View Full Version : At What Length Did You Begin To Get Split Ends?

January 19th, 2014, 03:22 PM
My hair is about 23.5 inches long, measuring from my top hairline and running the measuring tape up over the top of my head and down to the ends. I haven't found any split ends yet.

But, my eyesight is not great. I used to be able to take my glasses off to see up close, but now that doesn't work well. My fear is that I have splits but just can't see them!

If henna reduces splits then I may not have any yet. Back in the 70's when I had hair longer than it is now, I had tons of split ends! Of course I was in my 20's and could see much better than now. :violin:

So I'm just wondering when/if everyone gets split ends?

January 19th, 2014, 03:41 PM
Past hip, with no trims from very short, I'll start getting the rare one or two. But my hair is very, very tough.

January 19th, 2014, 04:04 PM
My splits don't pop up at a certain length of my hair - I had far more splits when I joined here at APL than I do now at waist. What causes them (for me) is the mechanical, heat, and dye damage that I was inflicting on my hair at the time. Now that I use henna, am heat-free, and wearing my hair up in protective styles frequently, I very rarely have splits anymore. Microtrimming every three or 4 months helps tremendously also.

January 19th, 2014, 04:13 PM
I've always had splits, at no matter what length. The splits are by no means limited to the ends of my hair, unfortunately. My s&ds take forever because I have to scrutinise the entire length of ear hair. :(

January 19th, 2014, 04:21 PM
I started noticing mine at bsl. I'm sure I had them before that length and didn't notice them.

January 19th, 2014, 04:44 PM
Ditto. I have had luck reducing my splits quite a bit with catnip rinses and my other methods, but I still find them here and there. I even get them in my short nape hairs, probably because those hairs are more delicate and there is friction from shirt and coat collars on that area. The ones on the ends of the hairs are easiest to spot. It is really difficult when they are up near the back of my head. More often than not, I find them by feel, rather than sight. I feel for rough, thick, or grabby hairs and look to see if one is a naughty split end.

I've always had splits, at no matter what length. The splits are by no means limited to the ends of my hair, unfortunately. My s&ds take forever because I have to scrutinise the entire length of ear hair. :(

January 19th, 2014, 05:00 PM
Splits usually start appearing about mid back...but a lot depends on how you care for your hair too. The more protective you are about it, the less the chance for a split to begin. Weekly S and D can help a lot in the battle against splits.

January 19th, 2014, 05:01 PM
I have a few little ones at APL.

January 19th, 2014, 05:20 PM
It depends. When I was not so good at taking care of my hair, I'd see them by chin. That's every-other-day straightening, blow-drying, bleaching, etc. When I don't heat-style, I think probably between shoulder and APL.

January 19th, 2014, 07:30 PM
I get them here and there, but they begin to really be a problem around BSL and beyond when it's long enough to rub and catch on everything. I suspect that it will be better when I grow it out this time because I will be hiding it up more than I was before.

January 19th, 2014, 08:12 PM
I've only had problems with splits when I was using heat styling. I've had them even at chin length. Now that I never use heat, I very rarely get them. If I see one here or there, I assume it my be from brushing (although I am gentle).

January 19th, 2014, 08:25 PM
I started noticing them at about APL. But I've seen them on my shed short hairs of only 5-7 inches long.

January 19th, 2014, 08:45 PM
Waist length, about a year after I stopped hennaing.

January 20th, 2014, 02:08 AM
I am almost at waist and so far have found 2.

I keep my hair bunned all the time and sleep with it loose in a sleeping cap, I detangle with a wide toothed comb once a week on wash day.When my hair is in a bun you can't tell that it hasn't been combed and the bunning and sleep cap keep tangles to a minimum.

January 20th, 2014, 02:59 AM
I don't really seem to get split-ends. Even when I am long due for a haircut, it doesn't really split. However, it does get really really thin, which I find super annoying, as I don't like the fairy tale ends on my own hair. But I guess it is not so bad; and my hair is somewhere between APL and BSL right now.

swords & roses
January 22nd, 2014, 06:36 AM
Mine goes to Splitzville no matter what! Even when it was chin-length, I had split ends. Currently, my hair goes down to the top of my pelvis (just past waist), and has splits upon splits for several inches up. I've never found anything that helps. That's just how I roll, I guess. It's always been that way, even when I was a kid.

January 22nd, 2014, 11:21 AM
Waist length for the majority of my hair, but the annoying, fragile baby hairs at the nape of my neck like to break and split at around four inches.

I remember so fondly when my hair was just getting to BSL... Split ends were a thing that happened to other people. Now, I'm almost afraid to S&D, lol!

January 22nd, 2014, 11:29 AM
Between SL and APL for me!

January 22nd, 2014, 11:33 AM
For me, it's all about handling. I've noticed hairs at face-length with splits. At what length does it tend to split? I haven't found it yet -- I do occasionally trim and S&D, so I'd say that no more than 1-2% of my hairs have splits on them.

I've found splits on my husband's head hair when it's maybe 3 inches long (tightly curled section that knots easily), and in his eyebrows. I've seen split ends on my cats' whiskers. Splits can happen at just about any length, if you let them.

January 22nd, 2014, 11:38 AM
Length has nothing to do with splits for me. I only had splits when I had bleached highlights done frequently and when I used a brush instead of a wide tooth comb. Ironically, it was at much shorter lengths than now, so it's all about gentle treatment.

January 22nd, 2014, 12:34 PM
I don't count because I always had splits from damage when it was a pixie until I grew it all out virgin. Now I'm starting to get splits at bsl/midback. It could just be my hair type or from being lazy and wearing it down inbetween apl-bsl. Either way I'm concerned and microtrims will become a must! I don't use heat and I take good care of it so the white dots drive me up a wall. I think I need to be more gentle when washing in the shower. I'm going to assume my splits/dots are mechanical damage.

January 22nd, 2014, 03:54 PM
I started to get splits after I hit waist length :(

January 22nd, 2014, 07:41 PM
I am almost at waist and so far have found 2.

I keep my hair bunned all the time and sleep with it loose in a sleeping cap, I detangle with a wide toothed comb once a week on wash day.When my hair is in a bun you can't tell that it hasn't been combed and the bunning and sleep cap keep tangles to a minimum.

Your hair is so beautiful so I have to ask this question. Did you say that you comb your hair once a week? Do you brush your hair during the week?

January 22nd, 2014, 07:42 PM
I am almost at waist and so far have found 2.

I keep my hair bunned all the time and sleep with it loose in a sleeping cap, I detangle with a wide toothed comb once a week on wash day.When my hair is in a bun you can't tell that it hasn't been combed and the bunning and sleep cap keep tangles to a minimum.

Your hair is so beautiful so I have to ask this question. Did you say that you comb your hair once a week? Do you brush your hair during the week?

January 22nd, 2014, 08:12 PM
An inch? Probably less... I've found splits on my body hairs even!

I wear my hair up and handle it gently, s&d with sharp scissors, never use heat, never bleached or such, but I still get splits. Most are not even at the ends, but through my length. I can s&d every day and still always find more. When I have done henna that seemed to help. More likely it just masks them of course!

January 22nd, 2014, 11:51 PM
As far as I can remember, no noticeable splits regardless of length until I bleached it. However, before the bleach, I knew less about hair and wasn't as paranoid about breakage. I can almost guarantee you though that my hair was in pretty darn good shape, considering my mom [who has the exact same hair as I do] completely abuses her hair and still gets next to none unless she goes too long without a trim.

I am almost at APL, and I do still get occasional splits and bends. This may or may not have to do with the fact that their is still bleached hair on my ends. *shrugs*

Split ends probably aren't as much of a big deal as we LHCers make them out to be. They're just a part of having long hair.
If you'd like to never, ever get split ends, you need to either be blessed with coarse hair, or keep it super short. But even at that, no guarantee!
Even the healthiest of hair splits some times, but that's what trims are for. :)

January 23rd, 2014, 01:55 AM
I didn't get splits until I was at MBL and then it was just a few. I'm hoping that I don't get any at all now that I won't be growing out bleach/heat damage.

January 23rd, 2014, 03:31 AM
My finies have always had splits, except maybe when I kept it chin length. It looks like most of them have white dots or tiny splits. Except the longest hairs, somehow. The ones highest up are at APL, I think. I have never S&Ded, only trimmed. But I'm thinking of getting a pair of scissors for S&D today.

January 23rd, 2014, 03:39 AM
I have a rather split-prone hair even though my hair is coarse, sadly. I didn't use much conditioner (or any oil/anything else moisturizing) in the past, though, so hopefully my newer, more pampered hair will have less splits in the future.
I have virtually reached APL (95%) and I find a few splits if I look for them, but it isn't very easy to find them... yet. :scared:

January 23rd, 2014, 04:40 AM
I'm pretty sure my hair would be full of split ends even if it was pixie length. It seems like no matter what I do, they're always there.

January 24th, 2014, 04:08 AM
My hair is between collar bone and APL and I don't get too many splits, but I do get a lot of bent and scraggly ends. I've been trying to keep it up more these last couple of months, ever since I joined LHC really. At my current length it easily gets stuck under straps of my backpack and such when I wear it down, so I try and be careful :)

January 24th, 2014, 04:45 AM
Hello !

My hair are actually at mid back I have spit ends since I'm at armpit length .. I think the back shape is responsible of that, at the begging it was the under layers of hair which were damaged, due to back " rub " ( Is that the good word ? I'm French :) ) .. And now I have much split ends in the length than in the ends ! ^^'

I sleep without attaching my hair and I think the broken hair and the split ends are caused by my pillow.. And since I have a silk nightcap, my hair are better :) I don't like the after braid effect, so I never do that..