View Full Version : To cut or not to cut?

January 8th, 2014, 09:36 PM
So I'm growing my hair out from a pixie and right now it is a fairly shapeless shaggy mess (okay, I may be exaggerating). See below:

(My hair is very oily in these pictures since I am trying to stretch my washes)

I have been trimming it myself for the past few months. The last time I went to the stylist, she cut my hair back into a short pixie after I told her I was growing it out, and then cooed about how great I looked: "Why don't you keep your hair short, you look so good, it's so cute," etc. However, some parts of my hair are a little scraggly, and I have a hard time trimming the back. My question: should I try to have a stylist shape my hair, or should I keep trimming myself?

Also, if anyone has some wonderfully uplifting stories about growing out pixie cuts, I would appreciate it. I'm feeling very uncertain and frustrated right now. I feel once I get to chin or neck length, the process will be easier.

January 8th, 2014, 10:06 PM
Alot of people just keep on growing without touching it as it's quicker I kept cutting the back till they were the same length as the sides and grew it into a bob. It looks good to me I wouldn't trim at all in a few months time it could be in a bob shape.

January 8th, 2014, 10:10 PM
Well, I grew out from a very short pixie. I didn't start trimming my own hair until I was about BSL. I just found a stylist who was willing to help me get to about a chin length layered bob. Once I got there I left it alone and wore my hair up until it got long enough to deal with on my own. It's a few inches from knee length now.

January 8th, 2014, 10:23 PM
I grew mine out from a pixie, and I think you have an advantage over mine because your front isn't super short. I think just holding back the front with a barrette or headband and forgetting about it would be the best. It's going to be summer in the northern hemisphere in about 5-6 months, so how will it be about 3" longer? I always wanted to get it up off my neck into a ponytail in the summer, or keep it short until it got cool enough to tolerate it on my neck. So, consider where you want it when it gets hot outside. On the plus side, when it is long enough to ponytail, you can really just put it up and forget about it for a while.

January 8th, 2014, 11:14 PM
I say whatever you do - keep cutting to a minimum. I wouldn't cut it all until the shape starts to annoy you at neck length and goes all 'mullet' type. Otherwise the wait is so long not a lot of people can stand it. Hats, wigs, bandanas, all those can help. I think short hair is definitely cute though so just let it grow!

January 8th, 2014, 11:17 PM
Thanks, all--I'm a bit concerned since this is the second time I've grown out a pixie, and the first time around it was a disaster. I've had no luck finding a stylist in my area who will actually listen to me. Maybe I'm terrible at communicating my wants?

@Lauralonglocks--I've been pinning it back with two bobby pins, but I think I'm causing unnecessary strain on my hair. I might invest in some headbands. I'm really concerned about summer since I live in a desert. I might be able to do some tiny ponytails by then to keep the hair off my neck. :p

January 8th, 2014, 11:41 PM
@owly I think it looks good the way it is now and I'd skip the trims unless you get a full blown mullet. You could get some scarves to tie around you hair sort of like a headband to hide any unevenness you get until it's long enough to ponytail, that way you won't lose a lot of length by trimming. I'm hoping I can somehow avoid the mullet or that my hair grows really fast and that stage doesn't last too long lol.

January 8th, 2014, 11:57 PM
Thanks, Lyv. I might try the scarves. I recently inherited a vintage silk scarf, so I can play with the look. I dread the mullet--I trim the back more than any other part of my hair, and it seems to grow the fastest, with my bangs growing the slowest.

January 9th, 2014, 12:17 AM
I think it looks really cute! I would hold off until you can't stand the mullet. I grew out from pixie and that stage is hard but I used headbands, lots of clips and similar to disguise it until it was longer. I straightened it for a while so it'd look longer as well.

Persevere, you're going good!

January 9th, 2014, 12:30 AM
Looks really great, actually! :) If you didn't say anything, I'd think you were showing off a haircut.

January 9th, 2014, 01:56 AM
I second Flor's opinion, it looks quite cute! Is it your real colour? *jelly*
I grew out my hair from a very short pixie (about an inch on top and 1/4 of an inch in the back... is it even called a pixie when it's that short? :hmm:). I am not a fashionable person and thus I never minded the mullet period. I just left it to grow, and let it be... I did cut it a lil' bit, whenever I noticed it looking uneven and dry. I have to admit that I like cutting hair. =D Luckily I have a bf whose hair I can play around with once every few months.
Either way--you're more stylish than me, and more iffy about the wonders of a fluffy mullet. ;) I agree with the others, try not to cut it for a while, just put hairclips in it and make it look nice and neat while growing it out. You already have the benefit of a sweet hair colour and long fringe!

January 9th, 2014, 02:34 AM
I think your haircut looks really nicely shaped at the moment and there's no need to cut off anything. It's actually really cute! I did have a short pixie in 2008 so I know how hard it is to grow it out. But you can do it!

hanne jensen
January 9th, 2014, 03:39 AM
Keep growing. Your hair looks very healthy. Living in the desert you might want to try some light oils. This summer protect your hair from the sun and wind.

January 9th, 2014, 04:27 AM
I agree with the others, it looks very pretty. If I were you, I'd just let it grow and not bother with cutting. That's what I did when I grew out a pixie when I was 15. I cut from hip to pixie, realized that it look horrible on me, and ignored my hair and let it do its own thing for a few years. Suddenly my hair was almost hip length again! :cool:

January 9th, 2014, 04:29 AM
Thanks, all--I'm a bit concerned since this is the second time I've grown out a pixie, and the first time around it was a disaster. I've had no luck finding a stylist in my area who will actually listen to me. Maybe I'm terrible at communicating my wants?

@Lauralonglocks--I've been pinning it back with two bobby pins, but I think I'm causing unnecessary strain on my hair. I might invest in some headbands. I'm really concerned about summer since I live in a desert. I might be able to do some tiny ponytails by then to keep the hair off my neck. :p

Instead of bobby pins, you could also try mini Flexi-8s -- they look pretty and polished and won't hurt your hair.

As for trimming or not trimming, I'm with those who say don't trim until (or unless) you really can't stand it any more. Right now your hair looks very pretty indeed! And if you can acquire a few more inches before the summer you might be able to get it off your neck by taking sections and clipping them up with mini hair claws or something similar. By then most of it might even be long enough to go in a ponytail stub. Good luck and hang in there!

January 9th, 2014, 06:36 AM
So I'm growing my hair out from a pixie and right now it is a fairly shapeless shaggy mess (okay, I may be exaggerating). See below:

(My hair is very oily in these pictures since I am trying to stretch my washes)

I have been trimming it myself for the past few months. The last time I went to the stylist, she cut my hair back into a short pixie after I told her I was growing it out, and then cooed about how great I looked: "Why don't you keep your hair short, you look so good, it's so cute," etc. However, some parts of my hair are a little scraggly, and I have a hard time trimming the back. My question: should I try to have a stylist shape my hair, or should I keep trimming myself?

Also, if anyone has some wonderfully uplifting stories about growing out pixie cuts, I would appreciate it. I'm feeling very uncertain and frustrated right now. I feel once I get to chin or neck length, the process will be easier.

I feel your pain! I've officially grown out THREE pixies since 2009. The first one was just for fun, and the other two were a desperate attempt to remove damage and start with a fresh slate. If you want inspiration for growing it out, you might like my blog thats linked in my sig. I've thrown up pictures every single month during all three grow-out processes, and exactly how I dealt with the mess. The first two times, I was so desperate for length that I didn't get a single trim for like a year. Every day felt like a bad hair day, and the awkward stages made me want to put a bag on my head. My ends were incredibly thin, uneven, and generally ratty from going so long without trims. This third time around, I've been getting mullet trims every two months. The stylists always want to do more than you ask, but I found a girl who seemed nice and literally told her "cut a line across the back up to the nape" and thats all she would do. No layers, no upward-angle snips, just a straight line. Finally at my 8 month post-pixie mark, I got one last mullet trim and the hair on the sides of my head were finally the same length, so it's time to stop trimming and let it groooow.

In other words, if you can't find a stylist that will cooperate and give you a straight-across trim to let things even out, then try to get a friend to hold a mirror behind you to do your own trims if possible. Keep that mullet tamed, and when it evens out things WILL get way easier.

January 9th, 2014, 06:41 AM
I saw my stylist about every 8 weeks for small shape-ups while I grew out my pixie, and she took me from short layers to long layers to finally no layers at about BSL.

January 9th, 2014, 07:07 AM
Just keep trimming the mullet ever 6-8 weeks. I'm a little longer than you right now and that's all I do. If you can't find a stylist to do as you wish then get up and walk out or, as mentioned by Ashflower, find a friend!

Agnes Hannah
January 9th, 2014, 07:23 AM
Hi when I grew out my pixie and got to your stage, I had a short bob cut to keep it tidy for a while. This meant I had no layers, as regular (well not that regular!) trims kept the bottom layeredy bit neat until the top part grew down enough for no more layers. yours looks lovely, persevere with it, you will get the length you want. when you dry it, do you scrunch it to ring the changes? Sometimes I did this. Have fun with it and enjoy the length it is, it will grow in no time. Good luck, we've all been there and know what you are feeling. Hugs

January 9th, 2014, 09:59 AM
To me, it doesn't even remotely resemble a mullet. It looks kind of like a freshly done shag type 'do. If it were me, and I wanted to grow it out, I wouldn't cut at all, only small trims occasionally.

January 9th, 2014, 11:30 AM
Thanks all! I guess I've been looking at my hair so long, to me it looks like a mess. I also keep touching the back and feeling it and getting paranoid that there's a mullet. ^^;; Thanks for all the supportive comments.

@Wosie, yup, that's my real color. Thanks so much for the compliment! I waver between loving and hating the color, since it can look different in different lights (for instance, someone took a picture of me at night with flash and it looked dark brown, in the sun it has reddish tones, etc.).

@ hanne jensen, I use coconut oil to hydrate and it seems to be working. I also have jojoba and olive oils if either of those would be better. Right now, I'm not so concerned since we've had a humid winter (by humid, I mean 20% humidity ^^;;).

@theobroma, Thanks, that's a good idea! I might have to wait until my next paycheck to invest in some, but I've already found a few I'm in love with. <3

@ashflower, I checked out your blog--I love it! I love your tattoo, too. I've been doing okay with my own trims, but I noticed this time it was a little uneven. I might enlist my sister's help next time I try to trim (she owes me for all the times I helped her with her ridiculously thick hair :p).

@Agnes hannah, I don't scrunch my hair--I try not to touch it when it's drying, because I have a nasty habit of pulling out my straightening iron if I feel a wave forming. Luckily, I've gone about two months without straightening my hair.

January 9th, 2014, 12:22 PM
It looks to be a pretty nice shape right now for you to keep growing without trimming any more!

January 9th, 2014, 01:49 PM
So I'm growing my hair out from a pixie and right now it is a fairly shapeless shaggy mess (okay, I may be exaggerating). See below:

(My hair is very oily in these pictures since I am trying to stretch my washes)

I have been trimming it myself for the past few months. The last time I went to the stylist, she cut my hair back into a short pixie after I told her I was growing it out, and then cooed about how great I looked: "Why don't you keep your hair short, you look so good, it's so cute," etc. However, some parts of my hair are a little scraggly, and I have a hard time trimming the back. My question: should I try to have a stylist shape my hair, or should I keep trimming myself?

Also, if anyone has some wonderfully uplifting stories about growing out pixie cuts, I would appreciate it. I'm feeling very uncertain and frustrated right now. I feel once I get to chin or neck length, the process will be easier.

I think you have a great foundation for growing out. I would let it be for a while until you find a stylist who understands what you are trying to accomplish. I shaved my head before so I have been in your shoes. Mine was much shorter on sides and front so you are lucky to have such a good length there right now. I feel your hair is going to grow out quickly and nicely.

You can play with clips, barrettes, headbands and changing up your part for all kind of different styles right now. I actually like how it looks as is though.

Give it a few months then assess perhaps. Then you can have the layers re blended to fall into a bob. You are very close.
I really like your hair and "shaggy mess" does not come to mind. All I see is a ton of potential to have fun and enjoy a variety of styles during the grow out process. You hair looks trendy, fun, cool and hip to me.
to me.

January 9th, 2014, 01:55 PM
I agree - you look cute as is! There are awkward stages ahead, but they don't last long, I promise :) My last very short pixie cut was right at Christmas 2010, it's now an inch or so past BSL. I went to the stylist for a lot of shaping in that first year, since then, down to 1-2x/year.
@owly I think it looks good the way it is now and I'd skip the trims unless you get a full blown mullet. You could get some scarves to tie around you hair sort of like a headband to hide any unevenness you get until it's long enough to ponytail, that way you won't lose a lot of length by trimming. I'm hoping I can somehow avoid the mullet or that my hair grows really fast and that stage doesn't last too long lol.

January 9th, 2014, 01:57 PM
Thanks, all--I'm a bit concerned since this is the second time I've grown out a pixie, and the first time around it was a disaster. I've had no luck finding a stylist in my area who will actually listen to me. Maybe I'm terrible at communicating my wants?

@Lauralonglocks--I've been pinning it back with two bobby pins, but I think I'm causing unnecessary strain on my hair. I might invest in some headbands. I'm really concerned about summer since I live in a desert. I might be able to do some tiny ponytails by then to keep the hair off my neck. :p

I did rows of twists ( think cornrows) secured with tiny claw clips. It looked like a headband in a way. I hate the way a headband presses on my head. Cloth ones would be nice tho.
I just noticed what you said about stylists not listening.
That would make me stretch trims too! Soon you will be able to get tiny pigtails so you could just hold off on all cuts until it looks off. Right now it doesn't. Once you are ready go interview some stylists and ask if they have pictures of bobs they have cut. That way you can see if they know what they are doing.
I had a hell of a ridiculous disaster with a bob before and I interviewed until I found someone to fix it.
Omg I have to post those pics. It is hysterical and so bad no one will believe it until they see it.

I wonder though if you could just grow right to shoulder as is with no cuts at all?
Then you can trim yourself if that us what you are comfortable with. I don't see a major mullet in your future at all really.
You are doing a great job with your own trims.

I would just let it grow a while. I can't stress enough that you are mullet free. Hehe. Your layers are long enough I just think you got yourself past that part and light trims straight across if back looks wispy it all you will need and you seem to have those down.

January 9th, 2014, 02:07 PM
Thanks, all--I'm a bit concerned since this is the second time I've grown out a pixie, and the first time around it was a disaster. I've had no luck finding a stylist in my area who will actually listen to me. Maybe I'm terrible at communicating my wants?

@Lauralonglocks--I've been pinning it back with two bobby pins, but I think I'm causing unnecessary strain on my hair. I might invest in some headbands. I'm really concerned about summer since I live in a desert. I might be able to do some tiny ponytails by then to keep the hair off my neck. :p

I did rows of twists ( think cornrows) secured with tiny claw clips. It looked like a headband in a way. I hate the way a headband presses on my head. Cloth ones would be nice tho.
I just noticed what you said about stylists not listening.
That would make me stretch trims too! Soon you will be able to get tiny pigtails so you could just hold off on all cuts until it looks off. Right now it doesn't. Once you are ready go interview some stylists and ask if they have pictures of bobs they have cut. That way you can see if they know what they are doing.
I had a hell of a ridiculous disaster with a bob before and I interviewed until I found someone to fix it.
Omg I have to post those pics. It is hysterical and so bad no one will believe it until they see it.

I wonder though if you could just grow right to shoulder as is with no cuts at all?
Then you can trim yourself if that us what you are comfortable with. I don't see a major mullet in your future at all really.
You are doing a great job with your trims.

January 9th, 2014, 05:05 PM
Oh, I'm in the same plate here lol! But I am much worse - I cut my hair myself to remove all the damage that was dyed for years. I literally stood in front of the mirror and chopped it off (my hair was BSL). No big deal! It's now in the most horrendous stage ever, but I keep telling myself - it's getting there. I style it with oil, or some clips to avoid flyways and it goes through the day. Some people tell me it's cute lol! I'm thinking to myself "are you freaking nuts!" because I know how ugly it actually looks :roll:

January 9th, 2014, 05:58 PM
@ashflower, I checked out your blog--I love it! I love your tattoo, too. I've been doing okay with my own trims, but I noticed this time it was a little uneven. I might enlist my sister's help next time I try to trim (she owes me for all the times I helped her with her ridiculously thick hair :p).

Thanks =) Thats a good idea, it's not a complicated trim, just a straight line. I tried to keep the back right up to where the hairline ends, anything more than that felt like a mullet to me. Also, theres a thread just for people with short hair and a lot are growing out pixies if you want to check it out>> Super-Shortie Thread (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=18405)

January 9th, 2014, 06:17 PM
@ Anyuta, I have the same reaction when people tell me my hair is cute! I think we stare at our hair so much we can see all of the imperfections; other people don't see it like that.

@ErinLeigh, I am wondering if I could go that long without cutting. I might keep trimming the back until the sides catch up, and then see if I can make it without trims. Once it's long enough to put into small ponytails, I might be able to. I've had better luck with stylists once I pass chin or neck length. For some reason, if my hair is a shaggy pixie, they seem to just want to cut it back into a pixie no matter how much I stress I'm trying to grow it. :p