View Full Version : Washing hair too infrequently? / Halo hair? / Repetitive styling damage

March 19th, 2014, 12:26 PM
So, long story short (feel free to pry for more details), I wash my hair once a week (S/C) and put it up in a nautilus bun almost every single day. The problem is I feel like my hair isn't clean enough looking long enough to try different hair styles, so I end up doing a tight nautilus all the time and I'm accumulating a lot of hairline breakage from repetitive styling. Wash hair more often and try different things? Try different things anyway? Can braids look okay with dirty hair? Any and all questions and suggestions are appreciated!

March 19th, 2014, 12:28 PM
Braids can look lovely on dirty hair (french ones especially). It's also great for doing retro tucks and rolls.

March 19th, 2014, 12:43 PM
I wash my hair about once a week as well and wear a nautilus-ish bun every day. Just don't do it really tight. And I agree no-one will know your hair isn't freshly washed if it's braided.

March 19th, 2014, 12:47 PM
I always feel like it's going to fall out if I don't pull it tight.

March 19th, 2014, 12:54 PM
I always feel like it's going to fall out if I don't pull it tight.

I felt like that with sticks have you tried hair forks you can do the buns much looser and they hold better.

March 19th, 2014, 01:03 PM
I felt like that with sticks have you tried hair forks you can do the buns much looser and they hold better.
Looks like I have an excuse for a new hair toy!!! What kind of fork do you suggest? Usable length, number of prongs, etc.?

March 19th, 2014, 01:28 PM
So, long story short (feel free to pry for more details), I wash my hair once a week (S/C) and put it up in a nautilus bun almost every single day. The problem is I feel like my hair isn't clean enough looking long enough to try different hair styles, so I end up doing a tight nautilus all the time and I'm accumulating a lot of hairline breakage from repetitive styling. Wash hair more often and try different things? Try different things anyway? Can braids look okay with dirty hair? Any and all questions and suggestions are appreciated!

Maybe it's that you're doing your Nautilus too tightly? We wash once a week, and my hair's up in a cinnabun 2 days out of 6, then the rest of the 6 days it's up in a LWB. The day it's down, it's wash day. My hairstyles are never tight, though. I've worn a peacock twist for *years* then just a few months now it's been the cinnabun/LWB duo. No damage.

March 19th, 2014, 01:33 PM
Braids are my go-to for over-oiled hair. They look sleek and shiny then. I do prefer to wash when my scalp hair gets piecey, though.

Nadine <3
March 19th, 2014, 02:19 PM
The only time I wear a braid is when my hair is dirty. Braids don't stay in my hair when it's clean because it's to slippery. They look fantastic. Sleek and shiny and they hold really well.

March 19th, 2014, 02:19 PM
Is there any special reason why you can't wash your hair twice a week? As a blonde I find that my hair looks dirty and piecey faster than my darker haired friends. I'm not sure if you are a blonde or not.

March 19th, 2014, 02:40 PM
why dont u just wash it a bit more so it doesnt look dirty? might be me but i dont understand what is the benefit of leaving your hair dirty while it can be clean enough to do other hairstyles?

March 19th, 2014, 03:08 PM
I CO my hair every other day because I don't like going out with dirty hair. Why not wash more often? As for the actual updo, I wear a nautilus darn near every day and don't get breakage from it. I sometimes have to use an extra pin or two, such as the Amish hair pins, to help keep my 'do in place. That might help you not twist so tightly.

March 19th, 2014, 04:13 PM
Don't worry about dirty-loonking hair. People wont notice it as much as you do :p and your scalp will get used to it and produce less grease. I wash once a week too and my scalp/roots look greasy only on the sixth day.
As for the damage, maybe you're twisting your hair too much? I do nautilus most of days and don't get damage even if it's tight. As lapushka said, lazy wrap buns are a good option too!

March 19th, 2014, 07:00 PM
The only time I wear a braid is when my hair is dirty. Braids don't stay in my hair when it's clean because it's to slippery. They look fantastic. Sleek and shiny and they hold really well.

This is my experience as well. I love dirty hair braids. They hold really well and look better than clean hair braids, for me, and there are plenty of braided updos you can learn.

March 19th, 2014, 07:18 PM
I'd wash more often.

March 20th, 2014, 03:26 AM
How about washing twice a week? That's what I do, though one of the washes is usually only a scalp wash nowadays. I used to wash only once a week last year, but my scalp starts to get itchy after 3-4 days, so I started washing more frequently after getting advice here. Washing more frequently certainly hasn't damaged my hair.

As for the bun, doing it too tight is just asking for trouble. Breakage, traction alopecia...Not good. I often wear nautilus buns, but I always make sure the bun is a bit loose and comfortable. Other good buns are the disc bun, lazy wrap, braided bun (gorgeous if your hair is oily, it looks super sleek and shiny), and chinese bun, just to mention a few. You'll find lots of inspiration in the Bun Picture Thread. :)

March 20th, 2014, 03:31 AM
So many people encouraging you to wash more. OMG. I think, if you really can't do it another way, do, but if you like stretching washes, then don't. My hair gets greasy around day 5/6, and we only wash on day 7. I think that's reasonable. You have to figure it out for *you*.

March 20th, 2014, 06:18 AM
Dry shampoo? Loose Spin Pin cinnamon bun?

March 20th, 2014, 07:16 AM
I don't think that it is an unreasonable suggestion for someone worried that her hair doesn't look clean enough for other styles. Plenty of us wash frequently and have long hair. I have never understood the put it up rationale. My hair doesn't look any cleaner up in a bun, in fact, the scalp area looks worse up because the scalp shows through more.

So many people encouraging you to wash more. OMG. I think, if you really can't do it another way, do, but if you like stretching washes, then don't. My hair gets greasy around day 5/6, and we only wash on day 7. I think that's reasonable. You have to figure it out for *you*.

Henna Girl
March 20th, 2014, 07:25 AM
I would wash more often! Maybe co wash if you don't want to use shampoo twice a week.

March 20th, 2014, 07:28 AM
I wash my kiddos hair twice a week, once a week in the winter.. I think a French braid or braids in general look great in dirtier hair. (Her hair doesn't get greasy, only dry. I'll actually rinse and put in conditioner on the days we don't wash) I wash mine twice a week regardless unless I get sweaty. My hair isn't long enough to do much. I'll put in a little corn starch at night, wake up and brush it well... Even with my dark hair, it seems to give it enough texture to not look so dirty.. Also, messy buns are my friend on those days, and I clip/braid my bangs back then because I find they make it look worse. But unless you're really just trying to stretch washes out, there's nothing wrong with twice a week washing, in my opinion! :)

March 20th, 2014, 01:59 PM
Braids are great! I do a lace dutch braid that starts just above one ear, goes across my hairline and down behind the other ear and it disguises the greasies quite nicely. Or if you're feeling adventurous, you could to a crown braid - I also will do those if I have enough time.

March 20th, 2014, 02:09 PM
Why don't you try using some dry shampoo? I spray it lightly on the hair right around my face. You don't have to spray a ton on all over your hair- just in the front. This way you don't have to wash more often. :3

March 20th, 2014, 02:29 PM
It's not damaging to wash hair two times a week. I find that even if my hair is up and well combed the scalp hair looks dirty, not to mention the scalp irritation I get. Why this aversion to washing a tiny bit more frequently?

March 20th, 2014, 03:47 PM
I know at least for me, I hate washing more frequently because it's just so time-consuming and I hate having my hair wet. The shear inconvenience of it is enough to almost make me want to go WO, but I can't quite bring myself to do it. Thus, I only wash it every 7-10 days. But I hate looking like a greaseball in-between

March 20th, 2014, 03:58 PM
I only wash my hair once a week as a matter of laziness, that I try to justify with the idea that it's good for my hair, hehe.
I do dutch braids and messy buns a lot, and I feel they really disguise the greasiness.

March 20th, 2014, 04:13 PM
Try washing twice a week, or maybe every 4-5 days. There's no point having long hair (or any other sort of hair) if it makes you feel horrid.

Although less washing (and gentler washing) is technically better, most people can get away with gentle washing every day or two and still have very long hair. E.g. Cinnamonhair (http://www.beyondclassiclength.com/), who does CO washes daily and has knee-length hair. Personally, I wash my hair every 3-4 days and have knee-lenght, 1b/F/ii hair that is pretty delicate.

Stretching washes is great for those people who do have excessive sebum output due to stripping. However, the object is to re-set your scalp to produce less sebum, not to stretch your washes so far that you are perpetually putting up with greasy, horrid-looking hair that makes you feel ugly, dirty and/or miserable.

March 20th, 2014, 05:09 PM
I would do a looser nautilus with a twisted hair stick. they kind look like unicorn horns, soft of a cross between hair stick and spin pin in terms of hold. Just got myself one because sticks would slide out of the tightest buns. Now I can hold a loose bun for days if I choose.

March 23rd, 2014, 08:49 AM
I do a lot of braids, but I usually reserve them for when my hair is dirtier and more oily. I get really oily, but with a little dry shampoo and a braid it looks gorgeous and no one knows that I only wash it once a week! :-)