View Full Version : Mega Flexi 8 question(?)

October 20th, 2014, 06:05 AM
These are one of my favourite hair toys so far. I've got an assortment of these in different sizes but I wish I had ordered more mega flexis. The extra large is too small to get the types of buns and updos I enjoy wearing most. Ive noticed that on most of these flexis, no matter what size you purchase, the centre piece is the same size. On some types of styles this looks fine while others it looks too small or out of proportion with the overall size.

What styles of MEGA FLEXI displays a centre piece that looks proportiate.?

For example I have the 'paw print' Celtic knot and copper rose in the mini sizes for just clipping small sections of front hair back or just for added embellishment. I've also got these in XL sizes so I can match them up. The centre pieces are small and cute but I want something in the mega size to stand out. Is it best to get custom made ones in this size so I'm not disappointed?

Which mega flexis did you order that have the centre part in proportion to its size?

I hope you understand what I mean.

October 20th, 2014, 06:19 AM
All of the centerpieces are the same size. If it's a mini, xs, small, medium, large, XL or Mega. The centerpieces on all of the flexis are the same sizes so a mini looks like it has a huge centerpiece while a Mega looks like it has a tiny centerpiece.

They no longer make customs so, what they have for sale is all you have available to you unless you happen to get one on swap or one that someone customized or made themselves.

There is a thread around here somewhere on making your own flexis. That is a better chance of getting a centerpiece proportionate to the size.

October 20th, 2014, 06:58 AM
All of the centerpieces are the same size. If it's a mini, xs, small, medium, large, XL or Mega. The centerpieces on all of the flexis are the same sizes so a mini looks like it has a huge centerpiece while a Mega looks like it has a tiny centerpiece.

They no longer make customs so, what they have for sale is all you have available to you unless you happen to get one on swap or one that someone customized or made themselves.

There is a thread around here somewhere on making your own flexis. That is a better chance of getting a centerpiece proportionate to the size.

Thanks Mz_Butterfly
Oh noooo! They don't make custom flexis any more?
Well that sucks! I wish I had ordered some custom flexis while I had the chance.
Yes I figured all of the centre pieces were the same on ALL sizes, I just figured that perhaps some styles looked more proportionate that others.

The dream catcher , festive leaf or dragon fly ones have larger centre pieces.

AND that make your own flexi thread is amazing.
I've followed that in fascination for months on end. I even have a Michaels craft shop not too far away.
Ok maybe this is the 'push' I needed to create my own custom flexis.
That way I could make it to fit exactly how I like it and create a design that is more personally suited to me.

Thanks for the info and suggestion Ms._Butterfly.
I will seriously consider making one.
I've just got so many projects on the go already. Lol.

chen bao jun
October 20th, 2014, 06:59 AM
If I were you, I'd ask this question in the main flexi thread. a lot of people will see it there who have flexis and can give you some idea. Plus there are some consultants on that thread (though they may not be able to identify themselves due to forum rules) and they would know.

October 20th, 2014, 07:11 AM
If I were you, I'd ask this question in the main flexi thread. a lot of people will see it there who have flexis and can give you some idea. Plus there are some consultants on that thread (though they may not be able to identify themselves due to forum rules) and they would know.

Thanks Chen bao jun
That's where I was originally going to post my question but I don't want to stop the flow of conversation and gorgeous pics plus thought my question would be lost. Ok I'll try asking my question on that thread then, as intimidating as it is.

Btw Chen.... You handmade flexis are stunning and proportionate in size :)

October 20th, 2014, 09:47 AM
I'm going to keep my question here on this thread because I have such a difficult time technically on the large flexi 8 thread.
Hopefully some will respond.
The idea of creating my own type of flexi clip is increasingly becoming appealing. :)

October 20th, 2014, 02:30 PM
The sad thing about the LillaRose site is that there aren't that many Megas for sale. There are only 26 selections and it's a very sparse collection compared to other sizes. Maybe someday soon they will add in more pieces with larger centers. :) I just checked the site, there are 26 Megas, 69 XL, 88 Large, 85 Medium, 87 Small, 86 XS and 74 minis. There are less than 1/3 choices for the Megas than there are for the others, I think they would make a lot more sales if they offered every clip in every size.

October 20th, 2014, 02:50 PM
Yes the mega size selection at lillarose is limited in comparison to the other sizes.
Perhaps later they will increase the selection but meanwhile I'll try and make a few .
I keep forgetting to get the supplies I need because I'd enjoy creating my own style of hair toy.
It would be really cool making some beaded hfigure eight sections and making matching hair sticks from those blank pieces of exotic woods. Get a similar colour of wood to match the main bead colours.
I wonder if wearing a figure 8 this way would be more versatile and comfortable.

October 21st, 2014, 12:35 PM
Mega Flexis
It would logically seem like the flexi 8 thread would be the ideal place to post this question but its probably the worst place to post it. It appears that the thread is reserved only for those picture worthy flexi users that wish to show how nicely they look ( lillarose modifications included ) and blatantly clear that questions shifted outside this realm of thought are not only accepted or appreciated.
If these standard size flexis don't fit your hair and the company is no longer doing custom orders then that leaves any such inquiries needless in this thread.
Now I can relate to why a separate thread was made for other members who fall into this other category. It also makes more sense why so many have made the decision to either modify their own flexi clips or make their own.
It's unfortunate that Lillarose has stopped creating custom orders but perhaps this is the push I needed to create my own custom hair toys that are not only attractive but functional.

October 21st, 2014, 01:20 PM
Well, yes, there are lots of action shots in the Flexi 8 thread, but there is plenty of valuable information and advice within the thread as well. It's certainly not all, "ohmigosh, isn't this purrty!?" and I don't see how questions outside of that are unaccepted or unappreciated. :shrug:

The center pieces are a fixed size amongst all flexis. From the pictures on the website, you can deduce which ones look more in proportion, really.

For the issue of sizing, have you tried center held buns? That may give you a use for some of the smaller flexi 8s that you have on hand.

October 21st, 2014, 02:08 PM
My apologies if my post offended anybody as that was not my intention. Like I've previously mentioned, the flexi clip is by far one of my favourite hair toys. If I could post pics I'd probably be joining in myself and the popularity of the thread speaks for itself.
From reading this thread there is a lot of helpful information but this is a large thread and posting questions that may be outside of the norm just seem to get lost leaving the member to either persistently repost the question ( disrupting the flow of the thread) or find another way to get the information.
All of my flexis I get use from. Centre held buns are my main use for the XL but they are usually tight so I'd like to get some megas. Some megas look more proportional than others due to the both the bead size and centre piece.
My question was more geared towards this . This isn't my first time posting in the thread trying to get info or suggestions where my question was either lost or ignored. It's a fast paced thread so its understandable that inquiries might be lost.
Again, my apologies if I offended anyone.*

October 21st, 2014, 02:09 PM
My apologies if my post offended anybody as that was not my intention. Like I've previously mentioned, the flexi clip is by far one of my favourite hair toys. If I could post pics I'd probably be joining in myself and the popularity of the thread speaks for itself.
From reading this thread there is a lot of helpful information but this is a large thread and posting questions that may be outside of the norm just seem to get lost leaving the member to either persistently repost the question ( disrupting the flow of the thread) or find another way to get the information.
All of my flexis I get use from. Centre held buns are my main use for the XL but they are usually tight so I'd like to get some megas. Some megas look more proportional than others due to the both the bead size and centre piece.
My question was more geared towards this . This isn't my first time posting in the thread trying to get info or suggestions where my question was either lost or ignored. It's a fast paced thread so its understandable that inquiries might be lost.
Again, my apologies if I offended anyone.*

chen bao jun
October 21st, 2014, 05:39 PM
Yes the mega size selection at lillarose is limited in comparison to the other sizes.
Perhaps later they will increase the selection but meanwhile I'll try and make a few .
I keep forgetting to get the supplies I need because I'd enjoy creating my own style of hair toy.
It would be really cool making some beaded hfigure eight sections and making matching hair sticks from those blank pieces of exotic woods. Get a similar colour of wood to match the main bead colours.
I wonder if wearing a figure 8 this way would be more versatile and comfortable.

Looking forward to seeing you at create your own flexi!

October 21st, 2014, 06:50 PM
I don't see how your own thread with your own questions could offend anyone. :flower:

This is a more relaxed thread, I am keeping my eye on it.

October 21st, 2014, 08:16 PM
Looking forward to seeing you at create your own flexi!

And I eagerly look forward to joining it and learning more.
Thanks for the support Chen and Mz._butterfly.
I suppose there is a place for ALL of us somewhere or another on this site.:)

October 21st, 2014, 08:55 PM
Hey Chen? I'm wondering if you could add the link here? I can't remember what section that "Make or modify your own flexi" is in.

October 21st, 2014, 11:13 PM
Never mind! I found it!


October 22nd, 2014, 05:48 AM
Yeah I have been thinking about the size of the cp for the megaflexis too. From what I can see by comparing them on different pictures, the Roman Cross and Ruby Bouquet have slightly larger centerpieces too (besides the dragonflies). The Open Flower cp would be a great addition to the mega's I think, better than some of the smaller ones they are offering. I have a purple Cluster in XL, it is not that big but because of the stones in it, a Cluster would look awesome on a mega too. They would both make a better option than the Tiara Crystal, which is lovely as well but if I had the choice, I'd go for the Open Flower or Cluster.

October 22nd, 2014, 11:05 PM
Hi Yosha
Thanks for posting. Yes the Ruby Bouquet, Roman Cross , flitter( dragonfly), Open flower and the cluster do have larger centre pieces which I'm sure makes a difference in the overall look.
I decided to go to Michaels, get some supplies and made my own in just under 2 hours.
I've got the dream catcher and really liked those colours so I picked out some torqupise and silver beads in assorted shapes and sizes , some matching shank buttons, 14 gauge memory wire.
All I needed was some long nose and round nose pliers and a pair of wire cutters.
It was easy, fun and rewarding but what I appreciate the most is that its customized just for me. From the colour to the size and the style, it turned out better than I expected. I decided to have a separate stick to hold it on because its more versatile and adjustable making it not only a better fit for me but much more comfortable. Plus I have enough beads to make about 4 or 5 more. I can change it up by using different pins or hair sticks.
So although the flexi clip is still one of my favorited hair toys, my custom one is now my go to hair toy. These are so easy and fun to make .

I still don't know how to upload pics to a post but I'll take a pic of it in my hair tomorrow and post it in my avatar.

Do you wear these yourself?

October 25th, 2014, 07:33 AM
My flexi's are just the ones I got from the official flexi-8 site. The ones I wear are custom made, but that option is not available (yet) on the Lilla Rose site. I won't be getting another flexi unless it's one I really want, and I did change the beads of my mega because I got tired of the color. The problem is that you need to straighten the wire to get the beads off, and the more handling of that wire the easier it will break. I think it's a great idea to make your own hair jewelry! There is a whole thread of infinity-type clips somewhere on the board and I hope someday I will make some hair clips for myself. If you put your pictures on a site like Photobucket you can display it in your post through clicking on the little picture icon above your post when you're typing it.

October 27th, 2014, 07:09 AM
Sorry folks. I'm Trying to upload pics to this post.

October 27th, 2014, 07:30 AM
Here's your pretty flexi, hennalonghair!

I right-clicked on your pic "square" to open it up into another tab, then right-clicked it again (open image in new tab) for album privacy, copied the link and pasted it into the "insert image" area of this post. (If you quote my post without having to reply, you'll see the longhand code of it.)

October 27th, 2014, 07:51 AM
Here's your pretty flexi, hennalonghair!


I right-clicked on your pic "square" to open it up into another tab, then right-clicked it again (open image in new tab) for album privacy, copied the link and pasted it into the "insert image" area of this post. (If you quote my post without having to reply, you'll see the longhand code of it.)

Well aren't you just a sweetheart :flowers:
Thank you so very much.
I'm on a learning curve
There seems to be more curve than learning

I'm indeed grateful crystawni:)
Yes! This is my first handmade customized flexi and it fits me perfectly
And I LOVE making them.
Thanks again Crystawni
I will forever remember you:thumbsup:

October 27th, 2014, 08:40 AM
Yep, making hairtoys is SO satisfying.

That flexi is beautiful on your bun, hennalonghair!

October 27th, 2014, 10:09 AM
Beautiful work, hennalonghair (and well done on the graphic magic Crystawni).

October 27th, 2014, 12:08 PM
Wow that is so pretty!

October 27th, 2014, 02:13 PM
Thanks Yosha, Stellaaa and Ooglipoo . Yes it is so fun and rewarding. I've just recently discovered a brand new direction and reason for being here. Now I realize there's a flock of you creating your own hair toys. It's such an interesting craft. Since posting this thread I've learned so much.
Yosha- I meant to add this with the picture but got a bit overwhelmed just trying to post a picture that I forgot.
Thanks so much for explaining about your flexi experience. You are exactly the kind of member I was seeking to correspond with. People who made the decision to get custom made flexis, modifications done or make their own. While reading through the Flexi 8 thread there were quite a few people doing this but seeking information by replying to their particular post was pointless because they were either no longer here or no longer posting in the thread. From reading what you had to say you understood what I was trying to say. I didn't mean to offend lillarose as they have great products and equally good customer service. I didn't mean to offend other members who could wear and show their own flexis .
While I can wear the XL it is usually tighter on one side than the other . The regular mega is a bit too big for me for I needed a custom one.*
So thanks for taking the time to respond. This thread was the catalyst to changing my perspective about hair toys and I couldn't be happier. This hobby gives me something to focus on so I can battle the winter blues.
On and thanks for the tip about the photos. It was really helpful. I use an outdated iPhone so when I'd enlarge the pic window in order to click it I was forgetting to shrink the page back again so the info box was off to the side of the screen. :lol: :doh: hey I'm not the sharpest crayon in the box.

October 27th, 2014, 05:27 PM
Well aren't you just a sweetheart :flowers:
Thank you so very much.
I'm on a learning curve
There seems to be more curve than learning

I'm indeed grateful crystawni:)
Yes! This is my first handmade customized flexi and it fits me perfectly
And I LOVE making them.
Thanks again Crystawni
I will forever remember you:thumbsup:

:smooch: No probs! It's such a gorgeous piece, it HAD to be shown (admittedly, I was drooling over it when you had it in your signature...)! :flowers: I adore the colours and that gorgeous centre-piece, and can't wait to see more of your handiwork. You have a good eye for it, methinks.

October 28th, 2014, 06:26 AM
:smooch: No probs! It's such a gorgeous piece, it HAD to be shown (admittedly, I was drooling over it when you had it in your signature...)! :flowers: I adore the colours and that gorgeous centre-piece, and can't wait to see more of your handiwork. You have a good eye for it, methinks.

:smooch: thanks Crystawni :flowers:
I just made a Halloween themed one last night.
I'll add pics of it a bit later today.

October 28th, 2014, 08:34 AM
Since Im using an iPhone I can't right click or drag and drop so this is the best I can do.*
HALLOWEEN beaded 8
And here's the matching stick. It's not glued on yet and I don't quite have the right hardware but for now it works.

October 28th, 2014, 09:23 AM
Since Im using an iPhone I can't right click or drag and drop so this is the best I can do.*
HALLOWEEN beaded 8
And here's the matching stick. It's not glued on yet and I don't quite have the right hardware but for now it works.

those are lovely and I really like how the skulls are in turquoise!

October 28th, 2014, 06:36 PM
those are lovely and I really like how the skulls are in turquoise!

Thanks Kina. Yeah the turquoise colour makes the skulls look fun and innocent looking.
And then again , I just love turquoise. :)
It a good contrast colour for my hennaed hair.