View Full Version : Don't beat yourself up about it!

February 26th, 2014, 05:37 AM
I know that growing your hair can make you feel really really inpatient. So instead of beating ourselves up about our hair not being an inch longer than we thought it would be this month let's talk about the more positive things.
what exciting things have you got planned for the next six months? Just think of how much longer your hair will be after they're all done! It's not even that long if you think of what you'll be doing in between now and then.

Good luck with your growing,
Elle x

February 26th, 2014, 06:02 AM
Welcome to the board! What a sweet post :)

The plan for the next couple of months? Well, the summer here is hot so Im going to try a "wear your hair up for X amount of time"- challenge during the hottest months and to do that I think Im gonna need a couple of new cute hairsticks ;) Then, when I finally let my hair down its gonna be at my goal length due to the protecting updos and a summer growth spurt (hey, a girl can dream, right?)

February 26th, 2014, 06:09 AM
Welcome to the board! What a sweet post :)

The plan for the next couple of months? Well, the summer here is hot so Im going to try a "wear your hair up for X amount of time"- challenge during the hottest months and to do that I think Im gonna need a couple of new cute hairsticks ;) Then, when I finally let my hair down its gonna be at my goal length due to the protecting updos and a summer growth spurt (hey, a girl can dream, right?)

Thank you so much!
Ahh that sounds PERFECT! unfortunately where I live I have to expect plenty of rainy grey days and possibly a teeny ring amount of sun. I have my As level exams (higher education) in school in may so I'll be revising like mad until then and hopefully I'll be so busy revising all this history and poetry my hair will grow without me even noticing ;). It's also my birthday in August so maybe my hair will be kind to me, hmmm.. Like you said: a girl can dream!

February 26th, 2014, 06:34 AM
Welcome to the board! What a sweet post :)

The plan for the next couple of months? Well, the summer here is hot so Im going to try a "wear your hair up for X amount of time"- challenge during the hottest months and to do that I think Im gonna need a couple of new cute hairsticks ;) Then, when I finally let my hair down its gonna be at my goal length due to the protecting updos and a summer growth spurt (hey, a girl can dream, right?)

This sounds like a plan for me, too! It pushes 100F here for most of the summer, and buns will definitely be the way to go.

We are moving at the end of June, which will make oh....6 moves in the past 5 years, I think. But this time we will be staying for several years and buying our first house! With that and all the birthdays coming up soon I have lots of better things to focus on than whether my hair has grown that next inch or not!

February 26th, 2014, 11:20 AM
Hmm...I want to try curling my hair without heat.

February 26th, 2014, 11:24 AM
I'm in some of the challenges here on the forum. I'm going to be getting ready for warm weather and hopefully a growth spurt. I'm also looking for a new job and I hope to find one.

February 26th, 2014, 01:13 PM
Welcome to the LHC threadOfGold :flower:
That's a great attitude :D I'm currently searching for a job, so that's something to put effort in... Maybe by the time I find a job my hair will have a good surprise for me, lol :)

February 26th, 2014, 01:20 PM
Autumn is here in a few days, its been windy, rainy etc so my hair had to stay up anyway.... ive had it up a lot actually and I feel proud of that :) but yeah, life is busy here and since im so close to waist, I try to relax a bit I realise that after waist I only have two more goals and thats hip and classic, after my goals there wont be any growing to worry about so might as well enjoy the fun now right :p

February 26th, 2014, 03:26 PM
Thank you threadOfGold! I'm trying to teach myself Japanese, so I think by the time I get good at it, my hair will be down to my ankles! lol

February 26th, 2014, 04:01 PM
This sounds like a plan for me, too! It pushes 100F here for most of the summer, and buns will definitely be the way to go.

We are moving at the end of June, which will make oh....6 moves in the past 5 years, I think. But this time we will be staying for several years and buying our first house! With that and all the birthdays coming up soon I have lots of better things to focus on than whether my hair has grown that next inch or not!

Squiggy , cute baby!!! looks like he/she can belong to the long hair community he/she already has a luscious head of hair ;) This is me too, I'm going to be moving to a house soon with my baby....i can't believe I'm a parent/ grown up. I'm hoping for extra length in the summer (I've heard hair grows faster in the spring/summer)....hopefully by the time I move I will have 2 more inches !!!!! can't wait to get super preoccupied so that I completely forget about my hair !! benign neglect here I come

February 26th, 2014, 04:42 PM
What a great idea for a thread! By summer I'll be done with this semester and then I'll only have one more year to go until I get my degrees. By then I'll have put on a lot of length with the help of trims, wearing up and benign neglect. By then I should be pretty close to my goal length! :cheese:

February 26th, 2014, 06:24 PM
Squiggy , cute baby!!! looks like he/she can belong to the long hair community he/she already has a luscious head of hair ;) This is me too, I'm going to be moving to a house soon with my baby....i can't believe I'm a parent/ grown up. I'm hoping for extra length in the summer (I've heard hair grows faster in the spring/summer)....hopefully by the time I move I will have 2 more inches !!!!! can't wait to get super preoccupied so that I completely forget about my hair !! benign neglect here I come

Thank you! He was born with a full head of thick hair. He's only 19 months but he's had 4 haircuts! I just wish my hair grew so fast!

February 26th, 2014, 11:08 PM
I have a lot of personal and work related things to focus on in the next four months. By then my birthday will roll around and I'm expecting to see APL! That should finally start to look like a passably normal hair length (at least one that I've had before). I have one more year in the service and I'm hoping to be near BSL by the time I get out and go back to school. Obviously there is a lot to plan between now and then!

Already I can see that may hair is getting longer and lying flatter from the weight. That flippy thing it apparently does once it reaches shoulder that makes it look like it's at shoulder still even well past collarbone is a new concept to me and quite frustrating. I'll be happy to be through that.

Meanwhile, like eight Amish hair pins can hold what looks like a very sad excuse for a bun, so that should help me out as the summer approaches. I'm tired of the half pulled through ponytail and it's starting to get long for that for running. I hate the bouncy ponytail feeling A LOT. Onward and upward! :)

February 26th, 2014, 11:52 PM
great thread :) working towards nation championships in powerlifting and making a baby - whichever comes first :-P

February 27th, 2014, 11:39 PM
This is something pretty much everyone on these boards needed to hear, myself especially. Thank you, and welcome ♥

Lazy Loop
February 27th, 2014, 11:49 PM
But I'm such a pro at beating myself up!!

Anyway, 6 months~ M, A, M, J, J, A, Whew, that does go by fast. And that equals about 3" growth! How about getting myself organized. I hope to work on Christmas knit projects this spring/summer. And, work in the yard (not that I'm good at that, but I have some Pins on Pinterest....) My hair is neck length now. So, maybe shoulder length by August!!

February 27th, 2014, 11:55 PM
Great thread and welcome! Gardening season is almost here. Summer pasture irrigation. A new calf should be born in late June. New chicks are already started in the brooder. Fences need mending. Fruit trees need pruning. I need a tractor to scrape out manure from the cow pen. I need to get running, biking, and swimming. I have races on the calendar and training time is slipping away too fast. Could someone just eek out an additional 10 hours a day for me, but not the rest of the world? ;)

February 28th, 2014, 10:15 AM
Well, for next four months i'm gonna study and study because i have at least two tests every week.. Then i'll try to find a place to practice. I also promised myself to start jogging and working out from tomorrow. I can't wait to see the results in my body and in my hair.. :) For my hair i'm planning a visit to a hairdresser and do something different with it without cutting everything off. Maybe some small face framing layers or side bangs. I never had side bangs only front ones so it would be nice to experience something different with my hair.

February 28th, 2014, 10:21 AM
We start the last phase of our home remodel this weekend. That will fill the next few weekends :)

Planning a small trip in May, which will be a nice break from the daily. (Also thinking about a bigger trip year-end, so planning for that will start within the next 6 months.)

Have some project goals at work, decluttering goals at home, and recently got back to exercising regularly. My daughter just started gymnastics, that's every Saturday morning.

Like another above, I'm working on finding new heat-free ways to encourage nice waves and add curl. Sleeping in a sock bun has been great for me, but I'm worried about the mechanical damage that could be caused by doing the same thing every night. Plan to try cocoon curls (3-4 big ones) this weekend.

February 28th, 2014, 02:38 PM
Hopefully sometime soon I will be moved to a different department of the place I work, but other than that I have no idea what will happen in the next six months.

In three months it will be a year since I graduated with honors from college... Working retail is not how I envisioned my life going but it was way harder to find a job than I thought. So I'm a little lost and have trouble making concrete plans in life.

March 1st, 2014, 12:13 AM
Garden, working out and entertaining kids are my big thing currently on my mind/plate. I am excited to get outside in a few months and do things. Nothing like a fun day to keep your mind off things. I am currently working on loosing weight and enjoy being able to chart that progress. Much easier to focus on that because I can control it much more than hair. Then again diet wise, I am taking care of two birds with one stone. My big "deadline" for both weight and hair is July 2015 and I have a feeling once it gets closer I will stress a bit more about the hair, but for now it really is not that big of a stressor despite it being on my mind all the time.

March 1st, 2014, 12:27 AM
Another one focusing on health and wellness goals.

I spent January and February researching some diet and exercise concepts, and with the help of my personal trainer, developed a short burst exercise program for endurance and strength without size.
It is set to launch in the morning. Mainly as a date I could remember.

By September, I should be at goal weight and feel stronger. I am curious how that will apply to my massage work.

I should also be preparing for a move next winter.

March 1st, 2014, 04:14 AM
Hopefully sometime soon I will be moved to a different department of the place I work, but other than that I have no idea what will happen in the next six months.

In three months it will be a year since I graduated with honors from college... Working retail is not how I envisioned my life going but it was way harder to find a job than I thought. So I'm a little lost and have trouble making concrete plans in life.

you're right it IS hard! It's always about being in the right place at the right time when it comes to jobs. The majority of people I know in good jobs had to get through a good few they weren't particularly happy with to get to where they are now- but it's all worth it, just enjoy where you live is at the moment.

I think when we're little we are always asked 'what do you want to be when you're older?' which makes us grow up thinking a Job is there waiting for us as soon as we grow up, and that's not always the case. But keep working hard and being a good person and what could possibly get in your way?
Good luck to you!

hanne jensen
March 4th, 2014, 02:47 AM
I'm gearing up for gardening season. The weather has been unusually mild so I can start my garden early this year. Right now we're remoddeling the house. For the next 6-7 months I won't have the time to obsess over my hair. Hopefully I'll have a Holy Moley moment in October.

March 4th, 2014, 12:06 PM
I'm currently studying abroad, so I will try to focus on my studies rather than my hair. It is a bit hard since I am growing out a horrible hair dye after dying my hair for the first time. I regret it so much that I still cry when I think about it.