View Full Version : Shocking people with your long hair

May 23rd, 2014, 01:48 PM
I wore my hair down for the first time since I got hired at my job(I have been there 2 years and always wore it in a messy bun until recently when I re-found my love for chopsticks) and I as feeling lazy. Everyone said the same thing "Your hair is long!?" I know I have told them about my length before, but they were stunned by my apparent "Hiding" it away. Does anyone have similar things happen to them?

May 23rd, 2014, 02:06 PM
I wear mine down the day after I wash it (so I washed it the night before) and people do love it. Not so shocked anymore since I wear it down more often since I moved to a "desk" job but it always gets a comment. My managers jokingly call me "Brave" because of my wave pattern. Apparently all I need to do is dye it red.

May 23rd, 2014, 02:06 PM
Yup! I work with mostly elderly people and when they do get to see it down (I will do so when someone asks) they all marvel. I love it, and so do they hehe :)

May 23rd, 2014, 02:10 PM
Hmm, I don't think the members of my union have ever seen my hair down (except the union leader when we first met) don't know that anyone'd be shocked persay.

May 23rd, 2014, 02:11 PM
I find people have very short memories. If I wear it up for a few weeks, I will get lots of "wow, your hair has got so long"", even though it's probably not even 1" longer than last time they saw it!

May 23rd, 2014, 02:15 PM
I don't wear my hair down in public. Even if I did I don't know if it is long enough at waist to shock anyone. However when it reaches Classic I intend to wear it down at least once in a while and shock the world - a 50 year old with loooong hair!!!!!! :)

May 23rd, 2014, 02:46 PM
No, but I can't wait until I can :D I envy you all!

Lady Una
May 23rd, 2014, 04:44 PM
When I was little and took ballet lessons I always had to have my hair up for the lessons...when I took my hair down once after a lesson my friends were all shocked at how long it was (really it was only waist length, but hey, I was only eight years old). I still remember feeling really happy about that. :)

May 23rd, 2014, 07:45 PM
I do get this quite a bit (if I need to redo my bun in public). :) And on the one hand, I'm grateful for the compliments, on the other... I feel a bit embarrassed about this unnecessary attention.:oops:

May 23rd, 2014, 10:26 PM
Yeah I think thats it for me too, grateful and embarrassed by the attention.

May 23rd, 2014, 10:36 PM
No one ever thinks my hair is long! :cool:

So the fun only comes if a friend is nearby and decides to play with my hair (which doesn't bother me if it's a friend).

A good friend of mine likes to grab a curl and stretch it to tie the clump around something it "shouldn't" be able to reach. That's the only time when people are like "you're hair is long!" But I don't find a compliment then. It more makes me think the person can't do basic math and doesn't know how spiral works.

May 23rd, 2014, 10:50 PM
Sometimes. It always makes me happy and proud. Mostly it's my mother and aunt who comment the most on my hair as I only see them a couple times a year, so they notice the length the most. Lately I've been fantasizng about when my hair gets to FTL. Wouldn't it be awesome to have hair that length and always keep it in a bun, and then one day let it down and shock everyone?

May 23rd, 2014, 11:15 PM
^See I keep meaning to start keeping mine in a bun every day at work so that in a few months it would be like "Woah, I forgot how long your hair is!" but I never do. I kept it in a too tight bun for three days a few weeks ago and caused some major shedding so since then I've mostly done braids and half ups.

May 23rd, 2014, 11:29 PM
I do get this quite a bit (if I need to redo my bun in public). :) And on the one hand, I'm grateful for the compliments, on the other... I feel a bit embarrassed about this unnecessary attention.:oops:

If I have to redo a bun in public, I usually look for a more private corner in which to do it. Otherwise it's just potentially too much attention attracted to me.

May 23rd, 2014, 11:37 PM
gossamer, I can only imagine the attention you would draw with your hair. I could imagine letting it down around friends or a small group of people at your length, but doing it in a large crowd would probably attract so much attention, and even hands *eek*

May 24th, 2014, 04:32 AM
I wear mine down quite a bit, but it's always in a large loose bouncy wave (thanks to my beloved nautilus bun) which takes quite a bit off the visual length, so whenever I straighten it I get a ton of "Whoah, your hair is so long! I didn't realise!" comments :laugh:

May 24th, 2014, 04:37 AM
Just a note: bringing a slinky to explain the spiral thingy to people might help ;) :lol:

May 24th, 2014, 11:28 AM
When I wore my almost classic silver length loose,people would gawk and stare,some verbally said rude comments,some would do a double take..Now that I cut back to just below waist ,people don't stare as much if loose.It's funny ,my hair wasn't that long compared to most here but where I live, most silver haired older ladies go short,so I was an oddity especially at that length.

May 24th, 2014, 12:09 PM
I wish my hair was long enough to shock people.

May 24th, 2014, 12:20 PM
Kitana That would be something. Dulce I have much respect for you for not cutting your beautiful hair because people have an image in their heads that women should have shorter hair as they age. Luckily I dont have many people try to touch my hair, but i think I blame that on my social awkwardness.

May 24th, 2014, 12:28 PM
I receive an occasional comment on my hair. The comments are always positive.

The real shock happens when we get a group of LHC'ers together for a meet. Then, there is not just one longhair, but a whole group. We have been called a cult, fended off paparazzi, and generally caused thudpiles. I regard that as adding to the atmosphere of the meet. ;)

May 24th, 2014, 04:34 PM
My mom is the one who comes into contact with it frequently, yet she's always amazed at how long it really is. :)

May 24th, 2014, 06:10 PM
I get shock value when I run in to people I haven't seen in a while and they haven't seen me with long hair. Get a lot of questions then otherwise not so much at least yet.

May 24th, 2014, 06:53 PM
Just a note: bringing a slinky to explain the spiral thingy to people might help


May 24th, 2014, 07:00 PM
Just a note: bringing a slinky to explain the spiral thingy to people might help ;) :lol:


May 24th, 2014, 08:29 PM
Yup. My hair stays firmly up for work, and at the Xmas party, I had my hair down and all my co-workers stopped short.

May 25th, 2014, 03:35 AM
My length doesn't surprise anyone yet. But last friday at work, when a girl asked me how long i'll grow my hair, she was left speechless :) I only described classic length :D

May 25th, 2014, 05:58 AM
I have my hair up every day. The first time I had to redo a bun at work and took my hair down my boss was shocked by how long my hair is. Now he calls me rapunzel.
Had a similar reaction from nurses at hospital once when I took down my braided bun and they saw how long my plait was.
I don't wear my hair down in public much though, so little opportunity to shock strangers, and all my friends already know I'm growing my hair so are less surprised.

May 25th, 2014, 07:39 AM
I find people have very short memories. If I wear it up for a few weeks, I will get lots of "wow, your hair has got so long"", even though it's probably not even 1" longer than last time they saw it!

PrincessPheobe, You got it. People have short memories. Perhaps they are comparing hair up styles to wearing it down, in that case hair would appear to have gotten so long. I usually wear my hair up, and I get these comments when I wear it down.

May 25th, 2014, 07:44 AM
I don't know if the lenght of my hair shocks anyone as i always have it in a braid or in a bun ( with lenght just under my tailbone when down). But lately with my buns becoming bigger as the hair becomes longer and i get asked if i have hair extentions or a hair donuts used. And then people ask me how long/thick exactly my hair is if i can get this type of a bun with my own hair. I think i need to go out with my hair open and see if i get any reactions or is my hair long enough yet to for reactions :)

May 25th, 2014, 07:56 AM
As Ed mentioned above, the reactions to not one or two, but six or more longhairs, especially a mixed gender group, are usually pronounced.
And with more eyes in the group, we notice the reactions more.

Regarding the jump from waist to classic and beyond, I found that covering the glutes really triggers people's concept of "really, really long."

Alas, at aforementioned meets, classic is short.
Now that I'm solidly FTL when wet or with leave in conditioner (dry and uncoated still fluffs up), more everyday comments get made when I have a half up. And the length haters stare, too. (With a lip curl. Nice. You make your mother proud)

chen bao jun
May 25th, 2014, 11:21 AM
No one is shocked at the length of my hair curly but friends who stretch it out are ALWAYS shocked at the length stretched. Even people who know that curly hair stretches a lot. They are amazed that it looks like shoulder and is actually brastrap, which is considered around here to be 'long'. I wonder what they would think of those people who have shrinkage so that their ear length hair can be really at waist?
People ask me how long I'd like to go and when I say, waist, they invariably ask--will it really grow that long? Or, if they have a bit more knowledge--is it ever possible for it to actually look like waist if it does grow that long?
I have heard some say that this is because people don't think black women can grow long hair but I actually don't think this is why I get these questions. Since I have always had more or less what is considered to be long hair in this area (arm-pit, BSL when I used to have a perm and wear it straightened all the time), nobody thinks I can't grow long hair. (Actually, around here, people don't know a lot about weaves and extensions and I have noticed that they usually assume that a weave IS the person's hair whether they are black or white, no matter how crazy it looks). I think its more that people here consider waist to be an 'extreme' length that only a select few can reach genetically. People here are always trying to get to waist and 'having' to cut at BSL or mid back because they have such ratty ends from poor care, or even wondering why their hair 'won't grow' anymore when its all dyed and bleached and fried so they are startled at anyone assuming they can reach waist, probably especially at my age (because they also all seem to think that menopause makes your hair thin and short).

May 25th, 2014, 03:01 PM
Ha ha, only on LHC would you hear the remark that "Classic is short".......

May 25th, 2014, 03:43 PM
I'm only at BSL and around here up to waist length is pretty common. But I have had people who haven't seen me in a while be surprised how long it is compared to the shoulder length style I used to wear.

May 25th, 2014, 06:04 PM
It happens to me all the time! I think that the fact that my hair is so fine and compresses down to nothing when bunning might help in the usual 'but your hair is so long!!' response, because it doesn't look that long in a bun...

And that's it for me too - while it's always nice when someone compliments your hair, of course, the attention can get a bit repetitive and/or embarrassing sometimes as well. Especially when people just focus on the 'weirdness' of the 'super-long' length and ask me clichéd questions like 'how long is it since you've cut it?' or 'how much time does it take you to shower?' or 'do you even cut it/do you cut your ends?'...Well-meant attention/compliments is a nice thing (sometimes it really boosts my confidence, although at other times I wish I didn't stand out so much because of my hair), but obnoxious judging isn't, and repetitive questions really tire me, I'm afraid...

May 26th, 2014, 08:50 AM
Hah, I do wear my hair up all of the time knowing that a side-benefit is that I can shock people who know me with the length from time to time. :D
But dang, after my recent 'down day' at my college, I have to agree with SwordWomanRiona that the attention can be repetitive and embarrassing (for me it's incredibly embarrassing because I'm super duper crazy shy). My hair isn't super long by LHC standards, but it's almost crazy long by muggle standards, and this is really the first time I'm realizing how attention grabbing it can be.

I like my buns and updos so much that it isn't important for me to wear my hair down very often, so I get to control when I deal with the attention/shock/questions, and that works. :)

May 26th, 2014, 07:16 PM
I once had a professor who had knee-calf length hair and she wore it down EVERY SINGLE DAY. So it wasn't a surprise to see her hair, but I did get to ask her once how long it took to grow it to that length and she told me 15 years. I was amazed! I totally admired her hair. She was in her late 40s or early 50s, and looked AMAZING. Back then I had shoulder length hair, so I was relatively short-haired. I feel embarrassed now that I asked her about the time it took to grow, since all the super-lengths here say it gets annoying and repetitive/embarrassing to be asked all the time.

I love wearing my hair up, and only like to wear it down when there is no wind, it's not too hot, and there are no small children around. So, right now, that's pretty much only on SOME date nights. I look forward to wowing the general public with my hair when it gets long enough to shock people. I especially want to go to a church activity with it down someday, since those are the only people who see me on a regular basis (well, besides the gym, but I'm not wearing my hair down there).

May 26th, 2014, 08:14 PM
i never wear my hair down when i'm alone because i don't want the attention it attracts, for some reason it's really been getting noticed here lately. If i'm with somebody i'll often wear it in a long side braid, it's to my hip. I mostly get covert stares when i'm with people but if i'm alone people are more bold about approaching me about it. On one hand it's kind of validating for it to attract attention but on the other hand i like to be left alone. Though i do admit i like the "oh my gawd your hair is so long!!" response from co-workers on the rare occasions they see it down!

May 26th, 2014, 09:41 PM
We have been called a cult, fended off paparazzi, and generally caused thudpiles. I regard that as adding to the atmosphere of the meet. ;)

The long hair cult! I wonder what would go on in such a cult...hmm

May 27th, 2014, 08:41 AM
The long hair cult! I wonder what would go on in such a cult...hmm

Lots of braiding and combing and styling and cheese and/or chocolate eating (for growth, of course, not because it tastes like manna from heaven)!

We'd be called The Long Hair Communicult and would actively recruit other longhairs! :p

May 27th, 2014, 08:51 AM
Lots of braiding and combing and styling and cheese and/or chocolate eating (for growth, of course, not because it tastes like manna from heaven)!

We'd be called The Long Hair Communicult and would actively recruit other longhairs! :p

I'm game :gobblecheese:

May 27th, 2014, 09:00 AM
Yup. My hair stays firmly up for work, and at the Xmas party, I had my hair down and all my co-workers stopped short.

ROFL I did that at a meeting back when I was tailbone. They were wowing over it.. quite funny hehehe

May 27th, 2014, 09:04 AM
Lots of braiding and combing and styling and cheese and/or chocolate eating (for growth, of course, not because it tastes like manna from heaven)!
We'd be called The Long Hair Communicult and would actively recruit other longhairs! :p

OK, I'm in! And of course chocolate is good the hair, it's very healthy (see my sig :p )

May 27th, 2014, 09:22 AM
Lots of braiding and combing and styling and cheese and/or chocolate eating (for growth, of course, not because it tastes like manna from heaven)!

We'd be called The Long Hair Communicult and would actively recruit other longhairs! :p

I see you have attended SF area meets by proxy. ;)
The cult reference reminds me of my first meet in San Jose. Toward the end, Ed was the last male, and as the remnants of the meet drifted around, we joked that we looked like a cult , what with all Ed's wives with him. In public no less.

May 27th, 2014, 09:39 AM
OK, I'm in! And of course chocolate is good the hair, it's very healthy (see my sig :p )

Well by that logic I guess microbrews and good scotch are also salad, and would make our cult meetings even more healthy! (stress can affect hair growth, ya know) ;)

I see you have attended SF area meets by proxy. ;)
The cult reference reminds me of my first meet in San Jose. Toward the end, Ed was the last male, and as the remnants of the meet drifted around, we joked that we looked like a cult , what with all Ed's wives with him. In public no less.

:rollin: I can see it!
It sure seems like you guys know how to have a meetup out there in my home state, someday I'd love to go back (and maybe do some pretendy cult stuff with those who are game; I see longhairs walking around in a circle, each holding the ends of the hair of the person in front of them... chanting "grow, grow, grow!" for public bewilderment)

May 27th, 2014, 10:27 AM
Well by that logic I guess microbrews and good scotch are also salad, and would make our cult meetings even more healthy! (stress can affect hair growth, ya know) ;)

NOW YOU'RE TALKIN!:beerchug:

:rollin: I can see it!
It sure seems like you guys know how to have a meetup out there in my home state, someday I'd love to go back (and maybe do some pretendy cult stuff with those who are game; I see longhairs walking around in a circle, each holding the ends of the hair of the person in front of them... chanting "grow, grow, grow!" for public bewilderment)

:rollin:Oh man, what I would give to see that!

May 27th, 2014, 07:01 PM
The long hair cult! I wonder what would go on in such a cult...hmm It must involve taking pictures of the backs of our heads. :lol:

We'd be called The Long Hair Communicult and would actively recruit other longhairs! Recruiting is easy. During one meet in San Francisco, a woman saw our group, waved her long hair at us, and exclaimed "I'm one of you!" :o

The cult reference reminds me of my first meet in San Jose. Toward the end, Ed was the last male, and as the remnants of the meet drifted around, we joked that we looked like a cult , what with all Ed's wives with him. In public no less.I later thought that I might need to explain things to the officer. :lol:

May 27th, 2014, 07:09 PM
I remember we were sort of following ed around and I suggested we all get long white caftans for the next meetup.....'brides of ed', the long haired cult.

May 27th, 2014, 07:59 PM
Sometime I'm going to have to travel to CA so I can attend one of these meets!

May 27th, 2014, 08:05 PM
Imagine if a hundred of us turned up!!! :)

May 28th, 2014, 12:16 AM
I remember we were sort of following ed around and I suggested we all get long white caftans for the next meetup.....'brides of ed', the long haired cult.

Omg, this is hilarious! I'm can't wait to go to my first meet in the bay :P

May 28th, 2014, 12:18 AM
Well, the last was April? Look for someone to instigate in the next couple months.

May 28th, 2014, 12:20 AM
I'll be on the lookout :)

May 28th, 2014, 07:20 AM
It must involve taking pictures of the backs of our heads. :lol:

Recruiting is easy. During one meet in San Francisco, a woman saw our group, waved her long hair at us, and exclaimed "I'm one of you!" :o

I later thought that I might need to explain things to the officer. :lol:
:lol: That is amazing!

Sometime I'm going to have to travel to CA so I can attend one of these meets!

Imagine if a hundred of us turned up!!! :)

Best. Day. Ever! :hifive:

May 28th, 2014, 07:22 AM
Veryhairyfairy, where do you summer? Anywhere near me? I'm in Idaho.

May 28th, 2014, 07:55 AM
Veryhairyfairy, where do you summer? Anywhere near me? I'm in Idaho.

Oh my goodness, I spend my summers in the state next door to/up above you!
I'm in south-central Montana from mid-June to mid/late-August most years, and I'll be living out there permanently sometime in the next 3-5 years. (can't wait for that!)
I recently saw that there was a little mini meet out there! (And I know there's a few members out there, UltraBella is, I believe)

May 28th, 2014, 10:08 AM
Oh my goodness, I spend my summers in the state next door to/up above you!
I'm in south-central Montana from mid-June to mid/late-August most years, and I'll be living out there permanently sometime in the next 3-5 years. (can't wait for that!)
I recently saw that there was a little mini meet out there! (And I know there's a few members out there, UltraBella is, I believe)

The problem with these western states is the sheer distance between areas of condensed population. Driving to Montana takes an Idahoan through some very scenic mountainous terrain, but there aren't many populated places along the way or in between where we could meet in the middle. I'm hoping Miss Saltwater and I can get a Boise, ID mini-meet pulled together this summer, and maybe in the future we can get a bigger gathering. Well, hi neighbor! I hope sometime we'll be able to meet in person.

May 28th, 2014, 10:22 AM
I wear it down for work if my hair is drying from the morning wash. It doesn't happen very often but when I work at a location where they have not seen me in a while, I will inevitably get shocked comments about how long my hair has gotten. Then the next day, I put it in an updo and the manager actually freaked out thinking I had chopped it all off!

SF bay area meets are the best! I felt like a short hair compared to all of them!

May 28th, 2014, 03:22 PM
I had a therapist comment. " That's quite the mane you have going there ... Maybe you should consider something shorter , fun and flirty ?" Lady.. I came to you for an anxiety issue. Not for you to give me style tips! I was offended really. My hair was at its longest ans best and I felt confident and sassy. It was permed at the time and was big .. Like BRAVE hair only dark blond. Yeah . I fired her.

May 28th, 2014, 06:17 PM
Heh Heh! Good for you!
I had a therapist comment. " That's quite the mane you have going there ... Maybe you should consider something shorter , fun and flirty ?" Lady.. I came to you for an anxiety issue. Not for you to give me style tips! I was offended really. My hair was at its longest ans best and I felt confident and sassy. It was permed at the time and was big .. Like BRAVE hair only dark blond. Yeah . I fired her.

chen bao jun
May 28th, 2014, 07:28 PM
I'd have fired her, too.

May 29th, 2014, 07:45 AM
Perfect example of therapist on the wrong side of the desk.. ugh.

May 29th, 2014, 07:59 AM
I remember we were sort of following ed around and I suggested we all get long white caftans for the next meetup.....'brides of ed', the long haired cult.

That's fantastic and I support this idea whole-heartedly.

May 29th, 2014, 08:01 AM
The problem with these western states is the sheer distance between areas of condensed population. Driving to Montana takes an Idahoan through some very scenic mountainous terrain, but there aren't many populated places along the way or in between where we could meet in the middle. I'm hoping Miss Saltwater and I can get a Boise, ID mini-meet pulled together this summer, and maybe in the future we can get a bigger gathering. Well, hi neighbor! I hope sometime we'll be able to meet in person.

I was thinking about that; there's just so much space (which is why I LOVE the west), it's difficult to find a way for scattered people to come together without lots of travelling for a few or more. But hey, I'll be keeping an eye out for future meets and it would be great to meet you (and others, of course. Longhair friends who understand)! :flower:

May 29th, 2014, 11:15 AM
Ain't no way I would ever be part of a "cluster of brides". BRRR way too creepy.

February 11th, 2015, 06:53 PM
i always wear a bun to work or when im out with friends, literally all the time and a majority of people only knows me that way, so when i wear it down they act likeim a different person or something. i started taking pics in situation when my hair is down and throw them on facebook to avoid to much attention in real life, but that sort of makes me look like a total attention whore on the interwebs i guess.

February 11th, 2015, 07:12 PM
That question was directed towards BARF.

i didnt answer your question, just wrote referring to the OPs post. :)

February 11th, 2015, 07:15 PM
At one point when I was in Denmark there was a Viking Festival hosted by the National Museum, and they had a, "Hair Braiding and Viking Tattoo," station. So I went into the room, asked the ladies there if it was the proper room, and then whipped off the sticks. They were really surprised at the length. :o

February 11th, 2015, 07:18 PM
What's the point of having long hair if you just keep it up all the time, BARF?

Who are you referring to?? I'm confused as there isn't a member called "BARF".

Also many of us wear our hair up to avoid damage but also at longer lengths it gets caught on things etc. As for the implements for putting hair up, there are lots of varied tools. Chopsticks work but they aren't very sharp, if you check out the other forums there plenty of examples.

February 11th, 2015, 07:18 PM
Who are you referring to?? I'm confused as there isn't a member called "BARF".

Also many of us wear our hair up to avoid damage but also at longer lengths it gets caught on things etc. As for the implements for putting hair up, there are lots of varied tools. Chopsticks work but they aren't very sharp, if you check out the other forums there plenty of examples.

If you look at this user's profile, he appears to be stalking/bullying one of the users on here.

ETA: With kinky hair I don't really get the bun drop effect (tear). But I have had people pull one of my curls and freak out about it.

February 11th, 2015, 07:20 PM
I don't wear my hair down in public. Even if I did I don't know if it is long enough at waist to shock anyone. However when it reaches Classic I intend to wear it down at least once in a while and shock the world - a 50 year old with loooong hair!!!!!! :)

Awesome! You're my hero. I'm gonna be 50 this year and hope to be at waist by my b-day in August. I'm gonna wear it down that day for sure!!!

February 11th, 2015, 07:27 PM
If you look at this user's profile, he appears to be stalking/bullying one of the users on here.

ETA: With kinky hair I don't really get the bun drop effect (tear). But I have had people pull one of my curls and freak out about it.

Thank you for the info, and LOL I see it has been addressed.

February 11th, 2015, 07:29 PM
Thank you for the info, and LOL I see it has been addressed.

Wow, the mods were quick to get rid of that annoyance! Good job! Thank you.

February 11th, 2015, 07:32 PM
Once I looked at the profile and other posts, I realized I shouldn't have wasted the finger motion to type a reply to this person :pins: ..... sometimes I am forever trying to give people the benefit of the doubt.....:ponder: way longer than I should.

ETA; yes I agree, thank you to the mods

February 11th, 2015, 07:43 PM
ETA; yes I agree, thank you to the mods

I'm just glad I happened to look in this evening. Thanks to everyone who reported this. :)

Cheers, folks, and carry on!

February 11th, 2015, 07:45 PM
I'm just glad I happened to look in this evening. :) Cheers, folks, and carry on!

I'm glad this persons posts were deleted, but now it just looks like I'm a little nutty and talking to people that aren't there :rolling: normal day for me.

chen bao jun
February 11th, 2015, 07:47 PM
If you look at this user's profile, he appears to be stalking/bullying one of the users on here.

ETA: With kinky hair I don't really get the bun drop effect (tear). But I have had people pull one of my curls and freak out about it.

That is so Fun. People really have no idea how much length can hide in curls.

February 11th, 2015, 08:07 PM
That is so Fun. People really have no idea how much length can hide in curls.

I agree! It's deceptively delightful. :) I'm glad I learned about it and can appreciate it now, because I had no idea while I was relaxed.

February 11th, 2015, 08:16 PM
Awesome! You're my hero. I'm gonna be 50 this year and hope to be at waist by my b-day in August. I'm gonna wear it down that day for sure!!!

Well, I'm gonna wear my hair down every birthday from now on!!! We usually celebrate it at a restaurant.

February 12th, 2015, 08:36 AM
Oh, I love a good bun drop. The gasps! The comments! The surprise!

February 12th, 2015, 09:10 AM
Early in my days here, I suggested that when I took my hair down, it did a waterfall type effect and got verbally slapped rather hard for it. I don't remembe who did it, only the sting.

For about another, oh, 13 days, my hair did a slippery drop.
And then it hit a magic length and started the careen from contact point to contact point drop.
Now, several inches later, it does a stop, drop and roll move. But, if I move my head just a bit, it's a reasonable facsimile of movie hair. I just have to work with the weight, and start with a looser bun.

And Laura Long Locks, it took you less than a year to make it to a thud pile, ummm, meet.

February 12th, 2015, 03:26 PM
Early in my days here, I suggested that when I took my hair down, it did a waterfall type effect and got verbally slapped rather hard for it. I don't remembe who did it, only the sting.

For about another, oh, 13 days, my hair did a slippery drop.
And then it hit a magic length and started the careen from contact point to contact point drop.
Now, several inches later, it does a stop, drop and roll move. But, if I move my head just a bit, it's a reasonable facsimile of movie hair. I just have to work with the weight, and start with a looser bun.

And Laura Long Locks, it took you less than a year to make it to a thud pile, ummm, meet.

I love your descriptions of different bun drops. I can't imagine anyone saying something unkind about your hair, though. Wow, that's mean. Your hair is so beautiful. Even prettier in real life than in the pictures. And yes, I set out to attend a meet last spring, it appears, and I'm so glad I did. It was a blast. I'm going to try and make it to a meet once a year, and coincide it with visiting a long-distance relative like I did at the CA meet I attended.

February 12th, 2015, 05:32 PM
Yes, especially with "bun drops", but really only to people who don't really know me, and yes, I also get embarrassed from the attention.

February 12th, 2015, 07:04 PM
I have hip length hair and it's been snowing/raining a lot, so if I am wearing a wooden stick or fork, I take it out before I walk home from work. (I'm a waitress and also a receptionist at a nursing home.) when I do that at the diner, my coworkers and some customers are always shocked by the length as I fit it all up into a bun that isn't really huge or anything. At the nursing home, the older male patients will roll up in their wheelchair to look closer. No one has tried to touch it except my mom though.

February 12th, 2015, 08:41 PM
Yes, especially coworkers because I have to wear it in a bun for work! Last weekend, I happened to run into one of them when it was down and she was so surprised! Even when I wear it in a braid (this is my 'default' style), few people notice the length and even fewer comment (usually other people with long hair). I like it, being all incognito heheh. I think it's hard for some people to understand that I don't keep my hair long for attention, but because it's what makes me happy!!

February 12th, 2015, 11:19 PM
Oh, I love a good bun drop. The gasps! The comments! The surprise!
Since my usual bun isn't twisted, it falls pretty freely. Definitely have heard the gasps from behind.

chen bao jun
February 14th, 2015, 11:07 AM
I agree! It's deceptively delightful. :) I'm glad I learned about it and can appreciate it now, because I had no idea while I was relaxed.

Colochita, you can read my loooong post saying the same exact thing you said in words on about 500 back on p. 4. I posted last year. I thought then that my bun would never drop but it does now. It doesn't look like in the movies. I have to smonth it down a little bit with my hand. But when it gets long enough hypercurlies hair does obey the rules of gravity and yes, drop. Mine used to stick straight out backwards or sideways when released from a bun but now the direction is definitely down and I can even leave it like that afterwards, though I don't have the best curls after being bunned, it's perfectly presentable as down haIr, looks like in my siggy .

I get interesting remarks about my hair bunned as opposed to un bunned. My ukrainian friends recently gave me a very thoughtful present of lilla rose hair sticks, very pretty but small. They were worried if the sticks would be big enough, because they said, you don't look like you have so much hair but you need such big things to hold it up.

Translation : your hair barely looks like bra strap but it needs sticks Ike thick mid back length hair. They dont understand the concept of shrinkage at all, so don't get how it's much more than it looks like.

They also don't really understand different hair types and behave as if I'm holding out on them when I say I cant really make their 1b hair look like mine f or special occasions.

February 14th, 2015, 11:33 AM
Colochita, you can read my loooong post saying the same exact thing you said in words on about 500 back on p. 4. I posted last year. I thought then that my bun would never drop but it does now. It doesn't look like in the movies. I have to smonth it down a little bit with my hand. But when it gets long enough hypercurlies hair does obey the rules of gravity and yes, drop. Mine used to stick straight out backwards or sideways when released from a bun but now the direction is definitely down and I can even leave it like that afterwards, though I don't have the best curls after being bunned, it's perfectly presentable as down haIr, looks like in my siggy .

I get interesting remarks about my hair bunned as opposed to un bunned. My ukrainian friends recently gave me a very thoughtful present of lilla rose hair sticks, very pretty but small. They were worried if the sticks would be big enough, because they said, you don't look like you have so much hair but you need such big things to hold it up.

Translation : your hair barely looks like bra strap but it needs sticks Ike thick mid back length hair. They dont understand the concept of shrinkage at all, so don't get how it's much more than it looks like.

They also don't really understand different hair types and behave as if I'm holding out on them when I say I cant really make their 1b hair look like mine f or special occasions.

I just went back and read your post. I can't believe that was only a year ago. It gives me hope. I would love to be able to bun drop with even a little bit of gravity someday. I suppose I'll have to stay patient.

Your experiences with your Ukrainian friends sounds similar to mine with my American college friends. I go to school in a very small, homogeneous town in Minnesota so most of them have never had experience with kinky hair care before. I normally wouldn't talk about hair care with these friends, but we studied abroad in Guatemala together and I found myself having to drastically change my routine to fit what was available. The result was these friends running around town with me looking for apple cider vinegar and olive oil and that opened up the conversation. They're always very curious and interested, but polite.

chen bao jun
February 14th, 2015, 05:29 PM
How long were you in Guatemala? I went there once but didn't stay long. I was born in that general area.

Spectacular bun drops there, many of those women have serious long hair. I remember more braids though. Like, serious braids, fist thick and classic length or longer.

You should also check in here again next year.

the Ukrainians are funny, I am sure they are way beyond Minnesotans in having no idea about anything about black people, who tend not to proliferate in slavic countries, and also, they spent their lives in orphanages before they came here. I never know what will come out of their mouths next, or what they'll know all about or nothing about. They all adore long hair, and by 'long' they mean looong. they all prefer black hair, too, since you see hardly any people with that color where they come from, most people are blonette, with a lot of blondes and some a little bit darker brown. They are open to learning about everything and very excited about the simplest things, its very charming.

sorry about the threadjack.

February 15th, 2015, 12:29 AM
As I entered Costco last week, I take my hat off and look for my wallet to show my member card, when the guy at the entry looks at me, smiles and forgets to close his mouth. Then I feel a tickle and all my hair comes tumbling down, ( th length) .. I realised I lost my Red Lady Idun Stick!
Crazy I take my jacket off, and start patting myself to see if the stick might have fallen inside my sweater or hood or something... Nope...
Run out of the store like the wind, looking for my stick..... Thank God I found it, it fell near the car, but because I put my hat on, my hair was still up until i emered the store....
When I returned , with my hair bunned again, the guy was still in shock, omg, your hair is thaaaat long?
I was just happy I found my Lady Idun back

February 15th, 2015, 12:42 AM
How long were you in Guatemala? I went there once but didn't stay long. I was born in that general area.

Spectacular bun drops there, many of those women have serious long hair. I remember more braids though. Like, serious braids, fist thick and classic length or longer.

You should also check in here again next year.

the Ukrainians are funny, I am sure they are way beyond Minnesotans in having no idea about anything about black people, who tend not to proliferate in slavic countries, and also, they spent their lives in orphanages before they came here. I never know what will come out of their mouths next, or what they'll know all about or nothing about. They all adore long hair, and by 'long' they mean looong. they all prefer black hair, too, since you see hardly any people with that color where they come from, most people are blonette, with a lot of blondes and some a little bit darker brown. They are open to learning about everything and very excited about the simplest things, its very charming.

sorry about the threadjack.

Wow. I can definitely imagine they'd know less than the Minnesotans here, then. But that's cool. Culture and information sharing are always fun to me.

I was in Guatemala for four months, a school semester to finish up my Spanish degree. I've been to a couple of other Latin American countries, but none for as long as Guatemala. And oh my gosh, the braids were amazing, mostly among women of Mayan descent. One of my one-on-one teachers was of Mayan descent and she had the most beautiful, thick braid. We talked about hair all the time, and it always flattered me most when she complimented my hair because hers was so amazing.

I rarely saw their hair unbraided, but it was amazing.

(is also sorry for threadjack)

February 15th, 2015, 12:32 PM
As I entered Costco last week, I take my hat off and look for my wallet to show my member card, when the guy at the entry looks at me, smiles and forgets to close his mouth. Then I feel a tickle and all my hair comes tumbling down, ( th length) .. I realised I lost my Red Lady Idun Stick!
Crazy I take my jacket off, and start patting myself to see if the stick might have fallen inside my sweater or hood or something... Nope...
Run out of the store like the wind, looking for my stick..... Thank God I found it, it fell near the car, but because I put my hat on, my hair was still up until i emered the store....
When I returned , with my hair bunned again, the guy was still in shock, omg, your hair is thaaaat long?
I was just happy I found my Lady Idun back

Haha! That's a funny story. So glad you found your stick again. I would have panicked!

chen bao jun
February 15th, 2015, 12:53 PM
Yeah, Adiro, that was a great story. Unintentional bun drop.

I also would be so upset if I lost a Lady Idun, especially a red Lady Idun. They have never come out of my head though. That's one reason I love them, they are so secure for me even in loose buns.

Colochita, that's great, I wish I could speak Spanish. I can only grocery shop (which is a matter of survival or I couldn't get my native food). You were in Guatemala for four months, I was there one afternoon. But my country has a lot of Mayan people (and Mayan ruins). I never see anybody with hair as thick as theirs gets normally except Asian Indians.

My grandmother wore a bun, she parted her hair in the center and pulled it over her ears and bunned it either with those giant hairpins or a comb at the nape of her neck. In my experience that's the Iberian influence though, the native peoples don't seem to wear buns, its braids, even in old age. Course now its getting to be chop and perm.

chen bao jun
February 15th, 2015, 12:54 PM
Yeah, Adiro, that was a great story. Unintentional bun drop.

I also would be so upset if I lost a Lady Idun, especially a red Lady Idun. They have never come out of my head though. That's one reason I love them, they are so secure for me even in loose buns.

Colochita, that's great, I wish I could speak Spanish. I can only grocery shop (which is a matter of survival or I couldn't get my native food). You were in Guatemala for four months, I was there one afternoon. But my country has a lot of Mayan people (and Mayan ruins). I never see anybody with hair as thick as theirs gets normally except Asian Indians.

My grandmother wore a bun, she parted her hair in the center and pulled it over her ears and bunned it either with those giant hairpins or a comb at the nape of her neck. In my experience that's the Iberian influence though, the native peoples don't seem to wear buns, its braids, even in old age. Course now its getting to be chop and perm.

February 16th, 2015, 08:45 PM
If I have to redo a bun in public, I usually look for a more private corner in which to do it. Otherwise it's just potentially too much attention attracted to me.

Omg i get so embarrassed too

March 10th, 2015, 08:42 PM
People used to be shocked by my long hair all the time. (Especially when they "ma'am"ed me and I had to tell them I'm a dude... hahaha) And honestly I kinda shocking people. It feels nice to be impressive.

March 10th, 2015, 08:56 PM
this is my goal. haha

March 10th, 2015, 09:04 PM
Omg i get so embarrassed too

Gossamer's hair is ankle to floor length or close to it. That's why it would attract so much attention. I don't think it's necessarily like the embarrassment most of us with mortal-length hair might feel when/if our hair comes a bit loose.

March 10th, 2015, 09:59 PM
I've been very strict about wearing my hair up whenever I leave the house, but since the weather was so warm today - 53 degrees in Minnesota is considered downright hot! - and my typical hair clips were giving me a headache, I opted to wear my hair down. I had to run a few errands and when I walked into Sephora inside our mall to check on an item I'd seen another day, the girl behind the counter said, "Holy ****, look at her hair!" She was very sweet about it, asked me a couple of questions too, but I found her reaction to be quite funny especially consider how loud she said it!

March 10th, 2015, 10:28 PM
Whenever my hair slides out of a bun, I do get comments like "OMG! Where did all that hair come from?" "How did all this fit there?" "Is this all yours?" with often even touching hair, but I think it's just because those people don't know that much about bunning hair, so they are surprised about how this works.
Once I had a funny situation when a neighbor was insisting that I have a twin, until it turned out he just saw me briefly with my hair loose once (my hair is almost never loose) and he was sure it's a different person. :lol:
The funniest response I got was around little kids when my hair fell out of a bun: they actually thought I'm some sort of magician/super-hero, and my super-power is ... magically growing hair within seconds! :spitting:

March 10th, 2015, 10:49 PM
I always shock people when I go back to my home country for holidays :o they get to see me every 4 months or even more for acquaintances (some of them only meet me once a year) and it's always longer than what they knew, so they always compliment me :)

March 10th, 2015, 10:50 PM
The funniest response I got was around little kids when my hair fell out of a bun: they actually thought I'm some sort of magician/super-hero, and my super-power is ... magically growing hair within seconds! :spitting:
OMG! That's soo awesome!

March 11th, 2015, 05:28 AM
No, but I can't wait until I can :D I envy you all!

lol Agreed!! It'll take a lot of growth before anyone has to grab their heart at the sight of my hair. Shrinkage is no joke. But, everyone seems to hit that "awe" stage when girls with my hair type reach BSL dry. Looks like another two/three years away.

le sigh.

March 11th, 2015, 05:50 AM
I'm currently shocking people with my short hair. It's a bit weird but at least I make people smile. It will be a long time until I get to a shocking length again.