View Full Version : What happens when you reach your length goal?

May 4th, 2014, 04:45 PM
For many of us, we are taking it one milestone at a time. Others of us have a big long-term goal in mind. I find that the majority of my interactions on this forum are from people who have not yet reached their goal. Most of us are still growing. So, what happens when we reach our goal? It seems like there is some excitement in the updates and the new length photos. Once you reach your goal, and you are finished growing, what keeps it interesting and fun? For some of us it will take many years to reach our goal length, and then what? I'm hoping when I reach knee length I won't be let down by some sort of anticlimactic feeling. I want the thrill of each new progress update. What progress is there to be made after I reach my goal? I can think of a few things... thickness of hemline, reduction in split ends, new hairstyles... anything else? For those who have reached their hair length goal, what keeps your interest?

May 4th, 2014, 04:53 PM
Hmm, I told myself I'd worry about that when I'd get there! Since I want to grow as long as it can, I feel like it will be an extremely long time until I reach terminal length (hopefully). I feel like I will never reach my goal, because how will I know if I have reached terminal? (Well there are ways to make an educated guess). Or what if terminal length is way past the floor and it never stops growing longer because my terminal length is that long... a girl can dream! But I will probably occasionally use heat on it and possibly dye it purple! But I am having so much fun learning new hairstyles, trying out new toys and products, oils, regimens, etc. We are always learning new things!

May 4th, 2014, 05:12 PM
When I get to goal I just want to enjoy having long hair! Wearing it down without worry as I will have regular trims.

I get to look feminine and proportionate everyday, enjoying the look and feel of long hair especially during warmer months.

Also after reading many posts it seems like it is easier to take care of at longer lengths so I am looking forward to moisturising it to be easier as the ends will be more together. Also I like ponytails and braids but at my length they are not that flattering. I am looking forward to a nice, swingy braid for my work hairstyle!

My goal is roughly APL unstretched so I think I need to grow to BSL stretched to achieve that.

May 4th, 2014, 05:17 PM
I second the idea on learning new hairstyles. I was on Cloud 9 for days after learning the French braid. :p I don't have a specific goal in mind, but I'm sure once I find a length that I like, I'll maintain there and start learning some awesome new hairstyles.

May 4th, 2014, 05:28 PM
What happens when I reach my goal length?


May 4th, 2014, 05:28 PM
For me, I'm probably at my goal. I maintain interest by trying to improve the general quality of my hair, and just enjoying the community in general.

May 4th, 2014, 05:53 PM
My original goal was waist, and then once I reached it, I changed it to longer.

So now my goal is as long as it can go without:

1. Too many split ends
2. An uneven hemline
3. Major taper

I cut from nearly hip back to waist because I was experiencing all of the above. I am continuing to grow back down again at this point and will see at what point I will feel the need to trim again.

May 4th, 2014, 05:57 PM
I'm in the neighborhood of my stopping point. My hair is around tailbone length. I can make a decent braided bun out of a single braid. My hair touches my butt. While my braid doesn't wrap the whole way round my head single, double braids wrap the whole way round. I'm pretty happy with the length, and I don't want it tons longer. So, I'm maintaining.

I don't really care about a straight across hemline, or a particular thickness. As I've grown, I've found that a U or V shape is easier for me to work with for updos, and my hem will maintain a cut in shape very well. It takes well over a year for the shape to alter. So even minimal maintenance trimming will give my hair a very polished look.

It's also not really something that has an obvious climax. If you look at your knees, well, they're not small or a single point :). I have pretty short legs, and my kneecaps cover about 4" of my height. That's over half a year's growth for a lot of people. BSL often works the same way. And really, in my mind that's a plus for body part milestones. Your hair, your body, you can decide on exactly what you mean by "knee" or "BSL". You've got some slop. And if you need to chop off a few inches or want to, chances are your life won't be ruined forever. Worst case scenario, you might have a year of mild annoyance.

Long hair is very much a process, not a product.

And well, if I change my mind in a year or five, and decide that I want longer hair? All I have to do is cut back on trims. It's not like my hair stops growing just because I'm happy with how long it is.

May 4th, 2014, 06:08 PM
My ultimate goal is either the point at which I start swearing profusely at it, or terminal; If I start to hate it before terminal, I'll cut back a bit and then...regular trims I guess :wail:. If I hit terminal first, I won't have to do anything other than what I usually do! I'm not really in it for the goals, I guess; I just don't want to have to get my hair cut more than necessary.

May 4th, 2014, 06:15 PM
My ultimate goal is terminal, but if it becomes to much of a hassle/moneysink/tripping hazard and I decide to stop earlier, I will just switch to maintaining trims and make sure to enjoy all of my glorious hair! (That's what I grew it out for, after all) :o

May 4th, 2014, 06:24 PM
I'm not sure it's interesting and fun anyway. I like the hair toys, the hair styles and, of course, the people here, but the growing bit doesn't get a whole lot of thought. My hair grows all by itself with almost no input from me at all, I just wash it when it gets dirty and supply it with toys so it doesn't get bored and start causing trouble.

May 4th, 2014, 06:52 PM
I had too main goals in mind.

1. Return to my precut length.
I'm sort of amazed that I'm back at that length. When I cut my hair 3.5 years ago, I just wanted to get back to BCL. But now my longest hairs are back there. Part of me wonders if I should just maintain here for a year and thicken up before moving on.

2. Long term goal: Hip length curly.
I think about this a lot because hip length curly on me is pretty much mid-thigh (I'm guessing). So I don't know if I want to shoot straight for that since it's probably going to be at least another 4 years. My hair grows quickly though and is in good condition, so unless terminal length for me is much shorter, I know it's a possible goal.

May 4th, 2014, 07:28 PM
My original goal when I came to the LHC was waist length, which I have just reached. I changed my goal to Classic and will enjoy all the milestones in between WL and Classic. When I reach Classic, I will maintain to thicken up my ends, OR of course I may have changed my goal length again by then anyway, lol. After I reach my desired length I will work on gradually transitioning to Silver/white hair.

May 4th, 2014, 07:51 PM
Mine was classic length, and when I got there my ends were so dried out and snarly that I was happy to cut it back. Now it's just beyond waist length and layered. I love it.

May 4th, 2014, 08:46 PM
Mine was TB. I was pretty excited to get there! I think it's common to find another goal though, whether it is nicer ends, a longer length etc. I decided to see if I could get near classic with halfway decent ends. TB may still be where I end up maintaining. I know I will stick around here whether I keep growing or not because I love trying new styles and hair experiments.

chen bao jun
May 4th, 2014, 09:02 PM
Yea, I agree, from what I see on this forum, once people reach their goal they usually find another.
Mine originally was bra strap straight and now its bra strap curly (which would probably be waist).
If I get there, I undoubtedly will change it to waist curly which would be tailbone or so straight)

May 4th, 2014, 09:11 PM
I used to battle with my hair all the time, when it was long some 7-8 years ago (a bit passed hip) I loved the way it felt but never really knew what to do with it and I felt like I didn’t fit in since not many people had long hair around me so I chopped it and changed it every few months but I was never happy with it, the new cut and colour excitement only lasted a few weeks and the work it took to maintain that was to much. Since my last dramatic cut to grow out my hair virgin again, I never looked back and the excitement its been long lasting because ive learned that my hair is pretty damn awesome the way it is, I like super low maintenance and thanks to LHC Ive found the right balance for that. I will be more than happy to stop at classic (my ultimate goal) and enjoy being there for some time but I will go with whatever makes me happy – one thing is for sure that waist+ length IS what works for me the best :)

May 4th, 2014, 09:16 PM
What will I do when I reach my goal? Find another one and keep growing (hopefully)! :cheer:

May 5th, 2014, 01:02 AM
That is a good question! Last time I lost my interest and motivation and chopped my hair. I think that's why I haven't even set any particular goal this time because I'm worried I'll do that again. In a way I feel like I'm addicted to growing.

May 5th, 2014, 02:00 AM
Awesomeness happens actually :D I'm gonna walk around swishing my amazing mane side to side and feel sassy and glamorous! :disco:

Not that i'm not doing so right now :D But it just doesn't feel as glamorous right now :(

May 5th, 2014, 02:52 AM
Well my long term goal is terminal length, so it'll take a few years before I have to worry about "what next". My shorter term goal is classic, which is tantalisingly close . Once I reach that I'm planning on micro trimming for a bit to thicken up my hemline, so in some ways that is amending a purely length related goal to include other factors.

May 5th, 2014, 03:24 AM
I guess I'll find out if I ever stop moving the goal posts! Like so many before me, I too have found that as I near what I thought would be "long enough", I think maybe a few extra inches wouldn't hurt.

I'll probably just keep growing and self-trimming until I get to a length that feels like it's too much effort to maintain, and then chop back a bit. Having been on the LHC only for a short time, I think once I hit my maximum length I'll still have a lot of catching up to do in terms of having healthy hair all the way down to the ends. It doesn't help that I'm a recovering brush-a-holic.

Sometimes I feel like growing your hair is a task fit for Sisyphus, you strive toward a goal only to reach it and immediately find a new one. :D

May 5th, 2014, 04:46 AM
I had reach my goal several times in the past. When I start my journey (pre LHC) I didn't know yet about the body markers but I knew clearly what length I want my hair to be- to cover all my back. I guess it somewhere between hip and tbl. When I reached there my ends was a mess and I had tone of layers. So after that I was trim it several times. When I join to LCH and saw how great classic length looks I decide it will be my new goal. Then I grew it to FTL just for the challenge. Now that I reached my goal (again) I just enjoy it. When I wear it down I look how beautiful and long it is. I always happy to learn more about hair. So I watch youtube videos about new hairstyles and hair deep treatment recipes. I grow out a dye so I enjoy from that journey too. I can see how much the virgin part has grow and I like the two tones constantly changing color of my hair.

But goals isn't very solid. Especially here in LHC. For the most of the time when you reach to your goal you get a new one. But I'm pretty much done. I might grow it some day to my knees if I figure out how to make my hair less heavy and won't loose the ability to french braid but that's it. I think that my favorite length is mid tight or FTL.

May 5th, 2014, 05:37 AM
Once I reach my goal length, I will focus on maintaining my hemline because I can imagine if it is this hard to keep it blunt now, then it will be just as hard or harder at my goal length of TBL. Right now I am walking the line between keeping a blunt hemline and gaining length. It'll be nice to be able to focus solely on maintaining. I'm looking forward to that. :)

May 5th, 2014, 05:40 AM
For many years I thought my terminal length was BSL! Of course I was young and wore it down and "flirty". So it got damaged and broke off, and I washed and curled and did all those fun young things.

When I divorced I hadn't money to maintain a short "grown-up/mom" style, so I let it grow and put it in a low ponytail. When my job changed and my hair really needed to be *up*, I managed to get it up - not in any great way, but up. And it grew. One day it was at waist and I about fainted. (Benign Neglect!)

Then I decided to see how long it might grow, but on the way I got discouraged as I had no clue about real updo styles, so I chopped of 8 inches. Big Mistake. Then I found LHC and learned a couple ways to wear my hair. :)

Now it's at terminal, I think. Been at this length a long time. Getting old, hair is thinner (thyroid issues too). But my updo styles (the few I use) are so easy and comfy I don't want to change anything. :)

Now I'm here for the company, the people, the cats, the pictures, to encourage others on their journey. I have different goals now, not hair.

Rosa Harris
May 5th, 2014, 05:45 AM
My goal is terminal and I have no idea where that will be. For my son it was mid thigh so that is a possibility given genetics. I will just continue to take care of it once it gets there.

May 5th, 2014, 06:30 AM
I hope I will get over my somewhat obsessive hair growing journey and actually enjoy my hair! I maybe will be maintaining more.

May 5th, 2014, 06:35 AM
So, what happens when we reach our goal?

The target changes. :D

I'm at goal... at least in terms of what I was aiming at when I joined this forum at BSL or so. But now I'm thinking classic may not be enough, and have plans to go for fingertip eventually.

May 5th, 2014, 06:41 AM
Most people once they reach their goal they maintain and some have grown longer. Once I reach my goal I'm going to maintain.

May 5th, 2014, 06:44 AM
Good question! I think when I finally get to where my hair is "long enough" (WL?) I will probably start trying to grow out the damage from pre-LHC days. That is, if I didn't have to cut all the damage off on the way to WL.

I think despite length goals I am always on the quest for the "perfect hair care routine," so that will probably take up a lot of my hair thoughts. Length is just one part of my ideal hair so maybe the other important qualities will get more attention once I reach my length.

May 5th, 2014, 06:46 AM
When I reach my goal I will probably continue to experiment with hair products and try out new hair styles. I think keeping it healthy and maintaining length will be my priorities over growing.

May 5th, 2014, 07:53 AM
Many of us reach a goal and realise, "no! It's not long enough!" and then grow some more. I know I did! When I first joined LHC (oh my, seven years ago next month!!), I was probably somewhere in the waistlands. I figured, 'oh I'll aim for TBL,' and then when I hit TBL, I thought, 'let's see what terminal is,' but I've scaled back my aspirations a bit to knee. About eight months ago, I unknowingly hit my goal of knee length... but with, like, eight hairs. I had some crazy, crazy fairytale ends going, and I wasn't happy with that, so I cut back to mid-thigh and am slowly growing back out to knee but with the occasional microtrim to keep the ends even-ish. Once I get back to knee, I'm going to maintain there for at least a year with microtrims, and after that year, I'll see where I want to go. Who knows, I might realise that mid-thigh is a good stopping point and cut back. Or I might think that knee isn't quite long enough and see if I can get to calf length. I know I'm growing very slowly now, so I may be approaching terminal. I'm just enjoying what I have now and hoping for more!

May 5th, 2014, 08:23 AM
I've reached my goal (knee length) the past three years now so it's about maintenance and keeping my hair in good condition. I had a misguided thinning venture at a salon in 2010 so if I want my hair to be the same thickness through to the ends, I estimate I still have three years to go. Right now, the last foot and a half of hair is ~1/2 to 2/3 the thickness of the rest of it.

I imagine what other things you can do after include various new ways of upkeep, self-trims, fun hair products and hair styles that are only possible with your goal length. I find putting my hair in updos taken from old paintings/photographs to be great fun.

May 5th, 2014, 08:29 AM
Interesting topic!
I, like many others who've answered, just think I'll come up with non-length related goals.
Get better at certain/different styles.
Improve condition.
Maybe become more comfortable with wearing it down?

I'm 'lucky' though, because I have just years and years of growing out damage ahead of me, so I will have that to occupy me! :lol:

May 5th, 2014, 08:41 AM
I'm not sure. I've been chilling at tailbone for several years now, which has allowed my ends and length to bulk up a bit. For the moment, I'm going to let it grow again, see where it ends up. I suspect I'm not all that far from terminal, but if it's not unbearably thin before that, I think I'm just going to let it grow until it gets there.

What happens? Depends how I like it, I suppose. If I don't, I'll probably eventually trim back to a length I did like (tailbone's a good candidate, though I'd love fingertip) and maintain until I feel like doing something else. Since I like my hair long and dislike going to salons, it'll stay long.

May 5th, 2014, 08:43 AM
My goal length is waist, I really hope that when I reach it my phobia of cutting it a bit will have gone and I will feel a bit better about actually going to hairdressers. Since I'm still far away there are still a couple of cut-free years ahead of me! ;-)

May 5th, 2014, 09:30 AM
I actually don't have a goal right now. *Gasp!* A couple years ago, my hair got to somewhere between waist and hip and I decided it was too much work and I couldn't take it anymore, so I cut it back to BSL. I've been bouncing around between BSL and APL for a while, and I recently decided to start growing it out again (not surprisingly around the same time I started hanging out here again). But not to any specific length; I'm just experimenting, and I'll cut it back when it feels too long for me, or when my husband starts thinking it's ugly, whichever comes first.

More important for me is experimenting with the perfect hair care routine. I'm looking for something low maintenance, not too expensive, not too smelly, and leaves my hair soft and shiny. It's a process for sure, but I'm having fun.

May 5th, 2014, 09:44 AM
I really don't know. With growing hair, everything is too long-term to predict. My length goal was constantly increasing, and I think that's why I finally set my goal to either terminal or maximum length where I am not too bothered managing it.
After that, if I want a big change, I might go for a cut and donate it or order a wig made out of it.

May 5th, 2014, 10:14 AM
I'm not sure if I'll be keeping my hair at my goal length, I'll probably cut it shorter once I get to the goal. Sounds strange, but I want to see what it'll look like at waist length, yet realistically I have doubts it's a manageable length for me.

May 5th, 2014, 11:27 AM
Nothing will really change for me, I think. My buns will be more impressive, I won't fret so much about my ends because I can just trim them off, and there won't be any obsessive measuring. But other than that, it takes about the same amount of commitment to have long hair as it does to grow it. I'll still be doing S&D, still hennaing, still experimenting with protective styles.

May 5th, 2014, 12:59 PM
I'll slowly trim out all the bleach damage from two years ago, then maybe grow longer or work on the quality of my hair. I've got a lot to learn here.

May 5th, 2014, 01:15 PM
I'm not sure I'll ever reach my goal (classic), but if I do, I'm not sure I'll keep that as my goal, either. I would probably maintain for a while then wonder if it would grow longer! I used to think waist length was so long, and now waist would be way too short for me. My goal got longer as my hair did. That said, while maintaining I'd love to sort out my scalp problems and learn (any) protective braids / styles.

Nadine <3
May 5th, 2014, 01:20 PM
My goal is waist. Once I get there I'll just enjoy it. Wear it down, maybe use hot tools on it once in awhile.

May 5th, 2014, 01:41 PM
I've been at goal length for over 3 years now. I've been working on thickening ends so trimming off any new growth. After, I'll see how things go. I've never been a regular trimmer so it will likely grow a bit longer. If I like I'll keep it longer, if not, then I'll trim back.

May 5th, 2014, 02:16 PM
I don't really know but I think once I reach my goal I will keep my hair like that and let it do what it wants. If it wants to grow more great, if it doesn't than that's fine too. I was thinking that a fun experiment I might do after I (hopefully) have achieved my goal is see how much my hair can fully grow, I guess I just need patience to keep it healthy and long :)

May 5th, 2014, 02:17 PM
I should also add (forgot to say in that post) that right now my goal length is waist, I would like it to grow to tailbone but I will be content with just waist.

The Kraken
May 5th, 2014, 02:44 PM
I don't think I have a goal length, the longer the better as far as I can see right now. ;)

May 5th, 2014, 02:44 PM
I have reached my first mini goal of classic! Finally! But I have such a big taper that you can hardly tell how long it it is, my ends are so thin, so I think I will maintain classic until my ends are nicer then off to my main goal of finger tip....if my hair still wants to grow maybe a year from now I can continue

May 5th, 2014, 03:12 PM
Once i reach my length goal (which will be whenever my hair finally feels long) my next goal is to even up all the layers, then grow out all my pre-LHC hair, so that should keep me busy for several years. Then i plan to just enjoy it.

May 5th, 2014, 05:18 PM
My most recent stated length goal was "Classic". However, I am now within 1.5" of that goal. I've been thinking more and more that it might be fun to see where my Terminal length is. :p. It may take awhile till I reach that goal and I'm not terribly concerned about what I'll do then. :confused:

May 5th, 2014, 07:33 PM
Once you get there, you enjoy it!

My goal will take a few years - not to initially get to hip but to get to hip AND get rid of my layers. I'm going to set an optimistic guess of three to four years since my shortest layer is at my shoulders. Reality is it will probably be more.

On a note semi related to this thread, I LOVE those anniversary posts people make with a picture from every year... So if you have those pictures and you're like "Meh, no one wants to see this." Please think again and make yourself a thread.

May 5th, 2014, 07:35 PM
I'll probably move on to a longer goal (or maintain until my hemline thickens up)

May 6th, 2014, 12:31 AM
I'll just enjoy it and maybe create a new goal.

May 6th, 2014, 01:44 AM
I'm hoping for hip length by the end of the year, but at the same time I'm happy with the length of my hair now. I guess I'm enjoying what I have , since I never know what will happen in the future if I have to have it cut or if I end up losing a lot of hair for some reason :).

May 6th, 2014, 05:45 AM
I will do a major happy dance and shamelessly post my hair pics all over LHC :happydance:

May 6th, 2014, 06:20 AM
I'm eventually hoping to have mid-thigh length hair, though for now, I'm enjoying hitting the milestones along the way. I keep saying I'll maintain fo a while at the next one, then I get there, and it doesn't feel long enough to stop there, so I just keep going. I expect there will come a point that I have to maintain and get rid of my layers though, as they do give a false-fairytailing effect, which will slow me up considerably at longer lengths I'm sure.

May 6th, 2014, 06:24 AM
I will do a major happy dance and shamelessly post my hair pics all over LHC :happydance:

YESSSSS!!! :cool:

May 6th, 2014, 07:15 AM
My ultimate goal is about waist or hip, but I have a feeling when I get there I'll change my goal to tailbone or classic. I don't know if I would let if grow beyond that or not, I guess we'll find out in a few years.

May 6th, 2014, 09:03 AM
I will do a major happy dance and shamelessly post my hair pics all over LHC :happydance:YESSSSS!!! :cool:
Some happy/victory dance candidates I'm considering. :D

Dilbert scrabble scene. :)


May 6th, 2014, 11:30 AM
Some happy/victory dance candidates I'm considering. :D

Dilbert scrabble scene. :)


Love it! I am all there doing the victory dance with ya!

I've been giving it some thought, and of course, my continuing goals would be similar to many others... thickening my hemline, growing my bangs all the way to my hemline, and helping newbies on their journey.

I think I'll get a professional photo shoot done, too. That would certainly be a treat, and a nice way to memorialize my accomplishment.

But once I get my bangs all the way grown out, and have that photoshoot, what new goals could there be? I guess I'm looking for more excuses to shamelessly post my pictures all over LHC, lol! I guess I'll have to grow to longer lengths, just so I have something I can share as an update, ha ha! Knee length is pretty long, though... I don't know if I could handle it that long, or even longer. Guess I'm on the right path to finding out.

May 6th, 2014, 11:42 AM
When i reach TBL, i'll focus on keeping my hair healthy. Learning new updoes, searching for new hairytoys and stuff like that..

Agnes Hannah
May 6th, 2014, 02:21 PM
Am currently aiming for waist then planning to maintain, but I think when I get there my goal will change and I will grow on to hip or even tailbone before maintaining.

May 7th, 2014, 10:20 AM
I can tell you what I did once I reached my goal lenght (waist): I comitted a "dodgy dye" crime to my hair, so now I'm maintaining and growing thát out. :D SO basically, I found something new to work on, hair-wise. Could have been anything :)

May 7th, 2014, 12:59 PM
I've got about 4 different goals at the moment. 1. get to classic 2. maintain at classic until I'm happy with the hemline 3. Grow out the remaining pre LHC dye and damage. 4. Grow out bangs to match the rest of my hair. I'll be occupied with hair goals for awhile I think.

May 7th, 2014, 03:04 PM
I've said from the very beginning that my goal is classic length. I might have it trimmed back to TBL or hip-TBL when I reach that goal, or I might even stay at classic length. This length right now, halfway between hip and TBL (heavily layered) is very comfy for me. Shorter is too short (for updos), and longer, well... who knows. We'll just have to wait and see. :D

May 7th, 2014, 04:06 PM
My goal is classic but once I'll reach it,I'll definitley change it to knee. After that I'll try to maintain it and make it more healthy,I will spend my time learning how to do all sorts of braids and updos. I will also take on the hobby of sneaking up on people,getting infront of them and doing a spinning bun drop (I always imagined that's what long haired people do :cool:)

May 7th, 2014, 06:13 PM
Initially, my goal was waist, but now when I got that I keep wondering where all the hair I imagined is, because it's certainly not on my head! ;)
I changed my goal to hip before I got to waist though, and I think about going for tailbone... when I hoovered around waist and got bored, I dyed my ends purple, so I guess I'll always be able to entertain myself with my hair if I have to, even if its not by reaching length-goals.

May 7th, 2014, 06:31 PM
I've reached my length goal! So what happens next? You strive for an even longer goal! This is what LHC does to you...lol

May 7th, 2014, 08:39 PM
I'm making myself stick with Classic right now for my goal (it was hip when I joined LHC) and then I'll buy myself some special hairtoys for the occasion and re-evaluate whether I want to keep going or that's enough to maintain. Maybe I'll maintain for a year and trim and then never cut it again. I've been leaning towards doing that lately, just seeing how long it gets.. I've seen some people with gorgeous floor length hair but not with my hair type. It would make me feel majestic lol or so I imagine

May 7th, 2014, 10:45 PM
My goal is BCL. My original long hair length was at hip and I have a goal of BCL as a sort of personal affirmation that, after all the experimentation of lengths between chin and hip, that I am definitely a longhair and intend to stay so. When I did my big chop, I knew not long after that I wanted to grow my hair long again, but I decided to enjoy each length in between because I knew it would likely be the last time that I ever get to experience that length. So, my journey back to long hair has been a long one so far. Now that I am at mid-back, I don't intend to maintain the it at lengths in between, I'm just letting it grow as fast as it can. When I finally get to BCL, the next goal will be to not mess it up, lol! I don't think that it will feel anticlimactic at all. It'll just feel like I've regained an important part of my identity and this time around, Ill be really glad that I have this community to share that identity with.

May 8th, 2014, 04:12 AM
My goal is classic but once I'll reach it,I'll definitley change it to knee. After that I'll try to maintain it and make it more healthy,I will spend my time learning how to do all sorts of braids and updos. I will also take on the hobby of sneaking up on people,getting infront of them and doing a spinning bun drop (I always imagined that's what long haired people do :cool:)

:laugh: Too, too funny!

May 8th, 2014, 04:17 AM
I know my goal is going to change to hip when I get to waist. I'll probably buy lots of hair accessories and mostly hang out in the hairtoys sub forum. Wait... I do that already... Oops

May 8th, 2014, 06:11 AM
I will also take on the hobby of sneaking up on people,getting infront of them and doing a spinning bun drop (I always imagined that's what long haired people do :cool:)

Bun Drop Ambush Squad... RUN! :D


May 8th, 2014, 06:55 AM

Bun Drop Ambush Squad... RUN! :D


This is hilarious! :grin::applause

June 16th, 2014, 07:55 PM
I am thinking will it ever be long enough? Most likely take tons of pictures.

June 17th, 2014, 02:58 AM
Since I have changed my length goal 3 times so far, I probably will again. But I hope when I reach classic (current goal) that I will restrain myself from going longer and maintain til ends are thicker.

July 1st, 2014, 11:54 AM
I'm just gonna maintain at knee, get an awesome hemline, maybeeeeeeeeeeeee grow longer, but probably not, because i just don't want too, with my hair type.

July 1st, 2014, 12:14 PM
Honestly, I'm not sure what will happen when I reach my goal. Right now I'm aiming for tailbone, but I am determined to reach terminal once in my life just out of curiousity.

I was thinking about this just yesterday. The growing is so much of the adventure for me. I do love doing styles though, and long hair is so much easier to put up and take care of (in my opinion) so once I reach my goal I'll probably just maintain, or maybe go a little more lax and wear it out more, or even dye it or try layers. I'm guessing there'll always be some new fun thing to try. :)

July 1st, 2014, 12:59 PM
I will make a crown like my granny did, I will take a photos, I will cry probably remembering her - and I move on...

July 1st, 2014, 01:06 PM
When you reach a hair length goal, you set a new one. :lol:

My original goal when I joined LHC was waist. Now I'm at hip, heading towards tailbone. I doubt I'll go further than that, but who knows....
I'm pretty sure I don't want to go any longer than classic, because that to me would be unmanageable.

July 1st, 2014, 01:08 PM
My goal was waist three years ago. It's still my goal given my hair genes.

chen bao jun
July 1st, 2014, 01:39 PM
Hey, I realized the other day that I had reached my original goal (brastrap when stretched) some months ago and didn't even notice! When I first came on here, I imagined straightening (flat-ironing) my hair to length check, but I no longer feel like doing that, I like my hair now so much when its curly and thanks to this forum its very manageable and I don't want to straighten it, ever, at all. So I'm left stretching it and guessing. Also, I have got curious about what my hair would be like at waist! So I guess I am right in the crowd saying, when you reach one goal, you end up changing to another--right now my short term goal though is APL when curly, I have about an inch and then I'm there (but being curly, it could take quite a few months to get a VISIBLE inch more).

July 1st, 2014, 08:18 PM
Sorry, I'm of no help, but it's a good question that I've often asked myself, LauraLongLocks.

I met my first goal of Waist, wasn't thrilled, changed it to Hip, still not happy. Then mid-butt became the longest I would ever go! Now I'm a little longer than Classic.

I'm afraid my final goal will never satisfy me.

July 1st, 2014, 08:46 PM
I think one reason to have terminal as a goal is that it is indefinite. We don't know how long our tresses will flow.
So, we never face "hitting goal" as a sudden thing. We sort of "get it" after a while.

As I hit the milestones, I do tend to hang close to one for a while, the oh so popular, end thickening, but then I recall rate the next one I'm paying attention to.
Waist/hip was a month or two apart. Whoop.
So now I'm looking at knee as the next point. It's going to be a while.

July 1st, 2014, 08:51 PM
I can't really imagine getting there. My mini goal is TBL. I didn't think I would make it to TBL stretched and I am just about there. But now it doesn't feel like it counts because it's not anywhere near loose and wavy. If I ever make it there wavy, I probably won't feel like it counts, because my ends are so wispy.

Then I will have a good argument about myself whether or not my end goal is terminal and if so is there any point in ever trimming? Couldn't your hair always be that little bit longer if you have never trimmed? Can you ever reach true terminal if you have trimmed? Given my fear of cutting that answer might be don't cut, there none of my goals will ever seem to count because of thin ends. But if I trim, I am not sure I could ever think of my hair are truly terminal. If I can't fix my ideas, I will never reach a goal.

Maybe one day I will have read enough to feel like I understand and can make a properly informed decision about that. Meh, goals are over rated anyway... and I'm getting really bad deja vu for some reason.

July 1st, 2014, 11:00 PM
My original goal was somewhere around waist or hip. I've now achieved hip, but it feels so short! I have heard of this strange phenomena cropping up several times here on LHC. So now I'm growing to tailbone and then to fingertip length of I can. Don't know what it will be like at those lengths, so we'll see what comes after.

So all that to say that I can't imagine being at my goal yet. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

July 2nd, 2014, 08:11 PM
I genuinely have no idea :shrug: My ultimate goal is terminal, and like truepeacenik said it's not a goal that you arrive at suddenly. I'm enjoying the journey, honestly :)

Once I achieve my true terminal, then I'll decide :D In the meantime, many micro goals to meet along the way!

July 2nd, 2014, 09:09 PM
I think one reason to have terminal as a goal is that it is indefinite. We don't know how long our tresses will flow.
So, we never face "hitting goal" as a sudden thing. We sort of "get it" after a while.
Yep, that's exactly why my goal is terminal (as long as it's manageable). I am well aware of length dysmorphia that happens on the LHC, that feeling that no matter how long your hair is it's not "long enough", so I guess I'm keeping a loose goal for that reason, as well.

July 2nd, 2014, 11:41 PM
Some days, I'm not sure I'll ever reach one of my long-term goals, which is to see where my terminal length is. My other long-term goal is actually comprised of shorter-term goals that help me along on that path - to have my hair looking its best and healthiest no matter what length it is. To that latter end there, I find myself trimming off thin ends every few months whether I intended to schedule a trim or no. But I have noticed that my hair stays a little longer after that thin-end-trim every time. This past trim took me to a bit past fingertip length, still. Last time I trimmed off thin ends, it took me back to a bit past classic. The time before, it was right at classic, and before that, my trim took me to TBL+. So what I'm hoping will happen is that I'll end up somewhere in the neighbourhood of knee after a thin-end-trim, and I can make myself grow on to terminal from there. :lol:

July 3rd, 2014, 05:04 AM
My ultimate goal is tailbone. I will either continue growing from that point or just stay there and maintain.

Elizabeth E
May 20th, 2018, 04:03 AM
I don't know for sure. I'll probably make tons of videos about bun drops and just swishing my hair around.:joy:
My ultimate goal is KL, but CL is another major milestone. So anywhere between CL and knee is fine if my terminal happens to be shorter than KL. If it's longer...who knows? Maybe I'll try and go for ankle.
If I reach my goal, I would like to maintain there; doing microtrimming to thicken up the ends and get rid of layers. I'd like to wear it loose more and experiment with new hairstyles.

May 20th, 2018, 08:00 AM
It was going to be that I'd learn to properly style it but now I'm doing that most days anyway and am having fun with it (when I have time) which is something I hadn't been doing for about a year to protect it.

I guess when I reach my goal I'll trim to make my ends blunt and if it still looks nice, I'll grow it until I don't like the look any more! A goal is also to grow out my hair dye so that'll take a while lol.

May 20th, 2018, 08:26 AM
I'll start growing further :D

Honestly, the amount of times I've changed my opinion on the "perfect" length is astounding. I came here with TBL as my goal, and everything else was freakish to me. Then I started thinking that Classic is nice, and everything longer is uncomfortable. Now I'm looking at mid-thigh and it seems quite tempting... :D so yeah, right now my goal is Classic, but we'll see what will be my goal when I reach CL.

May 20th, 2018, 08:35 AM
I had assumed for several months that I might just keep on growing to see how far I could go, trim it if necessary, and just take it as it comes. But I realised that I do sort of need a plan for it not to feel anticlimactic, and to allow myself trims rather than being sad when I have to trim. So, I have a few options:

a) Reach knee, keep growing to calf, see how things are then
b) Reach knee, maintain for 6mths or a year to thicken up hem, grow to calf, see how things are then
c) Reach knee, maintain for a set time, grow to calf, maintain, grow on to who-knows?
d) Reach knee, maybe maintain then grow to calf, maintain or cut back to a shorter length of choice <- *kills self laughing* :rollin: yeah, like that's gonna happen!!

I think I like option b the most, maybe option c longer-term, but I might get a bit overexcited and go with option a when I get there :laugh:

May 20th, 2018, 12:08 PM
I had assumed forever that I would flip out, celebrate, and then maintain around CL. Now I'm thinking I might grow to fingertip in a relaxed sort of way, trimming more often and not being so concerned about length gains, and hang out somewhere around CL+ (between classic and mid-thigh is the idea) indefinitely. We shall see.

May 20th, 2018, 12:14 PM
My first goal was "as long as it grows" (which for me it meant somewhere between mid-back to waist). Then I saw classic length on YouTube. Yeah that has to be my goal... Until I discovered LHC. I want calf length: it's long enough to do big buns eating half of my head and not too long to drag it on the floor when I air dry)

May 20th, 2018, 01:13 PM
Well, my current mini goal is to reach waist length (I'm only a couple of inches off), then hip- ultimately I'd like to reach classic.
But when I finally get there I might decide to carry on growing :') who knows!

Groovy Granny
May 20th, 2018, 01:25 PM
I just enjoy the length, with it's endless style possibilities and pretty hair toys; it's never boring :cheer:

May 20th, 2018, 01:27 PM
I had assumed forever that I would flip out, celebrate, and then maintain around CL. Now I'm thinking I might grow to fingertip in a relaxed sort of way, trimming more often and not being so concerned about length gains, and hang out somewhere around CL+ (between classic and mid-thigh is the idea) indefinitely. We shall see.

Funny that sounds exactly like my plan :) I'm also expecting to start trimming more once I hit classic because I have a lot of damaged layers that are 15-20 cm from the hemline.

May 20th, 2018, 02:51 PM
Funny that sounds exactly like my plan :) I'm also expecting to start trimming more once I hit classic because I have a lot of damaged layers that are 15-20 cm from the hemline.

We also seem to be at very similar lengths from what I can tell from other threads. :) I am fortunate enough to have bitten the bullet way back when my hair was above APL and chopped what little layering I had out. I personally love having my hair one length after growing it out with layers last time. Anyway, I'm partly thinking of trimming more after classic because I find my ends to be thinner than I like. So hopefully that will improve when the time comes. :p

May 20th, 2018, 02:58 PM
Did you have layers cut in earlier or layered hair from growing out short hair? I cut off my uneven growth to around APL years ago, so the layers I have now are due to damage from wearing a ponytail with a thin hairband every day for years.

May 20th, 2018, 03:03 PM
I become a princess! I guess we all become princesses :) hehe

May 20th, 2018, 03:12 PM
For some of us it will take many years to reach our goal length, and then what? I'm hoping when I reach knee length I won't be let down by some sort of anticlimactic feeling. I want the thrill of each new progress update. What progress is there to be made after I reach my goal?

I hope the same! There's a saying about waiting and planning being more exciting than whatever the actual event is :p For me, while I'll be reaching my goal length relatively soon, it'll take me longer to cut out the remaining hair colors, and a few years to remove old heat damage. After that though, I'm not sure! Maybe I'll crave longer lengths like some of the members here have <3 Or maybe I'll be happy and just move on from this hair hobby? Hmm.

May 20th, 2018, 05:51 PM
My goal is ankle length. i'm hoping to reach that goal within 4 or 8 years from now. Or, hopefully a lot sooner. But as soon as I reach my goal I will maintain it there for the rest of my life. I will keep the ends trimmed for an even and thicker hemline. But is never planning on cutting my hair.

May 20th, 2018, 05:56 PM
Did you have layers cut in earlier or layered hair from growing out short hair? I cut off my uneven growth to around APL years ago, so the layers I have now are due to damage from wearing a ponytail with a thin hairband every day for years.

Ah, I see. I had face-framing layers and bangs cut in probably between APL and BSL, before I decided to grow my hair in earnest. Grew it out to BCLish without touching those parts. The bangs were pretty blunt but I just embraced the weird look until they could go into a bun.

May 21st, 2018, 03:37 PM
I think I'm at the point where I have a vague interest in seeing where it goes lengthwise, but I'm perfectly happy to stop here. I'm interested in maintaining my hair health, having thickness travel down, and maybe making my scalp happier. I do notice that I've dropped off avidly reading the boards for more information lately.

May 21st, 2018, 03:57 PM
I have several short term goals to break up my journey to terminal length - when I reach classic length I'll maintain for a while to get a straight hemline then keep going and once I reach terminal I will maintain permanently unless I find it too hard to cope with in which case I will trim back to where ever was comfortable.

May 23rd, 2018, 07:28 PM
That'll be the moment I start cutting off the old hairdye ;) And then I'll probably hate that my hair grows fast because I'll have to cut it regularly to keep the length.

May 23rd, 2018, 08:49 PM
Since my short term goal is TBL, I will probably maintain there until all the layers are gone, and then start growing again. I'm trimming as I go, but I'm not sure my hemline will be where I want it when I get there.

May 23rd, 2018, 08:53 PM
I think my new goal is ankle, which will be a couple of years away. If I am able to grow it that long, I will then have another goal of all virgin hair, which will be several more years of growing. I will maintain at ankle though, I don't think anything longer would be practical (for me).

May 24th, 2018, 10:34 PM
Once I reach TBL I’ll maintain it there. I’ll probably cut back to it even if I let it grow longer. Or just cut off every 6 months’s growth. I don’t see myself cutting my hair.