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View Full Version : I want to change but I'm conflicted

March 3rd, 2014, 07:10 AM
I want to go cone free and start shampoo bars to see if i can improve my hairs condition, it isnt bad now but ive heard great results from others who switched. maybe my hair isnt at its full potential and i dont even know it.. anyways.. i used up my commercial shampoos, However i love aphogees 2 step protein treatment. (The conditioner has cones) so im at a bit of a dilemma. Any guidance is appreciated.

March 3rd, 2014, 07:35 AM
Here's a link to diy protein treatment that I have used.


March 3rd, 2014, 07:39 AM
So it works as well as aphogee? And is the gelatin just plain ol knox gelatin?

March 3rd, 2014, 07:40 AM
Well you won't know until you try. So try. And if your hair seems to like cones and sulfates, then go back to it. It's not about what you want, after all, it's about what your hair and scalp are most comfortable with.

March 3rd, 2014, 07:43 AM
If cone free is important to you for whatever reason, I would try it out and see how you like it. If it doesn't work out, at least you know.

March 3rd, 2014, 08:28 AM
You could try shampoo bars and do the Apoghee protein treatments monthly or as needed..and just clarify next wash after. Then resume the shampoo bars again until next treatment. There are also other cone free ways to get protein. There is a thread right now about protein treatments that can give you some ideas of what others use to get their protein. Look for the protein free suggestions. Lots of ways to experiment if this is what you want to do. The easiest is colorful neutral protein fillers from Sallys. Very affordable at $2. The gelatin sounds like a nice natural idea also.

Since you haven't made the leap yet..you won't really know until you try. I would suggest starting with some sample size shampoo bars. Chagrin Valley has sample sizes. That would be a good way to start without breaking the bank or feeling like you wasted too much money if they did not work. Also, the bars don't all feel the same so this way you could sample a few and see which ones work. It would be a shame to get the wrong bar and think it doesn't work..then later realize another one did.

I think CV Summer Sunshine or something was said to be a good starter bar? Perhaps someone who uses them could clarify for me.
I think you will also want to look into doing an acid rinse after the bar to keep the ph more balanced.

March 3rd, 2014, 08:47 AM
Why not give it a go? Here's how I saw it when I first tried shampoo bars: If they don't work, you have perfectly nice soap! Or you can sell them on the swap board most likely! (Some people might care if you have tried the bar already, I personally do not, it's soap, couple of lathers and it is all new again haha)

I should caution you that some people do have a transition period. I did not have this, but I wasn't using cones at the time either. They work really super for some people like me, and not so great for others. You can find people who love pretty much any routine you think of around here, every head is different!

March 3rd, 2014, 09:33 AM
I went cone free for a year, and during that year, I used shampoo bars for 4 months. I wanted to give cone free and poo bars a good chance to work. They just did not. Not for my hair, anyway. I wish they had. So now I'm back to light cones, and sulfate free, diluted shampoos. What works for some, may not work for others.

March 3rd, 2014, 09:43 AM
See ive never noticed issues with cones. I just notice that most hampoos make my hair "too clean". I dont want my hair to be able to grease the underside of my car but i nee aome natural oils to tame flyaways and make my hair feel better

March 3rd, 2014, 09:50 AM
See ive never noticed issues with cones. I just notice that most hampoos make my hair "too clean". I dont want my hair to be able to grease the underside of my car but i nee aome natural oils to tame flyaways and make my hair feel better

I'm in the same boat -- every shampoo I've ever tried tends to over-clean my hair and dry it out in the process. Soap is much gentler. It's worth giving a try, if it doesn't work for you just use up your shampoo bar on the rest of you!

March 3rd, 2014, 10:32 AM
What solution did you find for your problem? Did you nix cones altogether?

March 3rd, 2014, 11:02 AM
As I said, I now use soap.

I've never liked cones and can't remember the last time I used them!

March 3rd, 2014, 11:15 AM
I use bars now and, now that I've found the right combination of products, I find I don't even need my old cone-y serums and conditioners anymore. All I need is a bar, ACV, and panacea. Using those three things together have given me the hair that I've been desperately trying to get with commercial products.

It does take a lot of experimentation though, so you have to be willing to either keep your hair up or just deal with bad hair days. I promise its worth it to find that right poo bar and the right ratio of ACV to water...or citric acid...or lemon juice...or white vinegar...See? So much to try :)

I definitely second ordering sample sizes if you can. It makes it so easy to find what you like without having to commit to a bar you don't like.