View Full Version : What relevence does hairstyle have to Football?

June 24th, 2014, 11:04 AM
I saw this when logging into my E-mails, and it made me angry
I know some of the styles are a bit mad but a lot of them are just long, Seaman for in example is no more than a ponytail and in my opinion is the best head of hair I have ever seen on a sportsman (I don't really like sports so haven't seen many)
Does this mean that it is felt you can't be a good footballer without a crewcut or short back and sides, or that showing support for others through a hairstyle is wrong :(


June 24th, 2014, 11:13 AM
Ahhh David Seaman, that hairstyle brings back memories of my Arsenal supporting days when I was at school!

And I always admired Emmanuel Petit (http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/00699/sport-graphics-2008_699170a.jpg) and David Ginola (http://www.oocities.org/ginola79/ginola/ginola.jpg)'s hair back in the day :p

This "article" doesn't make me angry though, just another silly collection of pictures, I wouldn't read too much into any supposed meaning if I were you :)

June 24th, 2014, 11:14 AM
its because they are out of the "normal". I liked all of them, especially #2!

June 24th, 2014, 11:15 AM
I think you're reading way too much into it tbh.

June 24th, 2014, 11:25 AM
I think you're reading way too much into it tbh.

Me too. When I see an article like that I think "another small minded twit decided to write an article on the internet." Most of those "popular" type articles are like that, in my opinion.

June 24th, 2014, 11:26 AM
Your probably right, I'm just sick of seeing football everywhere I look, being expected to be interested in it and then I go to log onto my E-mails and see such a ridiculous piece of drivel.
I don't normally even give them my time and read them, I think it just touched a nerve with me.
I guess it makes a change from them insulting some actress for cellulite or not wearing the right colour dress.

June 24th, 2014, 11:26 AM
Also, I agree that Seaman's hair is beautiful, but I want to take that metal-bearing ponytail elastic away from him and teach him about proper hair ties. :D

June 24th, 2014, 11:47 AM
They're sure picky, aren't they?

On a related note, I've been seeing a huge number of footballers with shaved sides and a longer top and back (sort of a wide mohawkish thing) this World Cup. Did they coordinate this beforehand!? :D

June 24th, 2014, 12:33 PM
Being talented or smart isn't good enough, you have to be perfect looking and let the public drool over you too, y'know? ;)