View Full Version : Project: 3D Hair Accessories!

October 27th, 2014, 03:26 PM
Hey guys! My university has a 3D printer that I have been so excited to use. I've been dreaming of starting a hair toy company specializing in 3D toys (no boyfriend = extra time on hands ;)), so I went in today with my first file; I decided to make a moon! It's a simple enough shape and I've always wanted one. I managed to catch the technician who was so patient as I gave him him files that weren't working; after the 10th or so one, it finally worked! Unfortunately it is not perfect, there are two small holes, but they do not affect the overall structure or function and I can easily putty them if I choose. Not something I would sell, but as good as I could get it. I clearly need to learn more.

Anywho! Here it is!
Side view
From the front, you can see how there are three seems - one down the front and two in the back. Like triangles!

I chose white :) You can see the supports are still on, I will have to sand these away once I get home. You can also see the tiny hole - there is a similar flaw on the other side as well. It's so light! I'm so thrilled! I'll update this thread with more pics as this project develops!

Off to sand the absolute sh!t out of my 3D printed moon!

October 27th, 2014, 03:28 PM
I was wondering if it was sandable! Very, very nifty... The sky's the limit, eh?

October 27th, 2014, 04:33 PM
I was wondering if it was sandable! Very, very nifty... The sky's the limit, eh?

Yes, however you can get it filled or with an internal structure made of hexagons - so hollow at some points. I'm working with that right now, so I have to be wary of oversanding. I'm so excited to have found this medium! I will continue working on making moons until I can perfect them (maybe changing the style a bit), but customs are a definite possibility, because as you said ooglipoo, sky is the limit!

October 27th, 2014, 04:59 PM
Very cool, you could do so many things with it. What does it feel like? Apart from the seams.

October 28th, 2014, 12:09 PM
Excuse all the enormous pics, but it's finally sanded to my liking!

I will be on the look out for a varnish, however, to make it even smoother to insert. Catatafish, it feels like a strong but incredibly light plastic. It is not bendy save for the small bit of give the skinny points have - I don't worry about this breaking in my hair. Since 3D printers work through layering the material, you can customize if you want your layers to be small (thus less visible, can allow for more detail, but takes a bit longer) or big. I chose medium because I wasn't sure what to expect. Sliding your fingers over the surface, you can feel the layers on top of each other, however they are not noticeable or protruding to the point of making insertion into hair tricky. Just adds something to the texture, really. All seams are completely water tight.

October 28th, 2014, 12:16 PM
wow!! i've aways been interested in trying out a 3d printer, the possibilities are endless!

October 28th, 2014, 12:44 PM
That sounds like it would be a good material for making hair toys then. I'm going to have a look around my college to see if any of the departments have a #D printer that I can convince somebody to let me use,

Is it difficult to make a design for them? What did you use?

October 28th, 2014, 08:19 PM
Exactly. I managed to get a varnish and the moon is now drying. So exciting! I used google sketchup to make my moon, however the program didn't seem to like me - holes would appear from no where! Probably a flaw in the design when I first began constructing it. Nonetheless, it's a simple enough program to use if you put some time and effort into it. If you manage to make something cool but don't have a 3D printer at hand, you could always send it to me and I could print and ship it to you :) Or alternatively, if you find one that prints a material other than plastic...

I also used a second program, netfabb, to stitch the seams and fix any holes, since this was a major problem with my original design. It mostly worked. Mostly. Keep us updated, Catatafish!

November 3rd, 2014, 05:28 PM
Update: I put a varnish over it that turned out to be something along the lines of liquid plastic. It's like a layer of plastic was hardened over it - but not quite hardened. Easy to pull off - so I did. I couldn't smooth it with a wet cloth or use a fine grit. I dunno if I just didn't leave it long enough - I left it over night - or what. What do you guys think? Or know about varnish?

November 4th, 2014, 07:35 AM
Which plastic does the printer use?