View Full Version : Longest Hair in the Family!

November 23rd, 2013, 10:05 AM
Home for thanksgiving for a week. Hadn't seen my family since last christmas and proud to say I have the longest hair now! Granted my mom's hair is cut in a bob type cut and my one sister has about shoulder length hair while the other's is a bit longer than that, but still especially being a guy! They all couldn't believe how long it has gotten.

November 23rd, 2013, 11:47 AM
It does feel good, doesn't it? ;-) Your hair does look very healthy and beautiful. Maybe you've sparked something in them and they'll start competing with you hairwise, ha ha!
I've got the longest hair in the family by far, and I have to say I love it when they comment on how long it is, how much they love my hair etc!

November 23rd, 2013, 12:38 PM
I do not have the longest hair in my family, my immediate family, yes by far. But I have a Maltese aunt who has gorgeous BCL hair. I'm catching up though!! I think by New Year's I will be able to claim hip. Congratulations about your hair though, and I agree it looks very healthy and happy.

November 23rd, 2013, 01:17 PM
As far as I know, I got my hair longer than anyone else in my immediate family. They all claimed to have not gotten past BSL but I got to solid waist when I was 10. Height isn't much of a factor because I've grown no more than 6'' at most since then. Of course, at the moment my dad's hair is the longest, but it's in the worst shape. I hold the trophy for healthiest hair! :D

November 23rd, 2013, 02:57 PM
I've got the longest hair in my family as well, just shy of APL. Dad's is short as always, and Mum has a medium bob.

I can also claim to have the longest beard, with a couple of mm of stubble. :D :bounce:

November 23rd, 2013, 03:31 PM
Ha ha ha! That's fabulous! Have you got any protective styles to show off to them?

November 23rd, 2013, 03:38 PM
I, too, have the longest hair in the immediate family (a few extended relatives might have longer hair, but I haven't seen them in a while, so I'm not sure), but no one has made any comments about it. That could be because I wear it up most of the time, so no one sees how long it is. My daughters are becoming dedicated to growing long hair, so if their growth rate exceeds mine, they will eventually catch me.

November 23rd, 2013, 04:15 PM
I have the longest hair in my family. It used to be my mom, but I finally caught up and then passed her. She keeps hers cut somewhere between waist and hip now. Mine is past TBL, headed to Classic. Sometimes my uncle has grown his long, but I haven't seen him in a very long time. I doubt he has it past TB. He likes to ride his motorcycle, and a pony that long might cause problems.

November 23rd, 2013, 04:20 PM
I thought I'd have caught up with my mom this year, but no. Maybe next year.

November 23rd, 2013, 05:47 PM
Thanks for the compliments everyone. And slyviolet I generally wear my hair in a medium/low ponytail but I have become quite adequate at braiding and do that for bed so I can show that off. working on french braiding now, but just barely. It's a fun milestone to hit!

chen bao jun
November 23rd, 2013, 06:41 PM
I never realized it before, but you know, I definitely have the longest hair in my immediate family.Actually, I always did, now that I think about it. My sister's hair is fine and mine is coarse. so unless I do a chop (which I have done) mine is longer than hers, because hers is more fragile.
I even beat out my nieces (they all fry) and at this point, a lot of my cousins. However, no one in my family is considered to have long hair in comparison with my grandmother who got to at least tailbone (could sit on it) and my other grandmother also had bra strap hair, which is all that I am up to at this point. And my aunts also had waist length hair that some of them kept (but they are dead now).
I have longer hair than most people in my husbands family but he does have two nieces who have waist and one niece who is getting there quickly.
I guess this is a milestone but unless I catch up with granny, no one will think my hair is all that long. She's the standard in our family.
One of my cousins did grow to like mid-thigh, but it was with dreads, so people tend to think that did not count (owing to the shed hairs being trapped in there). I know people have different ideas about whether dreads count or not and don't mean to offend anyone by that statement, but my family would not think you had long hair unless it grew loose.

November 23rd, 2013, 07:06 PM
My hair has been the longest in my family forever! I never really thought about it before. Since my hair has been classic length forever! (Granted, I was much shorter at age 4 ;)!)

November 23rd, 2013, 07:15 PM
My hair has been the longest in my family forever! I never really thought about it before. Since my hair has been classic length forever! (Granted, I was much shorter at age 4 ;)!)

Mine was TBL - Classic when I was a kid but like you, I was just a bit shorter back then ;)

My hair (Hip+/nearing BCL now) is by far the longest in my biological family, immediate and extended. The second longest to me is, um, maybe my mum or grandma, both are at APL-ish? Non-blood related family though, I do have some ''competition'', my little step sister is around the same length as me in terms of body markers, although she's a good half a foot shorter than me, so in inches mine is still a bit longer. She's been there forever though, so I think she's done growing now.

November 23rd, 2013, 07:19 PM
My mother have short hair, my father have a ponytail that reach him a little past his shoulders, my brother have short hair and my hubby have about an inch of hair so yes I have the longest hair in my family. Some of my other relatives had long hair when last I saw them but even there the longest had mid back, so since my hair is creeping up on knee yes it is he longest.

Hatsune Miku
November 25th, 2013, 07:25 PM
Congrats on having the longest hair! :D

According to my mother, I have the longest hair in my family (at about hip/tailbone), both inch-wise and body proportion-wise. My mother would probably come in second, with her waist length hair.

November 25th, 2013, 07:45 PM
I have the longest in my family. My dad has almost none but my mother usually has waist length hair and I just hit tailbone length.

November 25th, 2013, 07:54 PM
Huh. I never noticed but I guess I do have the longest hair in my family. My mom, dad, and brother all have short hair and my sister has shoulder length.

November 25th, 2013, 08:08 PM
Currently, I think have the longest hair in my family. Some of my cousins may have grown theirs out, but I doubt it. My Mother had her hair at tailbone length when she was my age, but now she keeps it in a chin to shoulder length bob. Right now I'm at waist-length. Next Christmas I should at least have classic length (I hope!). No one in my family can remember a family member (for the past few generations at least) that has grown out their hair past tailbone - so we don't know what our terminal length might be. Maybe I can set down a record for future generations if I can pass classic!:o

November 25th, 2013, 10:49 PM
I'm never going to be past APL/BSL most likely - I have fragile, cat fine hair so it just doesn't do well past APL and I look like I'm 12 with hair past my shoulders which I do not like! Granted, at jaw now and I look 20 - but I have blue black hair with vangs, so that's part.

Visible - DH. But he wears locks, so he doesn't fight his natural texture (under 1/4" curl diameter with sharp bends vs S), which gives him the visual win.

True longest is youngest. But, hyper tight curls to mid back/waist that expand out vs down. Pulled straightish, knees to upper/mid calf.

November 25th, 2013, 11:10 PM
Haha thats awesome :) I used to have the longest hair in the family and i held that crown for many years.... thats until i damaged it with all sorts of bad care and chopped it all off to bellow shoulders.... Now, the longest hair in the family title goes to my 6 year old who has it down to her hips. Im very proud of that :)

November 26th, 2013, 06:07 AM
Mine was TBL - Classic when I was a kid but like you, I was just a bit shorter back then ;)

My hair (Hip+/nearing BCL now) is by far the longest in my biological family, immediate and extended. The second longest to me is, um, maybe my mum or grandma, both are at APL-ish? Non-blood related family though, I do have some ''competition'', my little step sister is around the same length as me in terms of body markers, although she's a good half a foot shorter than me, so in inches mine is still a bit longer. She's been there forever though, so I think she's done growing now.
Lol, yes. For years my hair never seemed to grow to me...it took me a while to realize I was growing along with it lol. So, still at classic lol.

November 26th, 2013, 06:20 AM
I have the longest hair in my family and this weekend I was home and my mum said that it was really shiny! She's not a fan of long hair but everyone else is pretty much indifferent to hair length but were impressed last year with my waist length hair when it wasn't in nearly as good condition as it is now. I can't wait to show it off at Christmas/ new year this year when I see my extended family.

chen bao jun
November 26th, 2013, 06:42 AM
This is a bit OT, but I am so thrilled that my mom is proud of my hair! After a childhood during which we went through agony as she attempted to deal with my curls and finally straightened them out of desperation and complained about everything else I did, I feel so happy when she says how my hair looks wonderful and how beautiful it is. (and also glad that she's growing hers)

November 26th, 2013, 07:53 AM
Lol, yes. For years my hair never seemed to grow to me...it took me a while to realize I was growing along with it lol. So, still at classic lol.

Haha, aww that's so cute! Hopefully I'll be back there at Classic with you someday :D

This is a bit OT, but I am so thrilled that my mom is proud of my hair! After a childhood during which we went through agony as she attempted to deal with my curls and finally straightened them out of desperation and complained about everything else I did, I feel so happy when she says how my hair looks wonderful and how beautiful it is. (and also glad that she's growing hers)

This really bought a smile to my face chen :) Happy for you and your mum!