View Full Version : Is very long hair a possibility w/o updos or braids?

February 6th, 2014, 05:44 PM
As I previously posted, I have a severely tender and sensitive head. I have tested multitudes of braids/buns (but I still have to try Heidi braids; they are supposed to be gentle) and my scalp can't handle them. If I never find a suitable style, then I guess I will just have to wear my hair down constantly. Will my hair survive very long lengths (classic-fingertip length) without a protective style, or is long hair not in my future? My hair is not particularly prone to split ends, so I have some hope. Thoughts?

February 6th, 2014, 05:58 PM
You might try a loose side braid (very loose, start braiding at APL) or a segmented pony (just start rubber banding at about APL for the first one).

February 6th, 2014, 06:12 PM
It's not possible for me. I always thought my terminal length was just below BSL because it never got any longer for years. I actually cut it short because I believed long hair was impossible for me. Then I found the LHC. And here I am at TB thanks to protective styles.

I would say it depends on your hair. There is a lady in town here who has knee-length (STUNNINGLY GORGEOUS) black and silver locks, and she leaves hers down 24/7... but her texture is close to horsehair. It's stick straight and VERY coarse. She can easily get away with this; my hair is super fine, if I leave mine down and walk out in the wind even once, it's bye-bye hair.

Do scarves bother you too? If not, wrapping with a scarf might be an option. I've also found my scalp might need time to adjust to certain things. It used to bother me to put my hair in a top-knot for bed, but now my scalp has adjusted and does not mind anymore. I had to put up with it bothering me for about a week, then it was OK after that. Maybe your scalp is just upset because the hairs are going in a different direction than what it is used to? Don't know, sorry I can't be more help.

February 6th, 2014, 06:26 PM
Depends on your hair :)

My hair got pretty long when I was young and I NEVER wore it up. [Somewhere between waist and hip.] I guess it depends on your goals as well. For most people, anything beyond TBL requires updos/ other protective styles on a regular basis, but for just as many people, updos are a requirement for anything past BSL. Perhaps you could wear a wardrobe consisting mostly of satin blouses? :laugh: I know I definitely feel more comfortable wearing my hair down when I'm wearing satin.

There was this Asian girl [possibly half Caucasian though, i didn't know her well.] at my highschool who had knee length hair and wore it in a VERY low ponytail every day [and by low I mean the ponytail holder was at like TBL/classic] Her hair was both thin and fine, with plenty of taper, but she still achieved great lengths!

It seems that our hair type is pretty similar, so I'm betting your hair will be able to get to at least waist length before any major breakage starts occurring, especially if you're already at MBL with few splits.

February 6th, 2014, 06:32 PM
I don't think it would be impossible to grow hair to at least waist w/o putting it up somehow. Trouble is, you'd need to be very, very proactive in keeping it detangled several times a day. Of course you could loosely clip or ponytail it, then use little scrunchies or soft fabric elastics to band it down the length ("caterpillar braid").

Have you tried to train your follicles to accept an updo? It does take time but it works for some people. You start by gentle detangling, then styling in the preferred style. Once you feel it begin to hurt, take it down. Next day, increase the time you leave it up by 10 or 15 minutes, then take it down again. Continue on each day until you reach the all day mark. On the other hand, you may prefer to start really slowly and just wear the style for no more than 10 minutes then take it down. Whatever works for you. The thing to remember is not to hurry the process.

February 6th, 2014, 06:59 PM
I went to school with a girl that had (I think) knee length hair, and she never did anything with it. The only thing I've seen her do is take the whole lot and tie it into a knot.

February 6th, 2014, 08:08 PM
Updos being painful happens more often because you don't know how to anchor it properly, rather than because your scalp "can't handle it".

What hair accessories have you tried? Pair of hairsticks (thicker ones)? A fork with 3+ prongs and a head curve? Backing all of these with spin pins? Doing looser updos so it doesn't pull on a single strand?
There's also updos like heidi braids or a crown braid that basically feels like you have no hair.

Personnally, I was stuck at a very shaggy BSL/midback length with my hair loose all the time. It's almost to hips now: growing quickly (and retaining length) since I started wearing it up most of the time.

February 6th, 2014, 08:35 PM
As I have mentioned elsewhere, I got to waist without ever wearing my hair up or in a braid. I would occasionally put it in a pony but that was it. The problem is that the longer you get the more it will get caught on stuff and the more it will tangle. Unless your hair is really resilient, it won't be easy.

Hatsune Miku
February 6th, 2014, 11:08 PM
I never did anything with my hair until I found the LHC, and I managed to grow to hip length. After slowly beginning to put it in braids and such, I reached tailbone length without much hassle. I suppose it depends on your hair though :)

February 7th, 2014, 12:39 AM
It is very hard to say as all hair is not created equal. My hair or example is very strong and not prone to damage but it tangle easily and I stopped wearing my hair loose at about waist length and now I only wear it loose a few rare times around the house when I am sitting watching TV or sitting on my computer for I have to put it up when I am doing anything around the house or it will tangle as hell. I have seen women wear nearly classic length hair loose out however so it varies. For most having classic plus length is not a good idea unless you can braid and bun it to protect it, but it could work for you, it really is hard to say.

February 7th, 2014, 05:50 AM
There is a girl at my school who has gorgeous classic length hair that she wears down every day. I have only seen her wear it in a braid a handful of times in the 3 years I've known her. So I think it is certainly possible for some people, but it's hard to know if it will be possible for you. As others have suggested, you may want to keep trying to find very gentle styles that will keep your hair at least somewhat contained and protected. :)

February 7th, 2014, 06:25 AM
Sure, but I don't think "nice" very long hair will be possible. I see people at the store with long (Classic) hair all the time. Usually it's a bit of a ratty mess, but because they aren't LHC members, they don't know that ;) So yes to long, no to nice.

I second what others here have said, the problem is usually lack of skill in doing updos, not an inability to wear them. Keep trying!

Also, if you cannot tolerate an updo, you will likely find the weight of long hair painful as well and you may be forced to stay at shorter lengths for comfort.

chen bao jun
February 7th, 2014, 06:41 AM
I'm thinking if you are at hip and have few split ends, it might be possible for you to get to fingertip without updoes. Since you are now at the point where one starts sitting on one's hair, catching it in pants waists etc. concentrate on figuring out how not to do this. There are some tips in the longer lengths threads from the (few) members who have reached super long without updoes.
They are few because it is unusual to be able to do this for most of us, but you have already done what most of us can't, so go ahead and see.
It wouldn't hurt to try to learn a crown braid, though.

February 7th, 2014, 06:45 AM
Since you're already at hip, you can obviously grow your hair without wearing it up. ;) It will become a little more tricky once it's long enough to sit on, though. Definitely try out Heidi braids, just in case they do work, and maybe the coronet braid too? Have you already tried that one? Another thought I had-- have you been to the doctor for the extra-tender scalp problem? I know some people do just have really sensitive scalps, but it couldn't hurt to rule out any potentially fixable issues as well.

I think growing to CL or FTL without protective styles can be possible, but you are going to have to be extra vigilant against damage and tangling as your hair gets longer, and it will get more difficult the longer it gets. It will depend on your hair type, too. Good luck!!! I hope you find something that works for you!

February 7th, 2014, 07:12 AM
In general you might make it to hip or tailbone region. If you grow longer then that you will need to wear it up to prevent you from sitting on it. Which in return will break and tear your hair off,

February 7th, 2014, 07:31 AM
I have known several people who have hip length hair and wear it down most of the time. They all have a few things in common though: thick, straight, coarse, virgin hair all one length. When asked they all replied they love Pantene products, and they always air dry since their hair is uniformly 1a or 1b. So they had strong thick hair, using cones worked for their hair type, embraced and wore their natural texture, and actually had very simple routines that were surprisingly hair friendly. Honestly though, because I've been on here for for a while. I do admit that although their hair is stunning, it really truly isn't at it's best potential. If they wore it up in protective styles more along with other things I know that it could be more thud-worthy.

February 7th, 2014, 07:45 AM
Have you tried anything to help your tender scalp? Would regular massages help stimulate the nerve endings enoug to de-sensitise them?

February 7th, 2014, 07:54 AM
As I previously posted, I have a severely tender and sensitive head. I have tested multitudes of braids/buns (but I still have to try Heidi braids; they are supposed to be gentle) and my scalp can't handle them. If I never find a suitable style, then I guess I will just have to wear my hair down constantly. Will my hair survive very long lengths (classic-fingertip length) without a protective style, or is long hair not in my future? My hair is not particularly prone to split ends, so I have some hope. Thoughts?

I'd think that detangling would also irritate a sensitive scalp.
I'm wimpy about pulls, so hip and onward became "learn to keep it contained" territory.
I've become less sensitive to tugs and such over about five years. I don't think of myself as tender headed anymore (and dropping identifying with that probably sped it up). But I whine and say ouch as lot detangling.
So, I braid or bun.

I can think of one case of successful benign neglect on LHC, EdG.
His texture is thicker per hair. He seems aware of the ends, and is good about moving them out of the way. (Meets are great observational opportunities, and former reporters can notice odd things)

UP Lisa
February 7th, 2014, 09:28 AM
With hair like mine, it is impossible. I would say it mostly depends on your hair type, and of course the gentleness of your products and the way you care for your hair.

February 7th, 2014, 09:52 AM
I think it's possible. The only people I've ever known besides my Great Aunt IRL with long hair (hip+) hardly ever wore their hair up and it was very healthy even by LHC standards. They all had very thick coarse hair though so that may be a factor.

February 7th, 2014, 10:00 AM
It could be possible - depending on your hair...

I grew my hair to about tailbone with decentish ends while wearing it loose literally all the time and not taking great care of it (combing through tangles, starting at the roots not at the ends...) so I imagine longer lengths while wearing it loose are possible if one takes a better care of it...
But it all depends on the hair type really - weaker more split-probe hair would be much less likely to grow to longer lengths while stronger hair would grow long without much effort or protection...

The only way to find out is try it out I suppose :)

February 7th, 2014, 11:06 AM
It depends on how strong and healthy your hair is. Being not very prone to splits [I am also like that], your hair should be fine. I like to wear mine down as much as possible. I can't wait until it gets warmer, b/c I wear it up more now due to severe cold, wind and winter jackets.. :disco:

February 7th, 2014, 12:48 PM
Well, for me it is impossible. My hair physically wears away as fast as it grows once I get to TBL. Anything longer requires updos (I'm currently maintaining at knee, so TBL certainly isn't my terminal!).

February 7th, 2014, 01:13 PM
I think EdG keeps his hair loose most of the time and his is realllly long. But he is very careful about keeping it out of the way when he sits down, goes through doorways etc.

February 7th, 2014, 01:55 PM
I grew mine to TBL and only wore it in a loose braid for bedtime. I rarely had splits or tangles, and it was very healthy from root to tip. I'm sure it would have grown much longer and still looked/felt healthy if I hadn't decided to cut it.

February 7th, 2014, 02:20 PM
I grew mine to waist and never wore it up, and as far as I can remember it was perfectly healthy. (I also used the hairdryer on it everyday and washed it every morning! :eek:)

February 7th, 2014, 02:26 PM
As I have mentioned elsewhere, I got to waist without ever wearing my hair up or in a braid. I would occasionally put it in a pony but that was it. The problem is that the longer you get the more it will get caught on stuff and the more it will tangle. Unless your hair is really resilient, it won't be easy.

This. My hair is waist length and I almost never wear it up (exceptions are a braid for sleep and 2-3 hours a week for lab). I walk through the wind, have abused it quite a bit (especially when I see how people on here treat their hair so lovingly), etc. and it's still growing just as well, and even though it's on the finer sider, it is surprisingly resilient. It really depends on your hair. I think, for most people, when you start getting into the TBL and beyond territory it is a necessity to wear hair up regularly.

February 7th, 2014, 02:30 PM
Your hair sounds very much like mine .... I grew mine to hip length with PONYTAILS (gaspppppppp) ....have you tried a low pony but wrapped in a silk or satin ribbon?? I find that the ribbon aids against mechanical damage. I also second the incredibly loose side braid. Just remember with it down you may need to S&D a little more often

February 7th, 2014, 03:31 PM
Unfortunately, I have a tender scalp too. I keep get this pulling feeling, no matter which bun I try. I'm O.k with braids, though. So my go to style is English braid.

For the most of the time I was growing out my hair (pre LHC period) I would wear my hair loose or in a ponytail. And I did it until my hair reach some where between hip and tbl. So it is possible to go a long way without wear it up (braid is no really up... It lay down on my back and the ends isn't protected).

Look, it isn't ideal. But it is possible. And my hair was able to go that long without LHC care. So as long as you take care of your hair, be gentle to it and be aware to it when it loose, you will be fine. Also, keep trying. Maybe some day you will find a updo\hair toy that will be good for you.

By the way, I know one girl from the uni with almost knee length gorgeous hair. She always wear it loose and it looks healthy.

February 7th, 2014, 04:17 PM
I grew mine to waist and never wore it up, and as far as I can remember it was perfectly healthy. (I also used the hairdryer on it everyday and washed it every morning! :eek:)

I can also get away with heat styling everyday and wearing down at waist length, but any longer and I need to start wearing up! I actually just get too lazy to deal with styling that amount of hair down everyday!

February 7th, 2014, 04:52 PM
As I previously posted, I have a severely tender and sensitive head. I have tested multitudes of braids/buns (but I still have to try Heidi braids; they are supposed to be gentle) and my scalp can't handle them. If I never find a suitable style, then I guess I will just have to wear my hair down constantly. Will my hair survive very long lengths (classic-fingertip length) without a protective style, or is long hair not in my future? My hair is not particularly prone to split ends, so I have some hope. Thoughts?

What is it about the updos that bother your scalp? Does it pull and feel uncomfortable where the bun is anchored? Is it painful right away or after being up for hours? Is it painful to have your hair combed in a different direction than usual?

Maybe with more details we can come up with some ideas. I have a problem with updos because I don't get enough scalp hair into the anchor. Or it comes undone. Or I've pulled some hairs too tight and others are too loose. I have a low tolerance for things on my skin and scalp that feel scratchy or different.

February 7th, 2014, 06:05 PM
I think EdG keeps his hair loose most of the time and his is realllly long. But he is very careful about keeping it out of the way when he sits down, goes through doorways etc.Thanks for mentioning me. I was planning to reply. :)

I wear my hair loose and am very careful with it. The biggest problems are that hair worn loose is prone to tangles and collects airborne lint. This leads to breakage when combed out.

My hair has a lot of taper, so I can't claim that this is a great haircare method.

February 7th, 2014, 09:25 PM
I grew my hair from my ears to below tailbone wearing it down almost all of the time, while taking pretty horrible care of it, and it was still growing. Granted, it was about that time that I realized the ends were kind of horrible, so I cut off 8 inches and started being careful, and it grew faster once I did that. But clearly, it was possible for me to grow it long without updos, and my hair is very prone to split ends. If you handle it gently, trim/do S&D regularly, wear clothes that aren't likely to cause damage (a shirt made of catchy fabric causes damage faster than almost anything else for me.), and have hair that will allow it, which it sounds like you do, I imagine you could grow it pretty long, especially considering you're already at hip :)

On the subject of sensitive scalps. I don't have one...what I do have is a tendency to get incredibly bad tension headaches, and hairstyles can trigger them, which prevents me from doing a lot of updos (tight buns, or buns that feel particularly heavy, are the worst). Crown braids/Heidi style braids could be good, as you say. You might also try two loose braids, "cowgirl style". That's my go-to style if I have a headache, because it keeps the hair out of the way, but is very gentle, and feels quite even. The other thing I've seen people do is to put a single hair tie in at about APL to keep the hair out of their face, which might be an option for you (although I don't know how much it would help with damage).

Best of luck!

February 7th, 2014, 11:34 PM
I gre my hair to classic and a few times to hip and waist even with bad care and split end but I think its because I had nice thick hair that could handle a lot of trauma - I agree with those who have said that it depends on hair type and what exactly you do to it (I dont believe thst you can get passed bsl if you bleached any type of hair tho). Overall if you want long hair then it should be in as good condition as possible otherwise whats the point...

February 9th, 2014, 02:34 PM
What is it about the updos that bother your scalp? Does it pull and feel uncomfortable where the bun is anchored? Is it painful right away or after being up for hours? Is it painful to have your hair combed in a different direction than usual?

Maybe with more details we can come up with some ideas. I have a problem with updos because I don't get enough scalp hair into the anchor. Or it comes undone. Or I've pulled some hairs too tight and others are too loose. I have a low tolerance for things on my skin and scalp that feel scratchy or different.

Any pulling force exerted on my scalp causes pain. A few days ago, I was attempting a lazy wrap bun. I was using the advice mentioned here: doing the bun loosely, training my follicles for updos, using a hair-friendly stick. After about ten tries I gave up, as I could not make the bun comfortable. I am proficient at several updos and can do them correctly, so ability is not the culprit for the pain. My scalp is simply very, very sensitive. I thank everyone for trying to help me.

As for how I care for my hair, it is in excellent condition. I use conditioner everyday, and a simple, mild shampoo that does not contain any sulfates every other day. I comb my hair (wide tooth) with patience, and I adhere to the philosophy of "treating hair like fine lace". I have never used a heat tool in my entire life, and I never plan to. Exposure to chlorine seldom occurs, as I don't enjoy swimming.

For the past few days, I have worn my hair down and it feels like a breath of fresh air. I have had no trouble detangling, even while utilizing a comb once per day. My hair has not caught on anything, and it is remarkably easy to care for. The biggest benefit is the absence of scalp pain.