View Full Version : NO trim (not even S&D) topic

November 15th, 2013, 07:12 AM
I have a problem. I'm a bit addicted to S&D trims. I do it every day. Several times a day. It's got so bad i feel like my hair is actually LOSING length even though i'm not fully trimming it. If i can't find a split, i will hunt down anything remotely kinky, not right looking, white-spotish, etc. This obsession got particularly bad the past year when my hair is at a length that i can very easily examine the ends from all angles and distances.

My goal is to last 30 days with no S&D or trims of any kind. I want to learn to be able to leave it alone if i see a slight bit of damage, a kink, or whatever, it's not life or death if it isn't cut off RIGHT NOW. I get that S&D is great, but for me it's become an unhealthy obsession, and needs to stop. I only got this way in the past few months so i should be able to stop it now. Crazy thing was, before i'd go for 6 months or more without a second thought to whether i had splits or not!

Not sure if i'm alone in this or not, but anyway, the topic is here if anyone wants to join me, i'll be starting from tomorrow (yes, after a good S&D session, like an alcoholic having "one last drink"... sighs...)

November 15th, 2013, 07:23 AM
You may be interested in this (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=132) thread :)

November 15th, 2013, 08:48 AM
I'm sort of like this. I get parinoid that if I miss a split end of damaged end that it'll break of and I'll lose length, but I was losing length by snipping off the length anyway. I've told myself I can s&d once a month and I'm aiming for 6 months with no full trims but i only trimmed about a month ago so it's early days :)