View Full Version : Post your hair dreams!

May 1st, 2014, 06:32 AM
Okay so I'll begin. Last night I dreamt that I had hair down past my shoulders and it was suuuper thick and lush (my hair is a longish pixie now) and that my only issue was that I was at the gym and forgot my hair elastic so I couldn't wear it up during my workout! :D And then I woke up.. felt my thin short hair and almost wanted to cry haha.

So how about you? Any hair dreams/nightmares going on? :)

May 1st, 2014, 08:08 AM
Sometimes I dream that my armpit length hair is tailbone length or even longer. Usually I'm just running around in the wind with my hair flowing (which might be a bad idea because oh the tangles, ick) also in the forest, I think my subconscious might be hinting to my secret wish to be a faerie :p When I wake up and realise my hair is still short I'm disappointed to say the least, but such is life and it will grow I guess. Until then I will enjoy my dream long hair and the tangle free wind running :D

May 1st, 2014, 08:32 AM
I haven't had any dreams specifically about my hair, but when it does feature in my dreams it's always very different from how it is in reality. Sometimes it's APL and I wake up confused (where did all this hair come from?!), other times it'll be very dark.

May 1st, 2014, 09:00 AM
I sometimes dream hair related dreams. Not long ago I dreamed that my hair got chopped off and was so happy to wake up find it was still there. And another time I dreamed about finding the perfect hair toy on Etsy. :) Yes, that's a nerdy hair dream..

May 1st, 2014, 09:50 AM
SunnyIC: That sounds so great! Now I too want to dream about running in the forest! :)

Funny how hair plays a part in our dreams (quite often for me actually).. Maybe we all think about our hair so much that it corrupts our brains haha!

May 1st, 2014, 10:03 AM
In the past week I've had two hair dreams. In the first I was finger combing my hair and then a chunk of 10+ hairs fell out. *Shudder* The second was of me trying to explain to someone why I didn't use shampoo.

May 1st, 2014, 10:09 AM
When I was waiting last week for my first ever ketylo hair sticks to come, I dreamt they arrived but were 2ft long!

May 1st, 2014, 10:22 AM
I can't recall one single dream, that was hair related, so i guess i'm subconciously wearing my plain old bun at all times. But... if i was to ask how i wanted it to look like if i had a choice about my dreams, this comes to my mind... sooo beautiful. :D


May 1st, 2014, 02:25 PM
SunnyIC: That sounds so great! Now I too want to dream about running in the forest! :)

Funny how hair plays a part in our dreams (quite often for me actually).. Maybe we all think about our hair so much that it corrupts our brains haha!

I actually really like that dream even if in real life my hair would tangle like crazy :) From all of my hair related dreams (there are quite a few) it's my favourite because it feels so freeing. I agree, it's probably because we think so much about hair! haha :D

May 1st, 2014, 06:18 PM
I dream that my hair is tailbone length and blonde. My hem line is v shaped and thick. My man tries to talk me into letting him comb my hair. I did do that a year ago he did a good job.

May 2nd, 2014, 01:44 PM
I had a NIGHTMARE that my hair was crawling with lice again! (Every time I scratched, there would be one under my fingernails!) :( :scared::wail:

May 3rd, 2014, 05:24 AM
I had a NIGHTMARE that my hair was crawling with lice again! (Every time I scratched, there would be one under my fingernails!) :( :scared::wail:

That is horrible! I hope you felt better after waking up and that you never have that dream again. Sending hugs and better hair dreams your way (bad hair dreams we don't want them or need them).:grouphug:

May 3rd, 2014, 05:55 AM
That sounds terrible GrowingOut! :( I hope you feel better now though!

May 3rd, 2014, 05:56 AM
I had a NIGHTMARE that my hair was crawling with lice again! (Every time I scratched, there would be one under my fingernails!) :( :scared::wail:

Oh yes! I have had that one too!! Many times! It´s horrible!! :scared: I think the reason I keep dreaming this has to do with the fact that I work at preschool, so every now and then, we have lice at the school. I hate those dreams! :shudder:

May 30th, 2014, 12:29 PM
So no else has had any hair dreams lately? I actually had one last night. My hair was finally at my goal length (tailbone) and it looked all pretty, next thing I know my hair is all gone. ALL of it. Got nothing left and I'm also falling off something. Hate those dreams when I'm falling, but I was glad it woke me up because, while I might not have really long hair yet, at least I have some hair! Strange dreams that make no sense are the worst, left me confused has to what it means. Anyway I'm better awake with my hair :).

May 30th, 2014, 12:52 PM
I had a nightmare I got a chin length 1930s style bob (which was cute and looked good, but I couldn't fathom why I'd done such a thing).
https://scontent-a-iad.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/t1.0-9/10376258_10152399029253326_4327096787012625827_n.j pg
Sort of like the wig I'm wearing here.

I felt for my braid the second I woke up, SO relieved it was still there.

May 30th, 2014, 01:02 PM
One time I dreamt that my dad cut my hair while I was sleeping (???) which was really odd because while he was supportive of all my haircuts at the time, he never really liked my boyish short hair (he's really glad I'm growing it out now).
Sometimes I'll have unpleasant dreams in which my hair will be really really damaged and unhealthy and that makes me so uneasy to think about, eugh.

And this isn't really one of my dreams but a few weeks ago my boyfriend told me he had a dream about me cutting my hair again and that he pretended to like it because I seemed to be really pleased with it but on the inside he was so sad, haha poor thing. Now that I think of it, I've actually had a few dreams like that myself, and I would wake up so relieved to see all my hair still there.

May 30th, 2014, 01:10 PM
One time I dreamt that my dad cut my hair while I was sleeping (???) which was really odd because while he was supportive of all my haircuts at the time, he never really liked my boyish short hair (he's really glad I'm growing it out now).
Sometimes I'll have unpleasant dreams in which my hair will be really really damaged and unhealthy and that makes me so uneasy to think about, eugh.

And this isn't really one of my dreams but a few weeks ago my boyfriend told me he had a dream about me cutting my hair again and that he pretended to like it because I seemed to be really pleased with it but on the inside he was so sad, haha poor thing. Now that I think of it, I've actually had a few dreams like that myself, and I would wake up so relieved to see all my hair still there.

May 30th, 2014, 03:59 PM
I had a dream the other night that I washed my hair, and when it dried it turned into a red 2c, and I was just like, "Wow, my color and hair type estimation is way off."

May 30th, 2014, 05:26 PM
I have dreams of long, thick, golden hair.
I only have APL hair :(

May 30th, 2014, 05:39 PM
I had a dream the other night that I washed my hair, and when it dried it turned into a red 2c, and I was just like, "Wow, my color and hair type estimation is way off."

Haha I love the dream logic there!

I once had a nightmare when my hair was BCL that I was walking down the street with my hair down and everyone had scissors and kept snipping at my hair and I started running they kept snipping! I stopped and felt my hair and it was almost a pixie but all different lengths and choppy and oh it was just awful. I was so thankful to feel my hair when I woke up!

May 30th, 2014, 06:56 PM
I was running from some Hwarang officers in ancient k-drama land for some reason and I dived into this half underground hut where some lady called me into. She had a collection of awesome thick oversized acrylic hairsticks and let me wear some. I was so happy.... weird! But cool. I need a peach water oversized from ed....

May 30th, 2014, 09:09 PM
I had a dream quite a while ago that I lived in this apartment building and all the tenants were LHC members. :P There were folks hanging out by the pool, swapping hair sticks... lol. I'm strange I guess. :crazyq:

May 30th, 2014, 09:36 PM
Dang, I wanna live there! I'd learn so many buns...

May 30th, 2014, 10:06 PM
When my dreams are hair-related, they're always nightmares.

Once I dreamed that I was getting ready to take family portraits, but my hair (which is really almost BCL, brown, and straight) was blond curly bob and I had no idea how it had gotten that way!
A different dream was that I left the salon feeling distraught with shoulder-length hair and I was trying to rationalize the chop by thinking "Well, now all the damage is gone..."

May 31st, 2014, 11:01 AM
Last night I dreamed that I had 2c waves down past my waist, although I unfortunately still had the same hair color (*scowl*) but it was so healthy and the ends were so soft and it made me SO HAPPY. I felt like my hair was long. It was really depressing to wake up with my BSL hair in a braid, realizing that my hair was still sooooo short and my pretty waves that I dreamt of were gone. :( But this was the FIRST TIME I have ever had a dream where I could actually remember my hair... *shrug*

I would LOVE to live where all the LHCers congregated. That actually sounds like heaven. We should so make an apartment like that happen sometime lol.

May 31st, 2014, 11:57 AM
My boyfriend had jokingly suggested I get an undercut which led to a discussion of how horrible it would be to grow out. The thought must've been stuck in my head because I had a dream last night in which I had all of my hair at a very uneven mix between ear and neck length - save for one waist-length section on the right side. The logic was, I think, that my right side grows slower so this way it has time to catch up with the rest? Dream-me makes no sense.

Agnes Hannah
May 31st, 2014, 12:39 PM
Last night I dreamed that my racer hairs were at BCL, and I was shocked. I remember thinking that I would have to post LHC to ask if I should continue to let the racer hairs grow, or trim them to the length of the rest, and thinking that I would have to graduate to the TB to Classic thread. The hairs were thicker too. Then I woke up and my hair felt really short this morning. Meh!

May 31st, 2014, 08:45 PM
I'll post an old dream I had, which while was a bit funny in hindsight, shook me up to crying when I had it.

My mother had gotten angry at me for some reason, and was chasing me while using a certain voice I don't like to remember. I was really scared, and running, as she was chasing me with scissors and threatening to both cut my hair and stab me to death.

Just as she got close, I woke up, did that jolt where you shoot straight up, and was screaming, "Help me!" My twin made a sleepy noise, and I was so panicked I punched her in the face out of fear.

I don't like bad dreams, and I don't like not having escape routes.

June 1st, 2014, 01:58 AM
A while ago I dreamed I was on a tropical vacation and to celebrate I dyed my hair rainbow colours! I woke up pretty happy :)

June 1st, 2014, 05:25 AM
Last dream I had about my hair, it was hip length, silky, and there was no trace of perm on my ends... it was so real, and I was so much dissapointed when I woke up and looked myself in the mirror! Hair, please, grow!

June 1st, 2014, 08:00 AM
Last night I dreamed I was at a friends house and I saw them throw (and break) a small glass jar. When I went to pick up the pieces, I realized it wasn't a jar, but my glass hair stick. :wail:

June 2nd, 2014, 12:19 PM
I once dreamed that I could grow my hair by tugging at it gently. I remember having done one side down to my waist and then waking up to the reality of a horrific bob. That was really depressing - the waking up part, I mean. :) That was fifteen years ago, but I can still remember the feeling... If only growing hair was as easy as that!

June 2nd, 2014, 12:21 PM
I don't have a lot of hair dreams unless it involves nightmares about it being cut or falling out....however last night I had a dream that my hair was turning white. I was incredibly freaked out about not even being 30 yet and I kept finding all these white hairs. =/

June 2nd, 2014, 04:25 PM
Weirdly I too had a dream recently that I had loads of silver hairs (as opposed to the 10-20 that I actually have). I was quite excited by the change, although surprised I'd got so many more without noticing.

June 3rd, 2014, 10:44 AM
Had my first hair nightmare in a while last night! In real life, about a year ago my hair broke off in huge chunks after a bleaching fiasco. My hair started at WL and some of the shortest pieces broke to as little as 2 inches long! I've done nothing but baby my hair ever since.

Last night I dreamed that I had changed my side-part from the right to the left, and when I moved my hair over to the right I found a whole section of hair that was only 1 inch long. I was horrified! I'd been doing everything right and my healthy, virgin hair was breaking off right at the roots. It was so terrifying I started crying and panicking!

It was the biggest relief in the world to wake up.

June 3rd, 2014, 03:30 PM
:scared: That sounds awful, blue_eyes!

I rarely ever dream about my hair but I had a hair dream last night! In the dream my hair was just past classic length and Michiel Huisman was petting/stroking it, telling me in Dutch, which I somehow understood, how soft and pretty it was. :magic: :crush:

June 5th, 2014, 01:30 PM
Had a horrible nightmare last night that someone broke into our house while we were sleeping. Don't know where DH was, but I was able to get DS1 and I out. I couldn't get anyone to help me or call the police so by the time we got back to the house with police, everything remotely valuable was gone, including all of my hair sticks/forks. But in my dream I wasn't worried about it. I was just thankful that DS and I were able to get away from the danger.

June 8th, 2014, 12:31 PM
I dreamed I gave my hair a 'curly' cut, where you cut one strand/wave at a time at the bottom of each curl. I did it blind without looking in the mirror with my kitchen scissors. There were other people there telling me how stupid it was and how bad it looked. But even so, it came out well. It looked better than it did before, and it was the same length stretched as it was before I cut it and the ends were more solid. It was also curlier than before I started. It was scary and made little sense, but ended up better. Odd dream.

June 8th, 2014, 04:52 PM
I always dream about having floor length hair, and when I wake up I've realized that my hair still short up to the shoulders. Well, It will grow there someday soon.

June 8th, 2014, 08:40 PM
I have bad dreams about my father cutting my hair in my sleep. He has been threatening to do so since I got my hair past waist length. I have good dreams about my hair losing all of its flyaways and growing to knee length or longer and turning bright pink. I also have dreams abut really nifty hair styles I want to try that I can never quite remember what the hairstyle was when I wake up. I also dream of someone stealing my hair or of my chopping it off into a pixie, bleaching it and dyeing it bright pink.

June 12th, 2014, 09:11 AM
Had a bad dream last night, for some reason in my dream I was looking for split ends and I found quite a few (never good) when I started picking my hair to snip off the splits they continued up the strand and soon enough the strands were so split they look like comb teeth! I just started cutting randomly and next thing I know part of my hair is one length and the rest is longer I remember thinking "Oh, it's just hair and it will grow back." but I woke up freaked out. Glad to see that my hair is not actually that split or at random different lengths.

June 15th, 2014, 08:20 AM
Last night I dreamed I did a really pretty waterfall braid, and I when I look in the mirror it was BSL. Sadly I woke up to short hair.

August 3rd, 2014, 05:16 AM
Reviving thread in Three... Two...
This morning I had a dream where I was blow drying my hair on what I thought was the COOL function, but turned out to be the HOT one. I panicked and quickly switched settings. I seriously searched my hair looking to see if I had damaged it!
When I was done with my roots, I turned my attention to the ends, which were much softer than in real life. They also felt.... almost gummy.

I was thinking about straightening my hair for the first time this year, now I think I'll wait.
But seriously, I don't even use a blow dryer! *shudder*

August 3rd, 2014, 05:54 AM
I will help to revive the thread! :) I often have hair dreams and last night was no exception! I dreamed that my hair got cut back to a pixie (which I have had at times in my life; now my hair is past BSL, *almost* waist length when curly). It was weird, rather than being crushed emotionally about the haircut, I just kind of shrugged it off and thought "Oh well, I guess I'll be growing for another five years." Perhaps this is in relation to really not knowing what the hell to do with my hair for my wedding in October? If I had a pixie cut, there wouldn't be any options!

January 23rd, 2015, 08:44 AM
Bumping up this thread because I had a weird hair dream last night.
I dreamt that my hair was about bcl, with a V hemline and very damaged ends. And it was stick straight, obviously from a straightning iron. It looked awful. Then I cut it off, to shoulder length. And I loved it. The hair was wavy with some curls. It looked good, but very different from how my hair really looks like at that length. So it was shoulder length, but for some reason I thougth it was still long... Because it was long enough to tie back, therefore it was long.:rolleyes: And not only did I think it was still long, but I thought it was longer than average. :confused: Until a friend of mine told me that "gosh, your hair is so SHORT!! It used to be this long (points) and now its up here!! (points)" So I was confused because I thought people would still think of my hair as long. Apparently it was important that it was consindered long.
I liked that short hair cut, but there's no way I would cut it that short. I think I knew that even in the dream. Dream-me was thinking how strange it was that I would heat style it and cut it. Weird dream.

January 23rd, 2015, 08:46 AM
I had a dream that I had a braid that brushed my knees and, when I took it down, my hair was like a super-silky cloak. Nightmares: I had my old perm-dye-dye-perm-dye-dye-dye processed hair. (It was awful!)

January 23rd, 2015, 08:49 AM
I had a dream last night that a bunch of LHC members ran into eachother in person and we were all showing off our hair to one another. One girl had classic red hair that was wavy, it was so gorgeous. We were all going ga ga over it. :P

It's weird to have a normal dream about hair...usually I have nightmares about it getting cut into a bob and dyed purple or something.

January 23rd, 2015, 09:11 AM
I had a dream a while back set in some post-apocalypse where I had to buzz my hair off to join some sort of rebellion/gang group. I remember being apprehensive cause I was trying to grow my hair out, I didn't want to start over from a buzz cut! XD My dreams are so strange sometimes...

Belle Paix
January 23rd, 2015, 09:55 AM
I had a dream that I went to buy a locket at the mall (no idea why) and ended up shifting through discount packs of henna...

January 23rd, 2015, 10:51 AM
i had a dream about a week ago, where i was getting readyto meet my friend who i havent seen in a while, soi wanted to look extra pretty i suppose. so i was washing my hair in the sink, towel dried it and put leave in, then proceeded onto makeup. and as my hair was drying the front turned a dirty blonde and i was super shocked and started combing to see how far back it goes and wondering what could have caused it.

can you tell im paranoid about other people pulling pranks on me? i would never use a bottle of conditioner handed by a person that could be secretly hating on my hair, lol.

January 26th, 2015, 06:48 AM
I keep having dreams in which I get my hair cut against my will. It's terrible but I always feel relieved when I wake up and my braid / bun is still attached to my head.

March 4th, 2015, 11:15 PM
I had my first real hair dream a few nights ago. It was panic inducing. I dreamed I cut my hair to shoulder length, and I was horrified and shocked. My reaction felt very real! As the dream continued, I think my brain decided to mitigate things to avoid scarring my psyche, for as the dream continued, it transitioned into longer, BSL hair, with APL layers, but I was still horrified. I can imagine cutting my hair at this point! My hair feels natural, like it's just supposed to be this way, and I can't imagine cutting it without a shot of anxiety.

Wow. My brain is an odd place. I think I'm blowing things out of proportion.

April 5th, 2015, 05:48 PM
Last night I dreamt I was wearing two plaits (with the ends tucked in a sock)...
anyway, sometime later, I noticed one of my plaits came free, and off my head, which made me suspect someone had cut it! :( The sock looked scissored, and I was very devastated that half of my hair had been cut to APL, and that my hair journey would have to restart now that i was so happy with longhair.
I cried so much in that dream.
Nearly cried in real life too! :P

April 25th, 2015, 01:58 PM
I have dreamt about this hair forum lol I think from being on it right before bed.
Or i have dreamt of henna as well when I was reading about it all day and night. Nothing scary though.

April 25th, 2015, 03:48 PM
I recently had this dream that I was an elf with beautiful, flowing hair. I was very disappointed when my alarm woke me. :(

April 26th, 2015, 07:40 AM
Few days ago I dreamt of cutting my hair back to BSL+ :scared: And the worst thing about it is that in the dream I was actually super happy of having done that! :shocked:

July 8th, 2015, 03:54 AM
Okay so I have to post this quickly before I head to work - but I had the most disturbing hair dream. I dreamt that all my hair was actually one giant weave, seen into my head by a huge plastic rod. And I kept thinking, I need to get my weave tightened! I woke up and walked to the bathroom with the idea of tightening my weave! How disturbing >:(

July 8th, 2015, 07:06 AM
I dreamt last night I was out to eat with my boyfriend! And I had.....a blunt fringe? I think they're adorable, but with my kind of hair, it's like an instant 80s-look. Mall-bangs.

July 12th, 2015, 10:49 AM
I've had a couple of dreams about my hair lately. A couple of nights ago I dreamt that for some bizarre reason, I decided that what I needed to do was cut my hair to above APL! At first I think I was optimistic about my decision, but gradually it dawned on me how long it would take me to get back to knee, and I was devastated and furious with myself. I was relieved to wake up and realise that I still had the long hair I love so much.

The other dream I had was last night, in which I had absolutely beautiful, thick, glossy, wavy hair (probably because of the awesome braid waves I'm currently sporting in real life) which trailed on the floor with no signs of taper whatsoever. I was very proud of it, even though I didn't know quite how it had happened. It didn't seem to cause me any problems either, although I did think to myself 'I really need to get some hair sticks sharpish.'

Worrying side note: I misread the above as 'I dreamt last night I was out to eat my boyfriend.' That made me giggle for a moment. I'm glad it doesn't actually say that!

July 12th, 2015, 06:03 PM
I had a dream that somehow, I had gotten a hold of a three pack of some sort of high and shampoo in a really long, skinny bottle, and there was this blonde chick (TV character from The Strain on FX) who was in the car with me. Turns out, it was not a shampoo three pack, it was a packaget deal of shampoo, conditioner, and leave in.

Here is the weirdest part. She took my shampoo and tasted it, and declared it authentic! I have no idea why!

July 27th, 2015, 07:54 PM
I had a super weird dream last night that I had really long 1A hair that I dyed half black and half pure white, like Cruella De Vil.

It looked really cool though, especially in a braid. I totally wish I had that hair.

July 27th, 2015, 08:12 PM
I had a horrible nightmare that my hair had countless split ends in it!

July 27th, 2015, 09:01 PM
I had a dream I relaxed my hair so people would think I was cute.

No one thought I was cute and I instantly regretted it.

July 28th, 2015, 02:43 AM
I once dreamed that I was bald and went to a hairdresser (why would a bald person go to a hairdresser in the first place?). Turned out that the hairdresser in fact was a voodoo expert, and he cast what he called a "Cousin It spell" at me, but something went terribly wrong and I started growing leaves instead of hair.

... My dreams sometimes makes me question my sanity.

July 28th, 2015, 06:39 AM
I once dreamed that I was bald and went to a hairdresser (why would a bald person go to a hairdresser in the first place?). Turned out that the hairdresser in fact was a voodoo expert, and he cast what he called a "Cousin It spell" at me, but something went terribly wrong and I started growing leaves instead of hair.

Bwahaha that is priceless. Leaves! :lol:

July 28th, 2015, 10:00 AM
I had a dream that somehow, I had gotten a hold of a three pack of some sort of high and shampoo in a really long, skinny bottle, and there was this blonde chick (TV character from The Strain on FX) who was in the car with me. Turns out, it was not a shampoo three pack, it was a packaget deal of shampoo, conditioner, and leave in.

Here is the weirdest part. She took my shampoo and tasted it, and declared it authentic! I have no idea why!

I laughed out loud. I have a lot of weird dreams like that.

The other night I had a horrid dream that I cut my hair into a girly looking bob (What the heck?) with bangs. I have no idea how or why. So I decided to find a wig and cover it up. Turns out the wig was the same cut and style. I woke up with a jolt, sweaty and panicked. So frustrating.

Swan Maiden
July 28th, 2015, 10:28 AM
Last night I dreamt that some rough looking woman forcibly cut my hair into a badly done long bob in a public shower. I woke up distraught.

July 28th, 2015, 01:08 PM
I'm not sure.... I used to really, really, really want classic length hair, but as I grew it only tapered more and more. I took really good care of it, but it tapered anyways. I think it's just how my hair is. I really like my right now even though it's fairly short. It's about APL right now. I just took off maybe an inch to trim it up a bit and added in some layers in the front. I was bored with it. I also dyed it pink and orange. I looooooove reddish pinkish orangey tones in my hair and I think the shorter cut is kinda cute on me. The only thing I can think of that I would like is to have my hair to waist and have only the last 10 inches or so dyed the way it is now, and the rest to be my natural brown color. I keep trying to grow out the roots, but I ended up bleaching them out and this time I missed a couple of spots because I was being impatient while putting it in. :( Guess I'll have to fix it next time I do my hair. *sigh*

July 28th, 2015, 01:09 PM
Oh.... I thought you meant like dreams.... things we want in the future or how we'd LIKE our hair to be.... not actual dreaming. Haha. Oh well. :P

July 28th, 2015, 01:42 PM
Oh.... I thought you meant like dreams.... things we want in the future or how we'd LIKE our hair to be.... not actual dreaming. Haha. Oh well. :P

Well the OP didn't specify day or night dreams... :p

August 3rd, 2015, 12:58 PM
I had a dream that my hair grew to APL overnight. I was so excited and started looking for a towel and my camera to do the towel test and take a photo to upload to LHC. While I was doing that my hair shrank back to shoulder.

August 3rd, 2015, 01:40 PM
Ha, I just had a dream last night that I met another member of LHC.

August 3rd, 2015, 09:32 PM
I dreamed last night that I got my 2 oz jar of Ostara's salve in the mail and used the whole thing on my hair in one treatment. I woke up thinking "aww, but I just bought it!" and then I realized it hadn't actually arrived yet. It did come later today and I used it, but not the whole thing.

Occasionally I dream that I cut all of my hair off, but usually I dream that it's longer than it actually is.

August 4th, 2015, 01:49 PM
I keep dreaming about pretty colours... Last time I had a hair dream, I had cut my hair back to bob and dyed it hot pink, and it was so pretty, but I was looking in the mirror and thinking ''Wow, I suit it so well, but I also kinda want long hair and that way I won't get it" I was really torn between the desire for pink hair and desire for long hair....

August 4th, 2015, 02:07 PM
I keep dreaming about pretty colours... Last time I had a hair dream, I had cut my hair back to bob and dyed it hot pink, and it was so pretty, but I was looking in the mirror and thinking ''Wow, I suit it so well, but I also kinda want long hair and that way I won't get it" I was really torn between the desire for pink hair and desire for long hair....

I had a dream that I re-dyed my hair the auburnish brown I had for a couple of years. I have been trying to move towards a more natural color that won't let any gray roots show as easily (and am considering stopping the dye totally) but I am missing my reddish hair sooooo much!!!! I wasn't thinking as much about the dye until after this dream! HAHAHA

August 4th, 2015, 03:01 PM
I've only had dreams where my hair has fallen out. When I cut my hair when I was 18 I had a dream that it was still long the night I cut it. But I don't think I've ever had a dream where my hair is Xtra long.

August 6th, 2015, 03:38 AM
I usually dreamt that my hair is chopped off and that was the worst nightmares in my life! Glad when I woke up my hair is still hip length :o

August 6th, 2015, 04:54 AM
I dreamed about bleaching again all of my hair to white blonde and chopped it off to shoulder length. Normally pro lch I would probably do that the next day in real life Couse it looked amazing. But today was a nightmare, I was sad even in my dream for ruining my progress.

August 6th, 2015, 05:17 AM
Dreamt last night I cut to a sort of SL -APLish length, liked it but regretted it as I woke up. Fortunately my hair is still all here!

August 6th, 2015, 07:27 AM
Last night, I had a horrendous dream that my hair was white in the front, black on a sort of top layer, and burgundy red on the bottom layer which was at waist length, but just had 2" blonde tips which my SO was trimming off. It was horrible. I was thinking, how did it get like this, and how do I get rid of these clowny colors? Nooo!

August 6th, 2015, 11:50 AM
I started trying monistat for faster growth, and the first night I had a dream that I woke up and my hair was about 10" longer :lol: My only concern was everyone was going to ask about it and not believe me! LOL, if only something worked that well ;)

August 6th, 2015, 01:34 PM
I have the recurring nightmare that I have got bored with my hair and cut it into a mullet. No idea why. I remember thinking "I must post a picture of this on the forum, they will laugh so much". I have a habit of sleepwalking so I make sure I hide all the scissors in case I wake up one morning and have actually done it!

August 6th, 2015, 04:03 PM
I don't remember the dream that well, it happened at the beginning of a years long mental health crisis, but I remember something about my hair just growing and growing and growing. In the morning I woke up and I had taken a razor to my less than inch long hair in my sleep... Bald spots, right before a friend's wedding.

August 27th, 2015, 08:04 PM
I had a dream last night that I went to a friend who was a hair dresser (in the dream at least) and instead of just the little trim I wanted, she cut my hair to shoulder length. I was sooo mad/upset. The ends felt really soft and nice but it felt like such a setback... i was glad to wake up in the morning with all my hair!

September 21st, 2015, 07:04 AM
I had an awful one last night.. For some reason I had gone to the Air Force and a lady took it upon herself to cut my hair into an actual bob.. She got rid of all the growth that I have had in the back this year. To top it all off, she started trying to give me bangs with a razor cut. And I hadn't wanted bangs! After the first hack I stopped her by yelling at her and told her she was an awful stylist and stormed out. Later in the dream she saw my car as we were driving off base and she ran out of the salon yelling, "please let me fix it! I know I can fix it!! She was crying. I looked at her coldly and said," No, cause you can't reattach my hair!" out the window and kept driving. I actually liked the way that the bob felt in the back, but the overly short half inch section of bangs completely ruined it.

September 21st, 2015, 08:09 AM
I dreamt that Guy Tang was dyeing the bleached lenghts of my hair bubblegum pink at an open-air event. However, a storm broke out so we had to get to safety. It was a very weird dream.

January 10th, 2016, 06:09 PM
I dreamt I was detangling and I got a handful of sheds...like a whole ponytail! That I could just get my hand around...then I checked to see if I had any left on my head, and I couldn't get my hand around the ponytail...and stopped worrying about it. When I woke up, I checked my pony thickness...which isn't as much as even the shed bunch in the dream. Very weird.

January 11th, 2016, 11:27 AM
Oh my, that sounds terrible, trolleypup! I think I would have checked my thickness after that dream aswell.

I dreamt I saw a woman with floor-length bright red hair in my dream today. Her hair was the most beautiful shade of one of the blueish-red manic panic dyes and she looked absolutely fabulous dressed all in black. Then, I realized that I dreamt of someone I follow on Instagram. :lol:
(here you go: https://www.instagram.com/schmunsel/)

January 11th, 2016, 05:40 PM
Oh my, that sounds terrible, trolleypup! I think I would have checked my thickness after that dream as well.
I think, even in my dream I recognized that I had way more hair than in real life.

October 2nd, 2016, 02:29 AM
So apparently last night I was dying my hair blond, but it wasn't bleach based, so it was okay...thing is even in my dream I remember being confused as to how my brown hennaed hair could be painted through with this gloop and come out a perfect natural blond, and no damage.
What's possibly more bizarre is I've never wanted blond hair, I think it would look really odd with my skin tone!

January 9th, 2017, 07:09 AM
I had a dream last night that I tried to do a "TOTALLY SAFE" hair treatment. I ended up with a silver layer on top, and completely fried ends....I don't have any split ends in real life, and I'm always checking lol.

January 9th, 2017, 04:33 PM
I always dream that I have classic length or thigh length hair, and I know that someday soon I will.

January 9th, 2017, 08:50 PM
I don't really dream about my hair much, but last night I dreamed that I had dark green hair. I remember nothing about the dream other than the fact that my hair was green. Weird. LOL

Of the Fae
January 10th, 2017, 05:32 AM
I dream about odd coloring too somedreamt that I times! Mostly purple for some reason..
A while ago I had a dream that it was neck length and when I started to panick I found out in my dream that it was actually BCL.. haha it's so odd that we never realize that we are dreaming when these really impossible things happen! I heard once that the key to lucid dreaming is to find out that you are dreaming because of such impossibilities and subsequently "steer" the dream in the direction you want to go.
It would be nice to lucid dream about floor length hair..

January 10th, 2017, 09:09 AM
I once dreamed that I saw my reflection off a store window and noticed that my hair was classic length, dyed bright red like a Ferrari. I lked it.

January 11th, 2017, 08:18 AM
I had a dream last night that I tried to lighten up my roots to my summer sun-kissed look and that I messed up and went bleach blonde :scared:

January 11th, 2017, 08:30 AM
I usually don't see myself in my dreams but when I do, my hair is still blonde.

January 22nd, 2017, 01:38 PM
I had a dream that I had WL dark brown curly hair. Oh it was SOoooo beautiful :blossom:

Going natural I will never have that hair.

My hair is a lovely color in between blonde and brown with nice big waves. But I'll always love the long dark curly hair. The shine really stands out!

January 22nd, 2017, 07:02 PM
I dream so often that I've cut my hair that by now I even realize that I'm dreaming because of it - I'll freak out for a second that I've cut my hair for some stupid reason (the last one I think was to get a knotted hairstyle out) and then think "wait a second. I only ever dream about cutting my hair. I've never done it in real life. this must be a dream" and then I wake up. It's a pretty useful skill, since those dreams never end well...

I did once dream of a really cool hairstyle, and when I woke up I tried it out and it was actually quite pretty. It was a sideways infinity bun with an accent braid above it...very classy.

March 18th, 2017, 12:41 PM
Last night I dreamt that I cut my hair to just brushing my shoulders (which magically made it twice as thick) and dyed large sections of turquoise and hot pink into it. Like two several inch thick sections on either side of my head. I remember being really happy with it. lol Now, while I like colors and have considered adding them to my head, I would NEVER chop my hair first. And likely wouldn't put two colors in at the same time unless I had help and was really confident that I'd like the end result.

March 18th, 2017, 03:50 PM
I have tailbone length and aiming for classic ( realistically). But I love the idea of knee/ankle/floor possibilities:)

March 19th, 2017, 12:34 AM
I had such a horrible nightmare. It made me sweat. I tried self trimming for the first time. I planned to cut about 1-2 inches but accidentally went from near bcl to apl with a reverse u-hemline. That hole in the middle of my back and the spikes hanging down on the side when I checked the result with the hand mirror almost made me drop it. XD Instantly I started to make a strategy for the next three years to fix the mess and swore I wouldn't ever cut my hair myself again. I hope this is just a normal dream and not a vision of my upcoming first self trim which I was planning after 2-3 months. Maybe there's some force trying to tell me: "Don't do it!"

March 19th, 2017, 12:12 PM
Whenever I dream about my hair it's deep auburn coloured and has VS Angel waves. I wish!! A far cry from my 1b CBL/APL tawny mop :p.

April 2nd, 2017, 06:22 AM
Ahhhh! Hair nightmare! I dreamt my sister was flat ironing my hair (something I haven't done for years and years) and when I realized she was holding the iron in place, for extended periods of time, I started freaking out and yelling at her to stop frying my hair. Woke up so relieved... shudder:

April 2nd, 2017, 06:33 AM
Keep having dreams of waist length hair and just gently brushing it, swinging over my shoulder and brushing it out. The majority of the dreams are about something else entirely, but there is also one bit where I sit down and start brushing. Goofy cameo XD

April 2nd, 2017, 09:23 AM
Last night I dreamt my hair said to me: "why did you soak me in oil overnight?". I was indeed sleeping with oiled hair, as pre-poo.

April 2nd, 2017, 09:14 PM
Last night I dreamt my hair said to me: "why did you soak me in oil overnight?". I was indeed sleeping with oiled hair, as pre-poo.

Maybe I'm a little too tired, but this made me laugh so hard. 😄

April 2nd, 2017, 09:26 PM
I always dream that my hair is thigh length and reddish blonde. My hemline is a blunt shape. I trim it myself once or twice a year.

April 3rd, 2017, 04:17 AM
I'v so far managed to grow out my naturally dark brown pixie to about shoulder length. Ive had no trims for 8 months so far and every now and again I get a little panicky thought that leaving it this long with no trims is going to cause split ends and damage.

So naturally the other day I dreamt my hair was covered in major split ends all over - arghhhhhh!
So I desperately tried to trim them with scissors but accidentally kept chopping off uneven 2 inch chunks - arghhhhhhh!
Then I looked in the mirror and my hair was strawberry blonde, silky smooth and about armpit length. - ahh phew!

That's dreams for you, weird and no sense. I notice the person above also dreamt they had reddish blonde hair

Do you think there's a typical hair colour change that people dream about most?

April 3rd, 2017, 02:09 PM
I'v so far managed to grow out my naturally dark brown pixie to about shoulder length. Ive had no trims for 8 months so far and every now and again I get a little panicky thought that leaving it this long with no trims is going to cause split ends and damage.

So naturally the other day I dreamt my hair was covered in major split ends all over - arghhhhhh!
So I desperately tried to trim them with scissors but accidentally kept chopping off uneven 2 inch chunks - arghhhhhhh!
Then I looked in the mirror and my hair was strawberry blonde, silky smooth and about armpit length. - ahh phew!

That's dreams for you, weird and no sense. I notice the person above also dreamt they had reddish blonde hair

Do you think there's a typical hair colour change that people dream about most?

Yes, I think there is a typical hair colour change that people dream about the most! I have a good feeling that I'm going to reach my goal of thigh length or longer someday soon!!!

April 6th, 2017, 06:45 PM
I've only recently committed to growing my hair out to waist from a buzzed-back pixie (that I've had for over a year now). so I'm surprised at how many hair-growing dreams I've had. The past couple have been dreams of waking up and suddenly having almost shoulder-length hair grown overnight. In one dream I was combing my hair after a shower and it stretched until it was longer and longer, as though I had very tight curls and serious shrinkage! The last suddenly-growing-hair dream I had left me really disoriented when I woke up and went to brush non-existent hair out of my face.

April 6th, 2017, 11:47 PM
I have dreamed of someone give me salt to clean my scalp with. I saw my self massaging my scalp with salt grains. It was itchy before sleeping. I wonder if it means something.

Aunty Miki
April 7th, 2017, 11:51 AM
On occasion, I have the super short cut bad dream. It's such a relief to wake up and find it all there, after all!

April 7th, 2017, 01:21 PM
I've had two dreams so far related to my hair.
Both of them were basically nightmares because it got cut off by a hairdresser all the way to a bob (the worst hairstyle for me). And I hated the bob so much I was happier cutting it all the way to pixie than keeping the bob.


April 7th, 2017, 02:01 PM
Maybe I'm a little too tired, but this made me laugh so hard. 😄

made me laugh too ¨^^

April 15th, 2017, 08:05 AM
Last night I dreamt my hair said to me: "why did you soak me in oil overnight?". I was indeed sleeping with oiled hair, as pre-poo.

Maybe I'm a little too tired, but this made me laugh so hard. 😄

made me laugh too ¨^^

Scalp revenge, somehow some of the oil touched my scalp that night, and it was so itchy when I woke up. :scared:
That gave scalp pimples that barely cleared after a week of using sulphate shampoos.
Add: the scalp pimples were also my fault for extending washes too much (I was too tired to do a full wash, so I just slept with the pre-poo oiling).

April 17th, 2017, 06:41 AM
A few months ago I dreamt that I was looking at myself in the mirror, and had BSL hair. I thought hey that can't be real, my hair isn't that long! And once I had figurer out it was a dream, I could decide which length I wanted to see in the mirror. It was pretty cool, I got to see myself with thick, knee-length hair :D

Then last night I had a nightmare; my hair was bleached to platinum blond, and it was completely flat and lifeless, terrible!! I was happy when I wokeup and saw my hair was back to normal!

April 17th, 2017, 12:05 PM
A few months ago I had a dream that I had shoulder length gray hair with white hairs sticking out all over. I also looked completely different and older in the face, and much heavier. I wasn't concerned with my hair at all. Just my face! Weird!

A few nights ago I had a dream that I had beautiful long wavy thick and dark redish brown hair. It was styled and looked identical to Meg's from Hercules! I remember in the dream smiling and loving my beautiful hair.

April 17th, 2017, 04:47 PM
I've dreamed that I had beautiful hair all the way down past my butt at classic length. I dreamed of brushing it and having girls play with it and just overall a great experience.

April 18th, 2017, 03:08 AM
Plagued by 2 more hair dreams since the last! Im clearly stressed and spend too much time thinking about my hair!
First was it being chopped in to a short angled chin length bob, in a very chunky hacky messy way and I was thinking Im sure I was trying to grow it long - O well Ill have to start again.
The second was discovering split ends but loads all on one hair like a split on alternating sides of one hair so it almost looked like a stem of a plant with leaves and I was thinking oh no where did that come from?! I knew not cutting my hair for a year would lead to splits and now they're all the way up the hair shaft!

April 21st, 2017, 03:42 PM
I've had another hair dream since the last! I've always dreamed of having thigh length hair someday. Now for the end of this year I'm aiming for hipbone length hair, and I also always dream of having floor length hair someday too.

April 24th, 2017, 07:48 PM
I just woke up from a doozy of a hair dream. One of those dreams that is surprisingly logical and realistic. 😄

I was at the store, looking at the hair products, and amidst the leave ins and oils, I chose a bottle that simply said 'hair serum'. Most of the writing was in Chinese, but in my dream I thought 'Oh cool, a foreign hair serum, I bet it's awesome.' 😂 I follow the curly girl method, so I put it in my hair out of the shower, under my gel, and proceeded to air dry. When it was time to scrunch out the crunch, the first section I touched just came out in my hand from the roots. My husband was there and every part we touched just came out. The gel was the only thing keeping it on my head. By the end, I had a balding patchy buzz cut look. I got out the bottle and used Google translate to discover it was a hair removal product, like Nair, that had been misplaced in the store. I was cracking up out of disbelief, but so devastated. I was frantically calculating all my new milestone dates haha. But finally I felt like that's it, I'm not meant to have long hair, if the one time it's finally just bsl stretched, THIS happens.
I woke up soooooo happy that was a dream, with a new lease on life.

April 25th, 2017, 10:37 AM
There's another thread around here about hair dreams and I posted in there on Mar. 27:

I had my first hair-cutting dream last night. Which is weird, because I always associate hair-cutting dreams with nightmares and this wasn't a nightmare.

I dreamed that I cut it to just above my shoulders, where my virgin growth had apparently reached (in reality it's only about eye level). I was happy to finally be henna-free!

But I think the only reason I had this dream is because I was talking to my mom yesterday and she mentioned that my sister, who has maybe BSL+ hair, is going to cut. I told her about my goal of tailbone-length hair, and she said that most people can't grow their hair that long (she doesn't know about this place hahaha) and that I should probably get layers because my hair would look thicker and a blunt hemline (my dream) is boring. I think it was the first time that I ever told anyone that I already have beautiful hair, no changes needed. She was also ranting about how her hairdresser didn't listen to her and gave her a horrible cut, and I was just like, and yet you want me to subject myself to that??

So it was on my mind.

And then I had another hair dream a couple night ago. I cut most of my hair into a pixie, and then when I went to trim the rest of it, the scissors wouldn't go through the hair, so I had almost like a mullet in the back! This one was a nightmare.

I wonder what it means that I'm suddenly having hair dreams...

April 25th, 2017, 10:51 AM
I just had my first ever hair dream last night. I was wondering when I'd ever get to post in this thread. :p

It wasn't too exciting, it was just me dropping my bun to realise that I suddenly had hair long enough to sit on without realising it got to that point. I actually quickly eyeballed my length as soon as I got out of bed because I was in the confused dream/reality state, but alas, it was most certainly a dream. ;)

May 1st, 2017, 09:57 PM
Dream is Tauriel from The Hobbit. My current goal is a little above CL, and once I get there we'll see if I can actually get that long. Funnily enough, my DBF wasn't too keen on the idea of hair past TBL until I showed him pics of fairytale ends and then he was like oh ok I can handle that. I'll always have fairytale ends because of my texture and I really like them, so I'm planning to keep them around.

I actually did this hairstyle tonight, so I'll get DBF to take a pic later and I'll post it in... I don't know, the braid pics thread?


May 1st, 2017, 11:03 PM
Last night I dreamed that the talent scouts from the James Bond films came to see me, they wanted me to appear in the next Bond movie! I "knew" that they only wanted me in it for my hair, but I didn't care and was so excited! Then I woke up and it was all a dream....lol.

May 2nd, 2017, 02:01 AM
A few nights ago I dreamt that I brushed my hair (I never do this, I don't own a brush!) and it completely straightened it out, almost as if it were a flatiron. With it straight I realized I was at hip length! I was happily surprised.

Joyful Mystery
July 25th, 2017, 01:19 PM
Last night I dreamt I bought a flat iron. Yesterday I was thinking about replacing my hair dryer. I guess in my dream instead of a hair dryer I bought a flat iron. I would never use a flat iron, much less buy one for myself.

July 25th, 2017, 01:35 PM
Agh. If I dream about my hair, it's always a dream where I impulsively decide to cut it all off. I think "It would look so great short!" and then I realize how long it will take to grow back. But basically this has happened (with a little more forethought) in real life, so. Apparently it's a recurring deep-seated fear of mine that I'll do it again. O-o'

July 25th, 2017, 01:55 PM
When I had a pixie cut I would always dream about the muscle and sensory sensation of pulling it up into a pony tail. It's funny how you never unlearn those mannerisms even when you haven't been able to do that in years. I have a lot of accelerated growth dreams, usually I have a lot of hair and I have to work around it. This translates to other weird things too, though, an excess of things that make us human seems to be some sort of theme with me, it's probably a physical manifestation of having to live my life around my anxiety, so a bit more obvious, the having some sort of barrier I can see that I have to work around.... don't know.

July 25th, 2017, 03:23 PM
Hair dream? More like hair nightmare! I barely remembered that last night I dreamed I annoyed someone and they cut a huge chunk of my hair on the left side!!!! I was trying to keep my cool in my dream and boy was it tough!!! I was so sad and scared and like ready to have a panic attack in my dream it was awful. It was only a dream (I hope).

July 25th, 2017, 03:35 PM
I had a dream recently that that didn't have me in it at all. It was like I was watching a movie. I was amused by the fact that the woman in my dream had short poofy hair (think Keri Russell after the chop and rollers) and the man had classic length silky smooth silver hair like anime style.

Joyful Mystery
July 28th, 2017, 11:04 AM
I dreamt I was going to measure my hair but when I grabbed my cloth measuring tape, it was all burnt and just warped, like it had been set on fire. I only occasionally measure my hair but measuring monthly has crossed my mind lately.

July 29th, 2017, 06:50 AM
I dreamt I trimmed my hair. I used Feye's method, but the right side was much longer than the left. As I was trying to even it out, I realized I broke the rules of the no trimming 2017 challenge, and I felt sad about it.
It was just a crazy dream, my ends are untouched!

July 30th, 2017, 07:41 AM
I had a dream I went from bald to shoulder length in a month amd I was tell this girl I follow on Youtube ao that she could be amazed by my hair growth. I think I told her because I am envious of her hair in real life.

August 24th, 2017, 09:57 AM
I had a crazy convoluted dream last night:

I dreamt I went to one of my old jobs, Borders, which does not exist anymore. I haven't even worked there since my daughter was born, and she is 12. Anyway, I dreamt the store was still there, and went in order to ask my general manager, A, her opinion on what hair products to use. (Now, A is a sweetheart, but she also leans towards a more masculine personal style, but her hair is curly so maybe that's why? She's the last person I'd ever ask about hair products.) While I am in the store there are a few employees whom I know, but none of them are people who I have ever met or seen in real life. Still I seem to know them. I cannot see two of the women's faces, but both of them have knee length hair! I can only really look at their hair. However, I don't talk to them about their hair, instead I go to A and ask her if I should go back to the regimen I had when I worked at the store (when my hair was at it's longest in real life) or if I should continue with my current natural hair regimen. She asks me to show her the difference, so I tip my head to the left and my hair becomes knee length, black 3c spiral curls with little flowers (also black) growing out of each spiral all through my hair, and it is a foot in pony circumference. Now, you can see a pic of my hair back then on my profile. It definitely was not any of that! Then she asks to see what my hair looks like now, so I tip my head to the right and my hair becomes this horrible, limp, light brown (not my actual color), stringy, greasy, broken and fried shoulder length hair that comes out in clumps when I touch it. It looks like that mushy hair you see on YouTube disaster/horror bleach-gone-wrong videos. I keep tilting my head back and forth and talking the pros and cons of each regimen.

It was the craziest, wackiest hair dream I have ever had. In my head I was arguing with myself as my dream self talked to A. One side of me was saying I definitely need to go back to the modified CG I used back then, and the other side of me kept saying this was all crazy and not real.

Nuts, I tell ya!

September 26th, 2017, 04:53 AM
Last night I finally had a hair-related dream; I dreamed that I just had enough of my bleach-damaged hair, took a pair of scissors and cut it into a bob.:blueeek: Later in the dream, it grew to about collarbone and I had a lot of regret. I dreamed that I posted about it here too and realized that I probably should have let you guys try to talk me down from the ledge before such a big chop. :p

I woke up so relieved that my hair was still there.

September 26th, 2017, 12:23 PM
So, I'm NOT the only one who gets hair dreams, & hair nightmares that reflect my hairanoia!!! I keep having dreams in which my hair becomes fried, broken off & with bald spots due to chemical damage. In some dreams, it just sheds out in massive clumps. In these dreams, I am usually in a state of panic & terror, or I am profoundly sad, & resigned to my fate. As I am finally getting near BSL & my hair is in good condition, these dreams cause me to leap out of bed & check my hair for disasters.

In some dreams, I allow some hairdresser to talk me into going blonde (heck: I don't even GO to salons!) or I get talked into some extreme haircut (like a pixie). It NEVER EVER turns out pretty, & I wind up distressed & in mourning for my hair.

WHY can't I just dream I have reached my goal of classic length hair, with 2b waves, & wake up HAPPY?!?

September 26th, 2017, 01:46 PM
I often dream that all of my hair (and sometimes teeth) have fallen out. Not sure what that's all about :-)

Joyful Mystery
September 26th, 2017, 01:50 PM
I often dream that all of my hair (and sometimes teeth) have fallen out. Not sure what that's all about :-)

I've had dreams where my teeth have fallen out!

September 26th, 2017, 07:10 PM
I had this crazy dream some days ago, when it was suddenly very hot and humid here.
I was kidnapped by a vampire, and kept in a large room with a bunker bed. While I was sleeping one of the vampire ladies came to my bed and trimmed my braid.

September 29th, 2017, 02:22 PM
I've had a few, some good and some bad:

One dream I had involved me waking up and finding hair all over my pillow, over the course of the 'day' in my dream I shed greatly and by the time I 'went to sleep' I was almost entirely bald.

I had another dream where I was given a potion that would make my head hair grow an inch a day(!) but the side effects included dizziness, nausea, paranoia, mania and hallucinations. I took the potion and ended up going insane, right before I woke up I remember being in a padded cell surrounded by about 10 ft of hair.

The last one I recall wasn't really about my hair but I was in a James Bond film and happened to have calf-length hair.

September 29th, 2017, 02:44 PM
I had a dream that my hair was shoulder-length.

September 29th, 2017, 04:46 PM
I had another dream where I was given a potion that would make my head hair grow an inch a day(!) but the side effects included dizziness, nausea, paranoia, mania and hallucinations. I took the potion and ended up going insane, right before I woke up I remember being in a padded cell surrounded by about 10 ft of hair.

Haha what a dream, that's quite an amazing plot line!

September 29th, 2017, 07:47 PM
I had a dream a few nights ago! I had my hair in a braided ponytail on the tippy top of my hair. But it was easily down to my knees... I was pretty thin in this dream too... :horse:

September 29th, 2017, 07:48 PM
I've had dreams where my teeth have fallen out!

I get these dreams too!

September 29th, 2017, 08:04 PM
I also dream about my teeth falling out or having wires growing out of my gums, really weird. For the last two months, I've been dreaming my hair is longer, back to where it was before I chopped it all off. So disappointing to wake up:(

September 29th, 2017, 10:14 PM
I have had two dreams lately that I have bleached my hair blonde. I have no idea why because I have sworn off bleach, haven't used it in about 12 years. But in my dreams my hair is as long as it is now, but bleached blonde. Crazy.

October 6th, 2017, 05:29 AM
I dreamed I cut my hair off on a whim. Just gathered it together and chopped it. It looked like shoulder length, but when I felt behind me it was between waist and hip.

I had zero regrets. At some point I wondered if I would have regrets in the dream and decided no, I wouldn't.

But I ended up with thick glossy curls and that's not at all realistic on me.

I think I am upset with myself I missed my last trim. Also that I got it caught yesterday and I was so tired I forgot what I was doing and pulled it free. I'm starting to long for tidying looking hair that isn't shameful. But I'm years away from getting that, if my trimming plan works at all.

Joyful Mystery
October 6th, 2017, 10:09 AM
I get these dreams too!

I also dream about my teeth falling out or having wires growing out of my gums, really weird. For the last two months, I've been dreaming my hair is longer, back to where it was before I chopped it all off. So disappointing to wake up:(

I think I read somewhere that these dreams are related to stress. Not sure if that is true.

I had a dream once that I had TBL hair that I was wearing loose while holding a baby. I was standing and surrounded by young children. I got the feeling these were all my kids.

October 6th, 2017, 12:05 PM
I had a dream where i met myself as a child, and my hair on child-me was twice and thick and down to my knees. Was so disappointed when I woke up T_T

October 12th, 2017, 02:08 AM
I once dreamed I was a swamp witch whose hair was so thick and long that it completely covered me like a blanket when I crouched to collect some mushrooms.

October 15th, 2017, 12:44 PM
I don't often have hair dreams (usually they're teeth dreams, ick.) but a few nights ago I had a dream that I was sitting on a beach and someone was combing my hair. I didn't turn around to see who it was, but I remember feeling like my hair was soooo heavy and long I could barely lift my head, so it was just nice to have someone else taking care of it, and miraculously there were no tangles in my dream. It sounds a little weird but it was actually a very pleasant dream.

November 25th, 2017, 07:40 PM
I had a dream that my fiancé cut his hair. I was SO mad. He's started growing it out (finally) and it's at a place that I like to call "Prince Eric hair" AND his hair is that super dark brown almost black and so so thick. Anyway, in my dream he cut it so it was about 3/4" long all over and it was uneven! I was so furious because he has such great hair and we had our engagement pictures today. I didn't completely calm down until I got over to his apartment this morning and saw his hair was intact.

December 24th, 2017, 09:01 AM
I don’t dream about my hair very often, but last night I dreamt my hair was at classic length, and I was confused in my dream wondering “I’m still 3-4 inches away from that milestone, how did that happen?”.

December 24th, 2017, 02:42 PM
This is awful, but i had a nightmare over a week ago that i had a long knee length braid, and someone was attacking me using the end of it to hit me. It hurt quite a bit, as anyone who has accidentally wacked themselves in the face with their own braid knows. :whip: shudder:
Not sure where the nightmare came from, but ive always been paranoid about someone grabbing my hair and doing something bad to it. When it was long i used to always keep it over my shoulder so i could keep an eye on it and protect my hair from pranksters.

December 26th, 2017, 06:44 PM
I just woke up now from a very strange and eerie feeling dream. All I remember is that while I was falling asleep I started half dreaming /half fantasizing that I was walking in the forest. Then suddenly my vision was blocked by a wall of hair. It felt like it was my own but at the same time it wasn't connected to my head.

victorian girl
January 4th, 2018, 12:30 AM
I had a dream last night that my hair was very thick and much longer than now, and I was trying to put it in a 1960s updo, but had to ask a friend to help me. Very pleased :crush:

ETA: Got it! It was lighter and straighter than mine - so it wasn't my hair, it was my girlfriend's (before she cut it off)

LexI bright
February 12th, 2018, 09:45 AM
I had a nightmare... I watched a Keronique infomercial by accident (walked into the room and it was on the tv no one was watching). That night I dreamt my hair was all thin on top with a big wide part shudder:

February 12th, 2018, 10:04 AM
Wow I am glad to know that hair dreams are not so uncommon. I had one not more than a week and a half ago. Usually one will wake me up at some point and I wont have to see it all the way out. And it is always such a relief to realize it was all just a dream. That is, unless you live in the world of Phantasm. Then if someone tells you that something is only a dream, the Tall Man then pops up and says "No, it's not!".

February 12th, 2018, 10:32 AM
For the second time recently I had a dream that my hair was hip length in the front. This must be a goal of mine, subconsciously.

February 12th, 2018, 02:06 PM
X-posted, now that I've found this thread :)

Last night I've had the most vivid dream... Where I had my WL+ cut between CBL and APL! During my whole dream I had my hair that short (meanwhile other absurd things happened... I had to discover who had killed a tiger cub. Oh well), and i was quite stressed about it. I remember thinking "well... I might be back at WL in 2 years, but why on earth did I cut it! +3-4 years to BCL/TBL!"

The good thing is that just the very tips of my hair had a bit of henna on it (much more than now, I just have about 11cm of virgin hair), it was soft and healthy, but still... I was VERY relieved when I woke up with my hair intact :)

February 14th, 2018, 04:23 AM
I got a relaxer and a bob cut! Very odd dream. I now understand the relief part about realising all your hair is there, haha.

February 14th, 2018, 06:32 AM
My dream is about having long, thick and strong hair. Once, i dreamed i had long and beautiful hair but when i woke up my dream wasnt real lol

February 14th, 2018, 10:05 PM
If it were all one length and brushing the floor.

Joyful Mystery
February 16th, 2018, 04:14 PM
In my dream I was checking out my hemline and was horrified to discover my blunt ends had grown into a deep V shape.

February 16th, 2018, 09:48 PM
Last week I dreamt that my mom was trimming my ends and actually cut off most of my length to my chin. I woke up in a cold sweat with that one hehe :)

February 17th, 2018, 04:21 AM
It was hip length! I feel better about my hair after that dream, given me more motivation to keep growing.

February 17th, 2018, 11:43 AM

February 17th, 2018, 03:50 PM
I have so many hair nightmares where I look in the mirror and my hair has somehow been colored/bleached/cut or ruined in some way. I don't think I've ever even dreamed of my hair being long and beautiful, haha. I guess I don't think it's possible even in my dreams.

February 17th, 2018, 05:43 PM
More of a nightmare, this one: A couple of nights ago I had one in which I was at my goal length (knee) and admiring braid waves in the mirror when I impulsively grabbed an electric razor out of nowhere and shaved it all off. :eek:

I've had urges to shave my head before, and I've cut my hair impulsively a couple of times (including my most recent chop to chin which was the result of me hacking three inches off rather lopsidedly - my mother also randomly shaves her hair off sometimes and my sister has done it too I believe - a family trait?) but I do *really* want to reach and maintain healthy knee length hair. I can't imagine I'd succumb easily to the impulse if I got there.

February 21st, 2018, 06:27 PM
Finally had a good hair dream! It was healthy and shiny and tailbone-length! All I really remember was that I was feeling for how long my hair was and went, "huh, that's longer than usual" so even my dream self doesn't expect rapid growth :rolleyes:

February 22nd, 2018, 08:41 AM
I had a hair dream about a week ago. I dreamed that I was brushing my calf-length thick hair with a paddle brush next to a window bursting with sunlight.:crush:

I was so happy, but then I woke up and realized that it was just a dream, I felt sad. :( Oh well, I'll get there one day, just have to be patient...

March 7th, 2018, 10:53 AM
Just woke up from my first bad hair dream. I dreamed I went to a salon to even up my hemline a bit and stated I didn't want to lose much length in the process. I walked out with a flat ironed, SL, pageboyish cut (which was upsetting since I will likely call HL later this month and I don't have bangs). And my hemline was worse than ever, with a short spot in the back, like a rounded w-shape. I went back to the salon and complained as politely as I could while still making my opinion known. I was introduced to a young male stylist with a buzz cut, explained what happened and asked him to fix the hemline. I stormed out with a pixieish cut that had some weird jaw length spots on the sides. And at some point in the dream, not exactly sure at what point, I stepped on a scale and had gained about 20lbs.

I was so happy it was just a dream and that my bun was still sitting safely atop my head. Still gotta weigh myself, but I doubt I've gained 20lbs.

March 8th, 2018, 11:26 PM
I haven’t had any length dreams. A few nightmares of it being cut or it being short.

I have had dreams of my hair being a completely different color though. It’ll be jet black, or a strawberry reddish-blonde color.

The colors look super vivid and pretty in my dreams

March 12th, 2018, 01:10 PM
I had a dream recently where my ends were coming off in clumps in my hands, all dry and knotted. Then it suddenly stopped when I was back to my old chin length haircut, bangs and all. Guess my brain gearing up to give me the desire for another impulsive chop. Won't happen this time though!

March 20th, 2018, 11:54 AM
I've been having a lot of big chop dreams. Just had another this morning. I went to the hairdresser and asked to get my hair cut up to my jawline. I really liked it at first but then I got this very uneasy feeling, and I kept thinking why did I decide to do this, where did this idea come from. It's going to take so long to grow back to where I was. As I was looking at myself in the mirror, everything started to feel so unreal, and it hit me THIS IS A DREAM. Then I woke up. Ahhhh I was so close to a lucid state!

March 20th, 2018, 03:10 PM
Last week I dreamt I had waist length flowing hair, and it felt so good. In reality my hair is only about 3 inches from waist, but in the dream it was all one length and definitely felt heavier (in a good way) falling from my scalp. I felt so at ease and happy with it.

I've been having a lot of big chop dreams. Just had another this morning. I went to the hairdresser and asked to get my hair cut up to my jawline. I really liked it at first but then I got this very uneasy feeling, and I kept thinking why did I decide to do this, where did this idea come from. It's going to take so long to grow back to where I was. As I was looking at myself in the mirror, everything started to feel so unreal, and it hit me THIS IS A DREAM. Then I woke up. Ahhhh I was so close to a lucid state!

This sounds intense! I've always wanted to lucid dream.

March 20th, 2018, 03:44 PM
I've been having a lot of big chop dreams. Just had another this morning. I went to the hairdresser and asked to get my hair cut up to my jawline. I really liked it at first but then I got this very uneasy feeling, and I kept thinking why did I decide to do this, where did this idea come from. It's going to take so long to grow back to where I was. As I was looking at myself in the mirror, everything started to feel so unreal, and it hit me THIS IS A DREAM. Then I woke up. Ahhhh I was so close to a lucid state!

Lucidity is so cool! I have lucid dreams pretty frequently, but never about my hair. I'm still not very skillful at changing things in the dreams - mostly I just realize that I'm dreaming and, if it's a nightmare, transport myself elsewhere or intentionally wake myself up - but now I'm curious about how easily I could alter the length/texture/color of my hair while dreaming.

March 20th, 2018, 05:42 PM
Lucidity is so cool! I have lucid dreams pretty frequently, but never about my hair. I'm still not very skillful at changing things in the dreams - mostly I just realize that I'm dreaming and, if it's a nightmare, transport myself elsewhere or intentionally wake myself up - but now I'm curious about how easily I could alter the length/texture/color of my hair while dreaming.

The most lucid I get is being able to do stuff, but slowly. Not "running but going nowhere" or "trying to punch but arm won't move" slowly, more like "35 in a 45" kind of slow. But I don't think I really fully realize I'm dreaming, I just sort of start wanting certain things and then they happen. The more I'm aware it's a dream the closer I get to waking.

March 21st, 2018, 08:37 AM
Ever since reading 'A Fine Balance' by Rohinton Mistry I have nightmares and distracting anxious daydreams about people cutting off my braid. In the novel, a man desperate to make money starts secretly cutting off braids of women in public, and selling their hair. So now I keep thinking this will happen to me. I've essentially never worn my hair down after reading that book - it's always, always up, unless I'm around the house. There are plenty of other good reasons to keep it up (currently knee length) but I keep wondering if I'm just anxious.

March 21st, 2018, 12:23 PM
Ever since reading 'A Fine Balance' by Rohinton Mistry I have nightmares and distracting anxious daydreams about people cutting off my braid. In the novel, a man desperate to make money starts secretly cutting off braids of women in public, and selling their hair. So now I keep thinking this will happen to me. I've essentially never worn my hair down after reading that book - it's always, always up, unless I'm around the house. There are plenty of other good reasons to keep it up (currently knee length) but I keep wondering if I'm just anxious.

I think many of us here experience this fear, including myself. Even though I live in a very small rural area, I still think twice about showing my length in a hairstyle. Never know who you might come across that has this ******. I've read many real life stories of this happening to make me rethink my decision.

March 31st, 2018, 05:41 PM

May 31st, 2018, 08:43 AM
I had such a long realistic dream that I got fed up with my hair and grabbed the scissors and did a DIY pixie cut in my bathroom. 😄 Complete with all the regret and emotions, and my husband's reaction, and doing the math to figure out how long it would take to get back to where I was. I even thought in the dream, "I wish this was just one of those dreams, and I'd wake up with long hair." Then I did! I guess my brain wanted to prank me last night. 😛

May 31st, 2018, 12:42 PM
I semi-regularly have dreams about destroying my hair color with a bad dye job and panicking because it'll be so expensive and damaging to fix.

Last night I had a dream about getting a great deal on hair extensions and going and getting them cut so they would blend better with my hair. I remember being worried that they looked cheap- they were a set of clip-ins, which I've had before, and those did look pretty cheap.

May 31st, 2018, 02:51 PM
I had a dream a few weeks ago that I was in a smokey club, and there was a woman on stage singing with floor length black hair. She was soulful and jazzy, kind of like Amy Winehouse, and the club reminded me of a speakeasy. I remember dream-me thinking she was beautiful and had amazing style.

June 13th, 2018, 11:10 PM
I had a hair dream last night. In this dream I had dyed my hair with box dye, and instead of keeping the dye on my hair for 30 min, I had mistakenly kept it on for two hours. I rushed to wash it off, wondering is my hair going to fall off and why I was doing it in the first place. The box dye had not stuck on my hennaed lenghts, they were still red.

Anastasia Hope
June 14th, 2018, 02:51 AM
ugh the 'cutting my hair into a pixie' dreams ae the worst. I may or may not have woken up crying after one of those....

August 4th, 2018, 08:37 PM
Last night in my dream I felt my hair brush on my elbow, and I very excitedly told my companion (whom I don't remember now, but they did have long hair so I think that's why I told them) about it lol.

Joyful Mystery
August 25th, 2018, 12:07 PM
Last night I dreamt I went to a salon for a trim and ended up with a terrible layered style that thinned and shortened my hair considerably. It was such an awful cut!

September 23rd, 2018, 10:12 PM
The other night I dreamed that my supplements were making my hair grow like crazy. I could feel it tickling on the back of my knee, and I was in utter disbelief, "it can't possibly be that long!" but I could feel it there, so what could I say :lol:?

It was so disappointing to wake up and find that my hair was about the same length as it's been :laugh:. But I've found that sometimes dreams can indicate things that are going on in the body, so maybe my hair really was growing at that moment (I didn't measure it before or after, so can't say for sure one way or the other)... :hmm:

November 26th, 2018, 07:58 AM
I dreamt last night that someone shampooed my hair with something that made it very shiny and heavy. Then as I started brushing my hair, it turned into a chin length bob. I actually woke up and checked my hair and was really grateful that it was still past APL in the real world.

November 26th, 2018, 08:03 AM
Ha! I woke up thinking I would have to go digging for this thread but here it is!

I dreamt that I chopped my hair above my shoulders. And it was so uneven, I just kept cutting more and more, trying to even it out!
When it was done, it looked nice, but I cried because I was so sad that I didn't have long hair anymore and I knew it would take forever to grow out again.
Then I dreamt I woke up and was relieved it was only a dream.
Then I had lots of other dreams including one where I worked at McDonald's and one where I was dating Sam Malone from Cheers.
Then I REALLY woke up and THANK GOODNESS all my hair is still here!

November 26th, 2018, 06:54 PM
I once dreamt Camila Cabello teached me how to make heatless curls, when I woke up I tried it and it turned up to be true. In the dream, she told me to wrap my hair in a scarf, from the tip and folding it into the scarf. It's hard to explain even in my native language. I liked how they turned out, but my hair is too straight to hold em

December 3rd, 2018, 07:35 AM
That's so funny that her dream advice was true!

Last night I dreamt I was in the shower and trying to wash my hair but I wasn't paying attention and I kept using all the wrong products and wrong quantities. For some reason my mom's shampoo was in there and people kept talking to me and I accidentally used her shampoo and it felt totally wrong. Then I just kept grabbing the wrong things. It was weird.

December 3rd, 2018, 07:43 AM
I kept having a reoccurring dream about cutting my long hair to a short black bob. So I cut it to a short dark brown bob with bangs :)

December 3rd, 2018, 04:54 PM
This isn't really a "hair dream," well, the hair in the dream wasn't mine- I dreamt there was a figure resembling an old woman standing in my bedroom doorway holding a cut-off braid, for some reason? I guess my idea of something scary is cut hair, lol.