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View Full Version : I can't tell if my hair is fine or coarse?!

July 3rd, 2014, 10:57 AM
Hi everyone, long time lurker and haven't posted much but would love to join the community! Anyways, this may seem a ridiculous question but I CANNOT tell if my hair is fine or coarse. I have a coarsish under layer and a fine-ish canopy i think.... But the strands of my hair are quite fine and very light and floaty, however my hair FEELS and has always felt coarse and slightly rough/grainy to the touch (not damage, just grows like that).

IDK. Do you think its fine or coarse? Should I post a picture?

July 3rd, 2014, 10:59 AM
Pics are pretty good. A couple hairs next to a thread for scale would work well. :)

It's entirely possible that you have both on your head, btw. Lots of people have areas with different textures.

July 3rd, 2014, 11:02 AM
From what I understand, high porosity hair will feel rougher, bumpier when you slide your fingers down the length. You probably have strands of all thicknesses, as most people aren't entirely uniform on their entire heads. I have F, M, and C hair, but it is mostly F, and second-most M.

July 3rd, 2014, 11:04 AM
I almost feel like coarse and fine describe two different things. Fine describes the width of the strand, and coarse describes the feel of the strand.

But you could have hair that's smooth and coarse. Lots of people have different kinds of hair in different places.

July 3rd, 2014, 12:10 PM
I almost feel like coarse and fine describe two different things. Fine describes the width of the strand, and coarse describes the feel of the strand.

But you could have hair that's smooth and coarse. Lots of people have different kinds of hair in different places.
Here, we use the terms to describe strand width. I've seen them used to describe overall hair thickness, hair texture, etc. in other places, so it's understandable that it causes some confusion.

July 3rd, 2014, 01:42 PM
Pics are pretty good. A couple hairs next to a thread for scale would work well. :)

It's entirely possible that you have both on your head, btw. Lots of people have areas with different textures.

<a href="http://tinypic.com?ref=10di54h" target="_blank"><img src="http://i62.tinypic.com/10di54h.jpg" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>

<a href="http://tinypic.com?ref=11jacg4" target="_blank"><img src="http://i61.tinypic.com/11jacg4.jpg" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>

<a href="http://tinypic.com?ref=14r9lv" target="_blank"><img src="http://i57.tinypic.com/14r9lv.jpg" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>

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<a href="http://tinypic.com?ref=dwcaw" target="_blank"><img src="http://i62.tinypic.com/dwcaw.jpg" border="0" alt="Image and video hosting by TinyPic"></a>

Here ya go, hope you can see it :)

July 3rd, 2014, 01:44 PM
Aaagh so sorry if they appeared as links not pictures, i use tinypic and have no idea how to make them pictures :(

July 3rd, 2014, 01:52 PM
You just copy the links! The IMG code for forums and message boards. You forgot to resize some of them, though, but here they are.
[IMG]http://i62.tinypic.com/10di54h.jpg http://i61.tinypic.com/11jacg4.jpg http://i57.tinypic.com/14r9lv.jpg http://i60.tinypic.com/972kqo.jpg http://i58.tinypic.com/2e4yt6b.jpg http://i62.tinypic.com/dwcaw.jpg

July 3rd, 2014, 02:21 PM
Lol I'm an idiot thank you so much Larki!! Anyone have any idea what my hair could be? Sorry for the crappy quality my iphone is awful

July 3rd, 2014, 05:03 PM
As far as I can tell, I'd call that M hair. Not F, not C, but M.

July 3rd, 2014, 07:37 PM
I believe the way I identified mine, you're supposed to rub a single strand between two fingers. If you can't feel it at all or it feels like silk, it's fine. I don't remember the analogies for medium and coarse, but you understand what I mean. Hope that helps! :)

July 4th, 2014, 08:35 AM
As far as I can tell, I'd call that M hair. Not F, not C, but M.

Ahh thank you!!

July 6th, 2014, 09:05 AM
I always thought I had fine hair (width of strands), based on the feel and what my mom and even stylists said. Finally I got a hair analysis done, and lo and behold I'm actually on the upper end of medium, with more coarse ones in there than fine. I also discovered I have low porosity (thought I was high). It's made me re-think the ingredients that do and don't work for me.

At-home tests can give you some idea, but the only way to know for sure is to have someone look at your strands under a microscope.

July 6th, 2014, 09:07 AM
Not sure if I'm allowed to post this here, but I had my analysis done from GoosefootPrints on Etsy for $25.

July 6th, 2014, 10:24 AM
Definitely looks medium, possibly even a little coarse, but it's hard for me to tell.

Are your freshly cut ends bristly and almost sharp? Can you sew with your hair like it's a piece of thread? When you rub a couple of strands between your fingers can you feel each one distinctly, and hear a tiny raspy sound when they move? If so, you might be closer to coarse than medium. Or, if you want to get scientific, there's science-y hair blog's method: http://science-yhairblog.blogspot.com/2012/06/is-your-hair-fine-medium-or-coarse-how.html

July 6th, 2014, 04:45 PM
I have decidedly coarse hair (8-10 micrometers wide). I can easily see someone trying to sew with it as mentioned above and it feels like sharp wire when cut/ trimmed. Visual example:


July 13th, 2014, 04:56 AM
Now I am starting to doubt if I have fine hair or not.. when I remember I will take a picture :)

July 13th, 2014, 07:22 AM
It's about the thickness of the individual strands. Typically:

fine = barely can feel a single strand rubbed between the fingers; feels like cobwebs when it's on your skin and you don't know what it is; (if blonde/white) is often transparent and/or barely visible as a single strand; often described as "like baby hair" or "like cat hair", especially when very fine
medium = in between
coarse = similar to sewing thread; freshly cut ends feel quite pokey, like wire

July 13th, 2014, 07:38 AM
Well yes I know that, been here long enough. But my hair routine has changed :lol: and yes changing that CAN change your hair, especially the feel. I used to have the softest hair of the Dutch hair forum. Definitely no longer the case ;)

July 13th, 2014, 08:16 AM
I have all 3 types of hair on my head with a tendency to medium, so i gave up trying to adjust my regimen according to one or the other. certain things work for me and others don't. If it's somewhere in between don't beat yourself up to come up with a presentable conclusion. The stats may give an idea but hardly ever have two people with the same stats also the same hair.

July 13th, 2014, 08:32 AM
Typical finey problem: There's a shed hair on your body, it's tickling, and you can't find it to get it off.

July 13th, 2014, 08:56 AM
Typical finey problem: There's a shed hair on your body, it's tickling, and you can't find it to get it off.

With coarse hair, you find it quickly, get tangled out in it and nearly cut yourself with it trying to get out.

July 13th, 2014, 09:41 AM
Typical finey problem: There's a shed hair on your body, it's tickling, and you can't find it to get it off.

I *so* recognize that "problem". :D :lol:

July 13th, 2014, 09:41 AM
Oh yeah.. had one of those between the cheeks.. trust me: DO NOT PULL. OUCH!!

July 13th, 2014, 11:13 AM
To the OP -- your hair reminds me of my own and I have categorised my hair as being medium to coarse. My hair could definitely be used as sewing thread. :agree: Some hairs are so coarse that I pluck them out with a tweezer (it looks like small pieces of wire are sticking out of my head). :/ I know one shouldn't do it, but I do it at times anyway.

July 13th, 2014, 04:15 PM
In addition to Anje and Mira's comments... Since all of us, even the finest fineys have a mix of fine, medium and coarse on our heads, if you're not sure, type as M. You can always change it later if you decide something else is more accurate, or if you do microscope testing or whatever. No one expects you to get it right on the first try :D.

July 13th, 2014, 04:27 PM
With coarse hair, you find it quickly, get tangled out in it and nearly cut yourself with it trying to get out.

haha, THIS. I've actually gotten hair "splinters" before! :laugh: