View Full Version : Your odd reasons...

November 21st, 2013, 10:04 AM
Hey everyone! I seem to have a liking for asking random hair questions :p So,today I wanted to ask:what are some of your slightly-odd/weird/crazy/funny reasons for wanting long hair? I know that for most of us the first reasons for having long hair is that it makes us feel beautiful,and we just like it:) But what else?

For me,I decided I wanted Classic length hair not only because of the reasons I mentioned above,but also so that I can tie it in my mid-high ponytail for school and have the ends brushing my hips,which I think would not only feel great,but also look really cool with our school uniform:D And,I'll admit,I want to swish it around occasionally while its in its pony so that some of my friends might just trip while their staring at my hair (I know,that sounds pretty conceited,but I can't help it!:o) I'd love to hear some of your wacky and awesome reasons!

November 21st, 2013, 10:20 AM
I want to be able to go to the cinema when they show Japanese horror movies where ghost women's long hair is usually a thing, toss my hair over their shoulders and gargle at their ear.

I want to summon demons from my hair like Bayonetta, okey perhaps not realistic but hey don't burst my bubble.

November 21st, 2013, 10:27 AM
I've always wanted to have hair long enough to sit on since I read some novel when I was younger that had a character who had hair that long, and how proud she was of her "crowning glory". It was something historical anyway. I thought that sounded very cool.

And not for any religious reason, I rarely wear my hair all the way down in public. Even if it's not braided or anything, I have a barrette in it. I only do wear it completely down at home for my husband. It makes it special, just for us. I may take it down somewhere to show it off, but then ti immediately goes back up.

November 21st, 2013, 10:40 AM
I want to be able to go to the cinema when they show Japanese horror movies where ghost women's long hair is usually a thing, toss my hair over their shoulders and gargle at their ear.

I want to summon demons from my hair like Bayonetta, okey perhaps not realistic but hey don't burst my bubble.

+1000 to you, ma'am. Best response EVER.

November 21st, 2013, 10:55 AM
I ride ATV's.... usually in a big group with our 4 wheel friends, almost every weekend in the summer. We take trips with the ATV's and it's turned into a pretty serious hobby. (yes, I'm a redneck. I just embrace it.. lol) You have to wear a full-face offroad helmet and people can really only see your eyes. Everyone looks the same in a full face helmet, girls and guys. I love having a big 'ol fat braid trailing behind me, it makes me feel like "me" in a sea of people who all look the same, I guess. I ride with other girls but their hair isn't long enough to really get past their helmets, at least not dramatically. I would like to get to the point where my braid tassel will rest behind me on the seat. I don't know if that will ever happen, but, it would be cool.

chen bao jun
November 21st, 2013, 11:40 AM
I have come to love the 'redneck' culture schnibbles, since living where I live I have met some pretty cool people. And I like riding on ATVs too. (though only got a chance to do it once).
But-- I am afraid that a long braid and ATV riding could potentially have some horrible results, like being scalped alive. Please be very very careful--I think you're fine now but when it can rest behind you on the seat, it might also get into the wheels...?

I ride ATV's.... usually in a big group with our 4 wheel friends, almost every weekend in the summer. We take trips with the ATV's and it's turned into a pretty serious hobby. (yes, I'm a redneck. I just embrace it.. lol) You have to wear a full-face offroad helmet and people can really only see your eyes. Everyone looks the same in a full face helmet, girls and guys. I love having a big 'ol fat braid trailing behind me, it makes me feel like "me" in a sea of people who all look the same, I guess. I ride with other girls but their hair isn't long enough to really get past their helmets, at least not dramatically. I would like to get to the point where my braid tassel will rest behind me on the seat. I don't know if that will ever happen, but, it would be cool.

November 21st, 2013, 11:42 AM
I once read an article about Louisa May Alcott, which stated that she had hair "a yard and a half long". I wanted hair like hers..and I'm almost there now!

chen bao jun
November 21st, 2013, 11:43 AM
As a kid I heard constantly how my grandmother (living in a foreign country) could sit on her hair, and it sounded so amazing. I never thought my hair could grow that long, but now I'd like to see.
I also looked at pictures in medieval type books, like the King Arthur stories illustrated by Howard that my avatar (Queen Guinevere) comes from. I thought this picture I am using was so beautiful, with the woman with her hair to her knees and all those beautiful black waves in that romantic dress, and I just wanted to have her hair! My hair does make waves like that when braid straightened (it gets less curly when braided) but oh, the length!
I do sort of haunt the knee-length thread and am thrilled to see real life people with similar hair, even if I never get there.

November 21st, 2013, 11:44 AM
My partner is an oil painter and he's inspired by the Pre-Raphaelites. The time period is also a passion of mine :love: Since he uses me as his artists model we thought it would be amazing if I could get my hair to their lengths! (Also I love the idea of experiencing even just a small part of their lives by having long hair). Here's some interesting reading :)


November 21st, 2013, 11:53 AM
I want to be able to go to the cinema when they show Japanese horror movies where ghost women's long hair is usually a thing, toss my hair over their shoulders and gargle at their ear.

I want to summon demons from my hair like Bayonetta, okey perhaps not realistic but hey don't burst my bubble.

I was going to say "so I can look like Sadako Yamamura" but you stole my thunder :p. I dressed as her for halloween and scared the everloving stuff out of my friend :lol:.

November 21st, 2013, 11:54 AM
I think every reason I have for growing my hair long is technically considered "odd"! Firstly, I suffer from a back condition called Scheuermann's disease that causes the back and shoulders to appear "hunched", so long hair covers that and people tend not to notice unless I wear my hair up. Secondly, I've noticed that when I'm worried or stressed, it's really comforting to feel my heavy hair against my back and that always tends to make me feel a little better! Thirdly, I was obsessed with mermaids growing up (still am!) and they always had the longest, most beautiful hair...so that's definitely another reason!

And, I think it's also safe to say that I love the compliments!

November 21st, 2013, 11:57 AM
Well, I had classic length as a young teen and I sort of wanted to "travel back" to those days. I also like long hair (past waist) as it's far easier for my mom (I'm disabled) to take care of. Requires minimal styling, only wash days are quite intense but it's only washed once a week, so...

November 21st, 2013, 01:39 PM
But-- I am afraid that a long braid and ATV riding could potentially have some horrible results, like being scalped alive. Please be very very careful--I think you're fine now but when it can rest behind you on the seat, it might also get into the wheels...?

Thank you for pointing this out! And I agree, I think that could potentially happen, especially on a race quad that doesn't have much of a fender. The one I ride has pretty beefy fenders and body panels, so I would probably have to tip it pretty extensively (or be in a rollover situation) to ever get a braid caught. There is a lot of plastic between the tires and the rider, and the rear wheels are pretty far back from the driver. But I suppose if stuff is getting real -- anything could happen. One thing I have learned about riding since I have gotten my own is that it *is* basically .... dangerous. There's a lot of factors in play and stuff. If things ever get to the point where my hair is caught in a wheel, that's probably the least of my problems. I do get what you're saying though. ;)

November 21st, 2013, 01:49 PM
My odd reason isn't really that odd. I've always loved long hair and I was growing it long. I had a break up with a man name with held. I wanted a change so I got a shag hair cut 08 I had almost mbl hair. I was aiming for tail bone back then and this time I'm going to make it. Mean time from 08 til I joined here I permed, dyed, and straighten my hair. I grew out my perm and gave up chemicals. I know with my healthy habits I'm going to make it. Like I've stated I'm doing this for me.

November 21st, 2013, 01:57 PM
I wanna be a pretty princess and I wanna make everyone jealous ♥
Also, I want to have a long braid to whip people with, just like my friend with classic length hair ♥

November 21st, 2013, 02:08 PM
I've referred to him before on LHC but I had a lovely involvement (I've described it as a fling, but looking back, it wasn't very fling-y) with an unconventional man who is still a friend of mine. He had long, sandy blonde dreadlocks, and he really loves my long hair. He was very individualistic and definitely didn't put much stock into fitting in. He was a very inspiring man, massively intelligent and very successful despite his upbringing. He inspired me to grow my hair to classic (among other revelations, this is after all, the hair forum). It's definitely in the "too long" category for most people which is why I hesitated to grow my hair that long. But now I'm completely fine doing something different with my appearance as long as it's what I want. He's headstrong, irritating and unapologetic, but damn, he kind of inspired me to be like that, and I'm glad for it.

November 21st, 2013, 02:17 PM
Rapunzel/princesses. Anime characters. Elves. Mermaids. Paintings.

I want to be able to sit on it. My weirdest reason is probably that I want to be able to shroud myself in my hair when I'm naked but not in a sexual way lol I just think it's so natural and beautiful. Also, after reading comments on a biased long hair article, I realized I would absolutely love to have unconventional, rebellious hair because I enjoy standing out (to a degree). Just today I was thinking of how my hair sticks can be used for self-defense and how maybe one day I'll actually be able to strangle somebody with my hair! I'm sure I'll come up with weirder reasons as I grow on :blossom:

November 21st, 2013, 02:18 PM
I want to be able to turn my hair into an awesome beard like PrincessBob!
But apart from that, my mother said once when I was a kid that when you're over twenty you can't have long hair because it gets dry and scrubby. It just stuck with me and I'm going to prove her wrong.
Plus, I don't like having boring hair. Either it should be cut into something awesome (I dreamed of a bob like Angela Chase in My So-Called Life) or long so I can do fancy braided buns and show off. Right now it's average in length and colour and I want it to....reflect the amount of work and thought I put into it, which means it should really look completely awesome! :D

November 21st, 2013, 02:22 PM
Hair brushing against my back feels like someone is caressing me and it's nice to have everyone say you look like a fairytale character.

November 21st, 2013, 02:32 PM
Loads of brilliant reasons here!
My main reason is that I like the way it looks and feels on me. It helps that my husband likes long hair on me, too. (although he's never known me with hair shorter than collarbone length, mind you.) In addition to this, I turn 40 in a few days time and it's my way of Sticking It To The Man - I shall wear my hair as long as I can FOR as long as I can!
Oh, and when I was a little girl, my hair was always kept in a fairly short 'mullet' kind of style, and I remember seeing Kate Bush performing 'Wuthering Heights' on Top Of The Pops and thinking how brilliant she looked and sounded. I wanted to BE her! :)

November 21st, 2013, 03:21 PM
I have a couple of reasons I can toss into the ring -

1. When growing up, every single image I can remember of 'female+beautiful' had long, flowing hair - princesses, angels, mermaids, fairies, dolls. I really REALLY wanted long hair when I was growing up, my mother didn't want to deal with it and kept it cut in a pixie. Well, now I'm old, so I get to have pretty pretty princess hair if I want it.

2. Somewhat odder reason - I love having it as a blanket when it's long. If I get cold, I take it out of its updo, and spread it over and around me. Works like a champ.

3. A reason so odd I hesitate to share it, but *shrug*..whatever: I know science says it's just a kind of specialized dead keratin. However....in shamanic work, I use it as a kind of...sensing organ. It works much better when my hair is long and uncut. If I'm going to do 'work', I take it down and shake it out. Then when I'm done, I put it away again. For those who don't believe in anything like that, it wouldn't make any sense at all. But for those of us with a slightly different background or maybe world view....

Anyway. There are my contributions to the odd reasons people grow hair. :)

November 21st, 2013, 04:06 PM
I have a few reasons myself. Like others, medieval hair and braids have always had that lure and I would love to be able to pull some of them off :) also I love when I go out to be able to flaunt my hair, as I feel it is my superpower and the longer it gets the more powerful I become :p those would be my strange reasons

November 21st, 2013, 06:44 PM
Well, I wanted to be able to drape it over my front like a mermaid instead of a bikini top- I guess I'm not the only mermaid around these parts, lol!

Plus, whenever I tip my head back and arch my back, I love the swish-swish-drape feeling of my hair on my low back or waist, I want to be able to feel that all the time!

And, when I was younger people always made fun of my long, curly hair and I felt bad about it, I totally destroyed it trying to make it just like everybody else's. But I don't need to be like everybody else, I need to be like me! Loving and respecting and caring for my real, natural hair is a way to love and accept myself- it makes me beautiful, even if the world doesn't agree.

November 21st, 2013, 07:13 PM
Well, for me: by profession I braid horse's hair and the truth is, I just love hair. I know hair freaks some people out - they get all upset if they find a hair somewhere - but for me, I don't mind a bit. I LOVE hair. I like long-haired horses. I like long-haired cats, dogs, goats, sheep and so on. And so quite naturally I like long hair on people, and thence on me. I had my hair quite short for many years, because I never dreamed I could grow it this long. Then by chance I talked with someone from here, and I thought - why not, I am not getting any younger, why not see what can happen?

November 21st, 2013, 07:31 PM

And, when I was younger people always made fun of my long, curly hair and I felt bad about it, I totally destroyed it trying to make it just like everybody else's. But I don't need to be like everybody else, I need to be like me! Loving and respecting and caring for my real, natural hair is a way to love and accept myself- it makes me beautiful, even if the world doesn't agree.[/QUOTE]

I totally agree. Only instead of curly my hair was too thin to be long and pretty. It's mine though and I will cherish it.

November 21st, 2013, 07:54 PM
A couple of reasons:

1. I fancy myself a Tolkien Rivendell elf, and who ever heard of a Tolkien elf with short hair?

2. I do Tudor reanactment, and women back then had long hair.

3. There'd be no point to my collecting or having my vast hair toy collection.

4. I like the way it looks at feels.

5. BRAIDS! Becky bears love braids!

November 21st, 2013, 08:09 PM
I really like Porphyria's Lover. ;)

November 21st, 2013, 08:13 PM
So I can justify collecting more hairtoys!! And also to have hip length brainwaves :)

November 21st, 2013, 10:07 PM
I was a youngun waiting to tan in my local beauty salon, when a lady my age now(59) walked in.
She had brown hair long enough to sit on, classic.
she'd come to get her hair cut.
I said nothing,knowing the courage it probably took her to arrive at that moment.
but when she walked out of the salon later, hair slightly above her shoulders, she looked to me, a middle aged lady in pants suit & glasses.
When she walked in,
she'd looked like a goddess.
I've forever since thought women over 50 looked like goddesses with hair longer than waist length.
so, guess I want to
look like a goddess. :)

November 21st, 2013, 10:42 PM

I have a very secret reason (shhh...)

There was this guy that I had a huge crush on that seemed oh so interested in me too...that whenever we were in the same room heŽd stare at me long as if I was the only person there...you know the story!

The moment I let my interest be known, he completely started to ignore me (grrr...donŽt they all!) and would not even look my way. :(

At the time I had my curly hair cut in short layers, with my longest layer barely past shoulders in thin fairytales looking like a big puff!

So now I have this fantasy of growing my hair long like my new dream hair (http://veja.abril.com.br/blog/quanto-drama/files/2012/07/gabriela.juliana.paes_.jpg) (pic from soap opera actress;-)

And to have him show up at an event where I am at and have him see me completely transformed! Even if he still doesnŽt give me the time of day, I think IŽd enjoy to look great and be all cool like that. Haha


November 21st, 2013, 10:50 PM
I wanted to see how long my hair would grow. That's really been the biggest impetus. Before now, I'd had my hair as long as hip with thick, blunt ends, so I knew it could go longer, but had no idea just how long it could go. Now, it's a couple inches past classic, and it's beginning to be a bit of a pain, so I'm not sure if I'm going to keep growing. For now, I'm definitely leaning towards a cut of about 4", because I did a lot of sitting on my ends when it first got near classic, so those poor ends have taken a lot of mechanical abuse and it shows. They're definitely thinned out by breakage, but if I cut back 4", I should be good. And now I've gotten used to flicking it out of the way when I sit down, so it shouldn't happen again if I decide to go longer again.

November 21st, 2013, 11:03 PM
Because it's easier to take care of.

That may seem counterintuitive for a lot of people, but I *have to* have my hair out of my face for work, and in order to do that in relatively non-damaging ways, I need to have long hair. I was so frustrated when my hair was collar-shoulder-apl-even BSL. Once I reached BSL and learned to do buns with hairsticks and ficcares, I swore I'd never cut it shorter than that again until I cut it completely OFF (in fact, now that I'm almost waist, I'll likely never cut it shorter than waist! :lol:). I don't find longer hair to be particularly high maintenance (if anything, it's the opposite!) but I do find "somewhere between collar and BSL" hair to be a pain in the butt. :laugh:

November 21st, 2013, 11:57 PM
Because I love love love men with long hair and insist that any guy I date has it. I have long hair too otherwise I'd feel like a hypocrite.

November 22nd, 2013, 12:34 AM
Because it's easier to take care of.

That may seem counterintuitive for a lot of people, but I *have to* have my hair out of my face for work, and in order to do that in relatively non-damaging ways, I need to have long hair. I was so frustrated when my hair was collar-shoulder-apl-even BSL. Once I reached BSL and learned to do buns with hairsticks and ficcares, I swore I'd never cut it shorter than that again until I cut it completely OFF (in fact, now that I'm almost waist, I'll likely never cut it shorter than waist! :lol:). I don't find longer hair to be particularly high maintenance (if anything, it's the opposite!) but I do find "somewhere between collar and BSL" hair to be a pain in the butt. :laugh:

^^^ This! Beyond BSL is so much easier than shorter hair. I'm almost to waist, too, and I am certain I will never want it shorter than waist ever again. I am fairly certain that I will never want it shorter than TBL once I get there. Beyond TBL, I'm not sure if I'll love it or find it too much hassle. I can't wait to find out, though!

November 22nd, 2013, 12:45 AM
I'm reading this thread for inspiration, because my reason is boring ;)

Robot Ninja
November 22nd, 2013, 09:07 AM
Because it looks really cool blowing in the wind on the cover of the comic book I sometimes like to imagine I'm in.

November 22nd, 2013, 11:57 AM
I had hair down between BSL and Waist when I was a kid and I missed it. I tried to grow it over the years, but one thing or another and I'd cut it off. My mother had hair nearly to her waist as well and my grand mother and I would comb it for her. She ended up with it to a little passed her shoulders when she died at 81.

My grand mother, as a young woman in the 1910s had auburn hair passed her ankles. It dragged the floor. I never knew her with long hair like that.

So, I kind of think of it as a long hair legacy to continue on. I'm a long hair, like my mother and like her mother before her.

Plus, I want to be able to do some enormous buns and rope braids with it. It's layered right now. Shortest at APL and longest at BSL. I'm getting there. :)

November 22nd, 2013, 12:23 PM
It's so much easier on the pocketbook and my time to have long hair. I don't even notice it's long as I wear it up everyday for work or household activities. My husband loves long hair, and it's really not that great of a deal to keep it long and please him. Since joining LHC I would like to get mine to classic just so I can sit on it!

November 22nd, 2013, 02:23 PM
I don't think my reason is odd or formidably awesome like some people's, but I will still share. I want to have long hair because it makes me different. No one where I live has the "unbelievably" long hair that I aim for. Having long hair will also boost my self-confidence.

Not to mention, I am the only one with hair past APL in my whole family. I will look quite original!

November 22nd, 2013, 07:56 PM
Everyone knows that whole stereotype, girl goes through a breakup and gets a drastic haircut to symbolize "change" and "starting over". Well that's me, and my drastic haircut is always a pixie. I'm tired of "starting over", I guess I want my hair to reflect the fact that I'm done being like that. Pretty sure waist length hair will be proof enough.

November 22nd, 2013, 10:35 PM
I look best in long hair. I have always gone back to long hair.

November 22nd, 2013, 10:48 PM
Not a friend Z: "Why is your hair so long?"
Seeshami: "So I can strangle you with it"

November 23rd, 2013, 08:13 AM
I just find there's something quite spiritual about not cutting your hair.. I'm not religious at all.. but it just feels right to have long hair. I'm fascinated by what my terminal length is!

November 26th, 2013, 08:00 AM
I love being able to put my hair in a bun so it is out of my face but also looks pretty. My first bun was only 2-3 years ago though, that's when I first found hair tutorials online that didn't require things like curling and such.

November 26th, 2013, 09:11 AM
I want long hair because i adore girls who have amazing long hair in japanese or chinese movies about ninjas and samurai... I want to be able to do similar buns and half-ups. And i like witches and they usually have very long hair (well at least in my imagination). That is also a reason.

November 26th, 2013, 09:56 AM
I hate having strangers in my personal space. Hairdressers fall into this category. With all-one-length hair that gets trimmed every six months or so by my friend of thirty years in her kitchen, I can avoid the stranger-in-my-space problem. Also, my baby-fine, dead straight flyaway hair has massive centered cowlicks front and back. If I wear it short, the cowlicks look stupid unless I attempt to curl them into submission (which causes problems because the rest of my hair is dead straight and the curled part still looks weird). When my hair is long enough, the weight of the hair pulls out the cowlicks... or I can slick it all back into a bun or braid so that the cowlicks are not visible.

November 26th, 2013, 10:09 AM
One of the "odd" reasons that I'm growing my hair, after many of the standard ones, is to cultivate self-compassion and patience. When I spend time caring for my hair, I know that I'm not going to see big results immediately, but rather an improvement and deepening understanding of how to nourish and encourage it over time. It is a meditation and a form of self-care.

November 26th, 2013, 10:55 AM
Everyone knows that whole stereotype, girl goes through a breakup and gets a drastic haircut to symbolize "change" and "starting over". Well that's me, and my drastic haircut is always a pixie. I'm tired of "starting over", I guess I want my hair to reflect the fact that I'm done being like that. Pretty sure waist length hair will be proof enough.

I seriously thought about doing that once. I had the scissors in my hand and I was going to cut it short, but I just couldn't do it. Sooo glad I didn't.

November 26th, 2013, 11:39 AM
One of the "odd" reasons that I'm growing my hair, after many of the standard ones, is to cultivate self-compassion and patience. When I spend time caring for my hair, I know that I'm not going to see big results immediately, but rather an improvement and deepening understanding of how to nourish and encourage it over time. It is a meditation and a form of self-care.

That's beautiful! I never thought about it that way...

November 26th, 2013, 12:04 PM
I have never had long hair but as a young girl I found a picture in an old family photo book of two girls (one is my Great great grandmother) from the late 1800's to early 1900's in a garden wearing flowing white dresses and brushing each others hair that was at least TBL. I had it for awhile but it got lost in a move (i still mourn it though haha)
It was so beautiful and I always wanted to look like them

November 26th, 2013, 12:05 PM
I'm 60 yo and it's rather unusual for an older woman to have long hair. I'll admit to enjoying being different. I like a little shock effect. I also have multiple piercings including some facials. :p

November 26th, 2013, 03:11 PM
I made a promise to my self when I was maybe five or six that I would have long hair when I was an old lady. Almost all elderly women had short hair, and I thought the ones with long hair was so beautiful and unique, like fairytale grandmothers. Today I'm 41 and I guess I qualifies as and old lady, atleast in the standards I had then, and I still want to be beautiful and unique, so I'm keeping my hair long and try to be proud of the gray.

November 26th, 2013, 03:15 PM
Since I was a kid I've loved the movie Practical Magic and one of the reasons was their hair! All of them had long unique and beautiful hair so I grew up with a desire to have long hair!!!!

November 26th, 2013, 04:46 PM
My semi-normal reason is because I really want to be able to feel my hair brushing my back, but my weird reason is because I want to be able to wear long hair styles when I go to the Renaissance Festival in garb. :)

November 26th, 2013, 04:50 PM
My odd reason is that I have always had long hair, so I think of it as a huge part of my identity. It also makes me feel special.

November 26th, 2013, 05:18 PM
A couple reasons...well, there's the "minimal effort" side effect of course--I'd had between chin and shoulder for ages and it was always fussy, but since I've let it go and do it's own thing and stopped getting it infinitely layered and product-coated and heated and snarled and and and...it's so much easier. And it looks better. And I dig that.

Also, when I eventually end up being a little old lady, I want waist-length hair. So much more dignified-looking to have a long white/gray braid or a bun or some sort of updo than that super short-permed-to-within-an-inch-of-your-life look that seems to be de rigeur (at least around where I live). And did I mention minimal effort? ;)

Plus, there are so many braids to practice!!!!!!!! It's just now getting long enough that I don't run out of hair just as I figure out what my fingers are supposed to be doing to make the braid work out!

November 26th, 2013, 06:05 PM
Side effect, more than a reason, but...it cultivates patience and self-awareness. Finger detangling and combing out, centers you right away...you have to do it gently and patiently, when one is agitated, sitting down to detangle the issues recede to the distance while you concentrate on your hair, and when it is done, you retain some of that calm.

November 26th, 2013, 10:04 PM
This isn't why I started growing my hair, but it is a ridiculous factor now.....it's really warm. If I'm out in the winter (doesn't snow or freeze here) without warm enough clothes on I can just let down my hair and it's like wearing a sheep on my back.

November 27th, 2013, 10:35 AM
That's an awesome observation, trolleypup. I do find my nightly and morning(ly) combing and styling to be a calming and peaceful activity.

My odd reason:
I've always had an affinity for fairies and other such things, long hair just makes me feel a little more 'magick'. :)

November 27th, 2013, 11:37 AM
My reason isn't very odd (or maybe it is, I'm not sure!) It's actually out of rebellion! (Which might be odd for a 29 year old!) around here people's haie get shorter the older they get and especially the females in our family think long hair is for kids. So I want long hair because I'm getting older! ;-)

Nevada Rose
November 27th, 2013, 11:39 AM
I love how the wind makes long hair dance..., and at other times will make it flow like the waves of the ocean. Long hair is beautiful beneath the sun, sparkling and shimmering. Let it loose from time to time.

November 27th, 2013, 11:42 AM
When I was young, I saw Crystal Gayle's beautiful long hair on the TV once, and was in awe. It was my dream hair. Now I'm 37 years old, and my hair is 30" long, the longest it's ever been in my life. I think I want hair to my knees or terminal.

November 27th, 2013, 12:07 PM
When I was young, I saw Crystal Gayle's beautiful long hair on the TV once, and was in awe. It was my dream hair. Now I'm 37 years old, and my hair is 30" long, the longest it's ever been in my life. I think I want hair to my knees or terminal.

you look to be at waist in that picture.

November 27th, 2013, 03:00 PM
you look to be at waist in that picture.

You are the second person to say that! :D Thank you. I actually think I have a little more to go before I can call waist. My waist is barely right above my hips. When I reach waist, it'll be only a month or two at most before I reach hip. I never thought I had a long torso before, but I guess I do, since my waist is so low.

November 27th, 2013, 06:38 PM
That's beautiful! I never thought about it that way...

Thank you, I thought it was too when I realized why I was drawn to it again! The desire and motivation for long and lush hair naturally arose as part of my focus to increase compassion, love, and appreciation of my body, and so loving, maintaining, and decorating my hair has become a conscious act of self-love because of that.

November 28th, 2013, 02:04 AM
I'd like to have hair long enough to put it over my mouth and pretend I have a really cool moustache.

November 28th, 2013, 04:46 AM
I want to be able to tuck it in the back of my trousers, and have it stay there!
Also, Lara Croft :p

November 29th, 2013, 05:50 AM
Also, Lara Croft :p

I remember having about waist length hair and insisting on having a French plait like her all the time when I was 5 to 7, and thus my hair inspiration for my childhood. Admittedly I've been wanting to have hair like Miku Hatsune (a virtual singer) lately no matter how impossible!

November 29th, 2013, 07:04 AM
I've always wanted long hair. I think it comes from watching too many Japanese cartoons/anime when I was a child!

November 29th, 2013, 09:07 AM
I had long hair as a kid, always. Cut it in middle school because of peer pressure.

I like it because I really enjoy traditional things. I love having long hair and putting it up with pins, feeling it brush against my arms when I'm sleeping. And I love caring for it, pampering myself with oils, finger-combing... it just makes me feel good, I don't know. I'm like a reverse feminist. I think you can be a strong woman while still being very feminine. I don't see the two as mutually exclusive. If anything, I think being aesthetically feminine is like celebrating womanhood over the entire course of time.

November 30th, 2013, 06:09 AM
Besides just because I want to and long hair is gorgeous, my grandma always loved my long hair when I was a kid. We were very close. So I grew mine for her... Then one day asked her to grow hers out. She had one of those poofy short on top styles. So she grew out just the back to almost BSL. It took me years after to realize it was a giant mullet! Anyways, I keep mine long in memory of my grandma.

November 30th, 2013, 06:23 AM
Besides just because I want to and long hair is gorgeous, my grandma always loved my long hair when I was a kid. We were very close. So I grew mine for her... Then one day asked her to grow hers out. She had one of those poofy short on top styles. So she grew out just the back to almost BSL. It took me years after to realize it was a giant mullet! Anyways, I keep mine long in memory of my grandma.

That's such a beautiful reason.

Tail Feathers
November 30th, 2013, 06:34 AM
Besides just because I want to and long hair is gorgeous, my grandma always loved my long hair when I was a kid. We were very close. So I grew mine for her... Then one day asked her to grow hers out. She had one of those poofy short on top styles. So she grew out just the back to almost BSL. It took me years after to realize it was a giant mullet! Anyways, I keep mine long in memory of my grandma.

it reminds me of one of my reasons

my great grandmother had at least mid-thigh length, simply beautiful hair until the day she died at 104

so, every time i visit my grandmother,
if i take my hair down, the longer it is,
the more she reminisces about her mom---
and she tells me stories about my great grandma

it is only one of my reasons,
but... maybe the one i have most in my heart

November 30th, 2013, 06:37 AM
1. So I don't have to use wigs when I cosplay
2. Same for when I go to renaissance fairs.
3. Maybe weird and racy: I have always wanted to do the "bun drop" during, er, "playtime" with my partner, and have my hair fall onto my partner's chest, face, arms, hips, etc. Good times indeed. :p
4. Because I've always been told Black girls can't do it unless they are mixed. I'm here to prove them wrong. :D

November 30th, 2013, 06:38 AM
1. That video with Alanis Morrisette where she's topless and her hair covers her up - I always thought that was a very romantic/sexy look.

2. It makes me very happy whenever I feel my hair brush up against my elbow etc.