View Full Version : anyone measure from front instead of back?

September 15th, 2014, 12:14 PM
most of the time I see on here people who are wanting to achieve a certain length measure and take picures from the back and consider reaching their goal when it reaches the length when taking a picture from the back. Anyone on here going for a goal that measures that way from the front? I am! I've noticed lately that my hair looks wayyyyyyy longer from the back. It is definitely waist length from the back. But when I put my hair forward hanging from the front, which is how I wear my hair pretty much every, it is not quite waist length, its a few inches away. Crazy!

Like I said, I wear my hair in front (how else do you describe that? Like a mermaid? haha but I think you guys know what I mean) so for me I haven't reached my goal even though it hits at waist when I push it all to the back, because my "look" is my hair in front so I don't really care where it hits in the back :P Know what I mean? I know one culprit for this "phenomenon" is probably boobs, but I'm really not that big chested. hmmmmm. Anyways, so I am still a bit from my goal... to get technical I'm 2.5 inches away from my goal of waist/elbow length with my hair in front. I'm hoping to get there by Christmas, if not before, I'm really not sure how fast my hair grows but it's a pretty decent rate. Such trickery this is. I wish my hair was the same as the back... haha sounds so funny. Anyone else going for a length that hits there when in front and not the back, and are finding that it is indeed different? Does this post make any sense? lol

September 15th, 2014, 12:24 PM
oh, and to be clear I mean when all of my hair is brought to the front vs. all pushed to the back it hits differently, I don't mean that my hair is all sorts of different lengths lol

September 15th, 2014, 12:24 PM
I'm thinking that, for general purposes (around here, anyway), when you describe how long your hair is, you use the back measurement. Then every one knows how long your hair is! Your hair is waist length. But in private, if you want to feel that it doesn't really count as waist, so be it. It's your hair, and you're a grown up so you can call it whatever length you want:p.

September 15th, 2014, 12:33 PM
haha yes I shall keep that in mind that I describe it as waist length here, but even though I want it waist length I still haven't reached my goal! It doesn't hit the waist from the front, where I visually want it. I'm still a bit of a hair novice, but I really only noticed this strangeness of difference a couple months ago when I was looking in the mirror where my full length mirror reflects my vanity mirror and I can see from the back... and I was like holy crap, my hair is longgggg and thought for a second that my hair somehow reached where I wanted it to without me realizing it! haha. But then when brought to the front it still wasn't quite there. Then I stood there for a good 10 minutes twirling from front to back trying to figure out this mystery. Maybe everyone on here knew that already, but it was new to me!

September 15th, 2014, 01:05 PM
Yeah, pretty much what AmyBeth said. Having two measurement systems really is confusing.

September 15th, 2014, 01:18 PM
I think the reason that the back measurement system works a little better is because everyone's "bosom" area is a little different. Because of that, where one person would be waist length from the front, another person who might have a bigger bosom would have a different and shorter length. So for the sake of clarity, the back is just easier to visualise.

September 15th, 2014, 01:26 PM
I know this struggle. Mine is at that "can I call this hip?" Stage. But when pulled forward, which it also how I like to wear mine, it's a bit past waist. I'm about 2-3 inches away from hip. I think because of this, I want to change my hair goal. Hip is what I wanted, but now I'm wanting tailbone. I believe once it is at tailbone, it'll actually look like hip from the front. Which is what I want, so, yeah.

September 15th, 2014, 01:27 PM
oh, no you guys i'm talking about your own personal goals. Seems most people's goals are how their hair reaches from the back. And my goal is where it reaches from the front. Was just wondering if anyone else's goal was also based on where their hair hit in the front instead of the back. That's what my thread is about :)

September 15th, 2014, 01:30 PM
I know this struggle. Mine is at that "can I call this hip?" Stage. But when pulled forward, which it also how I like to wear mine, it's a bit past waist. I'm about 2-3 inches away from hip. I think because of this, I want to change my hair goal. Hip is what I wanted, but now I'm wanting tailbone. I believe once it is at tailbone, it'll actually look like hip from the front. Which is what I want, so, yeah.

ah! So I'm not alone :) I wonder what I would be going for in order for it to be waist in front? Probably in between waist and hip... hmmmm.

September 15th, 2014, 01:47 PM
Sounds like a "mini milestone (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=41971)" or "unconventional milestone (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=115121&highlight=milestone)" to me. Happy growing!

September 15th, 2014, 02:11 PM
Mine always seems to look way shorter from the front so I prefer to use the back measurement. Besides its one of the things I like about this forum! I hate having my picture taken coz I dislike how I look but I have no issues with the back of my head!

September 15th, 2014, 02:26 PM
I know what you mean. I understand why the back measurement is used but it's really hard to tell. Mine is nearly APL at the back but I can't see it and at the front it still has a couple of inches to go! It's frustrating. But yeah, there are threads for unconventional milestones and goals so I guess join that? I think I'll only think my hair is long when it is "mermaid" length and I can walk about braless without showing any boob so maybe I should join you in joining that thread!

September 15th, 2014, 02:30 PM
If I used how I wear my hair on a daily basis as a length measurement, it would have no length because it's all pinned up.

September 15th, 2014, 05:26 PM
Yes, I know what you mean. :)

I really want to grow my hair beyond classic (at which point I suspect front and back would be blended as I expect bum will be a significant bump like boobs), but before then my goal is to get most of my hair to belly button length, and then all of it down to hip at the front. When my hair is down, or even tied but down (like braids or a pony), I always put my hair in front so I want it to look even longer.

September 15th, 2014, 06:47 PM
My hair is waist in the back (maybe slightly past waist by now) and it's waaaay short of waist in the front! :p I have big boobs.

September 16th, 2014, 12:25 PM
Oh yes, the unconventional milestones. When you put it like that, I totally understand what you are feeling. I want my hair long in the front, too, even though I almost always wear it up. I was so happy when my hair hit waist in front! And I was blown away when my English braid hit hip length, too. I think I must go to the Unconventional Milestones thread and join in that discussion.:) So much forum, so little time.

September 16th, 2014, 12:43 PM
I get this! I like putting my hair in front the exact same way, I think it makes me look like I have a cool mane. My "unconventional/secondary milestone" is for my hair to cover my boobs nicely in the front haha, so since my primary goal used to be waist, I think now that I've added that secondary goal it has changed to hip or tailbone.

September 16th, 2014, 01:01 PM
I know what you mean. I understand why the back measurement is used but it's really hard to tell. Mine is nearly APL at the back but I can't see it and at the front it still has a couple of inches to go! It's frustrating. But yeah, there are threads for unconventional milestones and goals so I guess join that? I think I'll only think my hair is long when it is "mermaid" length and I can walk about braless without showing any boob so maybe I should join you in joining that thread!
I feel exactly the same way sky child! My husband was telling me the other day that my hair was a nice feminine length (he wasn't encouraging me to not grow any longer, but just letting me know it looked pretty) at APL. But, I don't feel like It will actually be considered "Long" until it's long enough to nicely cover my boobs lol. Right now it's frustrating because Whenever I do a side braid or try to put it to the side it's just trieds to flop back towards my back and won't stay over my shoulder. I think I'll be a lot happier once I'm able to pull it to one side and have it stay there.

September 16th, 2014, 02:41 PM
I can definitely understand this. Even though my hair is now solid waist (which was my original goal), I guess I won't really be happy until it looks like waist from the front as well. I think back measurements, although a lot more concise and practical, are sort of boring in that when even though I know my hair hits my waist when worn behind my shoulders, I can't really see it without doing some kind of double mirror manouvre, haha.