View Full Version : Waist by april?

September 8th, 2014, 01:27 AM
Sorry if there is another thread like this.
Is there anyone else who is aiming for waist by April/May?
I need some encouragement and I've calculated I have 4" left to grow so about 8 months roughly without trims until my goal.
Looking forward to finally reaching my goal, it will be the longest my hair's ever been and I really need to start pampering it a little more.
So my aims are
-Use a mask once every 1-2 weeks
-Comb only
-Wear my hair up every day
-Oil my hair after washing
-Use a leave in conditioner
-S&D once a month/ when I find splits

September 8th, 2014, 07:45 AM
I'm in I have the same amount left to grow. I'm going to add monistat to my list and our list are about a like.

September 8th, 2014, 08:01 AM
Patience and good care; waist length will come. I avoid making these kinds of goals for my hair; it has its own time table.

September 8th, 2014, 08:02 AM
Yes yes, I'm joining! About 3.5"/4" left to go here. Considering the growth rate of the last few months, I should be able to make it by the end of February. Yet, I'm planning on trimming a little every now and then, because I have quite some damage left. So, I hope to have a nice, solid waist by May. There, I'll maintain in order to lose most of my awkward layers.

Anyway, my weaponry will be:
- Gentle combing with wide toothed wooden comb.
- Co-wash / low poo wash no more than twice a week.
- Wear hair up as much as possible.
- Add a little coconut oil here and there.
- Perhaps a little castor oil as well.
- Do inversion scalp massages when I feel like it.
- S&D in times of utter boredom.
- Henna every 2 months
- Obviously no blow drying and similar destruction.