View Full Version : Huge update, i cut from knee to shoulder!!!

September 6th, 2014, 11:22 PM
Ok so I have been trying to get up the nerve to post this. First of all this, for me, is a very happy update! Although I am sure I know some of yall will be disappointed lol!

I have been having alot of hair issues for maybe 6 months or so. I got to about knee length and then suddenly I just started not liking alot of aspects of having long hair. Dont get me wrong. Long hair is just absolutely beautiful, I love it on me and anyone else. But like I said it started to become a burden to me in some ways. So much time devoted to washing, conditioning, oiling, etc. So I cut to just above classic in July. I intially was happy with it, went thru a short period of regret/shock. But once I adjusted I knew I wanted to cut alot shorter. I was ready for a change in my hair. A big change. And I got it!

I will skip all the boring details, and just share the pics. I will say that I love it SO MUCH. I feel prettier, more confident, and just more happy when I look in the mirror. I hated looking in the mirror and seeing a big slicked back bun. It made me feel frumpy and not pretty. (I dont mean that as an insult to anyone wearing buns!! I just never could get the hang of braids, making pretty intricate buns, etc) Now when I look in the mirror I see my old self again. My pretty confident self!

I dont know what the future hold for my hair. I dont know if I will grow back out or not. My hair grows fast. But for now I am enjoying it and not focusing on length.

The before and after pics. I will show my longest length shot that was taken around june or so, and then my after pic! Feel free to be honest and share your thoughts and opinions!


https://i162.photobucket.com/albums/t266/tgearjammer/8289a78c-70ad-4c46-b143-38f27745f04f_zpsfeba2b3f.jpg (http://s162.photobucket.com/user/tgearjammer/media/8289a78c-70ad-4c46-b143-38f27745f04f_zpsfeba2b3f.jpg.html)

Wildcat Diva
September 6th, 2014, 11:26 PM
Your hair is beautiful! And I'm pleased that you are happy with the cut, what a big change. Do what makes you happy.

September 6th, 2014, 11:28 PM
Wow, you hair is so pretty! After such a long growing journey, I'm sure you've 'earned' (as if anyone needs to earn that right!) the right to do whatever you want to do with your hair. I'm happy you had the confidence to do what made you happy, and while I'm partial to your very long hair, your short hair is beautiful too. The best part about hair is that it grows, so you have plenty of time to do what you want with it!

September 6th, 2014, 11:28 PM
Another short hair buddy!! I had a big cut too :p your haircut looks nice!

September 6th, 2014, 11:29 PM
Your after shot is beautiful! I can see the joy in your face. I'm so happy you love your hair. I hope you always find this joy in your hair. It suits you well :flowers:

September 6th, 2014, 11:36 PM
Thank you everyone!! I do feel happy! When I took the after pic, I felt just so pretty and happy. Its a good feeling!

I of course we still be here, LHC is my hair home, wether its long or short!

September 6th, 2014, 11:39 PM
You look so happy in the last pic, who cares what anyone else thinks :D

Your shoulder lenght looks gorgeous BTW.

September 6th, 2014, 11:43 PM
Your hair looks wonderful in both pics! Sometimes you just need a change, and you look so happy! Well done, enjoy your new hair! :)

September 6th, 2014, 11:43 PM
Congrats on the cut!!Your long hair looks lovely but the short hair looks also lovely and it is super flattering and fun for your face! I suck at braiding too so whenever I have my (short!) hair in a bun I tend to feel a bit plain, I absolutely get what you mean by the frumpy comment.

You look very happy with your new hair and you shine, how great to see that! enjoy your new length, and all others (or new "shorts"!) that follow with the short hair territory.

But one question: what did you do with the enormous ponytail the hairdresser cut of? :) made an ornament or a keepsake from it, or just tossed it out?

September 6th, 2014, 11:43 PM
Your hair is so pretty! I'm glad you're happy with your cut, it looks great.

September 6th, 2014, 11:43 PM
I agree, the new cut suits you so well! You look so happy and have a beautiful smile! :flower:

September 6th, 2014, 11:44 PM
Should we call you "shorthairedlady" now? :) I'm glad you're happy with it! Yes, please tell us what you did with the cut hair!

September 6th, 2014, 11:45 PM
Good for you! Short hair is a lot of fun too! You are so brave for doing such a big chop and you look really refreshed. I don't like that slicked back bun look either which is why I cut in bangs to frame my face and will maintain these bangs as long as I have long hair. Our hair shouldn't hold us back from being our best self. You made a great decision (and actually did it!) and I'm so glad you are much happier!

September 6th, 2014, 11:52 PM
You look gorgeous, and shoulder length suits you so well! Congrats on the cut! :)

September 6th, 2014, 11:57 PM
Oh, it looks great longhairedlady! :applause And you can tell from the picture that you really love it! I'm so glad you got over the regret of the initial cut and are happy with your shorter hair! :happydance:

I remember when I cut mine short (it was waist-ish at the time) and I loved it too! When you're ready for that change it's a lot of fun, very refreshing and new. :D

September 7th, 2014, 12:00 AM
Life is about change and it takes courage and hope to make a big change... So, good for you! I'm happy to hear that you decided to do this and put the thought into it as well as the fact that you love it. That's an amazing feeling :-)

September 7th, 2014, 12:07 AM
Your hair is beautiful at any length, but the mischievous happy smile you've got in the after shot is even more so! Glad you're happy with your cut and new lease on life. :)

September 7th, 2014, 12:08 AM
Good for you! :thumbsup: Your hair looks great in both pics but sometimes you just gotta chop. I cut from tbl+ to shoulder and loved it. Now I'm growing back but that's good thing about hair. It grows back. And then I can chop again :disco:

hanne jensen
September 7th, 2014, 12:36 AM
You look so happy in your after pic. No matter what the length, hair should make one happy.

September 7th, 2014, 01:44 AM
You look beautiful and happy, longhairedlady, and that's just the way it should be. Enjoy your new short hair, and if you ever want to grow it out again, you'll have proof that you can do it! :)

September 7th, 2014, 02:22 AM
Congrats for your big (and happy) change! :D

Our hair shouldn't hold us back from being our best self.
Totally agree. I can also relate to feeling frumpy with hair pulled back, that's why I mostly just wear my hair up around the house to keep it out of the way, and mostly down elsewhere :) Otherwise I wouldn't really enjoy my hair...

September 7th, 2014, 02:23 AM
You look so happy and the cut looks great on you! :)

I too am wondering what you did with the ponytail..you could probably make something pretty cool out of it.

September 7th, 2014, 03:10 AM
Looks great! Do what makes you happy indeed, it should not be a burden, it should be FUN!

September 7th, 2014, 03:47 AM
Your new cut is absolutely gorgeous. It looks so bouncy, full and youthful.
I am in love with it. It looks perfect on you.

September 7th, 2014, 04:01 AM
Hair should make us happy - how brave of you to go towards that!

Your new length looks so beautiful and seems like so much fun!

Enjoy it, it's absolutely wonderful!

September 7th, 2014, 04:13 AM
I don't post much, but your new haircut is amazing! You look very pretty!

September 7th, 2014, 04:20 AM
Your hair looked amazingly long thick and healthy before, but you're hair is there for YOU not OUR enjoyment. So congrats, I'm so happy how elated you are with your new hairdo! :)
eta- your new cut is extremely really flattering too and you can see the confidence in your face as well, and that's what's important! It looks great!

September 7th, 2014, 04:24 AM
I must admit I was quite shocked when I saw those pictures because I never thought you'd do this (considering your regret the previous time you cut). But shoulder length suits you! And you look very happy as well! So congrats with the big change! :blossom:

September 7th, 2014, 04:29 AM
Congratulations on your new hair cut, it looks wonderful and really compliments your face and bone structure. You look so happy and radiant! When I saw the post hair cut picture, I immediately thought of Renee Zellweger :)

September 7th, 2014, 04:44 AM
I love it! I've always been a big fan of shoulder length hair.

September 7th, 2014, 05:04 AM
Wow!!!! What a change! I'm pretty stunned.... I remember when you posted the last cut and even then I was shocked so you can imagine my jaw dropping all the way to the floor :O The new cut looks obviously great on you and you certainly look very happy. Best of wishes for the future!

September 7th, 2014, 05:13 AM
Look at that smiiiile :) Well you can say you've grown to knee, that's an awesome achievement! And you decided it wasn't for you, so what? You do whatever keeps that beautiful face smiling :) Looks lovely and must be a great weight off your shoulders (too punny?)

September 7th, 2014, 05:17 AM
Aww, it looks really nice. Life's too short to carry around an achievement that's become a burden to you. And you know that if you change your mind and decide to grow it back, it will also look good longer.

There are a couple of other people here that have had very long hair that everyone here thudded over, decided it's too much & then chopped to their favourite length. I respect that a lot.

September 7th, 2014, 05:20 AM
You regretted it so much, but then there were some bad comments on Facebook I believe? Did they have anything to do with the decision, perhaps? :flower: I hope not. It looks pretty, and I hope you enjoy it!

September 7th, 2014, 05:33 AM
Your hair was amazing. I am sorry you got fed up with it. I always feel a great disappointment when someone has very long hair and does this because this kind of length is something I am never ever going to achieve. Most people have shoulder length hair, but like someone else previously mentioned it's your hair and you can do whatever you wish and what makes you happy. I just wish you could've given me the length instead! :)

September 7th, 2014, 06:04 AM
Your hair looks great and I hope you enjoy it.

September 7th, 2014, 06:33 AM
I love your haircut! Sometimes you just need to shake things up, ya know! Cutting all that off must have felt so liberating. Let's face it, long hair is a real pain in the butt sometimes. You are so pretty and look so happy in your fresh new hair picture! I intend to cut back to that length eventually myself. I miss the feel of a fresh haircut sometimes.

September 7th, 2014, 06:42 AM
I'm glad you're happy :) Shoulder length looks amazing as well! :D

September 7th, 2014, 06:48 AM
The shoulder length looks great on you! I knee length hair was beautiful. And like others have said you could always grow it back if you ever wanted. And you do look very happy with your new do. Your hair should make you happy. It's good to be happy :)

September 7th, 2014, 07:04 AM
I love your new hair! Its so bouncy!! Enjoy your new length :):cheese:

September 7th, 2014, 07:07 AM
Wow, what a huge change! Knee was gorgeous, but shoulder is as well! You also look very happy now that the length is a bit more manageable.

And just think... You must have the healthiest shoulder length hair around!

September 7th, 2014, 07:11 AM
Angela_Rose said exactly what I was thinking -- that your hair is the healthiest head of hair around, no doubt! Very nice. Congratulations! It looks terrific!

September 7th, 2014, 07:28 AM
You look very pretty, and so happy. Enjoy your new look!

September 7th, 2014, 08:17 AM
You look beautiful and happy in your after picture. You are radiant. Enjoy:)

September 7th, 2014, 08:18 AM
Your hair is gorgeous! It was gorgeous long, and it is gorgeous short. I am glad you are happy with your hair now. Thats what matters. Whats the use in having long hair if you don't enjoy it? And the new cut suits you very well:)

September 7th, 2014, 09:41 AM
Nice change! I often wish that hair grew much faster so that I could go from short to long again i a year or 2 rather than a decade. I was admiring much shorter hair a few days ago.

September 7th, 2014, 10:24 AM
There are not a lot of people who would expect a website based on growing hair to be so kind and sincere in praising someone for cutting off such an amount of hair. That is why you ladies, and gentlemen, are so wonderful! I have never seen such encouragement from such a large group of people, regardless of the situation.

That being said...girl, your haircut looks AWESOME! And I agree with everyone else that you look so happy!

September 7th, 2014, 10:54 AM
Both pictures look great! I'm glad you're so happy with your new cut! :thumbsup: Hair should be enjoyed, not a burden or chore.

September 7th, 2014, 11:18 AM
Holy crumbs! That's a major change! I'm glad you like your hair, it's lovely!

September 7th, 2014, 11:18 AM
You look beautiful and I can see in your smile how happy you are! That's what's important. :)

September 7th, 2014, 12:07 PM
Thank you everyone for each of your lovely sweet encouraging comments! That is why I love LHC so much, it is always supportive of everyones hair goals and changes!

My BFF actually cut it for me, and she has NEVER cut long hair before. Just crew cuts for her hubby and trimmed the hem line on her daughters hair. She did a few long layers and then some long swoop bangs that are past chin length. She gave me excatly what I wanted and did it better than any salon cut I have ever gotten. The next day I in return gave her blond highlights and they also look fabulous on her!

I am so very happy with my hair. It takes no time at all to wash and condition now. I have my loose curl/wave back! Like I said I dont know what the future plans for my hair will be. Right now I am loving it very much and feel so pretty again. More than likely I will grow it out again lol. I gotta at least grow it out before it goes grey, because I always wanted long silver hair! So my long hair will return. :D

And I didnt save the pony tail. I have done that before and this time I was afraid of keeping it and it start making me have regrets. So in the trash it went! But it was HUGE lol.

I hope that every is happy with their hair! I agree that our hair should make us happy! If you are not happy then assess what it is about your hair that is bothering you and think on things for a while before making a big jump. This isnt something I did spontaneously. I put alot of thought into and am so glad I did it.

But I must admit, I love looking at my (almost) knee length pic. I feel very accomplished with that. Growing my hair was something I could control when certain issues in my life were very out of control. I have let go of alot of things in my life and to me cutting my hair was a little symbolic of moving forward.

New hair, new me! :D

Thank yall so much for the love. I hope you all achieve your hair dreams and are ALWAYS happy with your hair, no matter what length goal you have! :blossom:

September 7th, 2014, 12:38 PM
Your happiness is the only thing that matters. It shows in your face. 😊

September 7th, 2014, 03:05 PM
Congratulations on the big change longhaired lady. Your happiness just radiates, and it's a lovely new hair cut. Enjoy your new length and onwards and upwards. A new beginning....And you can grow it long again any time you want to.

Philosophically for me the LHC is about truly accepting your hair, and about being hair being something that makes you happy . Not just growing hair or reaching goal lengths. I really enjoyed seeing photos of the great length & condition and now of the new shoulder length & great condition. Keep smiling (-:

September 7th, 2014, 03:11 PM
I understand where you're coming from. Although I love my hair long, having to wear it up all the time is sometimes not so fun; and I often look at those with shorter hair they can easily wash/style or wear down whenever they want, with a little envy.
Your hair looks great!

September 7th, 2014, 05:44 PM
Congratulations on you hair cut, longhairedlady! As long as you are happy, nothing else matters! Enjoy!

September 9th, 2014, 07:51 PM
Although I love long hair
YOU are NOW just as cute as a button
AND as free as a bird!
B-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l!!! :)

September 9th, 2014, 07:53 PM
:thud: I must say, I also did not see this coming after you post about your previous cut!! But wow, gorgeous hair at any length! Congratulations and I'm very glad you're happy with your decision!

September 9th, 2014, 11:38 PM
Congratulations!!! YOu look gorgeous and so happy from within!!!!! I think it takes a lot of courage and a bit of madness to do what you did and I admire you alot for this! It was for sure a risky decision but it turned out to be so right for you!!!!!!

I totally understand about hair being one thing to have control over..... I am the same way, and I grow it now out of stubbornness, haha, because my MIL keeps telling me it's ridiculous to be 40 with so long hair :) but I control my hair, not someone else!!! and it makes me happy to defy a little the norms ( in my family)

September 10th, 2014, 12:01 AM
:agape::thud: Oh my gosh! I am so happy for you! Your hair looks gorgeous either way, and so do you! Seriously, I wish I looked that good with shoulder length hair. So, rock your new hair that you love, and enjoy it! Long or short hair, we'll still :heart: you, LHL. :D

September 10th, 2014, 12:08 AM
Hi that's exactly what I'm planing on doing.. but its going to take five years because I promised my self to grow out long hair and chop it of all at once.. :)

how long have you had long hair?

September 10th, 2014, 01:07 AM
Oh I love your new cut!

September 10th, 2014, 05:10 AM
I really love the way your eyes sparkle in the second pic. Although your hair looked so long and beautiful in the first picture, nothing is prettier than a happy, confident woman :)

I must admit though, i cried a little inside when i read the title *sniffsniff*

ETA: I just read you threw away the ponytail, i wonder why didn't you sell it? or maybe donate it (to a trustworthy charity perhaps)?

September 10th, 2014, 05:13 AM
You look so happy and relaxed after your cut! Defo right decision! :D

September 10th, 2014, 06:33 AM
Wow, thats quite a change, what a brave thing to do!
Its a very cute cut, but most of all I like how happy you look in the second picture :) Enjoy your new hairdo!

September 10th, 2014, 05:31 PM
You look so happy in the cut pic! Have fun with your new hairstyle!

September 14th, 2014, 06:19 AM
Thank you everyone! I am still so in love with my cut! I am pretty sure I am in the clear, as far as regret goes. I would have lost my crap by now if I was going to freak. But so far, I love it so much! I feel prettier and more confident with my appearance. I think I just needed a big change from all the hair.

I hope everyone achieves their hair dreams, and is always happy with their hair. And NEVER be afraid to make a change if it makes you happy! Just be sure to think about it good and long before you make a big change.

September 14th, 2014, 09:20 AM
Thank you everyone! I am still so in love with my cut! I am pretty sure I am in the clear, as far as regret goes. I would have lost my crap by now if I was going to freak. But so far, I love it so much! I feel prettier and more confident with my appearance. I think I just needed a big change from all the hair.

I hope everyone achieves their hair dreams, and is always happy with their hair. And NEVER be afraid to make a change if it makes you happy! Just be sure to think about it good and long before you make a big change.

I'm glad to hear you still like it. We all like a change, once in a while. I am nearing TBL (a finger's width to a few finger's widths off) and I can totally understand the feeling. The longer it gets for me, the more I'm thinking about a nice short(er) cut. To me it's not more practical, so I keep the hair. :)

September 14th, 2014, 09:56 AM
Your pic is beautiful! Being happy with your hair is always the best way to go! :)

September 15th, 2014, 07:57 AM
It looks like it was time to change! You did a great job.
Your hair looked stunning while long, but you said it became a burden, and a burden must be taken off, no matter how pretty it looks.
I think that hair, as every other aspect of the look of a person, must be a reflection of yourself and must make you feel confident.

Lady Katherine
September 18th, 2014, 05:34 PM
I love your new cut! You look so happy in the 2nd pic!

September 21st, 2014, 10:26 AM
Hair always grow... so I always believe do what you enjoy best at present :)

Love your new haircut.

September 23rd, 2014, 07:13 AM
This is an encouragement for me, actually. My hair is rather lengthy and I need a change. I'm thinking of trying it at waist-length. To hear you talk about regret, withdrawl and then happiness gives me some courage.....

September 23rd, 2014, 02:12 PM
Awesome! I did the same exact thing! And totally ditto on the feeling frumped out slick bun.

You look great & I'm glad you're happy too!

September 23rd, 2014, 02:22 PM
Love your new cut. Thinking once my hair reaches a longer length, I'll be tempted to cut it back to shoulder. Just want to get it to waist length first.

November 4th, 2014, 02:39 AM
Thank you everyone for the comments, and I hope that I am a help to those of you that are considering a change!

A little update! I know I am awful for not posting any pics, but I will soon! As you can see my big cut had layers, which I LOVED! my hair is wavy when its short and that really brings it out. But.......I want a change lol! I just cut most of the bottom layers off. I dont know if this is me slipping back into regrowing it or what. But as I sit here watching star wars II, I cant help but ooooohhhh and awwwwww over her long intricate long hair..... SO maybe I will be back to growing it out?

I love how easy it is to take care of. I love how simple it is to wash. I do miss the uniqueness of my long hair. But for now that is all I miss.

I see alot of short (shorter than my length now) that I would love to have. but I would have to flat iron it to make it look right. That just isnt gonna happen lol.

I dont know.........I think maybe I am on the fence with growing it back out. I just need to talk it out with like minded peeps!!!

I am loving how easy it is though!. But this I promise. When I do decide to grow it back out, no more frumpy ugly bun. I will cut some fringe, maybe color the fringe.... I dont know. But I just cant go back to the frump look lol!

November 4th, 2014, 04:54 AM
I just cut a few inches off recently and I'm loving it! Also debating on going shorter. Even just a few inches made it so much less of a mass to deal with. The long-long hair seemed to be dragging me down and just was droopy. Shorter is springier and more energetic, somehow.

November 4th, 2014, 05:11 AM
I'm glad you still like it, longhairedlady!

November 4th, 2014, 05:34 AM
I liked my short hair (pixie) too! One of the nice things about keeping it short is that damage isn't an issue. You can straighten it sometimes, or color it, and all of the damage gets trimmed off in a few weeks. I "abused" the dickens out of my pixie, and it never looked damaged. Probably because I got a haircut every 6 weeks! lol!

Enjoy your new hair! Hair is for fun. Wear what you like and rock it! :rockerdud

November 4th, 2014, 07:32 AM
Wow, what a cut! If you are happy with it, that's all that matters! And it seems you are happy, and your hair looks beautiful in both pictures! So well done for going with what you feel is right for you!

November 4th, 2014, 09:32 AM
Thank you everyone for the comments, and I hope that I am a help to those of you that are considering a change!

A little update! I know I am awful for not posting any pics, but I will soon! As you can see my big cut had layers, which I LOVED! my hair is wavy when its short and that really brings it out. But.......I want a change lol! I just cut most of the bottom layers off. I dont know if this is me slipping back into regrowing it or what. But as I sit here watching star wars II, I cant help but ooooohhhh and awwwwww over her long intricate long hair..... SO maybe I will be back to growing it out?

I love how easy it is to take care of. I love how simple it is to wash. I do miss the uniqueness of my long hair. But for now that is all I miss.

I see alot of short (shorter than my length now) that I would love to have. but I would have to flat iron it to make it look right. That just isnt gonna happen lol.

I dont know.........I think maybe I am on the fence with growing it back out. I just need to talk it out with like minded peeps!!!

I am loving how easy it is though!. But this I promise. When I do decide to grow it back out, no more frumpy ugly bun. I will cut some fringe, maybe color the fringe.... I dont know. But I just cant go back to the frump look lol!

Oh I so know what you mean by the frumpy look!!!!! I never bun my hair, and I never will! I would rather have a bit shorter hair and be able to wear it down than have it up all the time. No offense for people who do! It is just really really don't like it. You look so happy with it cut!:) I think if you want longer hair again, maybe don't grow until its a burden.. waist maybe? Or bsl?

November 4th, 2014, 09:33 AM
Thank you everyone for the comments, and I hope that I am a help to those of you that are considering a change!

A little update! I know I am awful for not posting any pics, but I will soon! As you can see my big cut had layers, which I LOVED! my hair is wavy when its short and that really brings it out. But.......I want a change lol! I just cut most of the bottom layers off. I dont know if this is me slipping back into regrowing it or what. But as I sit here watching star wars II, I cant help but ooooohhhh and awwwwww over her long intricate long hair..... SO maybe I will be back to growing it out?

I love how easy it is to take care of. I love how simple it is to wash. I do miss the uniqueness of my long hair. But for now that is all I miss.

I see alot of short (shorter than my length now) that I would love to have. but I would have to flat iron it to make it look right. That just isnt gonna happen lol.

I dont know.........I think maybe I am on the fence with growing it back out. I just need to talk it out with like minded peeps!!!

I am loving how easy it is though!. But this I promise. When I do decide to grow it back out, no more frumpy ugly bun. I will cut some fringe, maybe color the fringe.... I dont know. But I just cant go back to the frump look lol!

Oh I so know what you mean by the frumpy look!!!!! I never bun my hair, and I never will! I would rather have a bit shorter hair and be able to wear it down than have it up all the time. No offense for people who do! It is just really really don't like it. You look so happy with it cut!:) I think if you want longer hair again, maybe don't grow until its a burden.. waist maybe? Or bsl?

November 5th, 2014, 12:27 PM
You simply have beautiful hair so being shorter hasn't changed that and the cut really suits you. I'd only suggest you enjoy the heck out of the shorter length, as it sounds as if you may well be growing it back at some point. :)

Like many longhairs, my love of long hair doesn't stop me also liking shorter lengths. I had a pixie for years which I thoroughly enjoyed.


November 5th, 2014, 12:56 PM
Hey hey! I'm glad you are in love with you new cut, it suits you very well, just as the before picture was beautiful but in a different way.
I wanted to cute earlier this year, before i got very active on lhc, but i felt it was not the right time yet and wanted to go to at least classic before i make any drastic changes.
About the bun situation, i'm feelin ya! Haha, it makes me feel boring alot of times, even tho it looks nice and allows more playfulness when it comes to makeup, i miss an effortless down hair day ever so often.

Did you keep your hair as a memory? i'm sure it is a lovely long braid.

November 6th, 2014, 04:05 AM
When you are enjoying your short hair, embrace it : )

I had various shorthairstyles for a couple of years:
graduation bob, asymmetrical bob and pixie and I loved them all.

November 6th, 2014, 06:44 AM
So like I said earlier, I trimmed a little to lose some bottom layers. Not a huge difference. My hair is below shoulder length in the front, in the back its longer, maybe armpit or so? My fringe that was just below chin length is now way past that as you can see in the pics. Im kinda excited about growing it back out. I dont know what length I will go to, but for now waist is my goal! I will get some better length shots soon from the back.

Oh and see some of my curl in my hair?! It doesnt last long the longer it gets so I am enjoying it for now. The longer it gets the more it turns into a slight wave.



November 6th, 2014, 07:33 AM
LHL, that haircut is gorgeous! You're making me want APL again :applause

November 6th, 2014, 07:42 AM
Enjoy the shorter length. Hope you don't get tired of it soon, because that would be a shame! :)

November 6th, 2014, 06:58 PM
kganihanova, I love this length too! So easy to care for and the style just makes itself. This is hair honeymoon lol!

lapushka, lol well im not tired of it, my hair grows really fast and I am enjoying the aspects of shorter hair again. But thanks for worrying about it.

Nothing is permanent and everything changes. I needed this change and trust me it was not made lightly. I put a lot of thought into it over a long period of time. and I dont regret it one bit!

I am going to be growing it back out. But I love doing so, and look forward to seeing it grow again, taking more care of it than I did of my previous length and see how my hair likes it.

Having had knee length hair, I can tell you all that I am in no hurry AT ALL to gain length lol. Its a burden the longer it gets!

November 6th, 2014, 08:55 PM
No matter which length, you have beautiful hair. I am not a good "bunner" either, so I get what you mean. Have fun and enjoy your new look!

November 6th, 2014, 09:19 PM
You look gorgeous!

November 6th, 2014, 09:28 PM
It looks wonderful. You can have fun with playing around with different styles that you can't do with knee length! You look positively radiant. :) Have fun with your hair and you know for certain that you can gain length if you want to regrow.

November 6th, 2014, 10:47 PM
I'm glad you are happy about the big chop! I cut my classic + length hair in chunks until I finally cut it shoulder length, and I'm thinking about growing it out again, too. It just stopped being fun, and I didn't feel pretty anymore, and it felt like Yet Another Damn Thing I Had To Take Care Of- not fun for me at all. I totally get why you cut it, and it looks really fantastic at the new length!

That said, I'm thinking of growing to knee and your old pic is going to be my inspiration- it looked great, and I rock the Mean Bun Lady look.

I'm glad you are happy with it!

November 7th, 2014, 05:09 PM
Having had knee length hair, I can tell you all that I am in no hurry AT ALL to gain length lol. Its a burden the longer it gets!

Wish I had a meme that said, "You serious?" Honestly, I'm "only" TBL right now, but I find it a lot easier to deal with than shoulder was to me. But it's different for everyone, I guess. :D

November 8th, 2014, 12:08 PM
Wow, that's a big change... But as long as you like it and are happy with it, that's all that matters :)
Your hair looks amazing when long, and very cute when short, the new cut really suits you - I guess what I'm trying to say is that you'll look great no matter what length you choose to have :)

November 8th, 2014, 12:27 PM
Short hair suits you! :D If you are happy with it, that is all that matters. For me, personally, I think I look horrible with hair that length.. it either has to be a pixie or LONG. But whatever works best for you! :D :disco:

November 8th, 2014, 03:23 PM
wow! that took a lot of courage! it looks awesome either way. Thanks for shareing.