View Full Version : Surviving backcombing

October 28th, 2014, 12:56 AM
Hello everyone!

I recently volunteered to my school's fashion show, and only after I put my name on paper I remembered it also means hair done by hairdresser student! I still don't know exactly what kind of updo they are going to do (I'm going to find out today), but I know the theme: troll. Even polished updos they made for other models had backcombing, and I can believe there is even more in my case.

I can't back off now (without a good reason, like someone died or something) and it would be rude to people who are organizing this.

So, my fellow long haired people, do you have any good tips on how to pamper my hair after this? I'm thinking to at least to get kids' detangler spray.

I'm gonna hiss at them if they try to use heat.........

October 28th, 2014, 01:58 AM
Yeah, detangling spray and/or a big bottle of cheap, runny, 'coney conditioner. Take the knots out slowly and gently from tip to root. Perhaps fingercomb them out as much as possible. Do so on detangler/conditioner-soaked hair, to get added slip. Some people find it's best to work with moist hair (as their hair behaves better - less static, etc. - when moist) whereas others prefer dry as the hair is weaker when wet and thus easier to damage by stretching/snapping.

October 28th, 2014, 02:28 AM
Could you just ask them not to backcomb?

October 28th, 2014, 03:43 AM
I would gently tell them not to backcomb or use any kind of heat on your hair. I'm sure they will be supportive and will not use that if it is going to upset you :wink:

October 28th, 2014, 03:51 AM
Yeah, politely telling them 'please no backcombing :flower:' might work a charm. But am I a really bad girl for also thinking 'but if there's no way around it, just once would not completely destroy my hair'?

October 28th, 2014, 06:56 AM
Yeah, politely telling them 'please no backcombing :flower:' might work a charm. But am I a really bad girl for also thinking 'but if there's no way around it, just once would not completely destroy my hair'?

There is a degree in which volunteering for something like this leaves you somewhat obligated to work (within reason) with what they have planned - though you can (and should) ask. As Majorane says - how much damage will it do, just once, so long as they're careful? Genuine question that, it's not rhetorical

October 28th, 2014, 07:52 AM
Honestly, I'd say "no backcombing", and stand up and perhaps walk away if they start. Just because you signed up doesn't mean you've given up autonomy over your body.

October 28th, 2014, 09:54 AM
While volunteering is thoughtful, your hair should not pay the price of what they do to it! Politely decline any backcombing or heat, or teasing either. All are murder on your hair. How are you going to feel when your volunteering is over and you see what has been done to your previously nice hair? It can take weeks, if not months, to get your hair back in condition again!

Lady Mary
October 28th, 2014, 11:35 AM
Tell them your hair took a great deal of care to be the quality it is today so no heat, back combing, etc. They could use toys inside of it instead, like a bumpit or a hair doughnut for a messy bun look.

Or be honest and tell them you didn't even realize when you signed up that having your hair done was involved and tell them you'll only participate if you can do your own hair. At worst they replace you with someone who will have their hair done. :)

October 28th, 2014, 11:50 AM
Yeah, I'd bring a couple hair rats or bumpits and just nicely but firmly explain that you're trying to avoid backcombing and heat so could they please keep it to a minimum. They might possibly have a wig, or partial wig that they could use as well, to avoid abusing your hair as much... This might go without saying, but I'd also find the stylists/your stylist ASAP the day of the event to explain, so they have time to think about hair style alternatives, don't wait until you're in the chair getting ready ten minutes before the show to spring it on them. :)

For afterwards I'd personally go with coconut oil to detangle and cheap conditioner to wash out all the product. Possibly conditioner wash first, before even trying to detangle if they use a crapload of hair spray. Trying to detangle hair with styling product in it = huge sticky breaky mess, at least for me.

October 28th, 2014, 01:14 PM
Could you just ask them not to backcomb?

Agree with this, advise them no back combing or heat if they want do your hair, its not an unreasonable request IMO.

October 28th, 2014, 01:45 PM
Thank you all for your answers!

Today was the first hairdressing rehearsal, and my hairdresser was (relatively) gentle with my hair. No heat was/will be used and my updo was pretty simple, just a big bun on my neck and big swoop made from my bangs. I didn't dare to say anything about backcombing, but luckily there wasn't much of it. She used giant bun shaper (good to know my hair can already cover shaper that big), and there was minimum of backcombing on my lengths, not more than I could get from wind. There was way more on bangs, but I want to keep them short anyway, so I'll manage.

I did buy conditioner and detangler spray, and right after school I detangled my hair with spray and tangle teezer, washed my hair (she had used tons of hairspray), used conditioner, and then put I some leave-in conditioner to ends and bangs. My hair actually feels pretty good now, I think I can manage the two remaining times of this :D

And my hairdresser was really nice, I think that if I kindly ask if she could use less backcombing on my lengths, she would.

October 28th, 2014, 02:10 PM
Don't let them do back-combing . As others have said bring some bump its and tell them to be creative without back-combing and heat. In my totally amateur opinion heat does less damage than back-combing. I realise that you don't have fine hair but it genuinely destroys fine hair and will rough up the cuticle on any hair. If they do the back-combing and your hair doesn't flatten itself straight out again it means that the hairs are roughened up. They can be creative with bump its, those green synthetic hair extensions on little clips I used for my 6 year old's Trolls hair for her party. Lurid green and worked very well and came out safely. We also added some of the fluffy Halloween bats.

Any hair dressing student should be able to create without damage (-; Just tell her or him.

October 28th, 2014, 02:26 PM
last year I had to have my hair teased every day for almost a whole week for a show. I don't dare use heat (other than once in a blue moon using mildly heated hot rollers) because based on the heat damage I had a couple years back (it's all grown out now, I know that it's irreversible and really changes the texture of your hair.
However, after the week of back combing was over with, I didn't not notice any real texture or quality changes to my hair like I did from heat damage (but whose to say there wouldn't have been if I continued to do it every day for a couple more weeks)
I know back combing is not good for your hair but I think you're less likely to notice damage if it's just once in a blue moon. Be vary careful in combing it out because there is a lot of opportunity to damage hair by ripping your brush through all the tangles created! And definitely do lots of oiling afterwards!

chen bao jun
October 28th, 2014, 04:15 PM
Tell them your hair didn't react well to back combing today aND don't press your luck. You don't have to people please, really.