View Full Version : Color Safe Products

September 13th, 2014, 03:55 PM
I got my hair salon-dyed yesterday and am wondering what products are safe to use in my hair.

-Are products focused on color-care better than those that are just color-safe?
-Can I assume that most higher-end or all-natural hair products are color safe?
-Are there certain ingredients I should be looking for or avoiding?
-Are vinegar rinses good or bad for dyed hair?


September 13th, 2014, 04:07 PM
Products for color-treated hair tend to be somewhat more acidic, because damaged hair likes slightly more acidic environment and these products should slow down color fading.

A lot in the product selection process will depend on the color you got. Did you bleach hair? Did you get red hair dye or some brunette hair color?
Bleached hair suffers from brassiness, so acidic rinses (heavily diluted white vinegar or lemon juice) can help avoid mineral deposits that can change hair color a bit. Also, purple shampoo and conditioners are helpful.
There are special products for specifically color-treated redheads (red dye is notorious for fading fast) and brunettes, and I'd recommend looking for something specific to your hair color.

Also, hydrolyzed proteins are extremely useful for damaged hair - Aphogee 2 Step, Joiko K-pak... the list is very long. Look for products with protein in top 5-7 ingredients. Or you can do a DIY gelatin treatment.

Penetrating oils (coconut, olive, palm, avocado, etc) should be pretty helpful for elasticity and protecting hair but they can pull dye a bit.

Color-treated hair may benefit from silicones, 18-mea, ceramides, artificial peptides, and generally from rich conditioners/masks.

Also, color-treated hair needs to be protected from UV rays, so don't forget to wear a hat or use UV-protecting leave-in conditioners to slow down color fading in the sun.