View Full Version : For those who are maintaining waist length or have waist length as a hair goal

July 6th, 2014, 09:23 AM
Lately I've discovered I am satisfied with sporting waist length hair and really don't have a desire to grow it any longer. A part of me doesn't really feel I am worthy of being called a long hair because my hair isn't at tail bone or longer.

Although I am happy with having waist length hair it is due to the following:

1) I wear my hair in a single braid daily to protect the length but find it is heavy (sensitive scalp?) even though my hair is not thick; growing it longer would probably bother me more
2) The longer my hair gets, the thinner it looks so keeping it at waist gives a bit of an illusion that it is thicker
3) The longer my hair gets, the more split ends and white dots appear even though it is trimmed and oiled regularly

July 6th, 2014, 09:25 AM
I get #3 totally. My magic length seems to be hip. After that the condition goes downhill. Still I have a desire to have it longer.

Waist length is definitely long.

July 6th, 2014, 09:42 AM
I used to have TBL years ago. It was all one length with a nice thick hemline. Don't get me wrong it was very pretty, but it was heavy and would give me headaches and it would take 3+ hours to dry. At the time, I had just had a baby so the hair had to take a backseat. Now, that I have decided to grow it back, waist is a good length for me. I have it layered now and it took a lot of the weight off of the hair and gave it more movement. I am now contemplating a U hemline because the layers are a pain sometimes with updos, but I like being able to wear it down most of the time. At TBL, it used to be up 90% of the time, which felt restrictive for me.

July 6th, 2014, 10:05 AM
Years and years ago my hair was to my tailbone, which seemed to be its terminal length (it was heavily highlighted, though, so perhaps damage had something to do with that). It was pretty, but the weight dragged a lot of the wave out. My goal now is waist length, as it seems short enough to be versatile and easy to wear down, and to keep the wave, yet long enough to make a dramatic statement. I likes me some hair drama.

Nadine <3
July 6th, 2014, 11:02 AM
My goal is waist length. I've never had hair longer than APL so...I just kinda figured it was a nice reasonable goal. I've never had it that long though :)

chen bao jun
July 6th, 2014, 06:27 PM
Seconding this.
I don't know if it will get there but I hope so.
Even after 2 years on LHC waist length seems to me to be indisputably 'long' and I would LOVE to get there.
We'll see.

My goal is waist length. I've never had hair longer than APL so...I just kinda figured it was a nice reasonable goal. I've never had it that long though :)

July 6th, 2014, 09:56 PM
I think on some people waist length doesn't look long... Or it's long, but you know... Not like the long hairs on here :)
I do think yours definitely looks long at your waist however. It has a nice thick hemline.
I hope I can at least get to waist length. The longest my hair has been is bra strap length. And I hope if I do get to waist length that it does look long on me and that it doesn't get too thin at the ends. And if I don't feel like a long hair at waist, then maybe my hair will grow longer.

July 7th, 2014, 12:02 AM
I am on the way to hip now, cant imagine stopping just yet (goal has always been classic) - I believe that waist length is the starting point to be called Long for sure :)

July 7th, 2014, 12:02 AM
I chose "because it would suit me" but for a number of reasons.
The longest my hair's ever been was a bit past APL. Waist feels very long to me.
I've noticed also from other members with hair like mine that waist is a good length for waves, as for most after that they seem to get stretched out.
I also have a very pronounced pear-shaped body, and I think having my hair stop at my smallest part would help to balance out my frame a bit.
And finally, waist seems like it's a really good balance in terms of being able to wear a lot of nice updos and braids while not being a huge hassle to wear down, which I don't want to stop doing.

July 7th, 2014, 12:12 AM
I maintained at waist for years because of damage from straightening. I would always get splits. I have long since quit using heat on my hair and it is growing longer wit far less damage. Now I'm at TBL and I'm questioning it constantly. I want to get to classic but my hair is just too heavy. It's uncomfortable in most updos and I'm tired of braids. I could see my self cutting back to waits or hip once I reach classic and get tired of it. I used to be able to wear my hair down all the time because when I was maintaining I didn't care about a little damage.

July 7th, 2014, 09:37 AM
Mine is at waist length. Since I have a short body, it doesn't really seem long enough to me. I'd prefer it around my hips, but unfortunately it seemed to stop getting any longer since it hit waist length about 6 months - 1 year ago. And the fact I just permed it last month probably won't help any with growth.

July 7th, 2014, 10:15 AM
My aim is to reach waist length. I had been trying to grow out my layers over the last two years. It is now below bsl and will be waist in roughly 3 or so months. One problem I found at this length is my neck is unable to cope with the weight. It feels unstable and is quite painful. So I decided to add long layers to lighten it. I'm loving the movement and enjoy leaving it out. And like Dweamgoil I am now contemplating a U hemline.

I am enjoying seeing all the amazing longhairs on this site :)

July 7th, 2014, 11:05 AM
I hope I can at least get to waist length. The longest my hair has been is bra strap length. And I hope if I do get to waist length that it does look long on me and that it doesn't get too thin at the ends. And if I don't feel like a long hair at waist, then maybe my hair will grow longer.

The way I combat having thin ends is by keeping my hemline blunt with regular small trims - no matter what the length. However, my regular trims don't combat the damage...nothing does. Not sure why I have damage because I don't colour my hair or use heat. My guess to this mystery is it is the use of hard water and the fact my hair (each strand is very thin, but there is alot of it) snarls easily and then unsnarling with anything (wide toothed comb, finger combing, etc.) breaks it.

I am on the way to hip now, cant imagine stopping just yet (goal has always been classic) - I believe that waist length is the starting point to be called Long for sure

So what are waist length haired people called then - waisty haired?:rolling:

July 7th, 2014, 11:15 AM
I voted 'Other' because when my hair is longer than waist length it pulls the curls out.

July 7th, 2014, 11:45 AM
I grew my hair to tailbone length several years ago. My hair is curly so there was "shrinkage" involved. But it was at tailbone when pulled straight. I noticed, at that length, my hair was less curly but just as tangled. That's what really got me after a while—the time it took to detangle. It was a real issue, especially if I traveled and had to be away from home. I should say that my hair, at just about any length, tangles if you look at it wrong. But at tailbone...whew. I won't tell you how much time it took to keep it tangle-free or detangle it if I had to go a day or two without co-washing. Then I decided to start dreadlocks and kept them for three years and LOVED not having to comb my hair.

Now that I have "loose" hair again, I am going to let it grow. I think I will probably maintain at about waist or hip length when stretched unless I can find a way to overcome the tangling issue. I definitely consider waist length long on anyone.

July 9th, 2014, 05:52 AM
"Too much maintenance"
I'm not at waist yet but that's where I plan on stopping for at least a while to grow non-virgin parts out. I think for me anything longer than hip would be impractical and difficult to manage.

July 9th, 2014, 12:41 PM
I voted 'other'. I plan on maintaining at waist to trim the last of the chemical dyes off, then once my hair is fully virgin again I'll figure out if I want to stay at waist or grow longer.

July 10th, 2014, 10:01 AM
My hair is in the thinner side of the spectrum and, although I found it gorgeous at waist, the longer it gets the more I notice it starts behaving a lot differently. Maybe its just a matter of time: I've always spent some months microtrimming and maintaining after each milestone, because my hair grows slowly and gets damaged easily. Maybe it only needs to catch up. Maybe it will thicken up. Who knows :)? I'm currently trying to go a bit further and reach hip, but like I always said if I don't like how it looks I will cut back to waist.

July 10th, 2014, 01:18 PM
A while ago, I maintained at waist for about two years before I let my hair grow out (currently past classic). I did it because I was living in a humid climate and I didn't know any updos, so anything longer got frizzy and unmanageable very quickly. Then I moved to a drier climate, learned the nautilus bun, and I've been growing since then.

July 10th, 2014, 02:05 PM
I suits me with waist length hair - it accentuates my waist. I also prefer to have layers and longer than waist will make it look too thin :)

July 11th, 2014, 12:23 AM
I though I'd stop at waist to trim out my damage.Yeah well,I'm past waist and growing it to at least bcl or until it refuses to grow due to damage.I'm short and waist just doesn't look long on me.

I was at the vet on Tuesday.She was a head taller than me and her waist length hair looked longer,because it was longer than mine is when I'm at waist.I figured on me,her hair would be around the butt markers area.I hope you get what I mean by butt markers area :o

July 11th, 2014, 03:00 AM
My hair is at waist and I'm not going any further for the time being because I'm slowly trimming out damage. When it gets to waist I leave it a bit, then cut it back to just above waist, then let it grow again, and so the cycle continues.

Ultimately I think I'd like it at hip because it doesn't look very long from the front at waist length. My original goal was mid-back, then that turned to waist, then hip. Such is the LHC way ;)

July 12th, 2014, 12:48 PM
My hair is at waist and I'm not going any further for the time being because I'm slowly trimming out damage. When it gets to waist I leave it a bit, then cut it back to just above waist, then let it grow again, and so the cycle continues.

Ultimately I think I'd like it at hip because it doesn't look very long from the front at waist length. My original goal was mid-back, then that turned to waist, then hip. Such is the LHC way ;)
Do you find when you grow it and trim it back to waist that it lessens damage? It seems no matter what length my hair is I have split ends.

It's true that waist length hair from the front doesn't look very long, but then I am used to seeing my own hair every day. However with wearing a high waisted pair of jeans it would look long, but I left that style back in the 80s and won't be repeating it nor will I be tucking my shirts in.

July 12th, 2014, 02:51 PM
I selected other because I'm not quite sure if I will break past the waist barrier. Last time I grew past waist my hair was difficult. It was thin and tangly and looked unhealthy when down. I didn't enjoy my hair and ended up cutting and cutting. I think I was impatient with my hair at the time. This time I'm going to do more trimming and maintaining along the way, and I think that will help. I just hit BSL and plan on trimming until the thickness catches up before growing longer. I plan to do the same at waist if possible, trimming and maintaining until the thickness catches up. It will be a slower journey, but I'm hoping to enjoy my hair more along the way. If I am able to get my hair to place I enjoy at waist, I may try to go longer, we will see.