View Full Version : Warmer weather and coconut oil combined?

June 16th, 2014, 04:17 PM
Not sure if both are a factor, but measured my hair yesterday. Finally 26. Closer to what my length used to be. Anyway, I usually notice hair growth at the end of the month rather then the middle of the month. So I didn't know if both the warmer weather and coconut oil, which I started using weekly, is the cause of the growth... I'm new to the whole coconut oil thing. It's definitely been helping, whatever it may be. No complaints here. :)

June 16th, 2014, 04:41 PM
Many people report faster growth during summer (or just warmer) months. If you massage coconut oil into your scalp, it could speed up growth a bit, as massage increases blood circulation to scalp. And if you apply coconut oil just to length, then it could be helping with length retention and split ends prevention.

June 16th, 2014, 07:07 PM
I live in hot, humid, Florida. I therefore try to capitalize on that during the summer and use the heat to help oil penetration. I just oil it, put it in a bun, and go do my errands. I definitely notice a (good) difference in breakage when I try this. Maybe, now that you're oiling more, that's what's happening? Less breakage could = "more" growth.

June 16th, 2014, 09:03 PM
I think the warm weather and coconut oil on my scalp and length have helped mine so far. I do live in a hot humid climate and my hair seems to have grown a lot. I noticed this effect when I first joined here. I went back to my basics my coconut oil and my basic routine.

June 16th, 2014, 10:04 PM
I'm a bit jealous... It's so cold (5°C/41°F) here, coconut oil doesn't even seem to penetrate.