View Full Version : ...unwanted things that get in your hair!

October 25th, 2014, 06:06 AM
I'm sure it has all happened to us that we are eating and whoops, braid tassel in the gravy - or we bend over and whoops, sweeping up the floor with the hair!

Is there any of these events that occur recurrently?
What is the most horrible thing your hair has had the chance of diving into?
Any lucky mistakes?

In my case- definitely hair on the floor when I don't put my hair up properly doing handstands or backbends. My hair also likes to enter food whenever it isn't tied back - so I always tie it back to eat. On the occasions I forget (never learn...), inevitably there is a piece of hair tasting my food.
Grossest I think happened yesterday :( I was sick (although no sympathy for me, because it was due to a very low tolerance to wine...) and I guess some must have gone in my hair - so it's all been washed again (2 days in a row :p).
Lucky mistakes... Sometimes when I'm preparing hair mask or coconut oil to spread, my hair accidentally dips in getting a 'taster' of what is to come - so that's fine!

October 25th, 2014, 06:39 AM
Ah. Well, my hair is in my food a lot of the time. Three days ago I noticed one strand that was significantly crunchier than normal, and upon inspection it smelled strongly of chocolate icecream. This happens quite frequently, although I usually have sticks everywhere when I eat so I try to keep my hair up during feed time. But icecream is just better when your hair is flowing down tha back...

The grossest thing so far I had in my hair was as follows. I've described it before somewhere else so it might sound familiair to some. Anyway we had a baby kitten with a collapsed bowel or something, he couldn't poop on his own because his bumhole was too small for the intestine behind it. So we had to give the poor thing warm water edema's to flush the poop out. And one time when I had stuck the tiny tube in his butt and squirted water in, I took the tube out and checked for fissures. The poor thing was relieved it had his edema and started pushing straight away. So I got a big squirt of warm, fresh kitty diarrhea straight in my hair. Yumm :yum:

That is to date the grossest thing I've had in my hair, I think. Yuuuuuch!

and what was worse is that all the operations couldn't make the bumhole of the poor thing big enough so eventually we had to have him put down, or whatever the p.c. word for that is. It was very sad, because he was a sweet fellow, even though he pooped in my hair.

October 25th, 2014, 09:14 AM
So far food is the worst that got in my hair but I was close to getting cat barf in it when I was laying on the floor doing an exercise and a cat started hacking next to my head. I moved just in time.

Also, I'll leave this here just because:

http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk315/eclctcmnd/29c31a53-ce42-417a-9d72-a0988efa53a5_zps98497b6f.jpg (http://s283.photobucket.com/user/eclctcmnd/media/29c31a53-ce42-417a-9d72-a0988efa53a5_zps98497b6f.jpg.html)

Puffer Fish
October 25th, 2014, 09:24 AM
I have the unfortunate tendency to get syrup in my hair whenever i eat pancakes/waffles. Usually I don't notice until I either try to run my hands through my hair or it sticks to my neck inexplicably. And then I'm all "Ewww...oh, it's just syrup. Why?!"

October 25th, 2014, 10:01 AM
Staples, paperclips, blanket fuzz, food, and all sorts of things.

October 25th, 2014, 10:10 AM
Fire from the match shudder:

October 25th, 2014, 10:15 AM
I was searching for a foul smell I was smelling for about two weeks in the car. I suspected it was spilled formula in my little girls car seat and it needed to be scrubbed clean. She was still in a infant seat at the time so the seat came out and the base stayed strapped in. I took the seat out so I could take the cloth covers off to wash them and there sitting in the base was old rotting curtled formula. I knew I'd have to take the base off to rinse it out so I proceeded to unbuckle it from the seat and my hair slid over my shoulder right into it. I was wearing a low ponytail that day so a good two inches was floating in this stuff that smelled like straight up puke. I almost threw up I ran straight into the house to wash it off but that smell didn't come out of my hair until I washed it the next morning. So nasty and just to prove how foul this stuff was I had to trash that car seat and get a new one. I still get sick to my stomach thinking about that thick rotting stuff in my hair. :/ That was definitely unwanted stuff in my hair!

October 25th, 2014, 10:46 AM
My last major haircut was the result of chewing on a mouthful of pizza and hair.

Other than that...toilet water...everyone rolls their eyes when people ask how we poop, but yeah, *slip sploosh*; bird poop *shrug*; tree sap (goo gone to get the sap out, camellia oil to get the goo gone out, water to get the camellia oil out); vomit ("I'll have to post about this new hair treatment!"); cement (Don't, just don't).

lady mechanic
October 25th, 2014, 10:59 AM
I work underneath cars for 10-11 hors a day. You name an automotive fluid and its been in my hair :( thank god for clarifying shampoo!

October 25th, 2014, 11:28 AM

I think the loops in my hair attract knobs, on doors, on furniture, on cabinets.

Then I try to walk away and my hair yanked with the power of a grown woman walking at full speed. OW.

October 25th, 2014, 11:44 AM
pet hair, twigs, dust, lol

Nadine <3
October 25th, 2014, 11:48 AM
Vomit. Mine and other peoples...That's probably the grossest. Like someone else above me I also get pancakes syrup in my hair almost every time I have pancakes or waffles. Aside from that I've been knows to scoop food and a hunk of my hair into my mouth and try to eat it, ending up with chewed food stuck in that hunk of hair...

October 25th, 2014, 11:53 AM
Puke has been the worst thing. I've puked in my own hair and I've had baby puke in it. I remember one time my son barfed all over me. Nothing on him just on me. Thanks kid. I locked both of us in the bathroom so I could clean myself up. He laid on the floor and had a screaming fit while I washed me and my hair. My hair has touched various floors from time to time but I've never worried much about that. I seem to get a lot of catsup in my hair for some reason when I'm eating french fries. That's not all that gross. I just go in the bathroom and rinse off the catsup. Not a big deal. I would totally freak out of it left a red splotch on my hair!

October 25th, 2014, 11:59 AM
Blanket fuzzy, sewing thread, and food are the best things I find in my hair. I get tooth paste in it too and mouth wash.

October 25th, 2014, 12:03 PM
The most recent weirdest thing that I had in my hair was a mix of vaseline, plaster, clay, and washing-up liquid. Don't ask me how or why :rolleyes:
It took me literally months to wash all the mess out.

But I've also had all kinds of things: branches, food, chewing gum, cobwebs, paint, bird poop, feathers, sawdust, insects, soil, leaves, seaweeds. You name it, it's been in my hair.

October 25th, 2014, 12:16 PM
As far as the grossest - well I've learned to braid the hair back well away from the face for any typ of medical things. They do a lot of painful things to me and pain can make me throw up. Nothing like not being able to stand up and someone attempting to sponge bath the vomit out of your hair.

My hair usually lives up every day, so food, etc. isn't a problem.. I have learned that it's now long enough to need to bun my braids for anything leaning over though (cleaning the toilet comes to mind.......)

Spiderwebs probably freak me out the worst though. I do the mad dance of terror, flailing my arms and turning in circles, terrified that there is a spider on me.

October 25th, 2014, 12:16 PM
Staples, paperclips, blanket fuzz, food, and all sorts of things.

Blanket fuzz! I f***ing hate the stuff shudder: jumper fluff is just as bad. I have this beautiful new tiger print fleece throw on my sofa, it's so sofa and velvety, but it's shedding fluffy everywhere :( Makes tangles worse than split ends. It looks like you should just be able to pick it out, but it never comes out without washing.

A couple of months ago I spent two hours scrubbing the toilet with vinegar and bicarb to get the 1cm thick limescale off the bottom which looked like poop and had been there since before I moved in. So it had a few near missed with having a bicarb clarifying session in the bottom of the toilet :( I'm sure there's been worse, but I can't think of it right now.

I really hate getting ketchup in my hair, it dries all sticky and crunchy and ergh. But it is amazing stuff if someone sticks chewing gum in your hair. Slides the gum right out.

October 25th, 2014, 03:21 PM
Car door, I walked away and was yanked back lol kind of humiliating but thats the price we pay for being long hairs :)

chen bao jun
October 25th, 2014, 03:35 PM
A wasp. Bobby pins, some times for weeks

October 25th, 2014, 04:54 PM
Erm.... a bee?

October 25th, 2014, 04:59 PM
The only "difficult" day is wash day, when it needs to be down; when it's dry it gets put into a half-up, not to unnecessarily kink it on wash day and for the first day of wear. Cutting something with scissors is definitely a challenge and not getting it in my soup is another. :lol:

October 25th, 2014, 05:04 PM
Last year while eating waffles for breakfast, I had my hair down. Bad choice, as of course it got in the syrup and had syrup in my hair for the rest of the day. Oops!

October 25th, 2014, 06:21 PM
This thread makes me simultaneously laugh and cringe. It's great. :)

I recently vomited in my hair. I was sick and coughing like crazy and suddenly I was just vomiting and my hair was down because I was going to braid it. Just the other day SO laughed at my because I had several grains of rice stuck in my braid tassels. When I try wearing my hair down, I find it getting stuck on things like backpack straps, in my arm pits, or most recently and hilariously, my flute got caught in my hair! Luckily my hair wasn't too tangled and it was an easy rescue. And I was leaning over my dog's head and petting him and he suddenly waved his front paws and the snagged in my hair a little. I have since learned not to do this.

And feathers. There are ALWAYS tiny feathers in my hair because SO had a down comforter and a feathery pillow. I've told him that once they get worn out, we are NEVER getting down anything EVER. Luckily he agreed since he ALSO has tiny feathers in his hair too.

October 25th, 2014, 07:02 PM
Like a lot of people, the worst I've had is vomit. I was drinking heavily one night years ago, went way over my limit, and ended up vomiting in my hair and then going to bed without washing it out. shudder: After I washed it out the next morning, the area of my hair that had been contaminated was really soft and shiny. :disgust:

October 25th, 2014, 07:19 PM
Just food. I have to be careful when carrying food to the table because my hair has recently hit a length where there's a very high chance that my ends will meet my food when down or in a side braid. :p

October 25th, 2014, 07:22 PM
A small child.

October 25th, 2014, 07:51 PM
Wasp shudder: It happened when I was a kid, and my dad dispatched it :D
I often find little flowers from the local trees after I go walking - not bad but a bit embarrassing at work. :lol:

October 26th, 2014, 04:43 AM
A chair. I was drunk, and thought wearing it down was a good idea. It got stuck (don't ask how) and dragged the chair behind me half a step when I tried to stand up. Lost a chunk and was very confused.

Real nasty things is probably celing paint, one of those latex based ones that was a PITA to get out. Also candle wax, but that was beause I wore at crown with attached candles for a Swedish holiday celebration called Lucia. I had to pull the was out piece by piece for at least an hour afterwards...

October 26th, 2014, 06:46 AM
Ticks. I try to wear my hair up under a hat when I go walking in the woods but it doesn't always work.

October 26th, 2014, 07:00 AM
Nothing too disgusting. Mainly its cat food as I leaned the bowls when feeding them. Oh, and I always seem to wake up with lint in my hair!

October 26th, 2014, 08:30 AM
I had a bug in it,a bee or a wasp,various body fluids and that's about it for the cringes.Tree sap,paint and nail polish and soap are not so cringeworthy.ETA: twigs leaves feathers and that,pretty common occurrence.

October 26th, 2014, 08:51 AM
My last major haircut was the result of chewing on a mouthful of pizza and hair.

Other than that...toilet water...everyone rolls their eyes when people ask how we poop, but yeah, *slip sploosh*; bird poop *shrug*; tree sap (goo gone to get the sap out, camellia oil to get the goo gone out, water to get the camellia oil out); vomit ("I'll have to post about this new hair treatment!"); cement (Don't, just don't).


It took a while for me to train myself to automatically pull my hair aside on the toilet.
Thanks for the heads up on vomit--haven't had that happen yet.
Also, thanks for the thought on getting out tree sap--I'm sure it's only a matter of time....

October 26th, 2014, 09:22 AM
I've been lucky so far!
Gravy from cat food is probably the grossest thing I've had in my hair, and the worst was almost a fire; I had wet loose hair after a shower while cooking a grilled cheese on the stove, without thinking I flipped my hair forward to re-towel it and heard the *hiss* as it touched the hot pan... and this was recent. :doh:

I'll tell ya, though, now I wear my hair up religiously while the stovetop is on... and I've literally never worn my hair in anything but a bun for scooping litter boxes! :lol:

October 26th, 2014, 11:39 AM
Here is something to completely gross everyone out... Hands down, the worst thing that has ever gotten on my hair is cat pee. :mad: My hair was down and I picked up one of our kitties who had, unbeknownst to me, just returned from relieving herself, and some of my hair was on my arm and got under her. As soon as I realized what had happened it was STRAIGHT to the shower. shudder:

Other things include tapioca pudding (never eating with my hair down and over my shoulder ever again), and a piece of a tortilla chip that fell on my braid and stuck there. :laugh:

ETA: Just read upthread and these are AWESOME. A small child, a chair... Hilarious! :rollin:

October 26th, 2014, 11:40 AM
The smell of smoke from cigarettes. I hate that. Luckily smoking is banned in places where I live so I dont have to walk into smoke filled rooms now!

October 26th, 2014, 11:57 AM
Milk. Yes, I am sometimes sloppy when eating cereal. Maple syrup is another one that gets in frequently... and whenever I eat soup, my hair always likes to sample some too. :jestor:

The other day I was gardening and blundered into a patch of weeds, getting my hair full of dandelion seeds! :flower:

I have vomited on my hair when sick before. I also picked up my cat once without realizing he had poop stuck to his bum, and, well... let's just say it was a race to the shower! :run:

October 26th, 2014, 12:46 PM
Anything that goes on my breakfast toast has a fair chance of getting in my hair because of the hour and coffee lag. And I duck when I close the car windows or moonroof, strays just find a way ....

October 26th, 2014, 04:51 PM
Hay is my most common offender...by the time I get done feeding critters every night, there is always at least a little in my hair to pick out every night. You'd think by now I would be smart enough to wear a hat. The worst thing I've had to wash out of my hair recently is horse snot and drool...but I was so concerned with getting it off my skin I didn't worry too much about my hair!

October 26th, 2014, 05:13 PM
I was walking in a department store, passing by some blouses that didn't hold my interest. Apparently my hair liked them though, snatched one of the hangers off the rack and smacked me in the back with it.

Once, during a dance performance, I was wearing a heavily beaded cloth headband. I did my final spin and flourish. I stopped on a dime. The headband, did not, whipped around and smacked me in the face. Still attached to my hair.

I was doing yoga in my bedroom, as I went into downward dog, my miniature schnauzer, Twinkie, took this as a signal to play and got tangled in my hair.

So, tu sum up, a hanger, a beaded headband (which kind of makes sense) and a small dog. Not to mention assorted small children on public transportation, branches, flowers and the ever popular lint.

October 26th, 2014, 05:24 PM
Kina's post reminded me of one. It was raining, transit was delayed and I ended up running part of the way in the rain and my hair was not put up to withstand all the bouncing and fell down. I was standing on a street corner waiting for the light to change when someone with an umbrella walked by and the little knobby thing on the edge of the umbrella decided it liked being in my hair. Fortunately it didn't manage to hold on the few strands it tried to grab and we parted ways without incident. Could have been bad!

October 26th, 2014, 05:51 PM
A candle flame was the worst. Not much singed, but it makes a nasty smell.

Today the hair went into my tights along with the legs. But I guess thats for a thread titled your hair getting into unwanted things.

October 27th, 2014, 03:01 AM
I wear my hair bunned with a hair stick almost all the time. I walked into my local butcher's last summer and they had one of those screens made up of hanging chain links (can't think how to describe it, I'm sure it has a proper name). I didn't think anything of it, pushed straight through and one of the chains wrapped itself around my hair stick. I work on a farm so I often end up with poo, milk, straw and hay in my hair. And a year or two ago during lambing season, it was really cold so I had my hair braided so I could wear a hat. I stuffed my braid down the back of my sweatshirt, but it worked itself loose. I was knelt behind a sheep, assisting it lambing, when my braid crept over my shoulder and the tassel dipped in the blood and fluid from the sheep. That was a bit crispy when it dried :/ I also get snagged in door handles on a regular basis if my hair is loose!

October 27th, 2014, 05:06 AM
My Mum was combing my hair for lice when I was in primary school. I didn't have any that time, but two spiders came out. One was pretty large too.

Another time I was camping with the Girl Guides when I was around 13/14. We were doing an obstacle course in a mucky field, and at the end we hosed to mud to make it more slippy, and had a race to see who could slide the furthest on our bellies. I came second, but my hair was COVERED is mud. We had no hot water at the campsite, so it was a real pain to get out. My friends boiled some water for me and helped me wash it out, but of course gave me a surprise final cold rinse.


October 27th, 2014, 05:25 AM
My Mum was combing my hair for lice when I was in primary school. I didn't have any that time, but two spiders came out. One was pretty large too.

Another time I was camping with the Girl Guides when I was around 13/14. We were doing an obstacle course in a mucky field, and at the end we hosed to mud to make it more slippy, and had a race to see who could slide the furthest on our bellies. I came second, but my hair was COVERED is mud. We had no hot water at the campsite, so it was a real pain to get out. My friends boiled some water for me and helped me wash it out, but of course gave me a surprise final cold rinse.


Haha, I love that picture, and the fact that you look so happy in spite of everything :inlove:

October 27th, 2014, 06:05 AM
Thanks, it was quite funny. I wasn't so happy looking once they dumped the cold water on me though. Sorry about the blurry picture, there was lots of running around and screaming!


October 27th, 2014, 08:50 AM
This weekend's item was a teeny little caterpillar. :)

October 27th, 2014, 11:36 AM
I have only had the usual traps of food, windy days, shoulder bags...so far. I guess I haven't been growing my hair for long enough, but wanted to add that I knew a woman whose reason for cutting her long hair into a pixie was that she "kept on" setting fire to it! She liked to drink a lot, and liked to smoke a lot, and always wore her hair down. As the night wore on her coordination got progressively worse, and she had a problem with the end of her cigarette versus the end of her hair. After too many rescues of singed hair, her husband persuaded her that it was safer to go short. I suppose he wanted a more relaxed night than the prospect of stamping out flaming hair!

Robot Ninja
October 27th, 2014, 11:47 AM
My toilet is a piece of crap (no pun intended) that likes to overflow at random times so in the mad scramble to get into the tank to stop it I have dangled my hair in toilet water more than once. Gross.

I smoke outside, so ashes are constantly blowing into my hair.

I have, however, mastered the dubious art of drinking too much and not puking in my hair. Or setting it on fire while smoking, but a large part of that was finally growing my bangs out; while they were growing out they used to get singed on a regular basis.

October 27th, 2014, 12:03 PM
I'm starting to have the problem of not being able to pick things up off the floor or clean up cat puke without securing my hair back. It reaches the floor at the same time or before my hand does when it's loose. This is new. :/

October 27th, 2014, 12:07 PM
I'm starting to have the problem of not being able to pick things up off the floor or clean up cat puke without securing my hair back. It reaches the floor at the same time or before my hand does when it's loose. This is new. :/

Does tying your hair into your kid's shoelaces count as shoes in your hair or hair in the laces?

October 27th, 2014, 12:49 PM
I don't think anybody else mentioned this one, but one of the grosser I have gotten in my hair (other than puke) was the sticky stuff from a fly strip. It makes your hair clump together real good.

October 27th, 2014, 12:57 PM
earth, that has happened to me too. It was horrible because there were loads of flies stuck to the tape. Yuck!

October 27th, 2014, 01:48 PM
My son got his slobbery hand stuck in my hair last night while we were playing on the floor..

October 27th, 2014, 02:09 PM
Definitely bird droppings, that is the worst.

October 28th, 2014, 03:25 AM
Combs. My hair utterly hates combs, no matter how carefully I use it, my hair will struggle to destroy it while the comb fights with all its teeth to rip my hair off in an epic battle.

That said, I've had every body fluid in it (most terrifying was when I was a teen and used to go to metal concerts with my hair down, coming home everytime with hundreds of people's sweat on it), I work with horses so I happen to have their saliva, hay and poo in my hair no matter how I put it up.
Worst thing ever was ten years ago, I was blowdrying my hair (at classic) and it got caught in the blowdryer's airscrew. I had to chop 10 cm and threw away the blowdryer.

October 28th, 2014, 03:47 AM
Worst thing ever was ten years ago, I was blowdrying my hair (at classic) and it got caught in the blowdryer's airscrew. I had to chop 10 cm and threw away the blowdryer.

Aw, that is awful! My hair used to get caught in the blowdryer airscrew too, I can't forget the horrid smell of burnt hair shudder:

October 28th, 2014, 09:03 AM
I went to a RatDog concert in 2009. I like to let my hair down to dance, and this was an outdoor venue with space. Lots of lovely space to fling hair.
Now, depending on which side of the story one believes, I either have hair that plays matchmaker, or my now partner was attempting to literally snare me.

My hair got caught on his shirt cuff buttons repeatedly. This bothered him, and kind of freaked him out, as he was attempting to put his arm around my waist.
He's so lucky I have an affinity for the romantically clumsy.

So, I got a guy (and a goy) stuck in my hair.

October 28th, 2014, 09:24 AM
Oh, I didn't realize that tools counted!

Power drill.

Also, setting hair on fire. Yup, repeatedly.

October 28th, 2014, 09:25 AM
I went to a RatDog concert in 2009. I like to let my hair down to dance, and this was an outdoor venue with space. Lots of lovely space to fling hair.
Now, depending on which side of the story one believes, I either have hair that plays matchmaker, or my now partner was attempting to literally snare me.

My hair got caught on his shirt cuff buttons repeatedly. This bothered him, and kind of freaked him out, as he was attempting to put his arm around my waist.
He's so lucky I have an affinity for the romantically clumsy.

So, I got a guy (and a goy) stuck in my hair.

:rockerdud :rollin:

October 28th, 2014, 12:37 PM
Oh thats really a thread for me! My "favorites": Fire! (I burnt my hair this spring during barbecue), small pieces of soap and now in the autumn: leaves

October 28th, 2014, 12:42 PM
A honey bee. Which freaked out because it couldn't get untangled and stung my scalp :P

October 28th, 2014, 12:46 PM
I went to a RatDog concert in 2009. I like to let my hair down to dance, and this was an outdoor venue with space. Lots of lovely space to fling hair.
Now, depending on which side of the story one believes, I either have hair that plays matchmaker, or my now partner was attempting to literally snare me.

My hair got caught on his shirt cuff buttons repeatedly. This bothered him, and kind of freaked him out, as he was attempting to put his arm around my waist.
He's so lucky I have an affinity for the romantically clumsy.

So, I got a guy (and a goy) stuck in my hair.

I don't know, though.... sounds like a pretty desirable thing to get caught in your hair!

October 28th, 2014, 01:25 PM
My cockatiel got caught in my hair last night. She was in her cage, I was standing very close next to it, talking to her. I put my shoulder against the cage, cause she likes to pull at my clothes. If my hair is loose, she preens it. She decided to climb up the side of the cage to reach more of my hair and yup, claw caught. Poor thing freaked out. Although it would have been nothing to the freakout that she would have had if she had damaged my hair...:slap:

October 29th, 2014, 08:59 AM
Zips, glasses frames, the handles of my bag, phone wires, earphone wires, facewash (for examples, if I'm leaning over the sink and my ponytail/braid thinks, 'Oh, that's fun').

Oh, and my neck once. That was very strange. I suddenly had a free scarf.

October 29th, 2014, 10:13 AM

I don't know, though.... sounds like a pretty desirable thing to get caught in your hair!
The parenthetical part was the less desirable part. I was looking for a nice Jewish boy. For a change.

I'd forgotten that's my hair also snags my massage mentor, as we have yet to figure a way to secure it in the pool that allows acces to the upper cervicals, occipital area and allows my head to rest in the crook of his arm. Without hurting either of us. Braids get pulled too much.

About six months ago, I went for a table massage. I always tell therapists they capsule the stick out if it's in the way. They tend to stab. This particular therapist and I were in a class together, and I figured my beyond butt red hair would be memorable.
So she pulls the stick, moves my neck and we hear the first thump of the hair falling out of a bun. Couple more moves, couple more thumps. Then silence. Until she rolled the stool. I gasped, said, freeze and get of the stool. I rolled off the table, played find the ends.
You know what your vacuum beater bar looks like? That was one wheel of the stool. About 30 hairs went on a ride.
We got most out. I heard a couple snaps.

October 29th, 2014, 11:35 AM
I'm a mom, so I've had EVERY bodily fluid a tiny human can produce. I've had food, laundry detergent, countless different species' body fluids, and candle wax. There's probably more, but I can't remember it all.

October 29th, 2014, 07:55 PM
Hot candle wax ( it's not even a fun story, I blew a candle out and the hot wax flew up into my face and hair), the sweat of various metalheads that I don't know, my friend's pet bird, syrups from working in a cafe.

October 29th, 2014, 08:45 PM
2nd hand cigarette smoke smell and burning food cart smell gets into my hair if i'm not too careful...sigh the troubles of living in a city.
bothers me a lot, but i guess it's nothing compared to all the things that are going on in this thread!!

October 30th, 2014, 11:59 AM
Basically lots of hay, leaves, ladybugs and earphones.
By the way, most annoying thing that can happen:

Pass into a spider web and start to wonder if some can be *GLUB* stuck on the hair :(

October 31st, 2014, 04:28 AM
I had butter stuck to it this (past) weekend. Close your sandwich before lifting it to your mouth!

November 1st, 2014, 08:04 PM
Today I got a pen stuck in my hair. The clip on the pen sticks very well in hair.

November 2nd, 2014, 07:11 AM
Okay, I just got pudding stuck in my hair. My mom had made a liter of pudding and I got to lick the pot (ha old times), needless to say... I got some in my hair. :lol:

November 2nd, 2014, 07:46 AM
LOL lapushka! It seems like your hair is very hungry this week!

November 2nd, 2014, 08:33 AM
LOL lapushka! It seems like your hair is very hungry this week!

Yeah, and it was freshly washed too, and air drying. :o

November 2nd, 2014, 10:34 AM
Yeah, and it was freshly washed too, and air drying. :o

Which reminds me I need to wash my hair tonight!!

November 3rd, 2014, 02:15 PM
Too many to list them all. I have snapped hair a couple of times in eye glasses. The Lord has healed me eyes. I have 20/20 vision now. I don't need glasses anymore. I have gotten food in my hair repeatedly. Also the car door several times. Also in the zipper on my fleece coat. I have had to learn to put my coat on and get my hair totally out of the way before zipping it all the way up. I don't partially zip the coat since the zipper can slide down. Also in my purse strap too many times to count. Thankfully I have never got my hair caught in anything overly gross. I very rarely use syrup but I will keep that in mind if I ever have need of it again. My hair is now at a length that can find syrup.

Nadine <3
November 3rd, 2014, 02:19 PM
I made cookies last night with my hair down. I had some dough on my fingers and I went to move my hair out of my face without thinking. Ooops.

November 3rd, 2014, 04:45 PM
Honey :P trying to get rid of stress acne is a nightmare -ooommmm-

November 4th, 2014, 05:58 AM
Dipped a lock into some nasty dish water last night. Lovely!

If I wore it down more I think I'd have critters and leaves and like pieces of candy stuck in there, it has a mind of its own...

November 4th, 2014, 01:21 PM
Note to self - no more half-ups with the new grand baby. She likes to turn her head and spit up right into my hair.

November 4th, 2014, 01:52 PM
Once a beetle flew into my hair. I may or may not have burst into a hysterical fit of tears, after screaming "Getitoutgetitoutgetitout!!!" I've also had sticks catch the top of my hair while hiking with my little brother.

November 4th, 2014, 02:40 PM
I've bent down to pet the cat after feeding him dinner and managed to accidentally dip my ends in his fishy wet catfood by mistake--eeeeeeeeeeeeeew. Suddenly became wash day when that happened!