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May 22nd, 2014, 03:12 PM
I'm sorry, I just have to vent a little, and I figured if anyone could understand it's all of you. Everyone I see on a regular basis seems to like messy buns or other floppy styles, and they're always telling me I should do these. Such styles just frizz up or fall apart in my hair, they're just not very secure. They also don't have any cool pattern or details in my opinion, they just look like a big fluffy ball of hair. Does anyone else know what I mean? Do you just wear your more secure styles with pride, or cave to the pressure and start styling in a messy way? :)

May 22nd, 2014, 03:28 PM
Depends on the style, some messy things are very secure, while some detailed styles subside no matter how many pins I use. Also, depends on hair color. Many details are lost in my dark hair, so I only spend the extra time on them for my own pleasure, knowing that someone else will have to practically put their nose in my hair to see the details. I like the messy styles as well as smooth and would phrase it "Do you weary your hair how you like or cave to the pressure of styling perfection?" Most of the time I spend less than two minutes on my hair. Twisting and smoothing and seeking perfection take extra time. If it stays put, why put more time into an everyday style?

May 22nd, 2014, 03:34 PM
You mean that ultra chavvy hair loopy on top of the head that usually just looks awful or like the girl has got a rat living in her hair? If so I share your revulsion :p

May 22nd, 2014, 03:36 PM
My secure, LHC-style buns are messy; I've just come to accept it as the price I pay for a thick hemline.

I can do more complex braided styles that are neater, but they also take longer.

May 22nd, 2014, 03:45 PM
You make it sound like the only options are: Neat styling or giving in to peer pressure and styling messy. Perhaps some style messy because, *gasp* they like it?

May 22nd, 2014, 03:53 PM
You make it sound like the only options are: Neat styling or giving in to peer pressure and styling messy. Perhaps some style messy because, *gasp* they like it?

This. I like the look of messy hairstyles just as much as I like the look of neat ones. My messy hairstyles are often entirely intentional.

May 22nd, 2014, 04:01 PM
I prefer a messier bun. I feel it gives my look some whimsy. :) However, I don't do all the back combing and ratting of the hair beforehand like I see being done on a good percentage of the messy bun tutorials that I come across on youtube, because I like to spare my hair the damage.

I also do sleek styles... it just really depends on what look I am trying to accomplish.

That said, I don't think you should cave in to any pressure. I feel like you should wear what you feel comfortable wearing, and if sleek styles make you feel good about yourself, then ignore the trends and make yourself happy!

May 22nd, 2014, 05:05 PM
Yes, perhaps I described insufficiently. I don't feel that every strand has to be perfectly in place, my hair always has little pieces doing whatever they feel like doing. And if messy is what someone prefers, then obviously they should go for it. :) I guess I just can't find a style that feels secure to me while looking relaxed to other people, and when I put my hair up I want it to stay in place. I don't mean to suggest anything negative about the way other people choose to wear their hair, it's just that the more contained styles work better for me but I get criticized when I wear them.

May 22nd, 2014, 05:16 PM
I adore the messy bun look but like you, have a difficult time pulling it off
Certain hair types suite this better than others
If you've got thick blunt ends , good luck . Lol

May 22nd, 2014, 05:41 PM
I do a little of both but I have to say as a curly i tend to naturally end up with a bit of a messy bun. I will definitely do one a little more smooth toward the end of my wash week, but I tend to be low maintenance and throw my hair up in said fork/stick/clip etc....I will also say that a lot of the time the hasty buns turn out the best ;)

May 22nd, 2014, 09:23 PM
Pretty much everything about my hair is messy, including the styles. I like it though - it kind of goes with my personality.

May 22nd, 2014, 09:41 PM
I cringe at the teasing and spraying that goes into those.

May 22nd, 2014, 10:14 PM
Some styles that are too neat and too tight can cause traction alopecia, sometimes looser styles can be gentler on the hair and not all require teasing and hairspray to pull off.

May 22nd, 2014, 10:29 PM
I go for romantic looser styles. I have fairly thick and wavy fine hair that is a total escape artist. Intentionally messy suits me better. For years the only hairstyles I did were ponytails, french braids and those pulled through loopy ponytail bun things with my ends all arranged so it would look good. Honestly though, ponytails mean tangles and those sloppy buns turn into ponytails which mean tangles. French braids are the only ones of those three I still do. I do loose or braided buns with spin pins often with my front pieces twisted back. It's cute. I sort of learned buns like that from LHC but really my hair is too thick at waist to do many LHC buns without lots of sectioning and extra work. So I go mainstream but protective for now.

May 23rd, 2014, 01:10 AM
You came to the right place :D .LHC messy buns are "a few hairs escaped my nautilus :(".

I like messy buns,though those topknots held with elastic no longer hold in my hair and I have to use small claw clips.The problem with my neat buns is that they always look somewhat messy unless I oil the heck out of my hair or make it so tight my scalp hurts,which in turn makes my buns look tiny.

May 23rd, 2014, 01:16 AM
Those rats nests look awful indeed :lol:

I do both messy and neat styles.. if I do the hypno bun it can come out messy or neat, it really is a chance on that one. When I do my 10sec quick bun it always comes out very neat with the ends tucked away.

I like them both, I don't really pay attention to trends where following them is concerned. I'm 41, I'm over that, I hope :lol:

The trend where I live seems to be long, loose, straight, waist length hair. I LOVE it. It's been a while since I saw the looooong hair, it's been pixie for years.

May 23rd, 2014, 01:35 AM
My hair is short so any bun i do is messy, because my ends stick out to all sides :D I like doing the hair loopy thing when i'm too lazy to think or do something more neat and want to put my hair up and out of the way.. I usually don't have time to style my hair properly and don't really know any pretty hairstyles to fit my hair lenght other than duch or french braids, so i just go with whatever comes out of my so called up-do's :D I think messy style gives people an impression that you are somehow relaxed and confident, that you have more important things in life than styling your hair or that you are just..... "Artistycally" messy person.. :)

Henna Girl
May 23rd, 2014, 02:42 AM
I have fine and thick layered APL hair, no matter how much I try, it looks messy in a bun. The only way to get it look neat is loads of hairspray, which I prefer not to use. So messy it is until further notice :)

Rosa Harris
May 23rd, 2014, 04:32 AM
a messy fluff on top my head looks like more hair than a eat bun which looks like nothing since it compacts so much. I like o do braids going up to the mess to give it some detail - or flopping out of it here and there - tiny ones.

Stitching up a messy makes it extremely secure.

May 23rd, 2014, 07:56 AM
I like more intricate detailed buns for evening and more formal occasions, but generally my buns look messy. Tight neat buns tend to look quite harsh if I'm not, for example, wearing make up. I don't think of myself as succumbing to any sort of peer pressure when I choose to wear a poofier bun, though.

I will admit, before getting my first hairsticks, I did do that silly loop-on-top-of-head thing pretty regularly. It's a quick and easy way of getting hair out of your face if you're not very good at styling it or only have a scrunchie on you. :D

May 23rd, 2014, 08:08 AM
I'm not a big fan of the messy look, neither do i like detailed styles. I prefer my hair just looking sllek and simple, but like hair, ya know. Idon't think im trying to channel a particular message with a style like "hey 'im so hip", "just effed, thehe..." or that i want to show that i can stack braids and buns as if it was a lego champinoship.
Well, but those who DO LIKE these styles, it's their hair! No problem with them if they like to wear their hair one way or another. SOmetimes i think people do really take a a bit to much as a statement and feel the need to devide in groups of such and such. I dunno... it's called variety i guess, no two head are ever the same.

Conclusion, if somebody suggest to you something you don't like, say it's not for you and that should be it.

May 23rd, 2014, 08:53 AM
I'm a wavy. I don't need to make an effort to look messy. Some days look more polished then others :p

May 23rd, 2014, 08:53 AM
My hair doesn't look good messy and a very sleek updo looks too austere on me. So, I don't purposefully style a messy bun, but when I put my hair in a bun (every day) the ends stick out and it turns messy whether I wanted it to or not. xD

May 23rd, 2014, 08:59 AM
You ain't seen messy until you've seen my bedhead.

Honestly how my hair manages to look like that in the morning is beyond me :lol:

May 23rd, 2014, 11:04 AM
Sorry to hear about the criticism; some people need to learn to keep their thoughts to themselves. My style usually starts out somewhat neat, but I have layers, so most styles turn messy within a few hours. Luckily I prefer somewhat of a messy look; it's more "me".

I once watched a fundamentalist tutorial on doing a messy bun, and OMG - the teasing and the spraying! I don't go for that kind of messy!

May 23rd, 2014, 11:06 AM
I wish my hair looked cute when it is messy. :laugh: I LOVE the look on other people, but it always tends towards the ridiculous on me. My hair doesn't fall down in soft romantic messy pieces, it sticks out like a pineapple. Usually in the most unattractive fashion. :lol:

chen bao jun
May 23rd, 2014, 06:08 PM
I'm sorry, I just have to vent a little, and I figured if anyone could understand it's all of you. Everyone I see on a regular basis seems to like messy buns or other floppy styles, and they're always telling me I should do these. Such styles just frizz up or fall apart in my hair, they're just not very secure. They also don't have any cool pattern or details in my opinion, they just look like a big fluffy ball of hair. Does anyone else know what I mean? Do you just wear your more secure styles with pride, or cave to the pressure and start styling in a messy way? :)

I think the issue is to get them to stop telling you what to do as it is in no way their business. Why they are putting pressure on you, I don't know. Why should everyone look the same? Of course you notice you don't like their hair--because they are criticizing you and telling you that you need to be like them when you don't want to.

As some one whose hair has always been naturally messy, I love the LHC styles because they finally show me that my hair can be contained and look 'tidy'. I feel polished in them and I feel confident, even though I never get the compliments when wearing them that I get with my loose (and messy) curly hair. Tidy buns, for whatever reason, are not currently in style. They may come in style again as they were in the late sixties, early seventies when I was growing up--or they may not. I think right now it would be hard for them to be stylish, for the simple reason that everyone and her sister, if their hair is long enough for a bun, has layers. Layers equal messy buns because little pieces are going to stick out.

Plus, can you imagine the world at large having the patience to grow enough hair to make even the simplest of LHC buns and then having the patience to learn? I can't. We are a subset of the population and will remain so. Which is fine with me.

May 23rd, 2014, 06:23 PM
Ugh, no worries here. Fashionably messy styles look completely different from actually messy styles, especially for me. Thick black hair means I can't do intentionally messy braids without losing the point of a braid. Plus, nobody would see it unless they're two inches away.

Don't get me started on the artsy/bohemian look. Sometimes I see a good style, but it's increasing reduced to curling-iron curls/waves with accent braids here and there.

On the plus side, my rushed/loosened-up braids end up looking way more naturally messy than the teased and sprayed ones that are fashionable. Since, you know, I actually spent a day doing stuff instead of trying to make my hair LOOK like I was doing stuff.

May 23rd, 2014, 06:42 PM
There's messy, and then there's hideous. Curly hair, especially, can look beautiful in a messy style, with romantic tendrils everywhere. As to the trend - I cannot be doing with hair on the red carpet that looks like it's just got out of bed or the shower. I mean take Blake Lively's braid (http://www.gofugyourself.com/full-size-image/1038609) at Cannes recently; to me, nothing about that is attractive. As my grandmother would have said, it looks like she's been dragged through a gorse bush backwards. :lol:

May 23rd, 2014, 06:57 PM
I don't know, I think it's pretty good as messy styles go. It actually looks realistically casual and messy. My problem is that it's on the RED CARPET. You don't wear that sort of casual style to a red-carpet event. Especially not with a designer dress!

May 23rd, 2014, 07:09 PM
I don't mind my "messy" buns, I think it makes the look softer and more romantic. I like both types of style, but I don't love ratting and spraying for a "messy look"

http://i204.photobucket.com/albums/bb9/MadeiraDarling/WIN_20140522_182720_zps4c140568.jpg (http://s204.photobucket.com/user/MadeiraDarling/media/WIN_20140522_182720_zps4c140568.jpg.html) Two ficcare holding basically two giant pin curls

May 24th, 2014, 06:12 AM
I don't know, I think it's pretty good as messy styles go. It actually looks realistically casual and messy. My problem is that it's on the RED CARPET. You don't wear that sort of casual style to a red-carpet event. Especially not with a designer dress!

Agreed. I think messy styles can look nice and carefree with, say, jeans and a t-shirt, but in that picture it just distracts from the formal dress. It also looks kind of funny because it's nice and sleek at the front, but messy at the back (see here (http://www.usmagazine.com/uploads/assets/articles/73316-blake-lively-gucci-cannes-opening-ceremony/1400088866_blake-lively-cannes-zoom.jpg)).

May 24th, 2014, 06:28 AM
I like my hair messy, suits my clothes better. Sleek styles look beautiful on other people, I wish I could pull them off!

May 24th, 2014, 07:02 AM
I don't know, I think it's pretty good as messy styles go. It actually looks realistically casual and messy. My problem is that it's on the RED CARPET. You don't wear that sort of casual style to a red-carpet event. Especially not with a designer dress!

I think not many people can pull it off in a glam style of way, to be fair. But again it depends, like imagine Kate Moss with some sort of perfect updo, i think it wouldn't be her. http://lamodellamafia.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/la-modella-mafia-Kate-Moss-street-style-chic-inspiration-for-a-night-out-4.jpg

May 24th, 2014, 01:52 PM
I think messy buns are opted for a lot of the time because they are big. To me, messy styles look like you just had sex, or just woke up and didn't do anything to your hair. It's not a look that I'm a fan of. I am not saying that every hair must be restrained, and that layers can't ever pop out. I just think that a totally unkempt look says you don't care, or that you just rushed out of the bedroom with your SO. I see a lot of the messy buns in my area, usually on people who have much shorter hair than me, and I really think that most people are a fan of it because they like a large bun. Anyway, I think it looks dreadful. So, my PERSONAL choice is not to wear messy buns and to try to keep my style neat. If other people like to wear their hair messy, let them. I don't care. I just don't want to look like that myself.

May 24th, 2014, 02:06 PM
I have naturally messy, curly hair and for the first 3 days after wash day I have to resort to messy/curly updos if I want to wear it up. Even though my hair has a 3" ponytail circumference it gets really poofy and only likes/looks good in big messy buns. 3+ days after wash day the curls dissipate and I can do sleek styles. I like both messy and sleek styles and luckily I can do both. :shrug:

May 24th, 2014, 05:34 PM
With this length, messy buns are a breeding ground for knots. So I don't even contemplate them.

May 24th, 2014, 06:41 PM
My buns tend to come out 'messy' and I like them that way, but I don't particularly like the teased/tangled/purposely messy look. And I certainly don't think everyone's buns should be like mine! OP, honestly depending on who these people are to you, I'd just tell them to stuff their opinions. If you like neat, sleek buns and feel attractive wearing them, you should wear them.

Tall Blond(ish)
May 24th, 2014, 07:47 PM
It seems to me that the style itself isn't really the point of the question. SereneCurls, why waste energy feeling criticized because people suggest a hairstyle that you don't like? Do what you like, thank them for their suggestions but let them know that you don't like that style. If they're really putting you down, then inform them of how rude they are being. Or maybe turn the tables and tell THEM how YOU think they ought to do THEIR hair; see if they like it.

May 26th, 2014, 11:16 PM
For me, it can be described as giving in to my hair itself, to whatever it wants to do that day. Curlies/wurlies understand. If it's been a few days since a wash and has been oiled a couple of times or has a lot of detangler in it, I can brush it into sleek waves. If it's washday and it's fairly curly, and I want it up, the bun is going to have messy tendrils popping out. Braids can be sleek or messy, depending on how my hair is behaving in the first place, and also what kind of braids they are.

May 27th, 2014, 09:24 AM
Like others, I tend to think the messy styles look best on hair with texture (wavy/wurly/curly), and I long to be able to do one that looks nice and holds well.
Unfortunately, it's very tough to get a messy bun to have the same kind of secure hold that my usual lazy wrap has, and I get migraines from too loose of a style (I clench my neck muscles because every time I move, so does the bun, which stresses me out).

I totally agree with the posters who find sloppy buns to be unpleasant to look at because to me, there's a big difference between messy (http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130614152729/hairs-styles/images/e/e5/Selena-Gomez-Messy-Bun-Hairstyle.jpg) and romantic (http://www.sidehairstyles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/1489003313999602233FxygXz9c.jpg), and just plain sloppy (http://jp5.r0tt.com/l_0e9363f0-da06-11e1-a46f-7dff4c800005.jpg) (this is actually much, MUCH nicer looking than what I usually see around here, but it's a good representation of the wildness of the look). To me, the usually sloppy bun I see sported around here is very tangly straight (or straightened) hair, just mooshed around on top of the head and 'secured' with an elastic, but still loose enough to dangle/bob about and hang off the side of the head. All I can see is the damage caused by all of that tangling and pulling!

May 27th, 2014, 12:38 PM
For me, it can be described as giving in to my hair itself, to whatever it wants to do that day. Curlies/wurlies understand. If it's been a few days since a wash and has been oiled a couple of times or has a lot of detangler in it, I can brush it into sleek waves. If it's washday and it's fairly curly, and I want it up, the bun is going to have messy tendrils popping out. Braids can be sleek or messy, depending on how my hair is behaving in the first place, and also what kind of braids they are.

Word. A thousand times. For me it depends on the literal time-frame--like, hours instead of days. For the first day or two after a wash, I like wearing my hair down and messy/bohemian. Then when I get close to a wash, braids look sleek when I make them AND nicely messy/romantic after a few hours.

If I want to keep things neat, I usually need to redo my braid throughout the day.

May 27th, 2014, 04:31 PM
I do like messy styles, about the same as I like neat ones. It kinda depends on what I feel like that day. For me the annoyance is very much caused by how "style authorities" tend to talk about it. I don't know how to explain, but basically what really gets me is how you can find a certain style on, let's say, youtube, and like 60% of the video is dedicated to explaining how you definitely have to make it messy and how to go about making it messy.

It irritates me to no end when I see some style being praised for being hip and messy and whatnot, and it's really just a ponytail or bun or braid, but they act like it's some genius new invention, instead of just not putting effort into getting it smooth and/or mussing it, depending on your hair type and skills. Are people really not creative enough to learn a technique and then think to themselves: "hmmm I would like to wear this in a messy/neat/whatever style"?

On top of that it tends to be one of those things that's supposed to make it look all nonchalant and easy and what not, but actually took all this time and apparently tutorials to master it.

And really, there's nothing wrong with that but my dark petty side just cannot let it go???

Okay, I went on a tangent (why do I feel so strongly about this, help!)
But long story short: I have an extreme pet peeve that should not stop anyone from following whatever trend they want (but I will continue to not understand why people need so many instructions on whether their hair should look messy or not)

ARGH I feel so petty for this hahaha. I know there are probably plenty of people who don't know how to achieve a messy style, or they just have super smooth hair, or maybe they really are just looking up what the style of the season is, absolutely nothing wrong with that. But some part of me still gets SO frustrated when I see tutorials and articles like that. I guess it just hits the magic pet button in me haha.

May 27th, 2014, 07:10 PM
I actually messy buns. As much as I like cinnabuns/more sleek hairstyles, messier ones look better with my hair. Although, my braids get messy whether I mean them to or not! haha

May 27th, 2014, 07:54 PM
I totally agree with the posters who find sloppy buns to be unpleasant to look at because to me, there's a big difference between messy (http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130614152729/hairs-styles/images/e/e5/Selena-Gomez-Messy-Bun-Hairstyle.jpg) and romantic (http://www.sidehairstyles.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/1489003313999602233FxygXz9c.jpg), and just plain sloppy (http://jp5.r0tt.com/l_0e9363f0-da06-11e1-a46f-7dff4c800005.jpg) (this is actually much, MUCH nicer looking than what I usually see around here, but it's a good representation of the wildness of the look). To me, the usually sloppy bun I see sported around here is very tangly straight (or straightened) hair, just mooshed around on top of the head and 'secured' with an elastic, but still loose enough to dangle/bob about and hang off the side of the head. All I can see is the damage caused by all of that tangling and pulling!

Exactly this. Your last photo example is precisely what I abhor. I see it ALL. THE. TIME. And it looks terrible!

May 27th, 2014, 08:38 PM
I'm sorry, I just have to vent a little, and I figured if anyone could understand it's all of you. Everyone I see on a regular basis seems to like messy buns or other floppy styles, and they're always telling me I should do these. Such styles just frizz up or fall apart in my hair, they're just not very secure. They also don't have any cool pattern or details in my opinion, they just look like a big fluffy ball of hair. Does anyone else know what I mean? Do you just wear your more secure styles with pride, or cave to the pressure and start styling in a messy way? :)

Messy is all I've got. Which is what I have right now because my hair is at bra-strap/mid-back right now. For now I have to wait until my hair is full mid back or waist to be able to do anything really cool :/ Unless anyone has ideas. So yeah...At least it's in some kind of bun I think it's okay...

May 27th, 2014, 08:44 PM
I'm not a fan of the messy bun I see in my area. It looks to involve frizzle frazzling your hair into a wad/mat and then wrapping an elastic around it. On the other hand, I wouldn't mind seeing a bun that looks relaxed or casual. The only thing I ever see like that in my area is a peacock twist with a claw...not sure if that is technically a bun or just an updo.

May 28th, 2014, 07:35 AM
Word. A thousand times. For me it depends on the literal time-frame--like, hours instead of days. For the first day or two after a wash, I like wearing my hair down and messy/bohemian. Then when I get close to a wash, braids look sleek when I make them AND nicely messy/romantic after a few hours.

If I want to keep things neat, I usually need to redo my braid throughout the day.
Bolded for truth! I like my messy pieces-popping-out braids, but if I need it to look 'neat' I'll be taking it down and rebraiding several times throughout the day. (one of the reasons I rarely attempt to do anything but a simple three strand)

Exactly this. Your last photo example is precisely what I abhor. I see it ALL. THE. TIME. And it looks terrible!
It's one of the only 'styles' I see on the young women at my college, and that photo I linked is actually nice-looking to me compared to the monstrosities I see around here! :lol:

I've learned to really dislike it since starting school, it's crazy that the girls sporting it call it a 'bun' but there's no structure, there's no style, it's just a wad of tangled hair wrapped in a skinny piece of elastic, and it's supposed to look bad! (lol, had to stop myself from going on a rant about how today's youth want to look like they don't care)

I love the way woodswanderer described it!

I'm not a fan of the messy bun I see in my area. It looks to involve frizzle frazzling your hair into a wad/mat and then wrapping an elastic around it. On the other hand, I wouldn't mind seeing a bun that looks relaxed or casual. The only thing I ever see like that in my area is a peacock twist with a claw...not sure if that is technically a bun or just an updo.
You made me laugh out loud with the bolded! So true!

May 28th, 2014, 08:39 AM
I tend to just look messy if I go for a messy style. There's a girl at my work who wears one of those big messy topknot type buns and looks fab, but I tried it and it looks DREADFUL.
Don't get me wrong, I don't spend ages making my hair look sleek and fabulous but just kind of normal.

But then thinking about it, my normal bun for work at the moment if a pulled-through ponytail with the ends sticking out all over the place. So maybe from the back I look messy, but my hairline and face always look neat

May 28th, 2014, 07:11 PM
On top of that it tends to be one of those things that's supposed to make it look all nonchalant and easy and what not, but actually took all this time and apparently tutorials to master it. I think this is the core reason it bothers you, and I understand. People with hair like mine can do a nonchalant messy bun without work and it looks cute and boho or romantic, but those who have to work so hard at it end up with something that looks like they tried too hard. And trying too hard is never in style.

May 29th, 2014, 01:07 AM
I found this (http://www.omgdaily.com/blog/?p=683) :D the last picture of a 'bun' looks just atrocious. I could pull this look off - but ehm, would I really want to?

May 29th, 2014, 02:36 AM
I usually make a neat buns as i feel they are more secured and i can run and jump and do anything else without been worried of my hair falling down. I am lazy in such a way that i try to do my hair only once per day :) I think there are messy and there are MESSY hairdoes. You know when a teenager has all hair up looking like not been brushed for weeks - doesn't look pretty. And then there are messy buns which look pretty. I think it all depence how you do it? But from my view in my own city, lately there is more of a trend of wearing very neat bun made with a hair donuts, LA BALLERINA style - which is looking cute :)


May 29th, 2014, 04:25 AM
I found this (http://www.omgdaily.com/blog/?p=683) :D the last picture of a 'bun' looks just atrocious. I could pull this look off - but ehm, would I really want to?

Heh, that's what most of my buns look like :lol:

May 29th, 2014, 05:34 AM
No matter how hard I try my buns and up dos always look messy after about two minutes whereas it looks very neat and sleek when left loose. I don't have a problem with it either way. I think some people take the messy look to levels I'm not comfortable with but that's the cool thing about hair- yours is yours alone and you don't have to explain yourself! :-P

May 29th, 2014, 06:15 AM
I found this (http://www.omgdaily.com/blog/?p=683) :D the last picture of a 'bun' looks just atrocious. I could pull this look off - but ehm, would I really want to?

The first picture is what my hair looks like after about 15 minutes-the second one is what it looks like after a few hours. Between my layers and the fine wisps that refuse to be contained along my hairline if I want the sleek, every hair in it's place look I either have to use a ton of product to glue it in place or redo my hair two or three times throughout the day.

It's all a matter of personal taste and what your hair type/length will let you do. :shrug:

May 29th, 2014, 08:21 AM
I hate this trend. I've watched some videos where they create a messy bun.
How I make a messy bun: throw my hair into a messy bun with one Invisibobble.
How most of Youtube beauty gurus make a messy bun: tease, comb, tease, hairspray, couple of scrunchies really tight, bobby pins, more hairspray and a lot of time.

It's not a messy bun if you need to spend 15 mins doing it. A real messy bun takes 2-5 seconds and no hairspray.

May 29th, 2014, 09:27 AM
It's not a messy bun if you need to spend 15 mins doing it. A real messy bun takes 2-5 seconds and no hairspray.

Amen to that!

May 29th, 2014, 10:19 AM
The only "messy buns" that bother me are the ones that look like the person piled all the hair on the top of their head and wrapped an elastic around it, or the ones that involve lots of teasing and hairspray and end up looking like a tangled nest. It bugs me the same as when I see really tangled, loose hair, over grown finger nails, or super dry/cracked hands; it looks sloppy and unkept. Most messy buns styles I see on LHC, especially on people with layers or wavy/curly hair, are really nice. But I don't think much of the outside world has a clue about bun styles, haha.

May 29th, 2014, 12:28 PM
LongHairLesbian, I agree with you on the messy buns. All I see is the resulting tangles that happen with those kinds.

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_YPLSyaja5vU/TK0P3EdCBvI/AAAAAAAAFqE/igo-D8HnuWY/s1600/oscar+de+la+renta+chignon.jpeg I guess I'm not a fan; it looks like a bagel. But, to each his own.

May 29th, 2014, 04:32 PM
It entirely depends on my mood and how late in my wash cycle we're talking about. I do wear the messy bun on top of my head style fairly often for the last day before I wash my hair because it hides the greasies and keeps my hair protected and secure. But I've also been known to do very intricate lord of the rings style braids late in my wash cycle as well to hide greasies. So really it depends on what I'm feeling that day, and honestly how much time I have for my hair that particular morning.

May 29th, 2014, 04:55 PM
I hate this trend. I've watched some videos where they create a messy bun.
How I make a messy bun: throw my hair into a messy bun with one Invisibobble.
How most of Youtube beauty gurus make a messy bun: tease, comb, tease, hairspray, couple of scrunchies really tight, bobby pins, more hairspray and a lot of time.

It's not a messy bun if you need to spend 15 mins doing it. A real messy bun takes 2-5 seconds and no hairspray.

This is my opinion, too. It's one thing to have a messy hairstyle because you just wanted to get it up and out of your face. What I don't get is when it takes fifteen minutes to make it *look* like you just wanted to get it up and out of your face :lol:

chen bao jun
May 29th, 2014, 05:21 PM
Ouf, some of the photos you guys have put up since I last posted! I thought I had seen messy buns, but I have never actually seen anyone go out of the house with their hair looking like that.
I agree with Laura LongLocks that a lot of the time it is people attempting to make their buns look big. They figure that others won't notice that its all a lot of air up in what they think are artfully arranged teased curling iron curls, not actual hair. I notice--but to each their own, I don't care. So long as they are not telling me that I should look like that. To me, that is the gist of the problem that the original poster is having.
As for the one on the red carpet--doesn't surprise me at all. the point of being on the red carpet is no longer to look elegant and polished, its to attract attention and make people notice you, if not by your horrible hair, then by your inappropriate body parts on display. all things considered, I'd rather deal with the horrible hair.

May 29th, 2014, 09:01 PM
But why waste so much time being judgmental about other peoples hair when you cant force them to change it? *shrug* Live and let live and move on to better things. That's just me.

May 29th, 2014, 10:38 PM
But why waste so much time being judgmental about other peoples hair when you cant force them to change it? *shrug* Live and let live and move on to better things. That's just me.

You are not alone.

May 30th, 2014, 02:29 PM
It's fun to waste time talking about what hair I like/don't like. It's way more fun than housework. That said, I don't really care what people do with their own hair. I have an opinion for 5 seconds maybe, and then I am on to other things.

May 30th, 2014, 03:11 PM
I like messy buns, however I find it near impossible to do one that will actually stay in without the use of hairties

May 31st, 2014, 08:11 PM
It's fun to waste time talking about what hair I like/don't like. It's way more fun than housework. That said, I don't really care what people do with their own hair. I have an opinion for 5 seconds maybe, and then I am on to other things.

But spending time on things about hair you don't like about other people...how is being negative fun? Wouldn't you rather focus on more pleasant things and ignore the negative that which you can't control? After all it's...just hair on someone head other than your own.