View Full Version : ever regret cutting?

July 13th, 2014, 07:15 AM
I was at tailbone then cut off over a foot. Now I am almost waist again (to think i would be gaining on knee) to bad well must let grow who is with me?

July 13th, 2014, 07:29 AM
I wanted a longbob earlier this year but backed off, oh boy, would i have regretted it by now! lol
Yeah i know what you mean, i cut too much previously many many times, but my hair was difficult to handle back then and even if it didnt look better, it gave me some sort of handling relief.

July 13th, 2014, 07:41 AM
I regretted a hair cut I got at a salon. I had to trim out layers. The whole trim and grow was a pain and then I wore the same up do all the time and had breakage I'm growing out. I grew the breakage out once but I got too happy s&d now it's back.

July 13th, 2014, 09:58 AM
I regret lots of hair cut decisions but none more than two trims ago.... Last trim was fine at the salon and I got a black streak in my 'bangs'. But the time before that I had my friend from school cut it... She was really good and knew how but she cut it a good two inches instead of the prescribed one half or one inch. I haven't gotten that much cut off in four years and it felt like so much had been. It off and I went into a bit of shock. Kinda silly but that's a years worth of growth cut back.

July 13th, 2014, 10:18 AM
I have a couple regretful days after each trim, but I need to trim 2 times a year to maintain my current length and keep my hemline blunt as I prefer it. I never do major cuts.

July 13th, 2014, 10:36 AM
Woodswanderer your hair looks lovely love the length and thickness.

July 13th, 2014, 11:31 AM
Nope - never. Because I just remind myself at one point in time I really wanted to cut, and I don't feel sorry for that.

July 13th, 2014, 11:47 AM
Layers. Worst thing ever!

July 13th, 2014, 11:55 AM
The only time I really regret cutting is whenever I went to a stylist and they took off more than I wanted. I haven't regretted a cut when I did them myself and took off exactly what I wanted.

July 13th, 2014, 12:01 PM

July 13th, 2014, 12:54 PM
I chopped my hair off from BSL to chin 3 years ago. I really regret it. I could've been at TBL by now (my original goal).

July 13th, 2014, 01:22 PM
I did an 8 inch chop on myself some years ago and yes indeed I regretted it a lot. My updo styles were not useable until my ends grew out and fairytaled, which took a LONG time. I was reduced to a pony tail or a plain braid. Those didn't look good on me, at least not as I envisioned myself. Yuk.

July 13th, 2014, 01:40 PM
I have a couple regretful days after each trim, but I need to trim 2 times a year to maintain my current length and keep my hemline blunt as I prefer it. I never do major cuts.

your hair looks lovely by the way Woodswanderer. are those braid waves or is it natural?

July 13th, 2014, 01:46 PM
My story, my hair was almost classic lenght and because of pressure from family and friends I cut it to between apl and bsl and with layers in two lenghts... I was a so called grown up and supposed to have a REAL hairstyle cutted, so I was told. I hated right away. Come home and tried to braid and couldn't and I cry like a baby. Put my hair in a ponytail and didn't take it off untill I could braid again. I didn't know then that my hair was wavy and my hair was totally unmanagable and looking all dirrections... Now I am in TB lenght... I do not even want to think what leght I could have had without listening to others.....

July 13th, 2014, 01:50 PM
My story, my hair was almost classic lenght and because of pressure from family and friends I cut it to between apl and bsl and with layers in two lenghts... I was a so called grown up and supposed to have a REAL hairstyle cutted, so I was told. I hated right away. Come home and tried to braid and couldn't and I cry like a baby. Put my hair in a ponytail and didn't take it off untill I could braid again. I didn't know then that my hair was wavy and my hair was totally unmanagable and looking all dirrections... Now I am in TB lenght... I do not even want to think what leght I could have had without listening to others.....

That's pretty much the same story for me. Your hair looks awesome now though.

July 13th, 2014, 02:52 PM
I don't have major regrets, per se. Even when I've hacked a bunch off, I've waited until I was sure that's what I wanted.

But I cut layers into my hair over a self-created problem, and I kind of regret that now.

When I was using shampoo that was too strong, I was very prone to the "bell effect," where my ends would get frizzy and staticy and stick out, so I thinned it down with layers.

Now that my hair's in better condition and being washed more gently, I am beginning to suspect that wasn't really necessary. My layers are quite dramatic, so it's gonna take a while to grow them out. I'm not upset over it, but I wish I'd known at the time that there were other things I could have done to address the frizz.

July 13th, 2014, 03:10 PM
Every few years I would do a big chop.. well this last chop (March 2012) I really regretted. I got a pixie, but it just wasn't done well.. and now it seems like my hair is growing back slower than ever.

So yeah, this was my biggest regret:


July 13th, 2014, 03:13 PM
That's pretty much the same story for me. Your hair looks awesome now though.

Thank you ! But I think at least me needed to go through it. As now I can say NO if someone suggest something about cutting to me again :)

July 13th, 2014, 03:14 PM
Oh my, seven77... Your hair will get back to that length in no time, surely! Just try to think of it as all new growth and extremely healthy hair, which is a plus :)

I regret every single hair cut I have had, especially cutting my fringe... I really do prefer having my hair one length. A fringe looks good on others, but definitely not me... So now I keep myself away from the scissors. No more cutting hair except for S&D every few months!

July 13th, 2014, 03:44 PM
I don't think I've ever regretted a haircut... For many years I didn't have much interest in my hair, so I didn't really care whether my hair was short or long. :hmm: My last big haircut was in July of 2011. I cut it off because it was getting so frizzy (like where I am now.. again x_x). It was around APL and I cut it off to jaw length and went to the hair dresser the next day. I was crying while I cut it, but I thought I did it for a good cause, so that I could grow it out in a healthy state in the future (didn't work, sadly, I must deal with the fact that my hair is naturally frizzy). I never regretted the haircut, though, I thought it needed to be done.

Now I wouldn't cut it again, no matter how frizzy it gets, I will not let my hair's texture rule over my dream of long hair. <3

July 13th, 2014, 03:53 PM
I regret the pixie cut of May 2006. I didn't really want a change. I had head lice and felt completely helpless in picking it out by myself, so I put my hair in a ponytail and chopped it off. It was MBL then and would be knee now if I hadn't done that. I chopped it all the way back to a very short pixie. I missed my long hair immediately. All the time it was short people told me how cute it was and how much they liked it but I didn't feel like me again until it was at least APL.

July 13th, 2014, 05:45 PM
I had my hair feathered around the front of my face. my length is mid back but the shortest layers at the front are under my chin then taper out :( I hate it, my hair looks so short from the front, along with how thin its already made my fine hair -_- and braids look wild with all the bits sticking out. worst decision ever! I'm now just focusing on getting the shortest layers to around bra strap length then I will keep trimming around waist (when I get there) to make it all even. it will take about a million years lol

you say that but now i'm thinking that's a great idea with the feathering around the front! maybe it will make my grown out bangs look better...

July 13th, 2014, 05:55 PM
Every time I have done a big cut I have regretted it. I even regret small trims for a few days until I convince myself that the ends do look much better now....

Caldonia Sun
July 13th, 2014, 06:03 PM
Layers. Worst thing ever!

Yep. And I should have known better.

July 13th, 2014, 06:39 PM
I recently cut off 2 inches to get my length even with my front layers. It looks healthier but I look way better with long hair. My hair is SL right now and i feel i didn't do a very even job…i'm contemplating going to a salon to even it out but i'm terrified what they may do. And even though it is uneven i'm not sure i want to part with any more length. i don't look good with buns but i think that is the only way i'll keep these ends healthy

July 13th, 2014, 07:07 PM
Yes, I recut layers into my hair a year ago after spending a lifetime growing them out. It will take me another year to get back to where I was - so yes, basically three years of growth lost. If I ever threaten to cut layers again - SOMEBODY STOP ME!

July 14th, 2014, 12:33 AM
Hm... well, I currently regret the fringe I cut into my hair last autumn. Worst idea ever :shake: I absolutly adore the look of a fringe on others, but with my hair- its wurls and its cowlicks- it just wont work. I never learn though, because every few years I cut a fringe thinking it´ll look better this time, regret it immediatly, swear I´ll never do it again, grow it out ---> repeat. It now reaches a little below chin length and we´ll see how many years I can resist before I once again think a fringe will be nice to have :rolleyes:

Of course Ive had funny looking hairstyles throughout the years and looking at photos can be hilarious. However, I think I always liked those hairstyles at the time being, so other than my fringe, I can only remember getting upset over one haircut I got as a child. My hair was probably around APL or so and I wanted to keep it long. The ends were in a need of a trim though, so a friend of my family would help me with that. However, she kept cutting it uneven and continued working with the scissors in an attempt to make it look better...and I ended up with earlobe length hair :neutral:

July 14th, 2014, 07:52 AM
restless, I have same thing! When I do not have a fringe - I want it so much! As it looks so good. So I cut it and I like it for a couple of days, I even work with it to make it look good and then I just start hating it and hoping it would grow away as it's just such a pain in the...... with this this wurly mess. I've done this at least 6 times so far :/ :crazyq: Last time I did it after my wedding 2 years ago, and now my fingre is in an anoying lenght where it stands up when my hair is in the bun :/ And still.... after lesson learned I started to think about fringe again...!!!!! :whistle: PLEASE STOP ME!!!!! STOP ME!!!!!! HELP!!!! :brickwall: :laugh:

July 14th, 2014, 08:06 AM
I can think of two times when I regretted a hair cut. One was when I went from BSL to a horribly done shoulder length shag cut. It was not the loss of length that made me regret it, but rather the fact that I couldn't spend a bunch of money to go to a nice salon so I instead went to a cheapy chain place and got the worst haircut I've ever had.
(disclaimer: I know good cuts can come from chain salons. I've gotten a few good ones out of them, which is why I was not hesitant to go in the first place. This particular hairdresser apparently just had no idea what she was doing.)

The second time was when I was in middle school (I was about 12 or 13 years old) and I got bangs put into my hair. The hair dresser must have either misunderstood me, or neglected to take my wave pattern into account, because my bangs were a good inch to an inch and a half shorter than I asked for them to be.

July 14th, 2014, 08:20 AM
YES!!! A couple of months ago. :taz::rolleyes::mad:

July 14th, 2014, 08:28 AM
I go back and forth between regretting getting a pixie and being happy that I did it. On one hand I was a little over an inch away from getting to waist and would probably be at hip by now so I miss the length but on the other hand if I hadn't cut it I would probably still be dyeing or hennaing my hair and it wouldn't be nearly as healthy as it is now.

July 14th, 2014, 08:47 AM
Yes and no. I had WL hair for most of my teen years, but cut to collarbone at 18, kept it that way for two years. I regret cutting it when I think of how long my hair should still be now (I want it back to waist like NOW), but then I look at pictures from back then and see all the damage (It's HORRIBLE), and I realize that the cut gave me a clean slate so to speak, and I have much healthier hair now.

July 14th, 2014, 02:05 PM
Most of the time I don't, if it's just a trim, but a few months ago I cut around four or five inches off, and to begin with I liked it, but now when I look back at my hair when it was longer, I miss it so much, back to growing I guess! :D

July 14th, 2014, 06:01 PM
Yes. Always. But it was usually because my hair was in nasty condition. Now I regret the tiniest trims because I'm curious about how fast I'd grow without trimming.

July 14th, 2014, 07:16 PM
Nope not really. If I cut, the hair had to go anyway.

July 14th, 2014, 10:06 PM
Sorry to hear you're still regretting cutting after all these months (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=114701&p=2499910#post2499910). I hope it's growing at a steady rate and you can see that your patience is paying off. Have you been trimming a lot since your last cut?

July 15th, 2014, 03:40 AM
restless, I have same thing! ...:

Haha the board needs a support thread for people like us ;)

July 15th, 2014, 04:09 PM
Yea Gossamer I have probably cut about 5 inches since then 1.5 here 2" there so I guess thats is the problem.

July 15th, 2014, 05:31 PM
Haha the board needs a support thread for people like us ;)

Yes we DO, we REALLY DO!!! Otherwise I just might do the same thing for the 7th time hahahaha

July 15th, 2014, 09:02 PM
I regret cutting my hair to shoulder length years ago because an ex suggested it would "look nice". I had never had short hair before, so I figured why not? Big mistake.. :doh:

July 15th, 2014, 09:57 PM
I regret cutting my tbl possibly classic length hair was I was a child, and I also regretted every single time I went to a hairdresser because they always chopped off half of my growth BUT here I am now, so happy to have met this site, it taught me how to care for my own hair. I won't really say thaf I change anything because im glad I experienced all the crazy stuff in between so I dont feel like im missing out.

July 15th, 2014, 11:42 PM
Layers. Worst thing ever!

This a million times. At least I didn't cut all my hair but I still hate it and am waiting for it to grow out.

July 15th, 2014, 11:48 PM
I went crazy on trimming back in 2011 and I went from waist lenght to barely BSL! After that I regretted every single minute of it until i got to Tail bone. Now I'm thinking about chopping off my remaining layers which are bsl but I'm at hip lenght and it's so frustrating!

January 24th, 2016, 06:09 AM
Yes very much so i was almost knee length and cut right up to chin length,i regretted it straight away and yes i cried and i still wonder what made me decide on it,anyway i am now growing it again and am at just passed waist level..

January 24th, 2016, 09:31 AM
Probably every haircut I've ever gotten I regret ;)

January 24th, 2016, 09:46 AM
Probably every haircut I've ever gotten I regret ;)

You and me both. ;( I am already regretting the trim I did a couple of days ago...;( since I always lwb or nautilus bun my hair and it wasn't split or damaged, just an uneven hemline. Made DH hide my scissors.... ugh Why? Why? Why???? now it will take me at least 3 months to get that back. Good news is that I only trimmed the bottom of the V hemline so I am progressing with getting to an even hemline. This is going to take years!! YEARS!!! ugh. thanks for listening to me...;)

ETA And YES!! I always regret cutting!! :violin:

January 24th, 2016, 09:50 AM
LCT, glad you are one step closer to your ultimate goal :) Try to think of it that way :)
And yes, hair takes years and years but it's all worth it in the end, I think :D

January 24th, 2016, 09:56 AM
LCT, glad you are one step closer to your ultimate goal :) Try to think of it that way :)
And yes, hair takes years and years but it's all worth it in the end, I think :D

LOL... you are so punny! :o But... it already is worth it considering I started from a chin length curly bob when I did a big chop to cut off the dyed apl frizzy dried out orangey length in March, 2011. But these longer lengths seem to be so difficult with new issues since my fine strands of hair are getting older and seem tired. ;( Or maybe it is just me? Pooks needed to go outside early to do his business this morning so we are tired today! ;(

January 24th, 2016, 09:59 AM
LOL... you are so punny! :o But... it already is worth it considering I started from a chin length curly bob when I did a big chop to cut off the dyed apl frizzy dried out orangey length in March, 2011. But these longer lengths seem to be so difficult with new issues since my fine strands of hair are getting older and seem tired. ;( Or maybe it is just me? Pooks needed to go outside early to do his business this morning so we are tired today! ;(

Haha, yay I was punny without even realizing it :p
Yeah, I feel my ends are also getting worn out (they're what, at least 6 years old?)
The longer lengths always take longer, especially when we watch them ;) You'll make it, don't you worry!

hanne jensen
January 24th, 2016, 10:10 AM
I regret every single haircut I've ever had in my life. I regret them so much that in 2013 I committed myself to 10 years without cutting more than an inch in the Polls and Projects thread.

January 24th, 2016, 10:20 AM
Thank you for your encouragement, LL! :blossom:

January 24th, 2016, 10:36 AM
I've gone from very long (hip- classic) several times. I usually love it at first, and then regret it about a rear later.....and commence growing. However, I've learned to not focus on regret, as it usually does no good at all. I try to enjoy each stage of growth along the way. There are things you forget about at classic...the ease of a simple ponytail...the joy of feeling your hemline brush along your neck. Of course I haven't forgotten the bliss of classic, and hope to be there again one day, but I'll enjoy the ride getting there. ������

January 24th, 2016, 10:38 AM
I regret every single haircut I've ever had in my life. I regret them so much that in 2013 I committed myself to 10 years without cutting more than an inch in the Polls and Projects thread.

Join the club haha. I wish I'd never gone to the hairdresser's :rolleyes:

January 24th, 2016, 10:39 AM
I've gone from very long (hip- classic) several times. I usually love it at first, and then regret it about a rear later.....and commence growing. However, I've learned to not focus on regret, as it usually does no good at all. I try to enjoy each stage of growth along the way. There are things you forget about at classic...the ease of a simple ponytail...the joy of feeling your hemline brush along your neck. Of course I haven't forgotten the bliss of classic, and hope to be there again one day, but I'll enjoy the ride getting there. ������

You will be there one day again! Happy growing! :cheer:

January 24th, 2016, 10:39 AM
Arg... sorry, can't edit yet... I meant to say I've gone from very long to very short several times. And sorry, I keep forgetting my iPhone's emojis don't translate. Anyway, very happy to be here. Thanks for your patience. :happydance::bs:

January 24th, 2016, 10:40 AM
Oh my goodness. Embarrassed. I don't know how the bs emoji fellow. got in there. I better take it easy on the emojis.

January 24th, 2016, 10:42 AM
Thanks so much lapis_luzuli!

January 24th, 2016, 10:43 AM
Thanks so much lapis_luzuli!

You're very welcome! :) And don't worry about the emojis, we love them here! ;)

January 24th, 2016, 11:01 AM
Regrets, yeah, I've had them. They are not my wisest decisions that I have made. But they say you live and learn, so I learned.

January 24th, 2016, 11:05 AM
Regrets, yeah, I've had them. They are not my wisest decisions that I have made. But they say you live and learn, so I learned.

Boy, did I learn too :laugh: No bleach will ever touch my hair again! :patrol:

Groovy Granny
January 24th, 2016, 12:20 PM
It is funny how we grieve for each inch cut...I know I did when I decided to lop off the last few inches of layers last Spring, and went from MBL to APL+.
I had to bling it up and focus on what I LOVED about the cut (thick hemline, no shreds etc).
It grew back fast enough.....but to even consider a 'micro trim' before reaching goal in March :tmi: lol

ETA:and now I have thoughts of how long it COULD have been with no cuts throughout all my years :thud:
It was just never a focus in my area and life :shrug:

Better late than never :eyebrows:

January 24th, 2016, 12:25 PM
I only regret the V cut I got almost 2 years ago that I'm still trimming out. It's the reason my sides are so thinned out now and I still need to trim about 15cm to get rid of it.

January 24th, 2016, 12:51 PM
It is funny how we grieve for each inch cut...I know I did when I decided to lop off the last few inches of layers last Spring, and went from MBL to APL+.
I had to bling it up and focus on what I LOVED about the cut (thick hemline, no shreds etc).
It grew back fast enough.....but to even consider a 'micro trim' before reaching goal in March :tmi: lol

Haha it's so true! I mourn for every strand ever cut from my head :lol:

January 24th, 2016, 02:29 PM
Last November I cut back from almost knee to about waist length (13 inches in total), and I haven't regretted it for a moment. The ends were too thin, and I wasn't enjoying my hair anymore at that length. I'll let my hair grow back some more, but I'd be surprised if I ever let it get longer than TBL again. I think I've found my balance between long hair and practicality.

January 24th, 2016, 02:43 PM
I've had so many bad haircuts I don't know why it's taken me this long to swear off hairdressers for good. I'll be trimming myself from now on. The last hair cut I had was in May last year and it was butchered. I still feel somewhat traumatised by it.

January 24th, 2016, 02:50 PM
Where to begin? For a long time I had long layers and then I decided to cut straight across for a few years. I should have stopped there. Then I decided I needed something new and got straight across bangs! They were super cute when I styled them and put my hair up and the wind didn't mess them up, but 99.9 percent of the time they looked terrible on me! When I finally grew those out I cut my almost waist length hair to just below chin!! My boyfriend and I both still cry about it. Lol. I'm at BSL now and happily growing. :)

January 25th, 2016, 01:27 AM
I regret many cuts, actually. I always get to SL or a little below and want to cut. It's usually because I want a new style or a thick hemline. Then, I wish my hair was longer, grow it out, and go through the whole cycle again. But, not this time. I don't have the desire to go shorter.

January 25th, 2016, 02:07 AM
I regret that I've cut my hair in 5th grade..I has tailbone hair and told mom that I wanted a shoulder length cut with bangs, and of course it looked horrible on my curly hair. Never again!