View Full Version : Hi everyone!!

July 6th, 2014, 09:39 AM
Hey all! I'm new to the Community! I have been growing out my hair for almost two years now, and I'm pretty happy with my progress. It is pretty curly, like 3a/3b. My goal is to get it to BSL, and now it's about APL.

All throughout adolescence I faced hormonal hair thinning, so I am on meds and Rogaine to combat that, now that I'm out of adolescence. I also took biotin supplements for 2 or more years to help it grow, but I'm not sure if they helped much. I just take a multi-vit w/biotin now.

I have been following a no-poo regimen for almost 2 years (maybe longer,) and before that I used lo-poo. The condition and health of my hair has since improved. It is pretty soft!

Lately my tangles have been pretty manageable - I started using the SheaMoisture Detangler a month ago and that seems to really help!

I'm into cruelty-free hair products that contain no sulfates and cones, so no-poo/co-wash work well and I can find them for good prices. I also do not dye my hair and I don't use any heat. I do use coconut oil as a deep conditioner about once a week.

I get it trimmed every 10-12 weeks. My mom is a hairdresser so I get cuts/trims for free :P

Finally, I am IN LOVE with Rose's hair from Titanic, so if you ever see me posting about her hair, you'll know why. :) It's so shiny and I just want to reach and touch it!!!

The things that I need help with are frizz control, volume, shine, and *fast* growth. I would say tangles, but they seem to be pretty minimal right now for some reason.

July 6th, 2014, 11:09 AM
Welcome to this forum! :blossom:

July 7th, 2014, 05:35 AM
Welcome! :)

July 7th, 2014, 06:30 PM
Hi costarita!
I am new too in the forum.
Yes, Rose's hair is gorgeous I love her hair color, it look very healthy.

I am also looking for ways to make my hair grow faster... I cut my hair to shoulders length (17 inches) in December 2012, now July 2014 my hair length is 28 inches, it grow 11 inches in 19 months, plus I trimmed my hair about 2 - 3 myself.

now I started to use the coconut oil and grape seed oil once or twice a week and take biotin supplements..... I cannot to reach my goal (38 inches)

July 7th, 2014, 06:31 PM
I mean, I cannot wait to reach my goal (38 inches) which is my tailbone length :)

July 7th, 2014, 06:56 PM
Welcome to LHC and happy growing:)