View Full Version : Hair and Mood?

November 30th, 2013, 02:27 AM
Hi all.Newbie here. Looking back over my hair history Ive come to realise that many if not mist of my hair chops , dyes etc that I re grew again were all related to my mood. I suffered bad PMS and often cut back around this time. Also found winter months the worse for the urge to do something. Now Im entering menopause Im finding myself calmer so I hope my mood chops and dyes will cease and I reach knee heights. Did you find this too?

November 30th, 2013, 03:19 AM
If I am feeling drab or ugly I get sad. When that happens I want to fix the thought by doing something to hair. Sometimes I start to feel anxiety of thinking hair is uneven or the color/shine isn't right and i will race to salon and get it freshened up. This usually leads to losing length or frying my hair so I am trying to stop and learn to just put it up and leave it alone. As far as boredom...not as much..more depends on my self esteem at the time what I do. If I think of it that way though my hair is very tied to mood...just mood based on appearance, not in general.
I will say this though. my hair (and skin) have a LOT to do with my mood. When those look good I feel on top of the world. If they aren't right I can start to feel pretty down.

November 30th, 2013, 05:40 AM
I used to do bad things to my hair around that time. I had the habit of shaving my side burn type of hairs. I don't know the proper name for them. In the winter if get abusive to my hair. I'd perm or dye it.

November 30th, 2013, 06:59 AM
It's not a regular thing for me, but I did notice last week that I had a day where I was thinking, why am I growing it out?
Maybe it's too thin to be long. And I miss the look that blow drying gives. My sister came over and her shoulder length hair that she blow dries and flat irons daily looked so smooth and shiny compared to my natural air dried waves. I was feeling down about my hair, BUT then I remembered that my period was due the next day and I told myself it was probably just hormonal. I stuck my hair up in a clip, ignored it and sure enough this morning I woke up and was amazed how awesome my 2.5 day old waves looked.

November 30th, 2013, 07:03 AM
It's not a regular thing for me, but I did notice last week that I had a day where I was thinking, why am I growing it out?
Maybe it's too thin to be long. And I miss the look that blow drying gives. My sister came over and her shoulder length hair that she blow dries and flat irons daily looked so smooth and shiny compared to my natural air dried waves. I was feeling down about my hair, BUT then I remembered that my period was due the next day and I told myself it was probably just hormonal. I stuck my hair up in a clip, ignored it and sure enough this morning I woke up and was amazed how awesome my 2.5 day old waves looked.

I get like that , normally i get frustrated that its not growing as quick as i like and stupidly i trim back to where it is always thicker were as i realize now when i get days like that if i just put it up and forget about it for a few months i will be pleasantly surprised.

November 30th, 2013, 09:14 AM
Ever since I hit my teenage years I've been an emotional dye-er :P I always had natural long blonde hair, then I chopped it into an edgy bob and dyed it red. After that I tried growing it out for a while, and then began dying it black. Anytime I experienced a difficult period in my life I'd attempt to go blonde. Of course it's pretty impossible to get black hair blonde, so the result looked awful and I'd dye it black again. I repeated this mistake over about 7 years, anytime I was feeling bad about myself. It's definitely taken a toll on my hair though. I learned my lesson! Changing your hair will NOT solve your problems, it'll only stress you out more :P Now I'm growing it out in an attempt to start over!

November 30th, 2013, 11:31 AM
My old roommate would get really impulsive about her hair when she was PMSing. Whether it was color (she tended to want to go darker at that time of the month) or trims, like clockwork, she'd have an urge to just walk into the nearest salon and let them have their way with her.

November 30th, 2013, 12:12 PM
Glad to hear it's not just me then.I was having a happy hair day until I got told I need glasses today for first time and I have cataracts...bit of a shock.Didn't choose any today as I couldn't find any.I thought my eyes were ok.I don't even suit sunglasses.The pair's I tried on aged me suddenly today.I'm going again when I have my hair at its best and makeup on.At least I got 5 years she said til I need an eye opener if any.

chen bao jun
November 30th, 2013, 12:24 PM
My hair is linked to my mood. When I think it looks good, I feel happy. Also, when I get in a seriously bad mood, it tends to look bad to me. adn when I'm nervous, I keep redoing hairstyles, or s and ding too much.