View Full Version : So....I kinda want to wear a silk bonnet ALL the time.
October 19th, 2014, 02:50 AM
Really, my silk bonnet is the most comfortable hair style in the world.
You get all the comfort of wearing your hair down without having it get into everything. I'm getting into a habit of getting home, taking out my bun or work style, shaking my hair out really well, and shoving it into a cap! I even think the end shape of all my curls shoved into the cap is flattering to my face. I look like a happy little mushroom.
I own adorabellababy caps and would honestly get a custom with silk on the inside and regular cotton on the outside for street wear.
It's weird. I don't like snoods, scarves, or headwraps. But I dig the bonnet.
Has anyone else had these thoughts? Thought of an alternative? Or even just rocked the bonnet?
October 19th, 2014, 03:58 AM
I have thought this would be a great idea as well, but haven't done anything about it. I suppose I worry that everyone will think I am walking around wearing a shower cap in public and think I am a right weirdo....
October 19th, 2014, 08:26 AM
I also have an adorabellababy cap and I would totally wear it all the time at home if I lived alone!
October 19th, 2014, 09:07 AM
I love the silk cap I made for myself, but I find that if I wear it awake for an extended period of time I hold my head funny and end up with a crick or a stiff neck. Boo.
October 19th, 2014, 10:56 AM
I have totally had the same thoughts, CurlyCap (hmm, is that an even more apt username now? :D)! I frequently wear my silk bonnet (also adorabellababy, amazing quality) at home during the day. And I rarely take it off on weekends unless we have people over (or I have an exciting new hair toy...). I agree, the fact that you get all the comfort of having your hair down with the convenience and protection of an updo is AWESOME!
October 19th, 2014, 12:30 PM
I have a cheap walmart satin one that the elastic just came out on. I really should make one for myself but have never seen silk in any of my fabric stores. We have black sheets so I told DH that we needed black silk pillowcases too. I can just imagine the comfort of bed with silk everywhere. :) then I remembered I have kids with sticky fingers. Maybe not such good ideas for the next few years.
October 19th, 2014, 12:50 PM
I've been "window shopping" for bonnets, and so far these ones seem the most appealing to me (no elastic band):
October 19th, 2014, 01:04 PM
Adorabellababy caps are something we here will NOT wear outside. Zwarte Piet (Black Peter) wears the things *giggle* so here we'd .. well.. look goofy.
But since you guys don't have this problem, do what feels comfortable to you!! :D
October 19th, 2014, 01:48 PM
I look like a happy little mushroom.
-giggles- :applause:
October 19th, 2014, 02:12 PM
I love my Adorabellababy cap too, and in the beginning I was like you, I wanted to wear it all the time. Even now after about 4 month of ownership, I still love it, but the elastic and the silk ties got to be bad and twisted on my cap and it annoys me to no end. I should look into replacing it. At some point I was addicted to my cap, I couldnt fall asleep without it. On a side note, I think it improved my sinus problems since I have started sleeping with my head covered.
October 19th, 2014, 02:21 PM
I love my Adorabellababy cap too, and in the beginning I was like you, I wanted to wear it all the time. Even now after about 4 month of ownership, I still love it, but the elastic and the silk ties got to be bad and twisted on my cap and it annoys me to no end. I should look into replacing it. At some point I was addicted to my cap, I couldnt fall asleep without it. On a side note, I think it improved my sinus problems since I have started sleeping with my head covered.
I've had my caps for about 5 months now. It's the biggest part of why, as a curly with long hair, I can go a few days without having to restyle my hair.
I'm sure the shop owner would send you a new elastic ribbon. I've had to rethread my ribbons a few times after washing until I came up with a system to prevent them moving. I doubt you'd have to buy a whole new cap.
chen bao jun
October 19th, 2014, 03:36 PM
I wore a satin cap pretty much 24/7 the first year I was on LHC. Well, the first winter. I would just pop a wool cap or beret on top when I went outside and keep it on. My hubby eventually complained about the look, though. :( But I still wear it quite a bit.
October 19th, 2014, 03:49 PM
We don't have much of a winter, which is why I'm willing to get a silk lined cotton bonnet to avoid having to wear a hat on top of it all.
There also seems to be all this drama within the black community about people not wearing a bonnet outside of the house. Having not grown up in the black community, though, it all seems pretty odd to me. Looks like a hat, albeit an old-fashioned hat, to me.
October 19th, 2014, 04:02 PM
Bah. Now apparently I'm thinking of how to pull this off.
I'd love an "outside the house" version that looked like this:
October 19th, 2014, 04:09 PM
Bah. Now apparently I'm thinking of how to pull this off.
I'd love an "outside the house" version that looked like this:
I'm rooting for you!
That reminds me of the matching Little House on the Prairie dress and bonnet I wore to pieces. I'd totally wear a big brimmed bonnet if it also shaded the back of my neck somehow.
chen bao jun
October 19th, 2014, 04:13 PM
I crocheted a hat to wear on top on my bonnet which is a lacy cotton you could wear year round.
What drama is there in the black community about people wearing bonnets outside the house? I haven't run into it. I actually see black women wearing scarves, hats and yes sometimes even bonnets, pretty much everywhere, all the time. I took a long bus trip a couple of weeks ago and as soon as the bus started, every single black woman on it except me took out some kind of scarf or something and wrapped her head up, it was pretty amazing, almost as if there was a pre-arranged signal or something. Of course, they were all actually protecting their hair weaves and extensions, nobody was wearing their natural hair...
I have heard older women from the Caribbean though, complaining about new arrivals (greenhorns, though they don't use that word) that go around with 'headtie' on--not scarves or sleep caps but like, colorful fabric tied on in sometimes intricate and interesting ways. I never got why this was not acceptable, but it seems to be some class based thing--more 'African' to have a head wrap and thus lower-class as opposed to wearing a hat, which is more upperclass (European). It's mostly older women, like way older (in their 70's and up) that talk like this though and I never quite understood the nuances, exactly--its one of those things that if you ask about it, nobody will explain, they figure you must know and are only asking to be obnoxious. (There are a lot of things in black culture that work like this, so if you are uninformed, you are going to stay that way. And have people mad at you for asking, too).
October 19th, 2014, 05:55 PM
CurlyCap, I completely agree with you. I have a silkycoocoon satin cap, and I would love to be able to wear mine out of the house (and that it would be socially acceptable).
I wear my cap a lot while I'm home as well. The only time I usually have an updo in the house is when I'm cooking or brushing my teeth.
October 19th, 2014, 09:03 PM
We don't have much of a winter, which is why I'm willing to get a silk lined cotton bonnet to avoid having to wear a hat on top of it all.
There also seems to be all this drama within the black community about people not wearing a bonnet outside of the house. Having not grown up in the black community, though, it all seems pretty odd to me. Looks like a hat, albeit an old-fashioned hat, to me.
What about some Renaissance fair styled cap? If it's just lining a hat with slippery fabric of your choice, I'd get a hat I liked that held all my hair and line it.
I'm thinking of the crocheted cotton tams every hippie shop sold from 84-2000.
I can answer from an immigrant perspective.
The goal for people of the older generations was assimilation. My great Aunt Channah became Hannah, and eventually, Anne.
Of course today, being ethnic is more in, either fashionable or at least tolerated.
So for the grandmother elders, it's still all about being American.
Another view, I have a dear friend from Hong Kong. When he started school the fall after the family arrived, a rep from the school paid the parents a visit. She told them to speak English to the kids so they would learn it.
No child in the family has an accent aside from the Bay Area accent.
If a school rep dared tell a family to speak English today, they'd be fired. A teacher can suggest, saying it helps the kids, but no "word from on high" like they got.
October 22nd, 2014, 03:49 PM
I want this satin lined hat for winter.
October 22nd, 2014, 04:52 PM
Ugh, when I got my first un-lined polyester satin cap (from silkycocoon), I wanted to wear it all the time. Sewed myself some satin snoods and wore them all summer when I was outside.
Now that I have an adorabellababy cap, I really REALLY want to wear it all the time...
Honestly to me, they just make me look like a food or healthcare worker. Not that that gives me the courage to wear them to lecture or anything.
A satin lined hat seems like a good compromise though.
October 22nd, 2014, 05:03 PM
I was in new york city over the weekend and saw a woman walk by wearing one of these bonnets. It made me think of this thread. I thought it was really cute :)
October 22nd, 2014, 06:11 PM
Those look super comfy. My problem is, I look TERRIBLE in hats. All hats I know for a fact I would look ridiculous in this hat, and I'm not sure there's a hat alternative that I could line with silk to suit, except maybe my winter hat I just finished knitting. It does sound amazing though.
October 23rd, 2014, 12:39 AM
I wish I could wear colourful african headscarves to work and around..and pull them off :P
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