View Full Version : I think I finally get it!! (BBB, stretching washing)

July 14th, 2014, 10:41 PM
I know I'm later to the party on this, but I'm so excited I have to share :)

I'm going to be 40 in a few days and have always had really really oily hair and skin. Going Paleo after I realized I'm gluten and dairy-intolerant certainly helped my skin health, and I think it has made my scalp less oily but about the same time I joined LHC, so I also changed my hair care a bit. I used to use Nature's Gate Rainwater shampoo and conditioner every day. Conditioner on the scalp too. Now I use Giovanni Deep Moisture shampoo on my scalp and either the Deep Moisture conditioner or Davine Melu conditioner, only on the length. I think when I started using the Deep Moisture shampoo and started bunning my WL hair most of the day and at night I started, without really thinking about it, being able to wash every other day.

I never got into the BBB thing because the one I had, my grandmother's, felt too coarse and damaging and I didn't want to shell out for a new one. But a month ago I asked Mom if I could have my great-grandmother's BBB, which is flat and softer-feeling. It's been in the mid-90s the last several days where I live and it's Monday today and I last washed Saturday. And if I brush three times I day it looks pretty good when I have it up! I feel like I could maybe go tomorrow without washing it again! I know this seems like nothing to many of you here, but I have had to wash every day since I was in middle school. It hasn't been vanity, just oiliness. I'm sure I was stripping my hair and stimulating over-production, but wow, it's so great to feel it normalizing, and to be able to move the sebum down the shaft and have the benefit of that. I really hope this will be another new phase of healthier hair for me!

Ok everyone, thanks for listening :cheese:

July 15th, 2014, 01:17 AM
That's awesome! I too have found that my hair looks and feels 'clean' for much longer since I started LHC methods. I don't brush every day because I'm a wurly, but I do loooooove my BBB for pre-wash detangling or smoothing for an updo. I just love it when LHC methods start to work, it feels like you know a secret :crush:

July 15th, 2014, 09:39 AM
I've had a similar realization also! And recently. Feels good, man.

I've started to use my BBB every day now and it's starting to help me stretch washes. I no longer get the itchies later in the week and my hair is super shiny now.