View Full Version : Conditioner Really Helps!

April 3rd, 2014, 08:26 PM
Ok, so this probably sounds like a no brainer, but it was a really exciting rediscovery for me. I have been washing my scalp with natural shampoo twice a week then just doing an ACV rinse at the end. I wasn't keen on condiioner after trouble washing it out of my hair. Then, about 2.5 weeks ago, after reading all the posts about washing with conditioner, I decided to give it a try. I was even able to find the same brand as my shampoo. Right now my hair is sooo baby soft! I think it's shinier too. My routine is now C-W-C- ACV rinse, and I am so happy with the results.:cheer:

April 3rd, 2014, 08:29 PM
Haha I can definitely relate to this! In high school, I was too impatient to condition my hair, the idea of waiting three minutes for it to sink into my hair was just unthinkable. :p My hair felt like straw, and it was super frizzy (conditioner and moisture in general really helps weigh down trichotillomania new growth) but I didn't care about my hair, so it didn't matter to me.

April 4th, 2014, 05:13 AM
It really does. The right conditioners make all the difference on my hair. Its surprising how much certain conditioners change the appearance of my hair.