View Full Version : Chamomile tea for hair lightening?

April 1st, 2014, 11:40 AM
I have tried honey, but now I am curious about using chamomile tea for lightening my hair. Has anyone tried it? How many times do you have to use it before you see results?

April 1st, 2014, 12:00 PM
From what I've read here, chammomile doesnt' lighten hair but ads golden tones to your actual color. I haven't tried it because of my dark brown hair being inmune to amost any color change attempt, and I prefer red tones over golden.
Be careful if you try it though, it sounds like it might dry your hair a bit.

April 2nd, 2014, 01:49 PM
I did it for a while, mostly because I wanted to bring out the golden undertones in my hair a bit more.

Did it work? Possibly.
I did it last summer and it is hard to tell how effective it was as my hair always looks a lot more golden in sunlight which there was a lot of last summer! I gave up after a couple of months though because it made the hair washing process take so long. I applied it after shampooing and let it sit under a showercap for about 15 mins before conditioning and rinsing my hair with cool water. Doing it this way stopped my hair getting dried out

April 2nd, 2014, 02:06 PM
From what I've read here, chammomile doesnt' lighten hair but ads golden tones to your actual color. I haven't tried it because of my dark brown hair being inmune to amost any color change attempt, and I prefer red tones over golden.
Be careful if you try it though, it sounds like it might dry your hair a bit.
Chamomile is more for golden tones than lightening, yes; but it's actually good for hair, not drying, as far as I know.