enjoy it anymore; your mom will be all right (probably).

November 8th, 2014, 07:27 PM
Long hair is beautiful regardless of height. Just do what you truly want. It's your hair it's what you want to do with it and what anyone else thinks doesn't matter. Make your own decisions. You love long hair. Chances are high that if you start maintaining or cut it you won't be happy.

November 8th, 2014, 07:37 PM
Better Cousin It than Uncle Fester.

I think long hair looks great on shorter people and we're lucky because it looks longer too.

November 8th, 2014, 08:17 PM
if it's true, than I'm in trouble! no, long hair can be gorgeous on any and all heights :) Very long hair is unique, and no matter what you do people will comment simply because it's not the norm

November 8th, 2014, 09:07 PM
In defense of the inimitable Cousin Itt, let me say that I LOVED his hair! It was thick, it was beautiful, it was healthy!

And I'm 5'3 and was called "Cousin Itt" by a fellow (unknown) vacationer during a Mass at Yosemite National Park. She said it very sotto voce "Look! It's Cousin Itt!" but I was proud. I had a ton of hair then and had worn it down for the service. My hair usually got a lot of stares, back in the day.

November 9th, 2014, 12:02 AM
I think you can look like cousin Itt whatever size you are... The hair in my profile pic is somewhat dry, damaged and so almost frizzy, and so not in the best condition... However, at the same time, that week was when I really noticed how long it was. Had it down, reached over the bed to pull down the blinds, and realised it was hanging round me like a cape when attention was pulled over to the mirror. That was a fun sensation, realising it was definitely long enough that I could pretend to be Cousin Itt, at least to a certain extent. The pic itself was taken a few days later when it was down and I'd nothing else to do with myself. I decided it would be fun to see how apt the comparison really was. As far as everyone else goes... Well, most of the time my hair is up or in a ponytail these days - I object to it getting caught in zips and the like, hate it getting tangled if I'm out in windy and wet weather, and am less than fond of it tickling my neck/arms. So I'm the only person who has any idea of the length (esp as it's fond of disappearing into nothing when I put it up). Otherwise, unless I'm wearing it down in places it's not sensible to do so, or have stopped taking proper care of it to the point my employers would complain, it's none of their business what my hair is like!

November 9th, 2014, 12:54 AM
Your hair is beautiful and looks like it's in great condition. When hair is that pretty who cares if the person is short or tall? I think you'll look gorgeous with long hair. You already look gorgeous, so got for it.

November 9th, 2014, 03:07 AM
Well, I've seen plenty of short people with long hair, and certainly none of them looked like Cousin It at all. They just looked like interesting people with gorgeous manes :)

Seconding the comments above, don't pay attention to what others may think of your appearance, you don't have to please anybody but yourself.

November 9th, 2014, 05:07 AM
I think long and healthy hair looks awesome on people regardless of their height, shape and size :) Of course people have a right to their oppinion, but you have a right to not give a f.....ried chicken about it. Just do what you love and what makes you happy.

November 9th, 2014, 07:25 AM
At least it was a comparison to Cousin Itt and not Captain Caveman...

But yeah, like lapushka said, you're gonna have to grow a thicker skin. Either you want long hair or you wanna listen to other people.

November 9th, 2014, 09:59 AM
I look forward to the day when I can join the Cousin Itt Club!

November 9th, 2014, 11:31 AM
Everyone's comments are so inspiring, heart warming, and AWESOME. I just love you guys LHC.
Thank you.

November 9th, 2014, 01:32 PM
People have no many misconceptions about long hair, it's silly. No, you won't necessarily look like Cousin Itt if you have long hair. And even if you did, who cares? It's your hair, your body, no one else's business. What's important is whether or not it makes you happy. As long as you keep taking care of it, I'm sure it will look amazing no matter how long it is or how tall you are. :)

November 9th, 2014, 01:37 PM
Or brush it into your face, put on a hat, and run around making Cousin Itt noises at your mom.

Honestly, this is the only mature response. To be fair, many of us wear our hair up most of the time when it is long enough to act as such. But really emulate the Addams Family however you like. I'm a fan of Wednesday Addams special (center part, two english braids, scowl)

November 9th, 2014, 01:48 PM
I have a friend who is convinced long hair makes you look taller.

chen bao jun
November 9th, 2014, 02:01 PM
I think you will look like Cousin It only if you comb your hair over your face and put glasses on over it.
At any height.
Seriously, I think this is just a like something people say (and think its original and funny) when they want to express having too much hair for THEIR taste. Which doesn't matter to me.
I don't think we should think about it too much as they are not thinking about it anymore one second after they said it and got the laugh. Even if its just only them laughing. I'm sorry that your mom thinks she's funny--but us moms are not perfect. Which I don't think is news to anyone. You can love someone more than anything on earth and do your best for them and still step on their toes sometimes.

November 9th, 2014, 03:48 PM
I'm sorry that your mom thinks she's funny--but us moms are not perfect. Which I don't think is news to anyone. You can love someone more than anything on earth and do your best for them and still step on their toes sometimes.

Exactly this. Your mom is your mom, you know. You just have to have a way not to let it get to you. If you'd let every comment everyone's ever thrown at a longhair hinder you, you'd be bald.

November 10th, 2014, 07:07 PM
Five foot tall Filipino girl. Hip-length hair. REALLY REALLY THICK hip-length hair (3-4 inch ponytail).

Mom said I looked like 1) a witch, or 2) an Amish person, but she's in her sixties by now (she had me and my twin sister pretty late) and grew up in a time when short hair was preferred. Pretty much everyone else likes my hair. Even if they didn't, I wouldn't listen to them.

I think it's just a byproduct of "TOO LONG IS OLD FASHIONED AND WEIRD AND GROSS."

Puffer Fish
November 10th, 2014, 07:26 PM
If long hair on us shorties makes us weird and Cousin Itt, we should all start an Itt Crowd and mob the tall people.

...don't listen to me. Seriously though, the only people who can successfully pull off Cousin Itt costumes are people with floor+ length hair, and that's if they adjust it right. The rest of us just have long hair.

November 10th, 2014, 08:17 PM
My Mum used to say I looked like cousin Itt when my hair was longer. I'm not very tall, but I'm a bit above average height (5 foot 7). I think that she was just saying it to tease me into getting it cut the way she would like it best.

November 10th, 2014, 10:34 PM
Cousin Itt had (was?) phenomenal hair!

Anyhow, I think long hair looks just fine on short people. I think it looks just fine regardless of height, actually. Of all the things that would make hair look bad (damage, poor coloring, scraggly ends, a bad haircut...), height is so far down the list that it's not even worth considering.
Keep in mind though, that hair longer than the norm is, by definition, not going to be considered "conventionally" attractive. It can still be beautiful and stunning, but it's not normal, which makes it jarring for more narrow-minded people. When stepping outside of these parameters, a thicker skin and a healthy dose of irreverence is needed. So what if it doesn't meet the approval of some people? Do you like it? Can you maintain a job while having it? As long as the answers to the last two questions are "yes," that's all that matters.

November 10th, 2014, 10:47 PM
Yes. If we accidentally put our glasses on the back of our heads, and wear a brimmed hat. And babble uninetelligably.

I now want a T-shirt that reads "Itt Girl." Or, at least a photoshopped pic of me in said shirt.

November 11th, 2014, 07:46 AM
The only time I talk about my hair goals with my mother is if I want to get a rise out of her. She is very much about the regular cut-and-colour lifestyle, and it seems like your mum is too. This isn't the first time you've posted on here about having troubles with your mother when it comes to your hair. Maybe that means it's time to avoid the subject when you're around her. None of her opinions seem to be ones you want to hear, so you're opening yourself up to being put off, and it's not necessary. :)