View Full Version : Trimming layers....

September 22nd, 2008, 07:39 PM
I am in frown town because my layers are so ridiculous. It's like I'm going back in time to two years ago when it looked like I had an angry blonde badger on my head. :mad:
I have been self-trimming the longest layers, but would Feye's method work if I wanted to clean up the shorter layers a bit?
Has anyone done this? I am trying to grow them out, but the shortest layers seem to be breaking and thinning.
Should I leave them alone? Self trim? I don't really want to go to the hairdresser because no matter how specific I am, she trims off a lot more than I want.
Any suggestions would be awesome.

September 22nd, 2008, 07:52 PM
I trimmed layers (when I had them) like this. Bend forward, make a ponytail on top of your head, slide the pony-holder toward the floor. It will make the ends of your layers fan out, and you can snip very sparingly, just enough to get the most obvious damage.

September 22nd, 2008, 09:15 PM
I'm going to go try this! Thanks Spidermom

September 23rd, 2008, 09:04 AM
I do mine by tipping my head on one side and scooping all my hair over the top. Then you can pick up the layers and use Feye's method to trim them.

Spidermom's method doesn't work for me because I just have so many layers :(

July 30th, 2014, 08:13 AM
I know this thread is old but I wanted to see how you handled this delima. Your hair in the 2010 picture is absolutley gorgeous & pretty dang layer free!! I am having the same problem & I have been advised to use the compact cut method. I was thinking that I might seperate my longest layer from the rest of my hair & secure it out of the way, compact cut / dust the layers (ponytail on top of head), then do feye's method for the longest layer & take like 1/4 off the bottom. my bottom layer is looking thin & I call it my duck tail ... super annoying!!

July 30th, 2014, 08:33 AM
that sounds smart.. :o

i use to do the thing with the ponytail, like spidermom said, works pretty well for me...