View Full Version : Bedtime hair? or up do remedy?

March 13th, 2014, 11:34 PM
My hair is at a funky stage. I'm right between my nape and my shoulders. (don't have measurements as of now, sorry)
Its like a long layered bob, almost. :/

I'm wondering if there is a way I can put it up, or set it before bed, so when I wake up it doesn't have those random kinks from sleeping funny? It's super straight but i have a random wave in wierd places in the back. :( its kind of depressing.

Anywho. Right now they best up do's I can do are messy french twists, messy buns with hair sticks, teeny wierd pony tails. (and an 1.5" to 2" nape hair escapage everytime.)

I'm just so sick of stringy looking hair. and I don't use heat, except maybe once a month if that. (and its the only way I've found to make it not stringy.)

any info I may have left out please let me know.

and thanks for the help. :)


March 14th, 2014, 02:36 PM
I'm about your length right now, and the best thing I've found is just containing it. There's not enough hair at this point for putting it "up" to be anything more than a straight up hassle. I'd even venture to say that trying to wrangle it into some kind of updo would be more damaging than protective during sleep. I recommend a small sleep cap, or just tying a silk scarf around it, which is what I've been doing and it's helped tremendously.

March 14th, 2014, 05:14 PM
When I was around your length, I had the same problem and I did some serious experimenting to find a good solution. The best I came up with was to ever-so-gently wrap it around itself and stick it all up in a loosely knitted beanie hat, a big bandanna, or like Molljo said, a silk wrap or sleep cap. I think you just have to play around with different things to find what's most comfortable for you and works best for your hair because everyone's hair reacts differently. Mine liked to fall out of every one of those, so bobby pins were handy at the time for sticking the cap to my hair, but people with more coarse or curlier hair generally don't seem to have that problem.

As an aside, I have knee-length hair and generally sleep with it in a loose cinnamon bun held in place with two Spin Pins. (They're lifesavers for me as hair sticks tend to stab me in the neck if I fall asleep.) It does prevent those weird kinks if it's loose enough and it doesn't fall out, but I don't know if you could do that kind of style loose enough with your length.

March 14th, 2014, 06:32 PM
For now, for sleep, I think you're best off with a satin or silk pillowcase or else a sleep bonnet with your hair loose inside. (Admittedly, I think the bonnet is a great solution for me at tailbone, too. The pillow, not so much; I tend to end up sleeping with my hair/braid under my body instead of on the pillow.) Once your hair is longer you can choose to braid it or bun it for bed, or not.

Don't freak out if your bonnet ends up across the room the first few nights. Leaving it in takes a week or two of practice.

March 14th, 2014, 07:46 PM
Thanks everyone for the comments/advice...
To think eventually I could braid my hair before bed... *sigh* it seems so far away. :/
I will definitely be trying the satin bonnet thing... Though I can see my husband now, hehe.

March 15th, 2014, 12:14 AM
To think eventually I could braid my hair before bed... *sigh* it seems so far away. :/

Unless you have lots of short layers, maybe a french braid could work at this point (or a dutch braid, as I think theyre even more sturdy)? The tail wont be impressively long, but itŽd be contained at least and youŽd have a teeny tiny braid :)

March 15th, 2014, 11:30 AM
I was in your place not all that long ago. I occasionally used a silk scarf secured around my head, but it always seemed to find a way to come loose. At some point I began french braiding it (difficult with such a short length and layers but I'm a pretty decent braider) and then using the scarf. I bought a satin bonnet once, but couldn't overcome the laughter of my DH.

I wasn't able to start truly putting it "up" until around shoulder length.

March 15th, 2014, 12:57 PM
satin pillow case or bonnet is what I would do for now :)

March 16th, 2014, 12:51 AM
Doobie wrap it! You're a great length for learning how to do it and it will look really polished and pretty when you take it out in the morning with no weird bends or uneven waves as it's a heat free straightening method that still leaves you with some bounce and body. Have a look at a few different tutorials on you tube - I had to watch quite a few before I really "got" it, but it involves using your head as a giant roller and smoothing all the hair around it and then securing it with a silk scarf, once you get really good at it and have a good scarf tying technique you don't even need to leave any pins/clips in it. Don't be put off by the fact that most women you see showing you how to do it tend to have very tight curls or kinky hair, it works really well on straighter textures too :)

March 16th, 2014, 05:34 AM
I put mine in a low pony tail and put my sleep cap over it. The low pony seems to hold my sleep cap on better then any other hair style. My switched updo is loose inside my cap.

March 16th, 2014, 06:22 AM
I also love the sleep bonnet suggestion, it works wonders for my hair.

March 16th, 2014, 04:01 PM
That's a hard length.
I put mine in a top-pony tail when it was that long. (Most of it won't reach, but no biggie.) The weird kinks didn't matter, as I wet it down in the morning or otherwise coerced it into cooperation!

I did lots of these: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bCQJ7aenX1U

You also have the perfect length to try pincurls, if you like a retro vibe. http://www.youtube/watch?v=6PBwSXHWvA8

I still pincurl my hair sometimes. I can wear victory rolls or some other retro updo the first and second day, and have remnants of big, bouncy waves until I wash. Some people find them challenging to learn, but if you can manage French twists and buns, you can get it. Just keep after it until they come out. I just use bobby pins on barely damp hair, and they come out fine. (The first couple of times I set them, they weren't great, but I've gotten faster and better at it. You will too!)
I adore Lisa Freemont Street's tutorials, and here are a couple other vintage youtubers for fun!
A vintage vanity (http://www.youtube.com/user/KoontzFan2?feature=watch)
Vintageous (http://www.youtube.com/user/oakoscar100)