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View Full Version : Am I the only one who lets her hair flow wild, even on my pillow?

June 25th, 2014, 09:25 AM
I'm not wearing any shiny bonnet to bed and I don't wear my hair up very often(if I do, it's to get the hair outta my way, not the other way around). It's usually just loose. I don't stress about my bamboo pillow case damaging my hair, nor my purse strap. My hair just has to deal with the world I live in and honestly I don't think it minds. I am starting a chemical-dye free life and wash only twice a week and never use heat, and oil it, so I pamper my hair in other ways, but keeping it up or in a bonnet and protected from the world is just not my bag, baby.
Who else is with me?
Or do I just need to hang around lhc longer and I'll be donning a nightcap before long? :-)

June 25th, 2014, 09:32 AM
Well heck no; it's your hair - do what you want. I usually wear my hair up because it bugs me when it's down. The longer hair gets, the more it gets in the way; that's what most of us have found.

But it's still nice to let long hair down at the end of the day and comb or brush it out. Very relaxing.

June 25th, 2014, 09:32 AM
I leave mine down at night like half the time; I wore it in sleep braids exclusively for about 2-3 months and didn't notice a difference in my hair, so I stopped worrying about it. My hair doesn't tangle and the purpose is to prevent tangles (and therefore prevent breakage), so I don't bother. Sometimes I braid it at night to keep it off my neck and make me cooler.

June 25th, 2014, 09:35 AM
A lot of nights, I gather up my hair and drop it into the space above my pillow. It pretty much stays directed over the top of the pillow, except for the worst of my tossy-turny nights.

June 25th, 2014, 09:38 AM
I've always been aware of carrying straps because pulling hurts my scalp.

I'll leave mine down on days I'm off, or do a really loose half up.
I'd rather do that than break out elastics, honestly.

And at night it is often loose.
I go through braid or sleep bun phases. Or fall asleep reading with my hair however (most likely scenario. My glasses are usually removed in. The middle of the night when I wake from the %{~.#{?*&!! lights.

June 25th, 2014, 09:38 AM
The only reason I sleep with my hair back (in pigtail braids) is because I find my sleeping habits usually result in some pretty funky bed head that results in my hair being less cooperative with weird bumps and kinks in it that stay all day. But other than that I'd say I wear my hair down 75% of the time. It really only goes up or back if it is particularly unruly one day or if I'm working out or in a situation that calls for it (i.e. summer cleaning, cooking, etc.)

You are not alone haha.

June 25th, 2014, 09:43 AM
I prefer it up because it's hot and getting heavy down. Also it helps keep my shed hairs from getting every where. But I am trying to let it down more often, like in the morning or a few hours before bed, to give my scalp a break from the up dos. I also prefer it out of the way when I'm sleeping so I bun it at night. For the past week or so I've also been using a satin scarf when sleeping. Not sure if I'm going to continue with it. It seems to suck the volume out of my roots but my crown has never felt so soft.

June 25th, 2014, 09:46 AM
You're not alone. I do that with my hair, as well. It is more comfy when I have a migraine, which is often. I sleep with it down nearly every night; sometimes, I put it in a top-knot if it is bothering me and I can tolerate it.

Day-to-day, it's down, except in the car. We don't use the A/C, so the windows are always down. That blowing crazy wild feeling in the car bugs me... when we stop, I feel the need to brush it out. So, when I go into the car, it goes up.

Otherwise, I don't fuss too much about protective updos, sleep caps, special potions or oiling much.

June 25th, 2014, 09:51 AM
I sleep with it however I was wearing it during the day, minus any pins and clips etc. It's never that tangled, at least compared to how tangled it USED to be, regardless of whether it was up or down, braided or not.

June 25th, 2014, 10:00 AM
My hair's up 24/7, well almost. Only on wash day it gets "released", but after it's dry it goes into a half-up, so technically yeah it is (almost) up 24/7. I wear a LWB mostly. A cinnabun is still too loose on me. As a iii, I know I needed a lot of length just to be able to get it up into a bun, though, so that might contribute to it. At night it is down, though. Folded right under my head (I don't move much during sleep). My hair's only washed once a week, and to me, that's fine. It is a stretched wash situation. Normally it would need washing twice to 3 times a week. I have my greasy days. ;)

June 25th, 2014, 10:14 AM
"I see you have your hair down. I too like to live dangerously.";) I wear my hair down most of the time, and I sleep with it loose. I typically only wear my hair up when I'm very active or outside in the wind. I have had long hair my whole live, so I know how to move to avoid getting it caught most of the time. Sometimes screen doors or car doors still reach out to get me.:o I honestly don't really get the sleep bonnet thing because I think it would make my hair tangle worse to pile it in a bonnet, but I don't move around very much when I sleep.

June 25th, 2014, 10:20 AM
Right now I sleep with it out just because I can barely get it in a pony and it wouldn't stay.

My sister grew hip length hair and rarely braided or bunned it, day or night. Hers was healthy and split end free so it definitely works for some people.

June 25th, 2014, 10:24 AM
I've been wearing a ponytail bun to bed for at least 15 years. I hate the feel of tickling hair on my neck at night haha:rolleyes:

June 25th, 2014, 10:42 AM
I wear it up or braided a lot because I hate detangling, more than for protection. I sometimes sleep with it down if my scalp or neck are sore, but the extra morning detangling time annoys me.

June 25th, 2014, 10:58 AM
I usually sleep with my hair in a single english braid. Once a week I wash my hair and I like to have my hair open for that night. I then take all my hair up over my pillow and let my hair fall from the edge of the bed. On a normal days if I am not working, then it is in a single braid ( 3 strand, fishtail, 4 strand, robe...) and on a working days I am an updo. My hair is starting to be at such a lenght, that at working keeping it in a braid is not possible as it would come in my way. My sister wanted me to have my hair open as we went shopping the other day, so I had :) Was nice... detangling at evening afterwards - not as much ;)

June 25th, 2014, 11:06 AM
I often wear my hair down when out; I like how it blows in the wind.

However, since I toss and turn like clothes in a washing machine at night, I braid it or I'll end up smothering myself or something. Sometimes if it's really hot I'll keep it in a ponytail or bun to stop my neck from getting too hot.

June 25th, 2014, 11:15 AM
Ahhh, tangles. That makes more sense. My hair doesn't really tangle. 15sec with a brush is plenty to detangle.

June 25th, 2014, 11:36 AM
I've been sleeping with my hair in a braid for a while. It likes to try and strangle my husband if I don't keep it contained, so for the sanity of everyone I braid it. It makes it very easy to brush in the morning as well as I have noticed less breakage.

June 25th, 2014, 11:47 AM
I wear my hair down on most days, but when it's humid and nasty hot Summer, I just can't...up it goes. I also tend to wear a bun on wash day, but other than that, it's down. I do sleep with it in a top knot and a sleep cap. I just got into the habit when I was married. If you sleep alone and sleep peacefully, you can get away with having the hair loose, but I have cat that must sleep with me and a 10 year old that still slinks in to bed with me and spreads out like you would not believe so down is not practical.

June 25th, 2014, 11:49 AM
A lot of nights, I gather up my hair and drop it into the space above my pillow. It pretty much stays directed over the top of the pillow, except for the worst of my tossy-turny nights.

I do this all the time. It stays put and doesn't tangle. But during the day it's always up because it gets in my way if it's down.

June 25th, 2014, 12:08 PM
My hair gets in my way a lot, so I keep it up during the day, but sometimes "up" is really just being pulled back into a low ponytail (gasp, yes with a hair elastic). At night, sometimes I'll do a high bun, or I'll just lay my hair over the pillow to get it off my neck (especially if it's wash night and needs to dry overnight). Getting my hair up keeps it from getting greasy too, and I prefer to only wash twice a week as it seems to double my shower time! I don't really worry about tangles except when in the car (no A/C so windows down blowing hair everywhere means lots of tangles).

June 25th, 2014, 12:10 PM
I'm an active sleeper and my hair is wavy, so leaving my hair loose when I sleep means a bird's nest when I wake up. Braids cut way down on tangles and breakage. Also, bag straps and seat-belts get whatever's under my hair sweaty after too long, so I move my hair out of the way.

I don't bother with fancy silk pillowcases, though. My hair's tough enough to be fine with cotton.

June 25th, 2014, 12:11 PM
I have a baby nursing next to me throughout the night and her father in bed with me, sometimes one of my other kids join...but still I also flop it up over the pillow and there it stays.
Maybe because I've always had long hair I know how to head toss so it doesn't get stuck under shoulder bag straps. Or diaper bag straps.

Nadine <3
June 25th, 2014, 12:12 PM
I wear my hair down all the time. I only really put it up it I'm really hot. I sleep in braids or top knots just to keep it off my neck.

June 25th, 2014, 12:16 PM
I always sleep with it loose. I tried a braid recently, but that didn't go well.

I have it down most of the time during the day, too. I only put it up in a claw clip when I'm too hot to wear it down or when it's getting oily. My feeling is that I want long hair so I can appear to have long hair. If it's up all the time, what's the point (for me)?

Also... I'm really bad at up-dos. So bad that I'm only confident in my pony-tail and claw clip skills. And even those are mediocre. And I'm trying to avoid elastics anyway, so that severely limits my arsenal of up-do styles.

June 25th, 2014, 12:22 PM
Most of the time during the day it's down, mainly because it's so short it can't really get caught on anything. It goes up when it reaches that magical stage where it looks gross down but amazing in braided styles. I sleep with a silk scarf because my hair is wavy, and bedhead is the worst. Also, I've found that my cotton pillowcase leaches lots of moisture from my crown especially, so I've seen a big improvement there. My hair also seems to soak up lots more prewash oils when it's contained.

June 25th, 2014, 12:35 PM
Mine's always down or in a half-up, except when I cook. I put it up in a bun for that, but take it down as soon as dinner's ready, as I get a headache if I keep it up. I'll do two french braids if I'm going to be out in the wind, like at the beach. Wind-snarls are a nightmare.

In the car with the windows open, I grab my hair and wind it into a rope, then tuck the end under a bra strap or down the neck of my top. Keeps it out of trouble, sort of.

June 25th, 2014, 12:37 PM
I actually keep my hair up most of the time, because right now, it's my summer holidays time and when I'm out, it's just with friends that know me well and I don't have the need to look my best (it came out quite weird... but it's the truth :D) and I like to go walking around town, so there's wind and all that. But when I start studying... I think I will go back to keeping my hair down. That's what I wanted to do in the first place when I grew it long. And I look waaaay better this way, and I think I'd be better having APL hair that's down than mid-backish up all the time.

June 25th, 2014, 12:37 PM
I have a baby nursing next to me throughout the night and her father in bed with me, sometimes one of my other kids join...but still I also flop it up over the pillow and there it stays.
Maybe because I've always had long hair I know how to head toss so it doesn't get stuck under shoulder bag straps. Or diaper bag straps.

I had very short hair last time when I was 5 years old.... Then few years ago I cut "short" from almost classic to about bra strap lenght. I've noticed that untill waist it is easy to keep hair open. But at some point when it grows lower than a hip no matter how much experience you have with the long hair, it gets harder to keep it from going under the shoulder bag and such. But that is my experience.

You sleeping with a baby reminds me when I was a teenager and my sister was a baby and she often slept with me ( if mom had something to do still), I had my hair open when sleeping and my sister loved to put her hands in my hair while sleeping :) At some point when she was little older I would leave her to watch a tv and she would wake up and cry " Hair.... hair.... hair..." :D

June 25th, 2014, 12:59 PM
Mine is up/back in a pony in varying places on my head most days unless I take the time to wash it and blow dry it in the morning. Usually I like to wash it at night and let it air dry when I sleep, so it's loose. Sometimes I put it in a loose pony or sloppy bun when I sleep with it dry, but usually it's just loose then too. I need to get some simple braids in my arsenal, but I'm impatient so I just keep going to what works.

June 25th, 2014, 01:44 PM
Count me in as one who sleeps with my hair down, always. I also wear it loose most of the day, although I tend to play around with different up-dos, putting my hair up for a few hours and then letting it loose, again. My hair is just past my shoulders which makes wearing it down very easy.

Hot and Humid weather?? Whole other ball game, up it goes! Still down for sleep though.

June 25th, 2014, 01:48 PM
I put mine up more since passing hip, as it gets in the way more, wrapping around wrists and such! At waist I slept with it down too, don't worry about it too much. I don't think I'll ever use a sleep cap, personally :) I just bun it with a Jeter to sleep.

June 25th, 2014, 02:36 PM
I leave mine down the day after washing because its a shame to waste my one "good curls" day. Most of the time it's twisted up into a basic bun for convenience - I live in a hot place and I need it off my neck and not brushing my elbows.

I do like sleeping with it loose though.

I don't worry so much about breakage - my putting it up or tying it back is all for convenience.

June 25th, 2014, 02:42 PM
I put my hair in a bun on top of my head to sleep. I always have a hard time falling asleep, and having my hair all on my back in a braid or loose just bugs me even more. Sometimes if I pass out drunk I won't put it up though.

I always wear my hair down if I'm going out or going to work, but if I'm running errands or lounging around the house I keep it up. My hair doesn't look good down unless it's freshly washed/styled. I'm hoping once I grow out my damage it can look good down more often.

June 25th, 2014, 02:47 PM
I love to wear my hair down, but it gets on my nerves at work, or when I do chores or hobbies.
So mostly it is up, because I rarely do anything else but these 3 things :p

About sleeping, it is great to sleep with hair down, especially when it is longer.
But for me there is a huge difference if I braid it at night, or not. My hair is so much softer fresh out of a braid :)

June 25th, 2014, 03:06 PM
My hair is still very short, but I've always worn it down the day after the wash - and as long as I can after that until it dissolves into a frizzy mass!

June 25th, 2014, 03:13 PM
The naughty mess has to be kept out of the way or he'd eat small children and kittens. I would love to be able to wear my hair down and not care but I dislike being held hostage or participating in hostage taking.

The Naughty Mess says, "Squeek and Keiky sleep in me all the time and I have yet to eat them."

Because they will eat you. They are cats not kittens.

June 25th, 2014, 04:43 PM
I sleep with my hair down unless I've had it in a braid that day and I'm too lazy to undo the braid. No sleep caps for me. I can get up after a night to tossing and turning and comb through my hair root to tip with barely a tangle. I love wearing it down in the daytime and do so when I can. I wash it about 3 times a week so that gives me 3 opportunities to wear it down. Non wash days it's always in a bun or ponytail or braid. I'm blonde and unwashed blonde hair is not a pretty sight.

June 25th, 2014, 05:07 PM
For me it's buns outside, braids at home. I can't stand to have my hair loose because I get paranoid.

June 25th, 2014, 11:46 PM
What a therapeutic thread! Count me in as someone who sleeps with their hair loose. I just flip it over my pillow. Once it gets long enough to reach all the way to the floor and collect dust bunnies while I sleep, I'll have to reconsider.

At waist, I think I'm at the sweet spot for wearing hair down. It stays behind my shoulders instead of sliding around too much but isn't long enough to get in the way. My only annoyance is trying to prevent it from rubbing against the back of my office chair, which means I drape it over my shoulder if it's not up in some half-assed bun.

I definitely think my hair needs to just deal with the world and its perils. Survival of the fittest locks!

June 26th, 2014, 12:50 AM
Mine is flowing free on my pillow as I type...It really depends of my mood though as to how I sleep with it. I've been trying to wear hair up for proteciton but I prefer it to be down. I seem to have a sensitive scalp and prone to headaches if a pin or stick is pulling at my scalp.

June 26th, 2014, 01:16 AM
I wear my hair up most of the time in the daytime, but at night I sometimes wear it down. Even if I do put it up it falls out in my sleep! :p

June 26th, 2014, 07:47 AM
I tried sleep caps,buns etc but I like it loose to sleep.I feel like my scalp needs no tension or pull,loose does that for me.I use cones ,and a great side effect for me is that for me it makes my hair slippery so it never tangles at night.

June 26th, 2014, 08:12 AM
I'm not wearing any shiny bonnet to bed and I don't wear my hair up very often(if I do, it's to get the hair outta my way, not the other way around). It's usually just loose. I don't stress about my bamboo pillow case damaging my hair, nor my purse strap. My hair just has to deal with the world I live in and honestly I don't think it minds. I am starting a chemical-dye free life and wash only twice a week and never use heat, and oil it, so I pamper my hair in other ways, but keeping it up or in a bonnet and protected from the world is just not my bag, baby.
Who else is with me?
Or do I just need to hang around lhc longer and I'll be donning a nightcap before long? :-)

Nope. I'm a big fan of letting my hair loose. I sometimes loosely braid it for sleeping but usually it's just loose. I should probably get a better pillowcase though because of it. :) I like wearing my hair down because what's the point of such long locks if you can't show it off?! ;D

June 26th, 2014, 08:14 AM
Mine is flowing free on my pillow as I type...It really depends of my mood though as to how I sleep with it. I've been trying to wear hair up for proteciton but I prefer it to be down. I seem to have a sensitive scalp and prone to headaches if a pin or stick is pulling at my scalp.

Ditto. The first time I cut my long hair was because I kept getting headaches. I've learned how to manage it better this time around. :)

June 26th, 2014, 08:30 AM
I normally wear it loose for bed as well. Maybe 1-2 nights a week I use my silk nightcap. It's just way comfier without anything restraining the hair, and I also feel that my scalp needs to breathe properly during sleep as I have a pesky case of atopic eczema and I'm worried that the nightcap cuts off the air supply too much. :S

June 27th, 2014, 06:42 PM
That's how I am with my hair now. And I like how you said your hair has to deal with the world you live in! I like taking care of my hair, but I don't want it to become a huge ordeal to protect my hair from everything rather than just letting it down and free! I did care about it way too much when I grew my hair out before and I think that's part of what led me to cut it. This time around I will wear me hair loose when I please. No wear hair up challenges for me. And if I wanna heat style it every so often I will. I won't be totally careless with it, yet I'll enjoy it and not let it burden me.

June 27th, 2014, 08:55 PM
I always wear my hair down if I'm going out or going to work, but if I'm running errands or lounging around the house I keep it up. My hair doesn't look good down unless it's freshly washed/styled. I'm hoping once I grow out my damage it can look good down more often.

Mine doesn't either! I'm hoping it's the chemical damage and I'll be able to wear 2cnd day hair someday!

Lady Neeva
June 27th, 2014, 11:23 PM
My hair, whilst let down, doesn't accumulate tangles when I sleep, so I let it be that way.

June 28th, 2014, 01:58 AM
Mine either. Hats of any kind exacerbate itchy scalp issues (trapped heat and humidity) so that's another reason to let the air flow in, baby!

June 28th, 2014, 05:58 PM
I put mine up more since passing hip, as it gets in the way more, wrapping around wrists and such! At waist I slept with it down too, don't worry about it too much. I don't think I'll ever use a sleep cap, personally :) I just bun it with a Jeter to sleep.

Well, that's a long hair problem I had never thought of! Hair wrapping around a wrist must be especially aggravating at times. I've heard of hair being stuck in pants, shirts, bras, doors, etc., but never tangled up in a wrist. Interesting. Anyway, back to the subject, I usually keep my hair in a low side ponytail secured with a fabric holder in the ends of my hair unless I go out and then it's loose with the sides up in combs. I even sleep in the low pony over my shoulder. It's working for now, anyway.

June 28th, 2014, 06:04 PM
I tried wearing my hair in braids or buns when I sleep but it really didn't make a difference and I just let it loose. I did get a satin pillowcase though. I used to wear my hair loose 24/7 but the past four months I;ve been wearing it up almost all the time. It started because I had to for my new job but now I'm so used to it that I find my hair unbearably annoying when it is down.

June 28th, 2014, 06:20 PM
I enjoy having my hair down when I'm prepared to deal with it or I'm relaxing at home, but if I have to do stuff, I can't have it getting in my face or tangling in the wind. (Breezes are nice, actual wind is BADWRONGEVIL.)

Even then, I tend to have it in a half-up instead of completely loose. Thick hair gets EVERYWHERE.

June 29th, 2014, 03:53 AM
Everyone is individual but all I can say is that you are very lucky your hair is so resilient! Honestly, if my hair was like yours I would have it down all the time, as it is, my hair is fine and tangles like mad if I have it down all the time!

June 29th, 2014, 06:05 AM
I leave it down as well when I sleep. Since my hair reached waist, it's getting more tangly when I sleep with a braid.

June 29th, 2014, 08:31 AM
When I sleep, I just try to flip my hair to the side so it's not rubbing between my body and the sheets. Other than that, I don't do anything.

July 1st, 2014, 02:07 PM
Hrtchoco, that's exactly what I do! I'd die if I couldn't move my head freely because I was laying on my hair. :)

July 1st, 2014, 03:25 PM
My hair is baby fine, fine enough that it literally floats without wind, just from me walking. Since it is so very baby fine and fragile, it of course also LOVES to tangle! Needless to say its up in a bun most of the time. The few days it isn't its in a half up or a headband, because I despise hair in my face.

At night it's usually in a silk sleep cap or a braid. Otherwise it tangles like MAD, and the detangling costs me hair I can't afford to lose! Also, it tries to strangle me in my sleep, so there is that too. :p

I notice the majority of people saying they don't baby their hair don't have fine, thin hair! Mine will not make it in "survival of the fittest". Its wimpy hair. :p

July 1st, 2014, 06:23 PM
Unfortunately, I lost my favorite hairstick, so I haven't been doing many buns lately... Actually, my hair is almost always parted and braided, which I'm finding is verrryyy helpful for my length. It's not exactly wearing it up, so I can still show off my length. In fact, I'm finding braids accentuate it. People are like "Wow, your hair is so long - it must be even longer when it's down!"

Like many of you already said, I usually only wear it down when I'm at home, or when I've just washed it and want it to dry. I flip over a lot in my sleep, and I flip my hair with me. If it's not in a braid, you can imagine the tangles that creates...

I need to get back into buns.

July 1st, 2014, 09:34 PM
I notice the majority of people saying they don't baby their hair don't have fine, thin hair! Mine will not make it in "survival of the fittest". Its wimpy hair. :p

I for one am in awe of your hair and applaud your patience for making "wimpy" hair grow so long and beautiful! :)

My hair probably makes a lot of LHCers cringe and go "if only she'd try this-and-that" but I'm fine with that. Reading around the LHC can be a little intimidating, because if you add up all the advice from various threads it seems like haircare takes up about 26 hours a day. It's easy to forget that not everyone does everything all the time, and not everything works for everyone all the time. Us benign neglecters often stay quiet, maybe because saying "I just leave it down and don't do much to it" doesn't feel like you're contributing much to the conversation. :D

July 1st, 2014, 10:37 PM
omg I'm jealous! I wish I could sleep with my hair loose too, specially while sleeping with my boyfriend, hehe! :(
But if I sleep with my hair loose even my soul will wakeup tangled. And forever.