View Full Version : What is essential in your hair care routine?

December 1st, 2013, 09:47 PM
This forum is a wealth of knowledge and I just love learning about others' practices! Is it an indispensable hair style you wear everyday, a product, an oil, certain routine or hair toy? I'm finding that sock buns, modified co-washing with Vo5 Passion Fruit Smoothie or Suave Naturals with a clarify -poo once a week has been wonderful! I'm tempted to try venturing into hair forks next but my hair was recently layered in the front and I'm not sure it will hold. Anyways, what's essential in your hair care routine? :)

December 1st, 2013, 09:53 PM
For me, it's Monoi Oil, Devacurl AnGel, and alcohol free hair spray. I also can't live without my wooden comb and my Mason Pearson hairbrush, either.

December 1st, 2013, 10:46 PM
Wearing it up everyday has made such a difference. It saved a ton of mechanical damage. It's hard to pick just one thing, because the right conditioner, wide tooth combing and vinegar rinses have also made a difference. But wearing my hair in a bun has made such a huge improvement, long-term, that I recommend it constantly. I sound like a broken record, but it's really incredible the difference it's made over the past few years. I'm, pretty much, at Classic Length and I never thought I'd get here.

Benign neglect has been my friend for years!

December 1st, 2013, 11:38 PM
I would say that the "essential" parts of my routine are probably the same ones that would make the members here cringe. My hair and scalp love simplicity, so I do the bare minimum to keep my hair clean. I brush my hair at least once a day with a ball-tipped bristle brush (I watched enough videos on youtube from Russian hair experts and trichologists (I tend to trust Russian hair experts more with hair brushing than the hair experts in other countries, no offense to the members here) to become convinced that the right ball-tipped bristle brush is the gentlest tool to use for brushing if you do it correctly), wash it every four or five days with a sulfate shampoo and do not condition afterwards. This leaves my scalp happy (any conditioner on hair or scalp and I have twice as many hairs coming out in the shower when I rinse out conditioner as when I shampoo my hair, so no conditioner for my hair) and my hair has quite a bit of volume in it. I have to admit that this routine is making it tempting to try to grow out my hair to waist length just to see what Madora's and Firefox7275's reactions would be with this routine. I think sometimes what our hair likes and prefers is exactly what the hair experts say is wrong for our hair.

December 2nd, 2013, 12:18 AM
I absolutely have to have my tangle teaser, nothing detangles like it. Spin pins also, my layers stick out too much to use a hair stick most of the time and hair ties give me a headache so these are perfect!

December 2nd, 2013, 12:50 AM
I have never really had an essential routine. I leaned toward neglect and less is more. As my hair has grown to waist I'm reluctant to change. My hairs ok. It's grown from short black unbleached blonde. I am going to SD now though and try an be nicer to my hair. My essential now is too not do roots and Gray in gracefully.

December 2nd, 2013, 01:29 AM
There are a lot of us members who grow to longer lengths in spite of being told we are doing things that will damage our hair. For instance, my hair like sulphate shampoo from time to time, but my scalp freaks out. So, completely backwards to LHC advice, I shampoo from the ears down. I also cleanse every other day. I usually CO, but my hair and scalp are happier if I do it that frequently. Since I just trimmed off six inches and am still at a respectable classic length, I figure that I must know what I am doing by now.

OP, I always use a vinegar rinse and follow with a catnip tea leave in, no matter what cleansing routine I use.

I would say that the "essential" parts of my routine are probably the same ones that would make the members here cringe. My hair and scalp love simplicity, so I do the bare minimum to keep my hair clean. I brush my hair at least once a day with a ball-tipped bristle brush (I watched enough videos on youtube from Russian hair experts and trichologists (I tend to trust Russian hair experts more with hair brushing than the hair experts in other countries, no offense to the members here) to become convinced that the right ball-tipped bristle brush is the gentlest tool to use for brushing if you do it correctly), wash it every four or five days with a sulfate shampoo and do not condition afterwards. This leaves my scalp happy (any conditioner on hair or scalp and I have twice as many hairs coming out in the shower when I rinse out conditioner as when I shampoo my hair, so no conditioner for my hair) and my hair has quite a bit of volume in it. I have to admit that this routine is making it tempting to try to grow out my hair to waist length just to see what Madora's and Firefox7275's reactions would be with this routine. I think sometimes what our hair likes and prefers is exactly what the hair experts say is wrong for our hair.

December 2nd, 2013, 04:24 AM
I've recently started doing lemon juice rinses to deal with some issues with my hard water, and my goodness, but they're miraculous. They leave my hair sooo sleek and slippery (almost too much so; I'm having trouble keeping it in buns lately), and they also allow me to stretch washes longer.

December 2nd, 2013, 04:31 AM
2 drops of baby oil on towel dried hair. Citric Acid rinse about once a week. Henna Maiden light brown gloss about every 6 weeks on roots to cover silvers. Tangle teaser is the only brush I use.

December 2nd, 2013, 04:59 AM
Cones, tea+vinegar rinses, my wooden wide-tooth comb, and buns. I mostly use flexi-8s to keep my hair up, it's my favourite toy. Flashy and functional ;)

December 2nd, 2013, 05:03 AM
Deep conditioning masks! Deep conditioning once a week makes such a difference in the appearance of my hair.

December 2nd, 2013, 05:07 AM
I *need* my Denman brush, my wide-tooth comb, and a hairstick. Everything else is gravy. :)

December 2nd, 2013, 05:49 AM
My essential parts would be my vo5 shampoo, conditioner, and leave in conditioner. My lustrasilk cholesterol with Shea butter and mango and Aussie three minute miracle. I do these once a month and my hair has life. I also like my tressemee shine spray. I did use it after my treatment day. My favorite toy would be my satin scrunchi it's as soft as my hair. My favorite up do is my braided style although I had to take a break in fear of retraction.

December 2nd, 2013, 06:26 AM
Flax and/or Sesame oil

Spin pins and hair sticks (Getting two pairs of Ed's Acrylics ^_^)

A special detangling brush to last me until I get my horn combs!!!

December 2nd, 2013, 07:04 AM
Sleeping with my hair bunnned on top of my head. Combing my hair with conditioner in the shower, it takes full advantage of the conditioner to evenly distribute it.

Dry brushing, wet combing. Comb with a wet look shower comb, brush with one of many brushes. (Denman, goody styler,or olivia garten finger brush)


vo5 shampoo for normal hair,

Suave sleek shampoo


tresseme luxurious moisture

leave in
Leave in on wet hair-

Suave sleek anti frizz cream

On dry hair, between washing-aussie hair insurance leave in conditioner spray

December 2nd, 2013, 07:08 AM
My essentials are:

Asda Essentials (Green Apple) Co as my co-wash
Giovanni Smooth as Silk Co as my RO conditioner
Coconut oil for pre-wash treatments
Wooden detangler comb

December 2nd, 2013, 07:20 AM
My hairbrush from super drug and patience. Putting it in a bun and forgetting about it.

December 2nd, 2013, 07:34 AM
A gentle shampoo for my oily roots, a good conditioner to detangle in the shower, and a good sealent: oils in the summer, cones in the winter. The other things such as hair toys, special combs, deep treatments ect are just the icing on the cake for me.

December 2nd, 2013, 07:40 AM
A very wide toothed comb and keeping it braided or bunned. I'd never have the patience for long hair without those.

December 2nd, 2013, 07:42 AM
Daily gentle combing with a wide tooth comb.
Daily brushing with a pure boar bristle brush
Keeping it up
Stretching washes
Benign neglect

December 2nd, 2013, 07:42 AM
Conditioner,shampoo and something to put my hair up with.I wish I could drop either the shampoo or the conditioner (or both!),but it's not going to happen,unless I somehow manage to get a completely different head of hair, I guess...

December 2nd, 2013, 07:45 AM
Absolute favorite innovation: sleep cap (protective, comfortable, and leaves my hair looking amazing)
Absolute cornerstone of routine: coconut oil
Absolute favorite style: buns

December 2nd, 2013, 07:58 AM
It can't really be called hair 'care', but for me, its bleach!! My hair just looks a one mass of dark auburn without my bleached-then-hennaed streaks. They add a splash of colour and interest to my hair. I use the bleach over coconut oil-so heavily applied its dripping, then henna over them the following day when I do the rest of my hair, I LOVE it!

December 2nd, 2013, 08:10 AM
Being gentle/using gentle products, scrunching instead of brushing (not necessarily for care right now, but at this length it looks cooler :P), scalp massages :)

December 2nd, 2013, 08:14 AM
Using a sleeping cap, a wide toothed comb, baby oil and coconut oil and keeping hair up in a protective bun. Washing hair once a week. Eating some protein every day and drinking water.

ETA: using supermarket shampoo and conditioners, small amounts of shampoo, often diluted and lots of conditioner.

December 2nd, 2013, 08:19 AM
Henna! It's made my fine strands noticeably thicker, like other people are noticing! Yay!

December 2nd, 2013, 09:57 AM
My essentials = co-washing, diluted weekly shampoos, air drying, avocado oil, coconut oil, vitamin e oil, Mason Pearson rake comb, sleep cap, S&D sessions, daily buns - especially LWB and Nautilus, Ketylos and Invisibobbles.

December 2nd, 2013, 10:19 AM
Oiling my hair, shampoo and air drying.

December 2nd, 2013, 10:48 AM
my enjoy deep conditioner is a lovely, lovely item i am extremely happy about purchasing.
my regular conditioner as well which is called Clear?
The whole foods brand shampoo that is just so light and sls/sles free and doesn't dry out my hair whatsoever.
Jojoba, olive, coconut oils.
Peppermint & tea tree oils.
and hair ties because it's too short to properly stay up with anything else.

December 2nd, 2013, 12:04 PM
Olive oil, frequent small trims and delicate shampoos. Mostly.

December 2nd, 2013, 02:54 PM
A wide tooth comb
A tangle teezer
A boar bristle brush
Bobby pins
Hair ties

Sulfate free shampoo (diluted)
Cone-free light conditioner for CO Washing
Heavier cone free conditioner
Coconut oil

December 2nd, 2013, 06:00 PM

HE Hello Hydration

HE Honey I'm strong
HE Hello Hydration

Widetoothed comb

oh and hairsticks!! for sure.

December 2nd, 2013, 07:09 PM
Two words. Coconut oil.

December 2nd, 2013, 07:32 PM
-Frequent sulfate free shampooing (I use an awesome shampoo from a brand called Everyday Shea, very basic)
-Moisture conditioner; Suave is great
-Brush, going to look into a Tangle Teezer because I sense that the brush is far too harsh.

December 2nd, 2013, 08:15 PM
A wide toothed comb, keep my hair in a loose braid while I sleep, almond oil, supermarket shampoo, conditioners and leave in ( :oops: ), once a week a deep conditioning mask aaaand S&D sessions.

December 2nd, 2013, 08:34 PM
My essential hair products are my Macadamia oil, leave-in conditioner, deep conditioning masque, and detangler (all from the Macadamia Natural Oil haircare line), Herbal Essence Rose shampoo (original with no silicone) and conditioner. As for hair tools: tangle teezer, claw clip, and wide-toothed comb. I also will use scarves to cover my hair when I'm outside, so I think that would count as an essential, too.

December 2nd, 2013, 09:03 PM
CO washing (tresemme naturals), coconut oil, and ficcares would probably be my essentials.

December 2nd, 2013, 10:25 PM
Sulfate free shampoo once a week, detangling conditioner-covered hair with a wide tooth comb in the shower, search and destroy, nightblooming's winter panacea, a wide tooth wooden comb and wearing my hair up.

December 2nd, 2013, 10:53 PM
Scalp wash with sulfate shampoo twice a week (no water to the length or ends)

SMT to the length 2-3 times a month and shampooing lightly only if needed

Never ever touching my hair with a comb or brush, just using fingers if needed

Daily scalp massages

Bunning or braiding on a daily basis

December 2nd, 2013, 11:21 PM
Olive or coconut oil, honey, spin pins, and Aveda Brilliant Universal Styling Creme (for warmer months only). The shampoo and conditioner can be damn near anything as long as I have oil and honey on hand

December 3rd, 2013, 04:23 PM
Essentials for me are:

Coconut oil
Sulphate free shampoo (or my scalp goes crazy)
Tangle Teezer
All the buns and braids I've learned here :)

December 4th, 2013, 12:14 PM
Only my wide-tooth comb is absolutely essential for me, in case I had to go to an uninhabited island...

Everything else is just helpful:
- hair stick (for updos) and hair tie (for braids);
- gentle shampoo;
- heavy conditioner;
- coconut oil, and other oils, if possible.

December 4th, 2013, 02:01 PM
Coconut oil and leave-in. My new favorite leave-in [after using GF Sleek & Shine Intensely Smooth cream for 2 years] is Dove Nourishing Oil Care spray. :disco:

December 4th, 2013, 10:41 PM
Almond oil, sweetgrass oil, Dr. Bronner's Unscented soap, and my horn-and-wood comb.

And this isn't directly for my hair, but I do drink nettle tea twice a week.

Nadine <3
December 5th, 2013, 11:32 AM
My suave everlasting sunshine conditioner (the smell is to DIE FOR)
my comb
olive oil

That's about all I use on my hair on a regular basis.

Maybe my tin of small silicone hair ties can come to, so I can do my french braids when my hair gets dirty.

December 5th, 2013, 02:23 PM
Henna, coconut oil, my Denman, Flexi-8s and rosewater spritz.

December 5th, 2013, 05:27 PM
Pre shampoo heavy oilings with Hazelnut or Pistachio Oil
Apple Valley Natural Soap Shampoo Bars
Leave in conditioner
Hair serum
Detangling spray
Fabric Scrunchies
Wide tooth comb

December 5th, 2013, 05:39 PM
COCONUT OIL!!!!!!!!!!! Its my hairs favorite "food"!!! :D

Im at BSL.

December 5th, 2013, 06:16 PM
Essential? Conditioning twice after a wash (because it's a harsh cleanser, after all) - plus conditioning twice really is awesome! Also, my styling products: leave-in, a fair smidge of gel, and a hairserum.

December 5th, 2013, 07:42 PM
My hair is BCL now and thick. I braid it all the time when it is not drying. I also have a horned comb and that is the only thing I used on my hair. I always have to use leave in after I shampoo and condition it as well. I take a lot of different vitamins for it and it has been growing pretty fast.

December 5th, 2013, 08:17 PM
I'm relatively new to LHC, but my essentials (so far) are
- gentle SLS free shampoo (Body Shop Rainforest Moisture is the best I've found so far)
- a cone free conditioner (tried many, but Giovanni 50/50 and smooth as silk are the only ones I love)
- My water soluble coney conditioner (Fructis Fruit Sensation Grapefruit - haven't found anything else like this)
- citric acid rinse
- cassia and heavy overnight oilings
- my large Kent comb (my wide wooden comb and brushes have been neglected a bit since I got this)

I haven't found a leave in product or oil that I love yet and am still working on getting heat free curls/waves that I love, but I feel really good about my shampoo, condition (I use cone free first, then water soluble coney conditioner, rinse with mild citric acid water) and cassia routines. I recently got a silk pillowcase and sleep cap and I'm loving the results so far, but too early to put on an essentials list.

December 5th, 2013, 08:45 PM
#1) must have hair item = Tweezerman styling shears, for cutting off any split ends without causing more damage. use these on almost a daily basis! :scissors:
#2) mason pearson boar bristle
#3) organix macadamia oil deep conditioner 1x per week when i wash my hair
#4) olive oil every night!

December 6th, 2013, 07:06 AM
My routine changed quite a bit recently. Current essentials:

- Coconut oil pre-wash, mostly on the scalp. A nice side effect of this is that I can give myself a long scalp massage twice a week.
- A pair of hair scissors to S&D with
- Tangle teezer
- Natural, sulfate-free shampoo and thick cone-free conditioner
- R&B from Lush, or coconut oil, as a leave-in

December 6th, 2013, 02:09 PM
For me a Tangle Teezer is a must. It is the single most important thing in my hair care routine and stops breakage and damage.
Also, reducing heat. I stopped using my straighteners everyday which ruined my hair. I have only used them twice in the last 32 months. I air-dry my hair most days and use a hair dryer a couple of times a week.

Tried stretching washes but for me it does not work. My hair is a greasy mess the second day and no amount of dry shampoo can sort it out.

Oils are great too. Almond, Macadamia, Jojoba and I really like Vatika which is fab.