View Full Version : Wedding guest hair ideas?

July 2nd, 2014, 10:06 PM
Hey gang!
One of my students is getting married in the fall, and I've been invited to the reception. It's an evening time 8pm, late September. I'm trying to figure out ideas for hair styles---since I get so hot, and updo seems most logical, but everyone always sees me with my hair up at the barn.

I'm thinking of a partial crown braid and then pinning the ends up with some curl. I'm just trying to find photos of something like that but am having no luck--if anyone has some ideas, that'd be great! I have a bang which have cow licks and don't like moving from their original spot ;) Hair is pretty thick and at tailbone right now. Should be at hip when I attend the reception as I need a bit trimmed.

Any photos or suggestions to sites would be much appreciated :D

July 2nd, 2014, 10:12 PM
I love me some rose buns. Maybe split your hair and do two to four that make one mega bun...

Torrinpage on YouTube has A LOT of great up dos.
