View Full Version : Show Me Your Antique Hair Combs, Forks, & Sticks
October 21st, 2014, 04:47 AM
Being a history geek, I'm totally in love with antique hairtoys.
This is an ancient Roman woman's haircomb, she would use this in her hair, as well as actual sticks. She could also brush her hair with this.
This is a replica hairstyle of a Roman lady with replica hairpins found at a dig site.
This is an antique Chinese comb/fork featuring the eight Chinese Gods from Dao Temple. The eight immortals are crossing the sea. They separately represent male, female, the old, the young, the rich, the noble, the poor, and the humble Chinese.
Here is a good presentation on antique haircombs:
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Finally, here are my antique ones:
Both Victorian. The comb has two jeweled starfish.
Now, show me your antique hairtoys!! (don't be afraid to share an action shot!! ;) )
October 21st, 2014, 04:53 AM
This is an antique Chinese comb/fork featuring the eight Chinese Gods from Dao Temple. The eight immortals are crossing the sea. They separately represent male, female, the old, the young, the rich, the noble, the poor, and the humble Chinese.
Wow, how gorgeous is that??? That's amazingly beautiful! I can imagine the artist working on it under a magnifying glass... such an intricate detail.
Your victorian toys are so beautiful, do you have any action picts?
I don't own any antique hair toys, but I'll be keeping an eye on this thread :)
October 21st, 2014, 05:36 AM
your victorian combs are gorgeous!! I have one antique comb- I dont know when exactly it dates from. An older lady gave it to me telling me that now that she doesn't have hair down past her waist like she did when she was young it was just sitting around in a drawer and wanted to pass it on to someone who'd wear it (lucky me!!)
I'm wearing it in my siggy pic :D
October 21st, 2014, 05:51 AM
^^Every time I'd see you post I imaginary compliment your bun & comb in your siggy, lol. Now I get to do it for real! Beautiful comb & bun! Love it :)
October 21st, 2014, 06:52 AM
Oh! Those are so beautiful. I have no antique hair toys, but I might look for them, because they're so lovely.
October 21st, 2014, 12:44 PM
What a wonderful thread, I love antique hairtoys and hope to own (at least) one some day *dreaming*
Do you know the Art Nouveau haircombs by Lalique? Drop down gorgeous but sadly unaffordable :bigeyes: :-(
October 21st, 2014, 01:17 PM
This is all so beautiful! I'm sad to say that I don't own anything like this :/ Thanks for showing though :)
October 21st, 2014, 01:26 PM
How lovely. The detail in some of those is amazing. No antique hair toys here - but will watch the thread with interest. :)
October 21st, 2014, 05:37 PM
^^Every time I'd see you post I imaginary compliment your bun & comb in your siggy, lol. Now I get to do it for real! Beautiful comb & bun! Love it :)
aw thanks so much!! :D
October 21st, 2014, 10:00 PM
iluvbooks- Thank you for posting these beautiful combs! Can you tell me how tall & wide they are? They look huge but seem the right size for your hair. Also one has 7 tines, how wide is it to accommodate those?
October 22nd, 2014, 07:32 AM
I love to see your pictures!
Sadly, the only antique silver hair comb my grandmother wore all the time in her bun (she had knee length hair) has been inherited by my hated cousin that never used it (she has the average salon hair, SL heavily layered and bleached) and sold it.
October 22nd, 2014, 08:16 AM
Why did my reply got eaten? That's just cruel.
..anyway I just typed how I was thinking about opening a thead like this but didn't, and yay for it being opened by someone, and how I have some pics in the Blessings of the Shopping Goddess thread because that is how happy I was with my two JACKPOT! old comb finds of this summer and I have about 10 at home, some brokwn, pictures to be followed in a few days.
Also, anyone any updo advice for old combs? Caraid I am looking at you with eyes shining of hope and admiration, because your siggypic has me in a swooning heap every time I spot you (but I'm not a stalker!) and anyone having any info on materials, determination and whatnot: please hit me with every tiny tidbit of comb lore you have!! I love to know more and see more of the Combs of Yonder.
I'll ask Calaelen to read here,maybe she has some cool facts about combs. Anyone want to alarm Peggy E?
October 22nd, 2014, 08:24 AM
Those pics are so cool, thanks for posting! :D
October 22nd, 2014, 01:11 PM
Why did my reply got eaten? That's just cruel.
..anyway I just typed how I was thinking about opening a thead like this but didn't, and yay for it being opened by someone, and how I have some pics in the Blessings of the Shopping Goddess thread because that is how happy I was with my two JACKPOT! old comb finds of this summer and I have about 10 at home, some brokwn, pictures to be followed in a few days.
Also, anyone any updo advice for old combs? Caraid I am looking at you with eyes shining of hope and admiration, because your siggypic has me in a swooning heap every time I spot you (but I'm not a stalker!) and anyone having any info on materials, determination and whatnot: please hit me with every tiny tidbit of comb lore you have!! I love to know more and see more of the Combs of Yonder.
I'll ask Calaelen to read here,maybe she has some cool facts about combs. Anyone want to alarm Peggy E?
I'm flattered! :o I love combs, but I wish they could be as functional as regular forks- I have to resort to lots of bobby pins and a lot of fiddling around! I'm on the go right now, but I'll describe how I did my siggy pic hairdo later tonight and see if I can come up with any tips :D
October 22nd, 2014, 06:08 PM
Ok Majorane, I'll try and explain how I did the updo in my siggy pic! (I also have a couple other vintage-esque combs pics to share)-
I made a floppy bun with an elastic (not very hair friendly, I know!!) by not pulling the ends through all the way while making a ponytail. Then I lifted up the floppy bun and positioned it in a way the it wasn't dropping and was splayed/fanned out evenly and then stuck a million bobby pins in it with the other hand so that it would hold the shape I made. The I simply stuck the comb in on top. You could easily stick it only top of any ol' bun held with pins or bobby pins, I just wanted something that would look huge and dramatic to suit the fork. I have a smaller decorational pin, that I can stick in a normal sized bun: (
I have this other comb (not antique, but antique "style") - If you have any very large curved comb, they work well if you stick it in your hair under a bun (supports the bun and poofs hair under out to look more gibson-y) (
And for decorated side combs, my favorite way to wear it is pulling back the hair on the side of my parting with it, and then making a low side bun on the opposite side: (
so basically my advice is, make any pretty bun first, pin it in place, and the place the comb as decoration (I hope you dont mind all the pics, just thought I'd share some vintage comb ideas!!)
October 24th, 2014, 01:12 PM
My maternal grandmother had red gold hair - a lot of it - as you can tell from her picture. At one time she wore the blue rhinestone comb in her hair. I have no idea when she did this. I didn't even know she HAD this comb until she passed away when I was a teenager. The comb part is glued to the back of the arc of blue rhinestones (which are mounted on some sort of hard plastic).
The little brown hairpin with topper was made in France..probably pre 1920. I bought it at a place named Halina's in NYC in 1982. Ordinarily I 'm not interested in hairpins, but this one was so beautifully made, I had to have it for artistic reasons, if no other (
October 24th, 2014, 01:17 PM
My maternal grandmother had red gold hair - a lot of it - as you can tell from her picture. At one time she wore the blue rhinestone comb in her hair. I have no idea when she did this. I didn't even know she HAD this comb until she passed away when I was a teenager. The comb part is glued to the back of the arc of blue rhinestones (which are mounted on some sort of hard plastic).
The little brown hairpin with topper was made in France..probably pre 1920. I bought it at a place named Halina's in NYC in 1982. Ordinarily I 'm not interested in hairpins, but this one was so beautifully made, I had to have it for artistic reasons, if no other
OMG! I love that history w/ your grandmother! Awesome heirloom :D
October 24th, 2014, 01:21 PM
OMG! I love that history w/ your grandmother! Awesome heirloom :D
Thanks, iluvbooks! I wish I knew a lot more about my maternal grandmother but she was very, very reticent about her life before I was born. Apparently, she was the black sheep of her family and because of it, was disinherited by them. She never had any contact with them, nor her siblings, for the rest of her long life. She was a catlover, artistic, had beautiful red gold hair (I saw some of it she had saved in a braid) and I loved her dearly. Finding that blue rhinestone comb was quite a lovely surprise!
October 24th, 2014, 01:40 PM
Thanks, iluvbooks! I wish I knew a lot more about my maternal grandmother but she was very, very reticent about her life before I was born. Apparently, she was the black sheep of her family and because of it, was disinherited by them. She never had any contact with them, nor her siblings, for the rest of her long life. She was a catlover, artistic, had beautiful red gold hair (I saw some of it she had saved in a braid) and I loved her dearly. Finding that blue rhinestone comb was quite a lovely surprise!
How exquisite and I'm glad you have such a lovely heirloom from one so loved. :blossom:
October 24th, 2014, 05:14 PM
My maternal grandmother had red gold hair - a lot of it - as you can tell from her picture. At one time she wore the blue rhinestone comb in her hair. I have no idea when she did this. I didn't even know she HAD this comb until she passed away when I was a teenager. The comb part is glued to the back of the arc of blue rhinestones (which are mounted on some sort of hard plastic).
The little brown hairpin with topper was made in France..probably pre 1920. I bought it at a place named Halina's in NYC in 1982. Ordinarily I 'm not interested in hairpins, but this one was so beautifully made, I had to have it for artistic reasons, if no other (
your grandmothers' comb is unbelievably beautiful- what a special keepsake to have!
October 28th, 2014, 12:03 PM
Combs are my new obsession! Must. Stop. Stocking. Etsy. I have this little (Edwardian? Victorian?) beauty that was gifted to me numerous years ago by a family friend, before I had any idea of how to use it. The back is stamped 51 Sterling - does anyone know the approx. era?
October 28th, 2014, 12:24 PM
That butterfly is absolutely gorgeous, love it! Sorry, I have no idea what the marking means.
November 20th, 2014, 06:57 PM
Those comb are so beautiful. Enjoy!
November 20th, 2014, 07:18 PM
Stunning artifacts! They are all beautiful - thanks for showing us!
November 20th, 2014, 07:20 PM
This comb is so beautiful. I love tortoise and wonder if it is real or a form of resin.
December 10th, 2014, 03:42 AM
Oooh, I LOVE that butterfly! So pretty and rich and intricate!
I'm a bit of a magpie when it comes to antique and certain vintage hair toys. There's just something so pretty about them. By now I have a small collection, which is still growing. ^^ Not all of these are antiques I think, though definitely all are vintage. (I left out some 'newer' vintage ones that I know come from the 70s). I'm doubting the age of the third and fourth from the right top, the big golden Indonesian one in the middle and the second from the bottom left. The two very large ones to the top left are also mysteries to me. I use them in my hair but they are very long and quite top heavy. I think they were oricinally used for something else, but what? My best guess was to tie a bonnet to a bun, but I'm really in the dark. If anyone knows I'd be much obliged.
I used to have a pretty tortoise comb too, but it broke. :( Still looking for a replacement.
December 10th, 2014, 03:45 AM
Oh, and I need to get the one in the left bottom to the jeweler, it broke a few months back. It looks like it can be fixed. Now I'm looking at this picture I realize it's time to polish the silver ones. Bluh. (Talk about first world problems, heehee.)
December 10th, 2014, 07:27 AM
"the big golden Indonesian one in the middle"
O.O action shot???!!? Please!?
December 10th, 2014, 07:35 AM
First row first two from the right! Middle bigfat slide! :inlove: Bottom upside down thingy...? Can't really see it, but judging from the shape it's made of awesome!
May I ask, where did you get yours? It's always good to know of dealers in hairstuff in ones own nation, you know... :eyebrow: Oh and also don't be afraid to put up a photo of any post-70's hairstuff you have, it's still relatively old for a hairthing so it counts!
December 10th, 2014, 07:49 AM
Combs are my new obsession! Must. Stop. Stocking. Etsy. I have this little (Edwardian? Victorian?) beauty that was gifted to me numerous years ago by a family friend, before I had any idea of how to use it. The back is stamped 51 Sterling - does anyone know the approx. era?
Oh TrapperCreekD, your thick bun is so beautiful with this delicate silver butterfly on it !! Such a nice piece of art !... :crush:
And prankdemon, I would also be very very pleased to see all your collection... with some pictures of them in your hair, pleeeeeease ! :) :)
December 10th, 2014, 07:57 AM
Okay, double post. I just remembered I discovered something amazingly cool a while back, but for some reason I didn't want to bump this thread out of the graveyard (which is stupid because it is a great thread. But anyway).
I tried (VERY carefully) to buff a few dull spots off one of my combs and I saw a mark saying 'Auguste Bonaz' on two or three combs. I googled around a bit and 1) my combs are older than I initially thought! No '70's cheap replica's but much older! And then this.
Auguste Bonaz add from 1920. And this, made today, at my personal dinner table: (
Hah! Okay, so it's not a dead match. In my comb the decorative rows of rhinestones aren't spaced exactly like the one in the ad. But it's so close, it seems to me as if this was just a variety of the same flavour, just like how sometimes H&M releases almost the same items in two following years, or slightly different versions of one item.
1920! Isn't that amazing? And my comb barely has a scratch! I regulairly wear it in what I call my Gibson flub for stoopits. I wore it yesterday, actually, when I had to sing with my choir and I wanted to look christmassy.
So cool!!
ETA: the outer tines are not broken off. They just look shorter becausw of the perspective golems.
December 10th, 2014, 08:26 AM
Such a perfect piece of collection, Majorane !! :bigeyes: Wow, and the material is beautiful. What about an action shot ?? I would love to admire your "christmassy updo" ! :)
Madora, your blue comb is awsome ! How lucky you are to have such a nice thing from your grandmother ! Do you wear it sometimes ?? (action shoooooot !!^^)
I love this thread ! I think I will start having a look around when people get rid of old stuff and sell them...
December 10th, 2014, 08:34 AM
Oooh, Majorane, that is exquisite! It must look so pretty in your tuck! I dislike antique dealers here, they are often very expensive. The two you pointed out are actually from Marktplaats (if you say it loud enough in my house everything will start to float I'm afraid), but I also found some great ones at a brocante market in France, and even one in a thrift shop.
I actually couldn't find pictures of all my treasures in action (even though I do wear some of them quite often), so I'll make it my business this week to get some good action pictures.
Today is a sick day and a washday, so no energy for an elaborate updo, but here's the Indonesian comb with a cinnabun. The trick with this comb is that the bun needs to be flat on the head (so anything vortex-y will do) because otherwise it will get top heavy. It actually holds the buns rather well, though I prefer putting a pin or so in when I leave the house with it, just to be sure.
December 10th, 2014, 08:40 AM
Aaaaah prankdemon, what gorgeous hair you have, what color !! The comb is amazing in your bun !! I am in awe !... :bigeyes:
Thanks for the lovely action shot ! (This large comb was the one which made me more curious of all^^) :)
December 10th, 2014, 09:07 AM
Oh my word... I knew it would be gorgeous in the light (the pic you have of the group that piece was in the shade). So amazing, like a crown! Thank you prankdemon!
December 10th, 2014, 09:23 AM
Marktplaats (if you say it loud enough in my house everything will start to float I'm afraid) :rolling: kai tu, Brute? Hahaha, half of my intérieure is picked off from the street, or cast-offs of other people. :lala: and don't break me the beak open about antique dealers. There is one in town here that I got this comb off, and a few others. He keeps an amazing collection of combs in dirty wet shoeboxes, where they deteriorate and disintegrate (they are mostly horn, tortoise and celluloids, you know, those kinds of materials that don't like water) but he doesn't want to bulk-sell them to me, either. Not because I don't pay the right price, but because he wants to sell each piece individually so he has a chance to get more for it-but then he doesn't sell any at all, and he has two on display in his window and they are in the blazing sun all day AND IT KILLS THEM. I weep. It is horrid. I hope his business partner returns from sick leave soon so I can try with her. Why, yes, this is the sixt time I complained about this. It hurts.
But, that comb looks amazing in your hair.... The lighter shades of your hair and the darker bits of the ornamental top match perfectly! You know how you see pretty hairtoys very often? And then once in a while you see a hairtoy and a head of hair that bring out the best in each other? That!
Truly spectacular. Don't ever ever ever get separated from that comb because it is glorious. And get well, soon!!
Mimha: I'll see what I can do about action shots, I can't take 'em on my own because I am dim like that. Maybe I can ask my SO later today, or tomorrow. Or ask a coworker. They are used to it by now :p
December 10th, 2014, 09:39 AM
That makes absolutely no sense Marjorane. Sometimes I don't understand how people think, why would you turn down a good profit just on the slight chance of getting more, even as your product is deteriorating?!? He sounds like a bit of a miser. I hope when the partner gets back she'll rescue the hair combs! Why wouldn't he just buy some cheap plastic boxes and store them correctly! Ack! That frustrates me just to read.
Edit: Also I forgot to say that the comb you do have is so pretty! I have lots of old magazines (my profile picture is from a 1928 issue), and it'd be a dream come true to find some of the things I see in the old advertisements!
December 25th, 2014, 03:36 PM
I have a new pweeeeeettyyyyy! It was my Christmas present to myself. :bigtongue:
December 30th, 2014, 12:17 PM
Wheredidyougetit Iwantonetoo Itissopretty Iloveititisyum!
December 30th, 2014, 03:25 PM
Wow prank, that is gorgeous!!
I don't check out antique shops often, but after looking through this thread I think I should start!!
December 30th, 2014, 09:11 PM
prankdemon, i'm so jealous of your toys! why can't i live in a place as cool as you, with access to all the antiques of europe :(
December 30th, 2014, 11:54 PM
These are all so beautiful! I saw some lovely antique combs in an antique shop in northern virginia, but alas, my wallet said no. I would love to own something beautiful and old like these that you all have.
December 31st, 2014, 10:28 AM
prankdemon, your combs are amazing! I especially love the Indonesian one, it's so unique!!
Sarah P
November 24th, 2021, 08:58 PM
January 21st, 2022, 06:11 PM
I'm in love with this thread! All of the hair toys here are so beautiful. I wish I could find this type of thing here where I live!
January 25th, 2022, 07:29 PM
I'm in love with this thread! All of the hair toys here are so beautiful. I wish I could find this type of thing here where I live!
You could always try online! I've bought some lovely antique things on ebay
January 26th, 2022, 06:20 AM
I can’t see any pics on this thread at all! I’ve just assumed that when I can’t see pics it’s because they were eaten up in the imgur thing that happened a few years ago. But LavenderFaerie can see them so I’m wondering what I’m missing. :ponder:
January 26th, 2022, 09:11 AM
I can’t see any pics on this thread at all! I’ve just assumed that when I can’t see pics it’s because they were eaten up in the imgur thing that happened a few years ago. But LavenderFaerie can see them so I’m wondering what I’m missing. :ponder:
There are 66 pictures if you click on the link in OP.
January 26th, 2022, 09:13 AM
I knew there was another similar thread out there:
January 26th, 2022, 09:23 AM
I knew there was another similar thread out there:
Thanks Neko! I knew that I'd seen another thread before!
January 26th, 2022, 01:45 PM
There are 66 pictures if you click on the link in OP.
Thank you! I had missed that but alas the link seems to be broken.
January 26th, 2022, 03:44 PM
There are 66 pictures if you click on the link in OP.
Thank you! I had missed that but alas the link seems to be broken.
Yeah the link doesn't work for me either!
January 26th, 2022, 04:23 PM
Odd, the link works for me, but my browser warns me that the page that opens may contain harmful material and to be careful what I click on. Maybe other browsers are blocking it?
January 26th, 2022, 05:35 PM
Odd, the link works for me, but my browser warns me that the page that opens may contain harmful material and to be careful what I click on. Maybe other browsers are blocking it?
Oh, how strange, it just says "500 internal error" when I click on it.
I'm using a tablet tho, I'll fire up the desktop later and see if it works on there
January 27th, 2022, 11:40 AM
I'm using a computer with Windows 10 and Firefox and it works for me.
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