View Full Version : Growing out to classic

October 17th, 2014, 02:28 AM
I'm joining the crusade to APL(and beyond!) from shoulder length. I started with my hair at about 1" after I got out of the Army and after a few false starts managed to stick it out through all the most annoying grow out stages. I still have a few layers around my face that have to be pinned but everything else finally fits into a ponytail. I'm about 3 inches past my shoulders with my longest hair section and right at my shoulders with the shortest layers. I have thick hair. It doesn't get really manageable and fun until it gets to about BSL. Really would like to get to classic length and probably won't go further. I work on cars. Even if I can keep my hair contained it picks up all sort of stuff from working around running engines.

I'm not good at any updos but I'll be really excited when I can put my hair up in a bun again.

October 17th, 2014, 03:04 AM
Welcome! :) And happy growing. :D

October 19th, 2014, 10:37 PM
Welcome! Please look for the threads specifically for thick hair and join the conversations!

October 19th, 2014, 11:28 PM
Hi Cathygo... Wow! Sounds like you're doing very well with getting your hair to grow. :) That's quite some achievement you've made there. How long have you been growing it now? I had my hair slightly longer than yours was for a period of around two years (then a mix of wanting longer hair for my brothers wedding, and not wanting the constant hairdresser appointments meant I started to grow it). I've not been near a hairdresser in over 3 years now I don't think...

October 21st, 2014, 11:38 PM
I've probably been growing it for about a year now. I had a period where I kept it in short somewhat bob length styles but they were such a PITA. Always had hair falling in my face and I couldn't do anything with it. My hair grows fast too which meant constant hair cuts. I will seriously celebrate the day I can get it all back into a bun clip again. I like those things where you slide your hair into it, roll it up, and then it snaps into a perfect bun. I always did spirals with them. :D

October 22nd, 2014, 05:40 AM
Welcome! ! My goal is classic as well. Enjoy the journey. Sometimes its fun sometimes it sucks and you'll want to cut it all. But don't it's a journey and in the long run its worth everything! :)

October 22nd, 2014, 11:17 AM
Oh don't I know it with the growing fast thing... When I was keeping hair at least fairly short, the hairdresser I went to was constantly exclaiming about how fast it had grown. I decided that it thought it was in a growing comp. At least it meant it moved through the early 'growing out' phases though!

Bun clips and being able to use them sounds great! :)