View Full Version : keep getting split ends every day?!

April 17th, 2014, 08:51 AM
hello, i am new here and read a lot!!
i put oil in my hair every 2 days in overnight, keep it in a braid almost every day. I also dyed my hair in my natural colour wich is almost brown. so i dont have to dye it anymore. i take my vitamins b-complex and fish oil suplements. i have been doing this for almost 3 months now. i noticed my hair is growing a lot fasten and healthier, but i keep getting split ends. i cut them off myself, but it seems like they keep coming back :mad: does anyone experience this as well? do you have tips?? btw: my hair is wavy, if i dont brush it its curly, anyway you can see my natural hair on my avatar. ;)

April 17th, 2014, 09:06 AM
I am a little confused, but first off...welcome!

Ok, so in your avatar your hair is blow dried? It looks really straight to be either wavy or curly. Now, the other thing you stated in your post is that if you don't brush your hair is curly. Only curly hair does that. You may want to post hairtyping pictures (where you just wash, lightly condition and don't comb or handle in any way as it is drying).

As far as the split ends, it could be past damage from the hair dye. I have fine hair that is generally prone to split and I don't see splits every single day. If you don't have a firm handle on your hair type, you also may be doing something to it mechanically to promote splits without even realizing it.

April 17th, 2014, 09:19 AM
As long as you're still growing out damage, you're gonna keep getting splits. What kind of damage is it? Bleach, heat etc? Bleach damage is worse than heat IMO. My highlighted hairs break off like crazy. I second figuring out your natural hair type, so you can figure out how best to handle it.

Also, welcome!!

April 17th, 2014, 09:33 AM
i damaged my hair really bad.. i dyed it really blonde 2 times a month, and used irons on my hair almost every day.. i stopped dying my hair 3 months ago, and i donts use irons for a year now.. i quess its just the old damage, thanks for noticing.:)

April 17th, 2014, 09:37 AM
Try getting a new pair of hair shears; cutting your hair with dull scissors can cause more splits.

April 17th, 2014, 09:48 AM
Oh gurl, me too. My hair is just fragile I guess,

April 17th, 2014, 10:05 AM
Are your scissors brand new or very sharp and only used for hair?
Have you tried clarifying and chelating the hair to rid it of any buildup that could be drying out the ends?
How are you securing the braid?
Just trying to think of things that can help. Hair is going to be more fragile from color but maybe making sure to address things above can help even if by some percent.

April 17th, 2014, 10:09 AM
If you only stopped dying your hair three months ago then the majority of your hair has been dyed a lot, so it will be fragile and split more often. You'll need to baby it and keep taking care of it, and trimming off the splits. In time your virgin hair will grow out and the splits will reduce.

April 17th, 2014, 10:10 AM
Try getting a new pair of hair shears; cutting your hair with dull scissors can cause more splits.

this is very important. i used to S&D for hours every day for a month. but i used crappy old scissors. no wonder i had to S&D everyday, the ends kept splitting again. what a waste of time and hair that was.

April 17th, 2014, 01:53 PM
Definitely agree with the people saying to make sure you're using good sharp shears that are used for hair only. With all the damage you're dealing with, I think you could benefit from a protein treatment or at least use a conditioner with protein. But, as others have said, your hair is pretty damaged, and all you can do is baby the heck out of it and trim off the splits.

April 17th, 2014, 02:10 PM
Yeah, I remember when I first started my "healthy hair journey"....even though I was treating my hair better, I had a crazy amount of spit ends! I would go to get my hair trimmed and I would be like, "ah, yes! all my spit ends are gone!" & then it seemed like within hours I would look at my hair and see more splits! It takes a while for the old damage to go away...Now I hardly have any splits, even though my last haircut/trim was over a year ago!