View Full Version : How do I achieve this heat free?

October 12th, 2014, 01:35 AM

I think this style is so cute! but I need a good curl method that will hold. It seems my hair doesnt hold curls well (this caused me to get a perm in the past and caused me to chop off my hair, hence my journey) I need some suggestions how to get this to 1. hold well in my hair as well as getting the style.

October 12th, 2014, 02:25 AM
Hi there, I'm pretty sure this is easy to do
I would wet your whole hair and scrunch it as it dries, twirl it round your fingers for curls or do some random sections on rags or foam rollers (with or without product - mousse or salt spray are popular mainstream favourites for this, I don't have much experience of alternative products)
I'd hairspray (albeit lightly) as you said your hair doesn't like to hold a curl.
Without being able to try it out on you I don't know how this will work on you, but good luck!
Often my hair holds a curl better on second or third day hair

October 12th, 2014, 04:08 PM
Very big, very loose, and I mean almost come undone loose braids over your entire head.