View Full Version : SOS!!! Sudden Tangling!

November 10th, 2013, 12:02 PM
I suddenly am having the worst problem with tangles. Haven't changed anything I'm doing. Of course I'm being super careful dr tangling but I know I'm getting breakage. It's like tiny fairy knots that then knot up more. This is like horse tail caliber tangles. Suggestions?

November 10th, 2013, 12:04 PM
I'm so sorry to hear that .. when your hair is wet do you apply a detangler or oils?? do you balance moisture and protein??

November 10th, 2013, 12:05 PM
Maybe you need to clarify. It does help with knots when you get product build up.

November 10th, 2013, 12:08 PM
Whatever you do, stay calm! If you get frustrated and rip through your hair, you'll be even worse off.

Olive oil really helps me with tangles. But I agree with jacqueline--try clarifying. If you haven't changed anything, it's likely that whatever products you are using have just built up over time, causing tangles. Clarify (maybe also chelate if you have hard water), condition well, THEN detangle. Good luck!

November 10th, 2013, 12:21 PM
I'll chime in on the 'try clarifying'. Our hair types are different, but when I was having that problem at about your length, I tried baking soda/vinegar, and it helped.

What you'll need:
Baking soda
plastic pitcher
your oil of choice (optional)

What I did:

Prior to getting in the shower, pour about 1/8 cup vinegar in a plastic pitcher
Get in shower, wet hair
apply conditioner to the bottom 2/3 of your hair
put about a tsp of baking soda in the palm of your hand
add your shampoo, stir the baking soda and the shampoo together with your finger
shampoo your hair with the mixture, focusing on the scalp and first couple inches of your hair
rinse thoroughly
add shower water to the pitcher to dilute the vinegar
pour vinegar mixture through your hair
do other shower stuff
turn shower to coolest water you can stand
rinse vinegar out of hair with quick cold water rinse

get out of shower, dry hair as customary.
When hair is still damp, smooth a bit of whatever oil you like on the bottom third of your length (my hair like jojoba, YMMV)

For me, this routine seemed to ease any tangling problems I was having.

November 10th, 2013, 01:52 PM
One clarifying session should be enough, but baking soda could be too drying.

How do seasonal changes go for your hair? Sounds quite like what my hair goes through every fall. I'm seeing significant dryness in my hair and skin this time of the year, so I end up changing routines to much more moisturizing/emollient/oil-based, less shampooing, more conditioning, and I have to be careful with humectants and coney buildup.

November 11th, 2013, 06:11 PM
I'm gonna try the clarifying and see how that does. I got it all combed out. I was chanting "it's gonna be ok" in my head. Thanks all! I'll keep you posted.

November 11th, 2013, 06:49 PM
When I start getting tangles I trim my hair just about 1/4 inch. That usually helps with 90% of the tangles right away.

November 14th, 2013, 05:37 PM
Recently I had a big problem with tangles I solved this way:
Wash the lenghts and ends with water, then use lots of silicone-shampoo there. Comb it gently with a thin tooth comb. Let it rest 2 minutes or so. Comb again. Then rinse with water. Finally let it air dry without touching.