View Full Version : Itchy patches on scalp, argh!

cosmic crusader
May 14th, 2014, 02:37 PM
Hello! I have a question for you friends:

About 3 weeks ago, I did a combo indian herb scalp treatment with SMT on my length. I piled it all up as bagged it for a couple of hours, rinsed, and loved my results...except for one thing. Ever since, I've had these five or so really itchy patches on my head. I'm also having a little dandruff, which is annoying. I've tried looking at my scalp, and I did see one little red bump, which quickly disappeared. My scalp is itchy but appears normal. I began various treatments like rubbing my scalp with aloe vera gel, applying ACV with a q tip, and even trying a cortisone preparation made for the scalp. These all ease the symptoms briefly, but the itchiness perseveres! Tea tree oil is a usual favorite but I have been concerned about increasing the dryness. I have also washed my hair several times since rotating different shampoos and conditioners to see if that helps (it hasn't!).

So what gives? I'm really not sure if the conditioner getting on my scalp (has caused problems before, but none so long lasting), the hot weather, the dry days, or what is causing it. Maybe it's just a perfect storm.

I'm going to try an apple cider rinse after I wash today. I was wondering if any of you had experienced anything like this, and if so, what helped you?

May 14th, 2014, 03:19 PM
You might want to make an appointment to see a dermatologist to get checked out.
There's many great beneficial healing herbs out there that are fantastic on hair but you need to make sure you are not allergic to any one herb or herbal combinations. It sounds as though you might possibly have some skin allergies/ sensitives and is showing up as a dermatitis type of infection.
I've had similar experiences with my scalp not liking certain ingredients especially in conditioners and I'd get a few small itchy spots along with dandruff.
I don't suffer from this any more but what helped me a lot was

5o/50 ACV and water - dunk head in cold rinse and let sit for an hour. Lightly rinse.
Onion juice( only on spots)
Original listerine- tab on scalp with cotton ball and leave on all night
Lemon or lime juice-leave on for 20 to 30 minutes
Epsom salt baths with 1 cup of borax added - soak for an hour
Peppermint oil and tea tree oil drops mixed
Neem oil
Oil of oregano - all oils used diluted to preference and used randomly

Don't try all of these ideas all at once and its best to test a small area first to see how you react.
These are all homemade remedies that have anti bacterial and anti fungal priorities

If this doesn't clear up within a week you should consult with a doctor.

May 14th, 2014, 03:26 PM
I get itchies from SMT too, but in my case it's from the conditioner and the scalp being damp for a long time. That's why I very rarely do them. A good old shampoo fixes the itch for me, maybe that is worth a try?
If the itching continues, please go see a doctor, allergies are not to be taken lightly! :)
Good luck!

May 14th, 2014, 03:26 PM
Double post, sorry!

cosmic crusader
May 14th, 2014, 03:46 PM
Great suggestions, thank you so much!

I definitely develop issues when my scalp is left damp for too long. I like to air dry, and sitting outside while it is so nice out will help it go quicker... I will be doing that more. An allergic reaction is a possibility as well, actually. I didn't think of that!

I just rinsed with diluted ACV and I will see how that treats me. If it keeps up for another couple of weeks or gets worse, I will visit the derm. It does feel like something needs to "dry up" or something, so I will definitely be trying the Listerine if I am itchy after my hair dries.