View Full Version : Invisibobble?

October 29th, 2014, 11:38 AM
Have any of you seen/used this thing? It looks like a possible solution to hair elastics to me, but I've bought a zillion hair toys recently and I want to know if it works first!


(I love this hair style too, I might have to give it a go :) )

October 29th, 2014, 12:07 PM
Ah, it's one of those phone-cord-style elastics. They seem very popular with the folks of eastern Asian descent that I see around campus.

I've heard they're pretty good for ponytails, though they tend to feel loose. I even bought some mini ones that I was trying as braid enders, but my braid tips are thin enough that they were a little awkward. It's true that they don't leave obvious ponytail kinks in your hair when you take them out, which seems to make the folks with really straight hair happy. On the other hand, I think they'd be weird as a base for buns -- I wouldn't be inclined to try to wear my hair up with them.

October 29th, 2014, 12:41 PM
If you're wanting it to secure a high ponytail, I say forget it. Only lower styled ponytails will really hold (if you have heavy hair).

October 29th, 2014, 01:06 PM
I bought some knock off ones on ebay and I didn't find them great. I think that they are not as thick and sturdy as the brand one though.

I found that even in a loose low pony tail they would move around and it would feel annoying. I also tried using it for the base of a bun with spin pins and didn't have much luck. It kept moving around and exploding.

I really like the idea of them though, so I'd say if you really want to give them a go, don't bother with the knock-offs.

October 29th, 2014, 01:45 PM
The hairstyle looks great on her, but doing that braid-fattening move does absolutely nothing to fatten my braid (fine, straight hair).

The ponytail holder looks interesting though. I'd probably need a much smaller one due to highly compressed hair.

October 30th, 2014, 06:15 PM
My cousin gave me a set of these, I only use them for the base of a messy bun (really, I just twist it randomly and stick a few pins in it), it holds great :)