View Full Version : Going to try this.. long hair

May 27th, 2014, 07:56 AM
Greetings friends, I found this forum from some google searches on questions about hair related topics. Recently got my hair trimmed because apparently its good to do this when growing. I was accepted today and after a quick lurk I am starting to wonder if I've got the right forum? Any men here? Lol.

Anyways, the reason I am growing my hair is I want to try something new, was always happy with mums buzz cuts but too many awesome people that I look up to have long hair and I aspire to be like that! Right now I'm in the awkward stage and trying to find ways to be neater without going full justin bieber mode. I was going to create a thread but see my pic instead, I did this in the shower to keep it out of my face then looked in the mirror and thought I might be able to sport this for a while until it grows out and I can just push it out of my face. What is a decent product that keeps the hair like that so it stays back? I dont want to put crap in my hair, if the stuff is good the hair then thats even better. I see others with this and I have no idea what they do to make their hair like that. It cant stay wet forever. hahaha.

Anyways, if I dont like it I'll just cut it off. Glad to be apart of another community on the intergalaxy. Hope you have a great day.

May 27th, 2014, 07:58 AM
Well it appears my picture wont show yet nor can I edit my post so I hope you can understand how my hair was...

June 21st, 2014, 08:11 AM
I was accepted today and after a quick lurk I am starting to wonder if I've got the right forum? Any men here? Lol.

yep there are guys here. good luck, its worth it if you stick it out

June 22nd, 2014, 04:34 AM
Hi there!
There are some guys here, so you're not alone haha.

I can't see your picture but you could try aloe vera gel to keep your hair off your face. It works like regular gel but shouldn't be damaging, lots of longhairs here use it. Alternatively, brylcreem has lots of good ingredients, oils etc. Both work well on wet or dry hair :)

June 22nd, 2014, 05:48 AM
What is a decent product that keeps the hair like that so it stays back? I dont want to put crap in my hair, if the stuff is good the hair then thats even better. I see others with this and I have no idea what they do to make their hair like that. It cant stay wet forever. hahaha.

You could try Aloe Vera gel, pure and simple, or an alcoholfree gel like Eco Styler. No flakes with that product and you don't have to use that much. It has a pretty good hold. I have the olive oil version (Eco Styler comes in many versions).