View Full Version : "...hair's energy to the brain"?

August 12th, 2014, 08:45 PM
Evidently, the right comb (https://www.etsy.com/listing/184412122/whole-natural-goat-horn-comb?ref=sr_gallery_15&ga_search_query=horn+comb+&ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery) can cure all your ills...

1. Wood does not create static electricity, which causes a loss of the hair’s energy to the brain.

2. If you comb your hair and scalp front to back, back to front, and then to the right and left several times, it will refresh you, no matter how long your hair is. All the tiredness of your day will be gone.

3. For women, it is said that using this technique to comb your hair twice a day can help maintain youth, a healthy menstrual cycle, and good eyesight.
4. Wooden bristles gently massage the scalp and move natural oils through the hair. This aids in blood circulation, excess sebum absorption and the removal hair impurities.

5. Massaging the scalp helps promote hair growth and stimulate acupressure points.

6. When exposed to a blow dryer, the brush stays cool because wood does not conduct heat. When hair is wet the wooden bristles glide easily through the tangles.

7. Some wooden brushes and combs are naturally hypoallergenic

August 12th, 2014, 08:54 PM
He-he! :lol:

My favorite is this one:
"For women, it is said that using this technique to comb your hair twice a day can help maintain youth, a healthy menstrual cycle, and good eyesight." :lol:
Who would have thought that the right comb can put doctors out of business! :lol:

August 12th, 2014, 08:58 PM
2. If you comb your hair and scalp front to back, back to front, and then to the right and left several times, it will refresh you, no matter how long your hair is. All the tiredness of your day will be gone.

Given how long it takes to get my hair to change direction, this would not be refreshing. :rolling: Frustrating and sweaty, yes. :D

Looks like quite a nice comb though, actually. :)

August 12th, 2014, 09:01 PM
6. When exposed to a blow dryer, the brush stays cool because wood does not conduct heat...


But seriously? Who is in charge of their marketing?

August 12th, 2014, 10:57 PM
Wow, that sounds so familiar... could it be that the first three are almost completely copied from this (http://www.abzu2.com/2014/02/17/the-spiritual-nature-of-hair/) article? We've seen this thing before. I think someone knows how to copy and paste! The combs are pretty, but I favor Sierra Legacy combs.

ETA: Oh, wait, I found the entire list word-for-word on this (http://www.sikh24.com/2014/06/17/7-reasons-why-you-should-use-a-wooden-comb/#.U-rvsMIg9eU) website.

August 13th, 2014, 12:27 PM
Wow, that sounds so familiar... could it be that the first three are almost completely copied from this (http://www.abzu2.com/2014/02/17/the-spiritual-nature-of-hair/) article? We've seen this thing before. I think someone knows how to copy and paste! The combs are pretty, but I favor Sierra Legacy combs.

ETA: Oh, wait, I found the entire list word-for-word on this (http://www.sikh24.com/2014/06/17/7-reasons-why-you-should-use-a-wooden-comb/#.U-rvsMIg9eU) website.

That's really interesting. I didn't know that Sikh's wore a wooden comb under their turbans.

My favorite from the first article you quoted:
In addition, hairs are the antennas that gather and channel the sun energy or prana to the frontal lobes, the part of the brain you use for meditation and visualization. These antennas act as conduits to bring you greater quantities of subtle, cosmic energy. It takes approximately three years from the last time your hair was cut for new antennas to form at the tips of the hair.

Since I trim my hair pretty regularly to maintain waist-length, I guess I have no antennas. :(

August 13th, 2014, 12:35 PM
I trim my hemline, but there are always more hairs trying to catch up and it certainly takes them more than three years to reach my knees. By their logic I totally have like four foot long antennae! (Or something like that, I can't really measure my own hair anymore, heh)

Yep four-foot long cosmic, multi-coloured antennae. Oh and she should probably be sparkly for good measure! I feel like I should be wearing more tie-dye to match...

August 13th, 2014, 09:10 PM
I trim my hemline, but there are always more hairs trying to catch up and it certainly takes them more than three years to reach my knees. By their logic I totally have like four foot long antennae! (Or something like that, I can't really measure my own hair anymore, heh)

Yep four-foot long cosmic, multi-coloured antennae. Oh and she should probably be sparkly for good measure! I feel like I should be wearing more tie-dye to match...
Hehe... Now the tinfoil hats make perfect sense to me! "They" really can listen into our thoughts via the antennas on our heads!

August 13th, 2014, 09:13 PM
Hehe... Now the tinfoil hats make perfect sense to me! "They" really can listen into our thoughts via the antennas on our heads!

Wait, does that mean I need to make sure and make the antennae part of the tinfoil hat too? I mean, I wouldn't want to squish the poor dears...



August 14th, 2014, 05:26 AM
who makes this bs up??

August 14th, 2014, 07:08 AM
Wait, does that mean I need to make sure and make the antennae part of the tinfoil hat too? I mean, I wouldn't want to squish the poor dears...


Absolutely! If you don't cover them, your tinfoil hat won't hide your thoughts from THEM!

August 14th, 2014, 07:12 AM
"1. Wood does not create static electricity, which causes a loss of the hair’s energy to the brain."


Wait, so if you're creating static when you comb, your brain becomes parasitic on your hair? :rollin:

Sort of the opposite from what they used to tell me when I was 12 and had classic length hair: "You're so pale because your body is putting all its energy into your hair. You should cut it." (Because chopping the length would totally have stopped it from growing at the roots, right?)

August 14th, 2014, 09:10 AM
who makes this bs up??

I would like to point out that the site this etsy page was lifted off of was talking about Kanga(sp?), the religious combs used in the Sikh faith. As a disclaimer, I am not Sikh, so take this with a grain of salt, but hair is a significant part of the body to them, and it is not cut. Men (and some women) wear it protected under a turban, and the Kanga is one of 5(?) religious items that a Sikh must wear or carry with them. Though it may sound humorous, I would ask for a little respect for a religious belief.