View Full Version : Unhappy scalp

August 30th, 2014, 04:35 PM
I had a bleach disaster a few years back that seemingly destroyed my scalp. It burnt my hair off to a pixie and burnt the skin on my scalp.

Still, almost 5 years later, my scalp is not in good condition. Ever since the accident I have small sores on my scalp. All I have to do is comb or brush wrong and a bristle will have me bleeding.

I also had a few bad sunburns on my scalp when I was a little girl. The skin peeled off several times.

Besides the sores, I also frequently will have small zits and whiteheads along my scalp.

What can help?

I used to use paul mitchell tea tree shampoo but it did nothing.

I'm probably going to try the inversion method for hair growth (figure a scalp massage in my routine can't hurt) - would it be useful to add a few drops of tea tree oil to my massage oil (pumpkin seed oil). I use the tea tree often on the random zit that pops up on my face and it works wonders!

August 30th, 2014, 04:57 PM
Go to the doctor! You might need a specially prescribed lotion for your scalp or even a special shampoo. It's odd that after 5 years this still bothers you, and it might be totally unrelated to the bleach incident.

August 30th, 2014, 05:07 PM
I agree that a visit to the doctor is in order to determine just what the problem is. But it sounds to me like your scalp might be scarred from the sunburn and bleach.

This thread might be interesting to you: http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=125636

August 30th, 2014, 05:56 PM
Doctor visit is in order here. I think some sort of medicated shampoo or anti fungal cream...

August 30th, 2014, 06:00 PM
thanks for the replies everyone

luckily, I'm already headed to the doctor next week due to a torn ligament, so I will bring that up while I'm there!

In the meantime I will try out some honey. I already use some in my ACV rinse and my hair seems to like it

August 30th, 2014, 06:05 PM
thanks for the replies everyone

luckily, I'm already headed to the doctor next week due to a torn ligament, so I will bring that up while I'm there!

In the meantime I will try out some honey. I already use some in my ACV rinse and my hair seems to like it

I wouldn't mess with it until you go see the doctor, so s/he can see the sores in their original state.

August 30th, 2014, 06:24 PM
Honestly, I can't recommend anything other than a visit to a doctor!
I can't believe you waited for 5 years! :(

If anybody experiences something as extreme, guys, please don't wait! :flower: Go see a doctor. Scalp health is critical for hair growth.

August 30th, 2014, 11:54 PM
I had the same thing happen to my scalp after my dad made me get a perm as a kid. Burnt scalp and a super sensitive, bleeding scalp until mid-way through college.

What helped the most was to be gentle to my scalp. No more harsh shampoos, no more heavy chemicals near my scalp. If I wouldn't use it to watch my skin or face, then I wouldn't use it on my scalp. My scalp finally recovered in my mid to late 20s...but I still have a very sensitive scalp that lets me know if it doesn't like a particular product or hair tool.

I've never had a sunburn though, so I don't know how that complicates matters.

So yes, do get checked out by the MD in case something more typical is going on. Good luck!