June 9th, 2014, 07:42 PM
Hi guys, i'm a 20 year old girl and have been obsessed with long healthy hair
Growing up ive always had tailbone length hair *sigh* but i've ruined it these past 3 years` with bleach/dye/straighteners you name it, my hairs probably been ruined by it
It feels like it will take me forever to get back to my virgin hair again with only 4 inch of roots :(, looks horrible but i'm laying of the dye thanks to you lovely people
i've currently reached waste length at 23" however there is a lot of damage at my ends and I have terrible layers that i want to grow out too
Ive been a lurker on this former for about a year, and have learnt a lot from you guys so thank you!!
Growing up ive always had tailbone length hair *sigh* but i've ruined it these past 3 years` with bleach/dye/straighteners you name it, my hairs probably been ruined by it
It feels like it will take me forever to get back to my virgin hair again with only 4 inch of roots :(, looks horrible but i'm laying of the dye thanks to you lovely people
i've currently reached waste length at 23" however there is a lot of damage at my ends and I have terrible layers that i want to grow out too
Ive been a lurker on this former for about a year, and have learnt a lot from you guys so thank you!!