View Full Version : Making the time for Deep Treatments

July 9th, 2014, 03:36 PM
I seem to only get a 1-hour deep conditioning treatment in once a month, if that. I know my ends feel like heaven after I do it, but I just can't seem to get around to it. Where in your life schedule do you fit deep treatments in? Do you wash normally first, then deep condition, then rinse out (taking a second shower)? Or do you spritz with water, apply deep conditioner, then take a shower and skip the shampoo (if you use shampoo) or co-wash?

I've decided I need to CWC once a week, and co-wash a minimum of 2-3 times during the week to keep my hair non-greasy since I enjoy running, but end up a sweaty mess afterwards. Where could I fit the deep condition into that? And if I am doing henna/cassia, where would it fit? I typically want to shower immediately after running, so that needs to be a consideration. Often I increase my co-washes to every day during the week, just because I like the totally fresh, clean feeling after being so sweaty, and I am in the shower anyway, and all the hair from the ears up is drenched in sweat, so yeah, it just makes sense to go ahead and co-wash.

Thanks for helping me find a place to fit my deep conditioning treatments in!

July 9th, 2014, 03:44 PM
The only deep conditioning treatment I do is overnight coconut oil treatment 1-4 times a month depending on my laziness. Since I don't dye or use heat, my hair is in pretty good shape.

July 9th, 2014, 03:45 PM
Do you find that you need to do deep conditioning more than once a month? I wouldn't, if your hair is healthy and fine as it is, especially if you're CO washing it, but you know your hair better than I do so you're the final judge on that, obviously.

I deep condition once every 2 months or so, 3 if I forget to. My washes are normally on weekends, so when I deep condition, I spend a few hours doing chores around the house with my shower cap on, and then have a wash. I actually straight-up wash my hair after a DC, otherwise my hair is super oily.

July 9th, 2014, 03:47 PM
I only wash my hair once a week but even then I'm having trouble figuring out how to condition longer. Ideally I need to let conditioner sit for 10+ minutes, deep or otherwise. But because of drips, timing and temperature, I usually don't make it. If I could stop the drips, I'd be ok in lower temperature months probably so that's two out of three if I find out how to do that. Time on the other hand not so much.

As for rinsing out, you don't need a second shower. Usually wash my hair completely separately from the rest of me as it's faster and easier that way. I use a basin and lean over it to dunk hair in. To rinse things out, a hand held shower head is the best invention ever. If you don't have one, then a light pitcher/ water container to pour over and rinse can substitute just as well.

ETA: To comment on the posts that happened while I took too long to type. I oil my hair two hours before every wash. I don't consider it as a deep conditioning treatment as it's more protective/ breaks up scalp gunk. Personally anyway.

July 9th, 2014, 03:47 PM
I deep condition as a pre-poo once a week. It doesn't take any extra time, just the five minutes to actually apply it.

July 9th, 2014, 04:00 PM
Put the deep conditioning treatment on your hair (just dampen hair and apply), go running while it does its thing, then jump in the shower as soon as you get back. Damp, product coated hair looks no worse than sweat soaked hair.

July 9th, 2014, 04:02 PM
Put the deep conditioning treatment on your hair (just dampen hair and apply), go running while it does its thing, then jump in the shower as soon as you get back. Damp, product coated hair looks no worse than sweat soaked hair.

This is a great idea! Especially if it's warm/sunny out, it'll make it all soak in really well.

July 9th, 2014, 04:07 PM
Perfect answer! Thank you. I will do that on my long runs on the weekends.

July 9th, 2014, 04:12 PM
... but I usually save my weekly CWC for right after my long run. So, would I just proceed as I normally do with my CWC, and count the DC as my first C? And would I go running with a plastic shower cap over my hair to protect my hat from the conditioning treatment? Hmm, I wonder if that would roast my head.

July 9th, 2014, 04:25 PM
... but I usually save my weekly CWC for right after my long run. So, would I just proceed as I normally do with my CWC, and count the DC as my first C? And would I go running with a plastic shower cap over my hair to protect my hat from the conditioning treatment? Hmm, I wonder if that would roast my head.

I've never run in a hat, so I can't help there. When I did that I used to just plait it and go out with it like that. I'd save the CWC for another day, I don't see the point in deep treatments if you're going to shampoo them out.

July 9th, 2014, 04:36 PM
Maybe I'll do the DC on a shorter run. Long runs are usually Saturdays, but I do a shorter run on Mondays and could still get a good 30 min conditioning treatment done on my hair, then just rinse in my shower and maybe use a little co-wash on top if I need to.

July 9th, 2014, 04:39 PM
...and then there's the consideration of when it gets freezing cold and I can no longer go out running with a wet head. I'll cross that bridge when I get there, I guess. For the rest of summer and into fall, this idea should work for me. Thanks so much!

July 9th, 2014, 04:54 PM
...and then there's the consideration of when it gets freezing cold and I can no longer go out running with a wet head. I'll cross that bridge when I get there, I guess. For the rest of summer and into fall, this idea should work for me. Thanks so much!

When it gets freezing cold you add the shower cap and cover it with a knitted hat. It'll keep your head nice and warm.

July 9th, 2014, 04:56 PM
Or you could add hand warmers between the shower cap and beanie! That would definitely keep your head warm. ;)

July 9th, 2014, 05:08 PM
Oh, perfect! Thank you! That should work well.

July 9th, 2014, 06:02 PM
It looks like you've already gotten great responses. What a great idea to do your treatment while you're running. Just be careful in the heat/humidity. Would be awful if you were overcome with the heat - your head is going to feel pretty warm from the shower cap as you're sweating.

What I was going to suggest might not fit into your schedule. I like to do a 30 minute heat cap deep conditioning treatment once a week. My hair really loves it, and always responds well. Sometimes I go every other week if I'm too busy.

I just do my shampoo or shampoo bar then ACV rinse followed up with moisturizing conditioner. (no cones or protein) I have to get out of the shower though and then I sit with the conditioner under the cap for 30 minutes. I just get a book ready where I'm going to sit and read until it's ready to rinse. Maybe you could do this on a day you have extra time.

It will be interesting to see how it works for you to deep condition while you run.

July 9th, 2014, 06:18 PM
I hardly ever find time to do a "true" DT. With that said, I have had my hair in a coconut oil heavy braid all day. I figure that counts as a DT. About once every 2 weeks I will do a heavily oiled braid all day (the day before I plan to wash). Since I'm going to wash my hair tonight or tomorrow morning, I thought an oiled braid + headband/scarf combo would be good.

July 9th, 2014, 06:25 PM
Great ideas here. Personally I wait until I think "ok, tomorrow I really must wash" then stick a load of coconut oil on overnight. If the next morning involves exercise, I wash it after, otherwise i just wash it the next morning.

July 9th, 2014, 07:14 PM
Great ideas here. Personally I wait until I think "ok, tomorrow I really must wash" then stick a load of coconut oil on overnight. If the next morning involves exercise, I wash it after, otherwise i just wash it the next morning.

You must be one of those crazy morning people. I don't think I could cram washing my hair into the ten minutes that occur between dragging myself out of bed and "I really really must leave the house RIGHT NOW or I'll be late for work" :lol:

July 9th, 2014, 09:03 PM
I do mine weekly after I shampoo and condition my hair then I use cholesterol followed by deep conditioner. I do mine for 10 minutes whole routine. I let my hair dry to a damp then I mist oil on it. It makes my hair feel better.

July 9th, 2014, 09:12 PM
Not sure what you are doing for a deep treatment. If I know I'm going to want to wash the next day I put oil on my hair at bedtime, braid it, sleep, wake up in the morning and apply diluted conditioner (add stuff to it to make a SMT if you like) and let that sit for 20 min or whatever while I do things around the house (make breakfast, tidy, sit at the computer and wake up) and then hop in the shower (or lean over the tub) to rinse it out. I've never bothered wearing anything over it. If I were in the habit of a morning run, I'd apply the condish after the exercise, cool down for 20 min, then wash up.

July 9th, 2014, 09:14 PM
I apply mine to dry hair first thing in the morning and let it sit while I have a coffe and get my kids fed and dressed, then I jump in the shower and get ready as usual.

July 9th, 2014, 10:56 PM
I seem to have created a habbit to apply coconut oil on my lengh (from ears down) on the last wash day so I apply it in the morning then wrap it up in a bun for the day and wash as usual in the evening... thats every 3 days. Its winter here and I feel like my length needs it :)

July 10th, 2014, 12:04 PM
I spritzed my hair with water, slathered on my SMT, then went for a 5 mile walk with my daughter. Came home and rinsed it out. Thanks for helping me find the time to do it.

July 10th, 2014, 12:06 PM
I use oil overnight, or use it in my ends and do a bun with my flexi. You can't see my hair is greasy that way. If I use an actual mask, It'd be on a Sunday morning since I don't need to go anywhere. I wash my hair, apply the mask from the ears down and leave it there for 1-2 hours. Then I rinse again.

July 10th, 2014, 12:08 PM
I also usually use a face mask while I do deep conditioning, to double-purpose at least 15 minutes. :p

July 11th, 2014, 11:44 AM
I only wash my hair once a week but even then I'm having trouble figuring out how to condition longer. Ideally I need to let conditioner sit for 10+ minutes, deep or otherwise. But because of drips, timing and temperature, I usually don't make it. If I could stop the drips, I'd be ok in lower temperature months probably so that's two out of three if I find out how to do that
I remember reading somewhere (and not knowing where is a problem when reading too much combined with having an unreliable memory) that a folded t-shirt wedged under the plastic cap helped stop the drips. Though in writing it now, that seems rather cumbersome so maybe i've got it wrong (but it was something bigger than a handkerchief! [Sorry, being facetious there]) but it may be worth a try.

July 11th, 2014, 11:57 AM
Found it. It was a pillow case! http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=124203

July 11th, 2014, 07:44 PM
I remember reading somewhere (and not knowing where is a problem when reading too much combined with having an unreliable memory) that a folded t-shirt wedged under the plastic cap helped stop the drips. Though in writing it now, that seems rather cumbersome so maybe i've got it wrong (but it was something bigger than a handkerchief! [Sorry, being facetious there]) but it may be worth a try.

Found it. It was a pillow case! http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=124203

Thank you! I'll try that next time. :)

ETA: Updating. I'm trying that trick and it's so much more comfortable. Thanks!

July 19th, 2014, 02:08 PM
I do deep penetrating treatments (coconut or sweet almond oil on dry hair) overnight covered in a shower cap and turbie twist. Intensive conditionings (commercial product rich in fatty alcohols and/ or cationic surfactants, maybe hydrolysed protein) I wash my hair separately from my body and leave in place whilst I do household chores. Both harness body heat.